

Anne Bayford is a holistic and intuitive therapist certified in cognitive hypnotherapy, neurolinguis


Sometimes we look outside of ourselves for change within the world we live in but why should we expect others to do the work for us?
We all live on this planet together and just like a family it’s not just one individual that makes the change it is a joint effort to clean up toxic waste.
Be the change you wish to see in the world 🌍 we all need to do our bit.
I choose not to be a bystander I choose to make a change.
Do you choose to do your bit?
Do you choose to start looking at what you can do to make the changes within your internal world so that you can show up to start shifting the planets energy.
Let’s do this together, it begins with us, be the light you wish to see in the world 🌍 💜💜🙏🏻


Today my body reminds me to rest & to take the day off.
My mindset is to embrace each chapter of life and to greet it with curiosity to what it may hold for me next. It is to put away the thoughts or stresses of the past pages of time, yes there is the healing to be gained from looking at what life has shown you but it sometimes can be pointless reading through the same chapters of the old story from the same mindset. The story changes once the reader embraces life with new lenses and embraces the experiences of the new founded treasures from the mysteries of the unlocked past.
If you are finding any chapter of life difficult remember it is just a chapter and the only way to move forward is to take a deep breath and to take a sentence at a time.
My thoughts are with you as you experience your story and this is how I coach and guide my clients.
Always remember to breathe through whatever obstacles throw up for you.🙏🏻


3 spaces left! ✨ I’m looking for 10 people who want to work closely with myself and spirit for the next 8-weeks.

This is a NEW way of working with me which I announced last week. Within 1 week, 70% of the spaces are now filled! Will you be joining us for a fast track soul development journey?

In this intimate group, you’ll get exclusive 2 hour weekly zoom time with myself and spirit where you’ll get a weekly download of information, you can ask questions and you can get specific guidance channelled for you. You’ll also have access to a private WhatsApp group which you’ll get 8-weeks of support through.

This is an intimate group to receive unparalleled support AND it is also the only way at the moment to get the continued support from myself and my spirit guides.

It is designed to assist you and give you a boost with your upleveling, healing and growth on your personal soul journey.

If this sounds like a good fit and something I can assist you with right now, comment on this post or message me “GUIDANCE” to get more information and connect 🙏🏻✨


The journey of my journaling has helped me over the years to actually bear witness to my life changes and shifts. When I put pen to paper I’m giving myself the time to really acknowledge what I am going through and what I have been through. Journaling is very reflective of our inner soul journey of self discovery.
I began creating a list every night of what I was grateful for at least 22 years now. You may ask me why..? well because I faced a life changing battle of learning to walk again and wanting to stay alive especially after my first near death experience. I had sunk into a deep depression caused by the pain of the injuries of nearly having my foot amputated after getting knocked down by a van. The full story of my experience is in a YouTube link I will post here.
My whole life had changed within a couple of hours but looking back it was the best thing that ever happened. After being diagnosed with post traumatic stress I had to face the darkness of my disability and depression and this little life saving technique of journaling helped towards changing my life and these are part of the skills I teach my clients to help them turn their life around too.


Announcing a new way of working with me ✨

As many of you will know, I’m fully booked until June and have been booked up in advanced for many years now. If you wanted to book a 1:1 session with me today, you’d have to schedule a session several months ahead of time.

Here’s how to work with me sooner…

I’m looking for 10 people who want to work closely with myself and my spirit team over 8-weeks.

In this intimate group, you’ll get exclusive, regular weekly zoom time with myself and my spirit team where you can ask questions and get specific guidance channelled for you. You’ll also receive a meditation and channeled information each week.

Let me introduce myself to my new followers here, I’m Anne Bayford - a Trance Channel Medium. I’m a Qualified Consultant a the prestigious College of Psychic Studies in London with over 15 years of experience. I’m also Certified in Reiki, NLP, Counselling, Coaching, Mindfulness, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, EFT and CBT. I’ve been featured in interviews with Alex Ferrari on the Next Level Soul Podcast, Jeff Meyer on the Jeff Meyer Podcast, Kristine Taylor on the How I Made It Through Podcast, Nhõ Luân on the Life After Life NDE Podcast and the Round Trip Death Podcast.

This 8-week opportunity is for you;

• You want regular weekly guidance from spirit over 8-weeks
• If you need guidance from myself and my spirit team NOW rather than in months in the future
• If you are going through a big life change and want attentive, focused guidance from spirit
• If you need to make some big decisions in the next 8-weeks and would like spirit’s opinion on it
• If you want to add myself and my spirit team as your regular consultants

If you feel called to this new and intimate 8-week “Coaching Through Spirit” opportunity and are ready to invest in yourself, send me a message with the word “GUIDANCE”. I’d love to get to know a little about you to see if this group would be a good fit for you at this time.

