

HI! I'm Rebecca, a fitness professional here to help you elevate your fitness, nutrition and mindset


Yesterday was a big day emotionally for me.

One of my mom’s wishes was that her ashes be spread at Fillongly Beach here on Denman Island. She had so many found memories of the girls when they were younger playing in the ocean, picking blackberries for crisp, and digging for clams for dinner. She loved coming here as much as I do.

So, yesterday we brought her down and spread her ashes in the high tide, crystal clear water and I felt her joy in being back with us.

My family and I all went for a swim and the conditions were literally as perfect as they could get. Beautiful water, warm, blue sky and no wind.

I cried and told her how much I missed her and then laughed at the girls being silly.

Grief is a wild emotion isn’t it?!?

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 01/08/2024

Where did July go??⛺️😎
Denman Island pics 🤳📸
The light and levity of Summer- bless. 🙏😇

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 21/06/2024

Whether it’s building muscle, dancing with the divine, balancing your hormones, showing up for yourself with compassion, or manifesting through the quantum field of limitless potential… I am here to guide you every step of the way.

If you’re looking for a coach/mentor/guide who values conscious movement, challenging you, growth, holistic living and finding more joy, we might be a perfect fit.💕

I have 2 spots left for my 5 month container is you want 1:1 support or my Virtual Studio is always open to accepting new members.

Let’s start your journey today.

Xoxo Rebecca

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 04/06/2024

Did you know I used to be a running coach and elite long distance runner?

Well, I am brining my running knowledge to the Virtual Studio for a short Running Clinic starting June 10th and you are invited to join us!

And don’t worry- we range from super beginner to pretty advanced so all levels are welcomed 🥰

With this 20 day clinic, we will be choosing a goal to complete (like I am going to try for 50km in 20 days) and with the clinic you will receive:

• a guided running audio meditation to activate the energy and endurance within you.
• a dope ass running playlist to get you fired up.
• a running specific stretch and recovery video
• a running specific strength training video
• guidance and coaching on running nutrition and technique.
• a printable goal tracking sheet to map your kms and times.
• a dedicated group of women in VS already pumped up and ready to go!

If you have been wanting some motivation- this is it. Join us and let’s ignite some energy within.

Clinic is $75 and link is in my bio!

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 03/06/2024

If you are struggling with low energy, weight gain and intense cravings you are not alone!

I understand how exhausting it can be to battle constant fatigue and the disappointment of not being able to juggle all the things (workouts, kids, work, food, self-care).

But left unresolved, these issues can lead to more serious health concerns and a diminished quality of life.

As a peri/menopause health and wellness coach, I am here to help guide you on your journey to recovery-ignite your metabolism, restore your energy and empower you with the tools to thrive during this stage of your life!

Let’s chat🥰 dm the word Chat to set up a call to see what working together could look like for you❤️

Xoxo Rebecca
*new pics by the talented

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 28/05/2024

This only captures a sliver of the love shared and fun had…
Will be back to Yosemite. 10/10 recommend ❤️

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 18/05/2024


❤️❤️❤️ she’s smart, strong, has a heart of gold, gentle spirit and I am so proud of everything she does.

Paige you bring so much love into the family and I am endlessly proud of the person you are becoming 💋

Celebrating you today 🎉🎊🎁

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 08/05/2024

This month I have been asking my clients to dive deep into their beliefs around self-worth, relationship to self and what’s their future self wants.

My coaching isn’t all fitness and nutrition but more of a roadmap to your highest potential.

I want to get them into a place of trust, excitement and joy around their actions and how they want to show up for themselves and others.

So I encourage you to pause as you read this post and ask yourself- what are my beliefs around myself, my worth and my future? Am I acting in alignment with who I want to become?

Go deep with these prompts and fully feel into it❤️✨

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 15/04/2024

Exciting Announcement 🤗

For my upcoming core commitment challenge, I am going to be coaching and supporting women of all fitness levels!

I would love to know (just comment below)- where do you land🫶

1. Beginner- this is you if you are just getting back into a fitness routine had a baby recently or are coming back from building your core after an injury.

2. Intermediate- perhaps you have a fitness routine that hasn’t been core specific , but are eager to get stronger.

3. Advanced- you are a fitness enthusiast, who is consistent with your workouts and excited to push your limits and discover new levels of core strength and endurance.

No matter where you are in your fitness journey I am here to support you every step of the way! Join us for the month of May for an incredible guided month or core workouts, coaching, nutrition and mindset tools!

Link in bio to learn more!

