Nicole Bonifas

Nicole Bonifas

Busy working Mom of 3 and wife of a farmer. Supporting people in fitness accountability groups to get their health on track. Make it your time!

Married to a busy farmer and businessman who share the same passion of agriculture and faith. We have three amazing children who keep us going. I work full-time for the USDA Farm Service Agency, but am inspired to help more people find the balance between career and healthy living. I was in despair hoping for another child and had a desire to run again. By getting my own health and nutrition on tr


Knockout Monday and start out strong!


Something I’m still working on is consistent wake up time. It is one of the key ways to focus on getting a quality night’s sleep.

Are you able to wake up same time each day?

Timeline photos 27/04/2020

Sunday Funday!

A great start watching Mass on tv again. I wonder if he’ll sit still when we return to church🤔
He was being super silly after I got another prep workout in. Here’s to something new for 8 weeks🥳
Any guesses why my shoulders are so sore? Who’s joining the fit fam group?

Barre Blend Test Group Mash Up 07/01/2020

If you’re looking for just the right fun you need this year, our fit fam is here for you. Check this out💙

Barre Blend Test Group Mash Up Check out what our Barre Blend test group participants have to say about the program!


It's that time of year again!!! I've run the 12 Days of FITMAS for the past few years and it's always a lot of fun and a great way to increase movement while we combat stress, calories and keep our energy levels up!

This year I'm hosting it inside our online accountability Fit Motivate Club!

Starts December 9th - see below for details. There will be prizes based on participation!

Ask a friend and you may earn extra points! (just sayin)

Comment "Lets Do This" Below!

Excited to kick off the Christmas holiday with you!

**Please no coaches or those working with a coach. If you are already working with a Beachbody coach be sure to check with them. I'm sure they have a group waiting for you. 💕

Timeline photos 07/07/2019

Future farmer!


“I want too much! MOM, give me too much.”

I was confused and noticed he ate the little bit of spaghetti squash pie I made and was ready for more!

I guess sneaking in more veggies was a win tonight. How do you get your kiddos to eat more veggies?

Photos from Nicole Bonifas's post 22/09/2018

Feel Good Friday with tasty food!


They are quite the band-its!


Tore this bag right open and it didn’t last long😮
Some snacks are too tasty. Are you a popcorn fan too?


What’s your favorite Sunday snack?


Eating well can be enjoyable!


Cardio used to be a favorite.

Every year it gets a little harder to push through, but my Mom “go-go juice” with a pre-workout meal fueled my workout. Crazy how much more energy I had for Friday that I was buzzing at work! You gotta love productive days 👊🏼


It’s true what they say!

Breakfast is an essential start to a productive day.
Of course my Mom “go-go-juice” is vital too!


Tasty Tuesday!

Sticking to our veggie snack meal plan was tough, but necessary to avoid eating “another” cookie.
Surprisingly this is more satisfying.

Plus, the benefit of eating healthier is you feel better about making a positive choice👊🏼 #💚💙



Eating the right foods at the right time. Do you want to learn more?


Tip for Tuesday:

Timed-nutrition! Feeling great eating the right foods at the right times.

Do you want to learn more?


My evening view.

I think it’s going to storm again, so it was a great night to take the boys out on a walk! Have you today?


Do you have a lot of zucchini in your garden this time of year?

Tip: Sneak in that extra serving of veggie by slicing one cup of zucchini with 2 eggs for breakfast! YUM😋


A little later than planned, but sometimes you just roll with it for a Saturday night out.

What are you doing for fun this weekend?


Comfort food for Friday can be good for you.

👌🏼Watch your portion size
👌🏼Fill your plate with veggies most
👌🏼Swap one poor food choice with a healthier one (for me to start 5 years ago it was pop🥤)


💕They are always watching!

Sometimes I may not say or do the right things, but every day is a chance for us to get stronger and wiser👊🏼

Are you ready to change your perspective?


Getting the hang of veggies most! If the recipe fits your meal plan, you know you’re making the right choice!
What’s your favorite fried veggie?


Some things in life are not easy.

But after a busy county fair and wedding season of maybe not the best food and drink choices, I chose my hard today.
Day 27 completed full cardio and ready for a terrific Tuesday.
Are you ready to commit to change even though it will challenge you?


Someone said...booty stretch! Yep, never too late for stress relief🤜🏻

I made my team laugh tonight when I said I was in “overdrive of chaos”...........busy working farm wives...........4-H mommas ...and such know what I’m talking about, right? 😬👍🏻


Time to get back after’s Monday my friends🤗!!!
So here’s the deal...I’ve been on a sweet tooth kick😋
I live with a little baker who decided to treat me with homemade cream cheese brownies. I don’t think the saying is, “A brownie a day will keep the doctor away!”
So I’m ready to get back after those fruit and veggies. Anyone else struggle with too many treat days in summer?


Best decision of my life is when I found my tribe ☺️💕


A real mental struggle lately🤨

Lack of sleep!
Not sticking to a schedule or plan.

Lack of time!
Tiredness leads to oversleeping.

Lack of exercise!
Timeliness leads to shortening my exercise.

Exhaustion leads to stress.
No one wants a tired, stressed momma😳
So here I am sipping my pre-workout gold realizing I can make time for me. Time to stop the cycle and feel accomplished.

The piece I’ve been missing lately is a partner in crime. Who’s looking for a little extra accountability?

Videos (show all)

Who’s not feeling it today?
What are these skillet meals?
Just being real and raw!!!I’m not sure what happened today, but I got emotional thinking how I wouldn’t be able to enjoy...
When you just don’t know if you can do it, but you give yourself just 5 seconds to decide.  The alarm sounds you don’t f...
When excuses are REAL!
What's on the menu?
Where do you shop?? time!!
Perseverance of a runner
Meal prep 101
Mood regulator
Time to have fun