This is exclusively available through my direct messages and not available or advertised online on a website ☺️


Let’s big each other on international women’s day and all the rest of the year. 💜sending so much love out to all the soul sisters in the world and beyond. 💜


How often do you value what you have ..?
And then that moment happens and you loose it..and then it’s too late.
Sometimes we allow our minds to be elsewhere and not to be present in the moment especially when we are with those who we care about the most and it’s only when their gone do we realise it’s too late.
It’s in those moments of time do we realise what we value the most. Life has a funny way of reminding us.


You’re not lost, you’re just trying to find yourself!


My soul seeks the winter sunshine days.
My soul searches for joy and takes snapshots of my happiest moments so during any stormy moments it lights my path.


Divine timing, sometimes we give up and even loose our trust in the universe.
The secret is to let go of what we are focusing on what we don’t have because you are directing the energy in the wrong location. The universe is attracted to the loudest part of what attention you are focuse on. Energy attracts energy, like for like and it cannot understand exactly what it is you really want if you’re feeling into what you don’t want because that’s making too much fuss.
Try it for yourself!
Find your prove.
When you let go of the desperation and focus on lifting up your energy by focusing on having fun watch what happens next.


Is it never the right time to make changes?
Resistance is always one of the signs to actually show us it is time. We can have those conversations with ourselves to talk us down and to convince ourselves that we just can’t do it for whatever reason but actually that’s just the mind chatter trying to protect ourselves from getting hurt. The mind chatter of that inner voice is old programing of behaviour that needs updating.
If you are seeking permission to change or a sign from the universe or your angels I give you permission as I’m hearing it now from your guides to you it’s time for change.
You have everything you need to make those changes.
Go on take that first step.
If you need any help I’m here for you or reach out and click on to where we have free information and guidance.


Watch what you consume as it could be fatal. Once you start to become aware you begin to notice those members of family or friends who are the worse offenders and what they say and how it makes you feel.
Do I need to say any more!


What is it you want to believe about a situation you are living in right now?
Who are you fooling?
Wake up!!
Is this message for YOU!!


You have the potential for change.
Within every new heartbeat, within every new second of time, there is the possibility of something changing.
Hold on in there and step out of the entanglement of your mind holding you a captive prisoner. At times your mind maybe your greatest enemy and in that moment remind yourself to disembark, disengage with those darker mind conflicting thoughts as they hold no peace for you there. Take some time out even if it’s a little walk in nature and be mindful of what you feel or see. Your life is but a season of change and so this shall pass too, have faith in that knowledge.
How do i know this because i have been the prisoner too as my jailer entangled my thoughts until i realised I had the key.
If you are reading this then know this maybe the message you needed to read today.


Zachariah repeated this message this morning through meditation and asked me to share.

The theory of morphic resonance holds the blueprint of our soul journey. Memories from many lifetimes are held within our soul blueprint. They can be accessed through our timelines with the assistance of our guides.


It’s the simple things in life we forget to say thank you for or to acknowledge how blessed we are to be even waking up. It’s not a given that you’re going to wake up or to participate in another day.
There are many people around the world that their life changes overnight. It’s only when something changes do we realise how blessed we have been and then it’s too late.
Every day I thank my soul for giving me another day to experience life, I thank my body for breathing and functioning and I thank the universe for the opportunity.
Everyday my mindset wakes up and says right what new opportunities will I learn from today and if in the process I can help someone then sign me up for another day.🙏🏻💜
What do you give thanks for?
It maybe just the coffee ☺️


The greatest gift you can give yourself is to believe your life can change for the better.
When I look back I don’t even recognise myself. Life’s challenges have shown me how strong I am. When I look in the mirror I witness my growth, I hear my younger self and all her fears she once had. I hear all the echoes and shadows of all the abuse but I’m still here. That statement in it self “I’m still here” hits me the hardest because there were many dark nights of the soul and not wanting to carry on because I couldn’t see any light but now after many many years of soul experiences and the work I do “I love life”
It’s taken many years of understanding myself and excepting myself but finally I can sit in my own company and exactly like myself actually I now love myself.
If you ever have a moment and feel your lost in time and can’t face another day I ask you to take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and to tell your inner wounds and soul scars to hold on in there because there will be a brighter day. I promise YOU you will get through this. Have faith there is a bigger soul plan and you are meant to be here, you are meant to share your story so that you can be part of others growth too. YOU are not here by mistake YOU are here for a reason.