Xoxo Rebecca


I am hosting a special experience for the cosmic event and it will be a beautiful time to come together as community to do the inner work that any transformation starts with!
Sign up here-

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 03/04/2024

Last chance to gain some support in creating (or re-establishing) healthy habits that are simple and backed by science to give us 40’s + women MEGA ENERGY.

Learn what you can do each day to increase your joy, energy and vitality.

$22 for a week packed with the energizing daily habits, accountability printouts, 7 bonus coaching calls, and complete access to the Virtual Studio workouts, Meditations and kundalini classes.

Dm me Vitality to get the goods!


Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 28/03/2024

🌸✨ Ladies, are you ready to seize Spring with a burst of energy and vitality? ✨🌸

🚀 In just one week, we’re kicking off our Vitality Challenge, and trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this transformative week!

Why settle for anything less than feeling AMAZING as we embrace the new season of growth, sun and fun🌷

For only $22, you’re not just getting a challenge; you’re getting a total lifestyle upgrade! With daily coaching, a customizable printable calendar, invigorating workouts, mouthwatering recipes, rejuvenating breathwork videos, and a treasure trove of wellness goodies, this is the ultimate package for a radiant, revitalized you! 💪🥑

And let’s talk about value—can you really afford to miss out on skyrocketing your energy levels? Through cutting-edge biohacking techniques, powerful energetics, and essential perimenopause health strategies, I guarantee you’ll be blown away by the unstoppable boost you’ll experience! 🔥

Ready to take the leap towards your most vibrant self? It’s simple—comment “VITALITY” below, and I’ll personally send you the link to sign up. Let’s make this journey together! ❤️



Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 20/03/2024

Are you ready to re-invent yourself?

My coaching is learning strategies to go from feeling low energy, overweight, and unsure how to care for yourself—, to vibrant health with ample energy, balanced hormones and strength and confidence.

I am accepting 1 new client for April and I know the right women who has been sitting, waiting for the support is ready for a new story, and new inner belief in herself, a new way of self love ❤️

Happy to set up a free call to see if this is you🥰

And if you’re not ready for the 1:1 atm, then make sure you take advantage of my Vitality Challenge by commenting VITALITY in the comments for the link.

It’s the most cost effective way to work with me and learn some tangible health habits!

Don’t miss out- the Challenge starts April 4th and is only $22 so get on it babes.


Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 19/03/2024

Are you someone who heals through NATURE?

Do you intuitively head outdoors to feel better?

Does the sun make your soul smile and cells vibrate at a higher level?

As women, we are the creative essence of nature🥰

Happy First Day of Spring y’all. I am grateful that I am healed by the sound of the waves, birds and su kissing my face.

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 17/03/2024

Are you in pursuit of sustainable sources of energy rather than relying on stress (hello cortisol), stimulants or temporary solutions?

Comment VITALITY and I will send you the link to my upcoming 7-Day challenge where you will learn:

• how to prioritize activities like morning light and breathwork that enhance physical and emotional health.
• how to manage stress effectively through techniques like cold exposure and mindfulness.
• how to be conscious of what you consume (from food to media to other ppl’s energy).
• how to create a balanced routine with periods of movement, rest and downtime.

It’s about investing in activities and choices that promote genuine energy!

We start on April 4th- but if you sign up today, you receive free Virtual Studio workouts and classes until the challenge is over!

This is my most cost-effective opportunity to work with me all year!

Don’t miss out🥰

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 12/03/2024

What does Vitality look and feel like???

• Restful sleeps 💤
• Sustained energy throughout the day 💥
• Freedom from intense mood swings 🥰
• Less Cravings and a feeling of Satisfaction
• Reduction in stress and how you relate to it ☮️
• Vibrancy and a glowing appearance ✨
• Relief from hormonal and cyclical struggles.

I have personally designed a 7 Day Vitality Challenge, April 4-11th to offer solutions for more energy!

Since 2020, I’ve guided hundreds of women to optimal health by empowering them with the tools I will be sharing in this challenge.

Comment VITALITY and receive the link to sign up for this challenge and as a bonus, you’ll get a few free Virtual Studio workouts to do over Spring break💪🏼

Challenge is only $22 so the cheapest way to work with me all year! Virtual Members receive for free🥰

Xoxo Rebecca


Wooooowwweeeee I am beyond excited to share a little something I have been creating and working on🥳🥳

Over the years- I have seen women struggle with low energy and being drained by their daily habits, chores, routines…basically life 😜

If you aren’t feeling like you have enough energy or vitality- then I think I have a fun way to try to gain more👏👏👏


Join me and the Virtual Studio, April 4-11th for my new 7 Day Vitality Challenge where I will lead you through some simple biohacks and daily habits for pure energy without any fancy supplements, caffeine, gimmicky fads or crazy timely routines.

