Unto The Whirlwind

Unto The Whirlwind

My mission is to support people through tough times, coach people through trying times and educate people on concepts that make or break their outcome.

Timeline photos 04/01/2020

Coaching offers you a different perspective than your own.

Empowering dialogue allows you to feel & realize your innate power.

A supportive & friendly conversation is just what you need to rise above the noise.

You'll learn tools to cope & shift. Rituals, Practices & habits take you to higher levels!

Timeline photos 04/01/2020

The first full moon of the year is in a week and The Moon Times Digest will arrive right on time 🙌🏽🌝❤️. Don't know about you, but i’ve missed TMT ☺️ so i'm real excited for it to come out. The theme this month is ✨”self-parenting ourselves to discipline."✨ There's a strong correlation between our upbringing, our relationship to discipline, our inner child and our self-worth! And for me and so many of those i work with, it's been illuminating and empowering to explore discipline from this lens.
This month, the one and only .holistic.psychologist added her on-point wisdom to the digest. Dr. Nicole is so brilliantly eloquent on the topics of self-parenting, ego, discipline and boundaries, as you may likely know❣️
This digest will also include a video detailing a process to set yourself up for long-term success with a discipline chart; a tool that helps us uplift our commitments and celebrate our progress (see the “discipline” story highlights in the meantime). It's going to be super juicy and of course digestible 🥭🍉🍑.

Reposted from

Timeline photos 02/01/2020

What is a self Awareness Coach?

Timeline photos 02/01/2020

I heard someone say they've got no choice!
You've got options!
There are endless solutions.
Abundance is available!
This is

Timeline photos 02/01/2020

It takes 21 days to form a habit, break a habit or stay the same! (B!oop) So, I'm giving you time to explore your own goals by yourself.
However, you should accept "BE A BUSINESS” MasterCourse before the pre-sale ends!
Be A Business will support the and allow you to receive business knowledge, empowerment with inspiration, & the power to believe in yourself!
Who is this for?:
Anyone who wants more for their life.
Entrepreneurs- old & new!
College Students who aren't seeking business.
College students who are seeking business!
Anyone who wants to have their own business.
Theme: Perspective, Learning, Textbook driven, & Motivational.
Launch Date: January 21st, 2020
Style: Self-Paced e-Learning
Platform: Thinkific
Presale Priced at $20.20
Pre-Sale Launch 1/5/20 GET READY!

Timeline photos 01/01/2020

Coaching as promised!

Timeline photos 30/12/2019

I don't do name calling! I try not to do it. If Judgment is waiting for me I shall not come. This is a healing space. Non judgemental zone! I want to help people live happier lives! It starts in the mind! What you say does affect others. Please choose your words kindly! Don't shame me, don't blame me, & damn sure don't name me!

Photos from Unto The Whirlwind's post 29/12/2019

The Workbook is titled
Recovering From My Twenties: POWERTALK
Featuring content as follows: we first start off with Letting go of repressed feelings." & Focus on Embrace The Past : What Happened to you ?
Exploring your purpose is essential. Remember this is thought provoking content designed to influence serious change in your life.
Next, we talk about the future! So "Onward, upward & Forward. Allows you to plan, dream & forward think.
"Embrace The Future: What are focused on?
Self Love is addressed as our personal power can only be accessed through one loving themselves.

@ St. Louis Lambert International Airport

Timeline photos 29/12/2019

Inside the workbook includes thought provoking ritual's, practices, worksheets & affirmations for your own personal power. 90+ pages of content with the intention to help shift change within you.
You are being invited to change & grow in spirit, mind, body & soul.
My personal Coaching will be the support & emotional holding space for all your concerns. This is a Judgment free connection & you're invited!
Educator & Self Awareness Coach

Timeline photos 28/12/2019

In 2020, please expand your mind by learning something new. Of course I suggest about yourself.

🤷🏾‍♀️Why you do the things you do?
🤷🏾‍♂️Why you act the way you act?
🤦🏽‍♀️Why you feel like you feel?
✨There is a reason.
If you're like
"I'm not ready to sit with just myself."

You can start by learning how to do something you said you'd accomplish & have NOT!

🤯There is so much to know in this world. Learning requires you to search! 🔍 High & low.

Use books, articles, videos & the good ole internet.
TIP: Gather as many facts & as much information as you need to make an educated decision about the topic/ concept.
Don't believe everything you hear/read. Use critical thinking skills to break into the facts.

🤓Y'all, we learn, we grow.
That's it. That's all.