“It’s alright for you because…..”
if I could tell you how many times I have had people throw this comment at me 🤦‍♀️
Many of us have those friends, lovers, colleagues or family members who just want to blame everyone and everything for them not feeling happy or not getting what they want from their life but they choose not to take responsibility for themselves or even ask for help or ignore what information you give.
I want you to hear this for those of us who get knocked down we get back up and we keep going. I am but a reflection of what you could do too but YOU choose to stay down. So many times in the past I thought I had to dim my light so that I could big them up so I did not overshadow them but I felt more uncomfortable and wrestled within.
I literally picked myself back up hundreds of times, I learned to re-walk after nearly loosing my foot and my life. My life hasn’t been easy but I choose to see the light in the darkness and that’s why I help motivate my clients and students to turn up their light.
For those of you who want to shine brightly 🤩shine as bright as you can as this life is not a dress rehearsal 💜🙏🏻


Is it time to start living your life for you now?
Have you put it hold for so long for that right moment?
The moment is now! Now!!!


Totally surprised to see My third eye is receiving so much love from this mini rainbow 🌈 just caught it my chance or as we know nothing is by chance 🙏🏻💜.
Feeling so much love from the universe today💜
My energy is in flow today as out and about today we found a great location to run day retreats to teach all about energy and intuition and psychic abilities.
I’m so excited 🤩
Thank you universe for confirming 🌈🙏🏻💜.


Give yourself permission to voice up!!!
When you step up the Universe greets you at that space.
The energy of you is recognised by the divine self.
How long have you been holding back.?


Did you need to receive a message or confirmation of a situation in your life?
Did you need to hear permission from the Universe to say Yes!!! Do it!!!
We’ll hear it is … Do It!!!


Imagine how our bodies feel when we receive natural sunlight . Look at the sun rays and the information that each of the sun rays send out. Light codes carry information into our eyes, skin, cells, etc and that’s why we have been created to receive information through our senses.
How good do you feel when you sit in the sun or just to see the sun shining.
Nature shows us the evidence to step out into the natural sunlight it helps us grow and to expand.
Walking into my room and witnessing this abundance of sun rays and light codes produced from the scared geometry of the sun beams made my heart smile.


What does your soul reflect back..?


We all have our moments of uncertainty but i know one thing for sure the Universe has my back. For years I felt alone even living in a busy household and living in a city that never sleeps. But recently looking back on reflection I felt alone because I had no connection, no connection to anything because I felt different.
I never felt i connected to my family as they said I was weird. I always felt the observer looking in at the world. I didn’t have many school friends growing up and even when I went to college or when I started work.
It was only when I started to explore other possibilities about our world and the day of accident changed everything for me and that was the beginning of coming back to myself and remembering there is something more to life and bigger than me. Once I developed my intuition and learned that it was ok to be empathetic and I started to understand why I felt that way. I learned to tune into my natural abilities and discovered I could connect to my guides and life began to feel easier I never felt alone again. I learned I could co-create my life with the universe and have what I wanted and that’s when I began to awaken from my loneliness and weirdness and to embrace who I truly am. Today I live my life in flow and enjoy what I have and look forward to everyday waking up and participating in the adventures of life.
My life in a flash, click and see what woke me up.


What you think you become…it’s not just your electronic devices that listen in to your words, it’s also the unified field of energy that you plug into. The universe is always listening into your thoughts that you think and mirrors back to you your emotions and feelings.
Every thought creates an emotional feeling that manifests. You are a ball of energy and the universe feels into you and works in sync with you and your frequency .
So be mindful of what you are lining up as there are clues presenting you from the universe. If you are having a bad day it’s because the universe is matching like for like.
Change your energy by switching your mindset, maybe listen to an upbeat tune.


You are more than what you see.


“I’m just a reflection of where you are within yourself, if you don’t like it change it!!!
The universe matches up with like for like energies, it’s as simple as that.!!
If you Don’t like your life then change your mindset and do the work internally you will only notice and be able to receive the external light and love and magic once you internally love yourself and know you are worthy of so much more 🙏🏻💜


Life changes us….


If only we paid more attention to who or what we fill our lives with.
Every fine detail we add to our lives it will effect us.

Videos (show all)

A channeled transmission, a healing meditation from light council..Click on this YouTube link to hear full meditation..h...
Have you ever felt the odd one out and feeling there is more to life than what you see?Could your intuition be trying to...
Past lives can still affect you today, did you know that?From our energetic finger print of who you are can cause a repe...
Energy upgrades, endings & new beginnings.It’s time to look at the structure of our life and to check in to see how we a...
Channelled messages To see the full length click #med...
I can teach you how to work with your own super powers ie your natural gifts.Before I really understood I was a natural ...
Let me guide you into the akashic records where I will help you to unlock your soul blueprint to find deep soul informat...
Have you heard about Human Design & how you can discover more about yourself and so you can change your life and how you...
We find ourselves through the chaos of our drama. Some people will call this the shadow work or dark night of the soul o...
Did any of these cards resonate for you!!Could you have seen the message you needed to hear?.Messages are everywhere and...
There are many sides to us and through our interactions with others they show themselves. During this workshop we help y...
Many soul contracts will be activated this year with the invitation to enter into new relationships and soul contracts c...

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday 10:00 - 21:00
Friday 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday 10:00 - 21:00