Timeline photos 27/12/2019

No, no, no!
No more!

You are above this treatment.

🚫 via
Reposted from

Timeline photos 26/12/2019

Anxiety Blazing
I've been becoming more aware of myself & I continue to check in with how I feel. I mentioned in my video how I always feel tense & uptight. The opposite s*x are there first to mention this behavior. Anyhow, when I listen to other experts, self aware souls, or sensitive beings discuss being in - it resonates with me.
Claiming anxiety never resonated with me but feeling , worrying, stressing & over extending my self, desiring strong control- that also resonates with me.
I know that can be passed along because remember "energy cannot be created or distoryed." It's transferred, it's vibrations & sensations. I was given this feeling. I plan to take it off.

Timeline photos 26/12/2019

Opposition's come & sometimes we don't know how to handle them it
Or what to do.
If only you had a resource to help you through this mental, emotional or physical anguish.
Right now, I wish I had someone to help me with my car dilemma! (I locked my keys in the car & I'm off to the airport early in the am.)
I feel so much anxiety which looks like worry & more worry. Traveling actually makes me for other reasons.


Here's some giggle!
My son supporting my goals & being my !

Timeline photos 25/12/2019

Here is a gift from me to you! 🎁
Our Coaching Calendar opens today!
We're using the platform.

🔥30 minute sessions are free for a limited time.

🕡 are in increments of 30, 45, 60, 90

✨New client package available!

🏷️Prices are subject to increase by Spring #2020
in explains more!

Timeline photos 25/12/2019

Sending you all this type of energy & love as you finish your December!

Timeline photos 25/12/2019

This is good! I'm working on cultivating how our self worth is often violated by own self betrayal.

What is self Betrayal?
Stay tune to

You’re gonna feel way better once you start valuing yourself. -
Reposted from

Timeline photos 22/12/2019

Everything you can imagine Is real.

Timeline photos 19/12/2019

This morning, I shed some times for how I am for the people that have come into my life this year.
I'm one of those people if you start crying, I just might start . .holistic.psychologist is that Co dependent behavior or a normal tendency?
Anyway, love you all too!
I love the .
I love when my resonate.
I love when you share & tell others about & if you haven't please do so!


Timeline photos 18/12/2019

💬This is for self awareness purposes only:
Communication makes the load lighter.
Open up & express yourself to those you love & to those who you have to share space with.
🌪️When we hold back or we revel in our own emotions we create an emotional barricade which radiates the ugliest, scariest most uncertain energy ever!🌪️
You know what I mean!
Even when your not speaking you are saying something...

Timeline photos 17/12/2019

All of a sudden your bothered!
All of a sudden you're irritated
All of a sudden you want to burst into tears.
Out of no where you want to punch the wall.
Suddenly you storm out of the room!
Abruptly, you push pass everyone in your way!
In the blink of an eye, you feel no one likes you.
A rush of I'm so stupid comes to tear you down...
Considered that you've been triggered by an external thing. Possibly your inner dialogue is the culprit, but definitely your outward perception has transformed the current reality.

🙎🏾‍♀️Ask yourself- what is this feeling?
Why these emotions?
Why this reaction?
🌪️H A N D L E your TRIGGERS! 🌪️

Timeline photos 17/12/2019

Yes! It's hard... &
You change your thoughts -one- thought at a time. Redirect what's being said & turn it into an affirmation that speaks life over you.

Everyday Affirmation
Don’t let your mind
go to that place
where you replay
what caused you pain

you control you thoughts.
your body follows thought.
think positive.

Timeline photos 17/12/2019

This is
Speaking to yourself this way is essential to & practicing .
In , we Explore 3 concepts to loving yourself.
self is one & you must how to offer yourself & Mercy.
Be kind to yourself.
Speak to yourself like you would to a close friend.
Hopefully you would not them, judge them or degrade them in any way.
Compassion recognizes there is a problem, compassion is a willingness to help.
Will you help yourself?
Will you calm yourself down
Will you tell your inner child to "calm TF down" ?
The opposite of this is negative . You know it's when you talk dirty, sleezy & shameful to yourself.
You don't deserve that!
Let me show you compassion!

Timeline photos 16/12/2019

Progress is progress.
I'm moving forward.
Celebrate something!
I could have been- completed this task but I hadn't!
This morning, I did & I'm proud!
I'm ready to receive! Ok🌪️
is Powered by

Timeline photos 16/12/2019

Far removed!
I also received a minor in psychology but my urge to graduate & start my so-called "life" was more urgent.
So I didn't obtain such degree.
My point of saying this is I completely forgot what meant.
I admit, I've been experiencing it but never resonated with the fact that was the name for my behavior or intense feelings. I would just say "i feel " ALOT or I'd say "I worry a lot." All alone it's eating at me.
Others would say "it's my anxiety." & I'd silently disconnect because I thought I couldn't relate and low & behold the same thing was going on inside of me. While I silently judged thinking "I wonder what's wrong with them?"
I was "them"!
🙆🏾‍♀️Doing the
🙎🏾‍♀️Getting easily
If you lived the life I've lived it's evident you'd be and feel all of ways to feel too.
I'm glad I know now otherwise, I couldnt fight it.

Timeline photos 14/12/2019

I'm working on it!
My last relationship revealed that I've been listening to too many people. That's what I was told.
I weighed the thought against the evidence which led me down a path of thinking why would he think that!?
After much dilberation I discovered this was true.
As hard as it was to admit- I thought back to so many instances when I did in fact listen to people.
When you do that it's hard to make a decision.
It's hard to trust yourself.
Which makes one STUCK!
We should have a limited number of people we trust to guide us. These people should know our truest intentions & our greatest core desires. Otherwise, how can they really help us?
I'm a
Hi! I'm Diana

Reposted from

Timeline photos 14/12/2019

Listen. Do you have ears that hear? See. Do you have eyes that see? When you are searching for answers, do you recognize them when they appear?⠀

Do you understand or give authority to what the universe shows you? ⠀

This is a picture of the rear window of my car. I parked it, went in to an appointment that dredged up some past resentments, and came out to find this. The hole didn’t appear until I touched it, but the glass was completely shattered in place. Not vandalism, nothing criminal. “An act of God”. Apparently these things just happen due to defect or weather. Sure. ⠀

Or they happen to tell us things. What could this mean? Maybe it means: stop looking behind you? the answers are not in the past? shatter your past? shatter your limitations? ⠀

And it takes the very slightest of efforts. ⠀

Sometimes, the universe tells us exactly what we need to hear, exactly when we need to hear it. Are you paying attention? ⠀

ha! Let goof the past! 😁⠀

Reposted from .life.energy


I can't always verbally express myself but I can always creatively express anything!⠀
Here's a mini timeline that highlights the beginning of my Journey, the mid and where I am going as we approach 2020. I'm manifesting exceptional things and it will be accomplished through hard work. ⠀
This is half the story but at least you can see the whirlwind is jammed pack with life lessons, speed bumps, and barriers. ⠀
We gotta keep going, we gotta keep going, we gotta keep going!⠀

Timeline photos 14/12/2019

Video Alert on ⠀
I discuss shadow work within 3 different elements.⠀
Do you want to change and grow for the better?⠀
_ ⠀
Don't miss the knowledge available to you and all for the purpose of growing. ⠀

Timeline photos 14/12/2019

You know I love this!
I am her!
My content is lit. I hope you know! I hope you're reading & listening!
I do it for us all!
We appreciate you women— PERIODT. 👑💕
Reposted from

Videos (show all)

Here's some #holiday giggle! My son supporting my goals & being my #cameraguy ! #minicommercial #coaching
I can't always verbally express myself but I can always creatively express anything!⠀Here's a mini timeline that highlig...
What healing looks like for me.⠀-⠀#healing #healingtrauma #trauma #untoldtruths #selfhealing #selfawareness #selfwork #s...
What healing looks like for me.⠀-⠀#healing #healingtrauma #trauma #untoldtruths #selfhealing #selfawareness #selfwork #s...
#venting ...I'll listen.I'll respond.#communication #untothewhirlwind #stlgram #coach #selfawareness #selfregulation #ad...
#morningthoughts #untothewhirlwind #2020 #better #newyear #newmoon #life #inspo #thinker
This year I learned a lot about toxic behavior. I welcomed it in my home, I participated in silent treatments and I felt...
We all havetriggers,Shadows,Blocks,&Self limiting beliefs that cause us to 🛑 S T O P!_Don't you listen to ALL the storie...
This is a recap of my year.I wanted to show & tell all the things you can achieve on a personal #Journey & express three...
Pet Peeve: Generalizations Still judging...#judging#psa #stop #generalizations
The hard things about hard things.#benhorowitz ______#currentlyreading  ______I reposted this because it resonated. Grow...
Y'all we're here to have social conversations about the Whirlwind.The whirlwind is life.Life is grand when you can share...