I’m talking fast, simple things you can do to reset your own biology and to provide you with VITALITY ✨

The key to activating pure life force energy is in your small, daily habits!

From breathwork, cold exposure, sunlight, circadian fasting and gratitude, along with some anti-inflammatory nutrition and great sleep hygiene, you’re going to be dramatically increasing your energy and health!

Plus you’ll be doing it with hundreds of other women in the BE NATURALLY FIT community.

Comment VITALITY and I’ll send you the link to join.

It’s only $22 for 7 days of coaching. Plus if you sign up now, I’ll add some free Virtual Studio classes to your account for you to do over Spring Break🥰

Xoxo Rebecca

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 07/03/2024

Story Time Day 4…

K, this is where my entrepreneurial story gets good. I mean, we have all heard how we grow and rise the challenge at times of hardship right? Well, that couldn’t be more true for me.

So all is going good with my online work and my in-person clients/events when March 2020 hits- C*v*D

And it didn’t just hit the world- it hit me, hard. I was one of the first people to get the Cvid on our trip back from Costa Rica.

That was the scariest 3-4 weeks of my life. I wasn’t just down and out, I struggled each day to breath. I was in the ER 4x thinking I was going to die. My blood work looked like I had severe scuba diving poisoning (to be more specific, carbon dioxide toxicity), I was put on oxygen, and I felt like I had inhaled fire into my lungs. Breathing was extremely painful and hard.

Sorry, I digress, this isn’t my cvid story…but I feel like it left such a mark on me I had to add it.

After the 4 weeks when the world shut down (and I was sick beyond sick), I saw ppl starting to offer online fitness for free over zoom.

So I rallied my energy, and got a zoom account and did the same! Despite it being the hardest time physically, I am glad I made the effort and started showing up a few times a week for my previous clients and other women in my community.

As I had said earlier, I already had an online component to my business so building that up to create a monthly membership was fairly simple for me.

Where others had to start from scratch and build out a website and a e-commerce backend, I was right there ready to go and grow.

This was the birth of the Virtual Studio Membership!!! It grew to over 50 members in the first year.

Also during that time (around 2021), I took all the business coaching I had done and put it to use and created a signature 1:1 program and started working more intimately with women on creating a holistic health plan for them.

Lastly, another huge boosts for my online presence was being brought on to RamaTv! Guru Jagat had asked me to come aboard and for a year, I taught the Future of Fitness, an active kundalini class on their worldwide platform.

Stay tuned for what I have been up too and what’s next for me!

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 06/03/2024

Day 3 Story Time!

So during this time between 2017-2000 I started to my first online offer- Fit Club. A online Facebook group where I charged $20 for 5-6 new filmed workouts, a workout calendar to follow along with new recipes and challenges. It was so so much work as nothing was automated and I made so so so many mistakes (like playing Beyoncé in the background and trying to upload onto YouTube).

While I learned the ins and outs of having an online offer- at its peak I had around 40 members- I was also diving into the deep end with meditation, kundalini and mindset work in my personal growth era✨✨

It was during this time I quit drinking, started training under Guru Jagat annd other spiritual/mindset leaders and underwent a lot of coaching for myself. (Upwards to 50k over the 3 yrs).

After getting the rhythm of Fit Club for a year or two - I then saw the opportunity to start Fiercely Feminine- a kundalini, feminine energy container. It was a reflection of the work I found as important as the nutrition and exercise. Self care, self love and a positive consistency mindset🥰

Fiercely Feminine built for about 6-8 months with me finding my voice in the spiritual/mindset wolrd. It was during this time I finally left working at Barre/Spin and other studios and became a full fledged entrepreneur and coach and make Be Naturally Fit my full time work.🙏👏


Things were moving slowly but surely, I was putting in the time, showing up for lots of in-person events, clients and doing the online thing. I wasn’t making very much money, but enough to be encouraged and keep going. I loved what I did and how I could see it helping women.

Then March 2020 hit and everything changed.😳😳😳

Are you loving my stories?! How many of you remember Fit Club or any of my earlier online challenges?

Share in the comments!

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 05/03/2024

Day 2 Story Time- Building my brand…

It was truly the rise of Instagram during the time that I started Be Naturally Fit. Yes, I was still working at Barre, and starting to take own my own personal training clientele, but I wanted to reach more women🥰 and Instagram was the coolest new social media platform.

At first it was just a handle where I shared pictures of me doing cliche yoga poses with the caption being some wisdom I had learned through action or experience.

I also got into sharing recipes of the vegan meals I was making to inspire other to choose a more plant based, whole food diet.

In 2017 I decided to start my blog/website, YouTube channel and started my newsletter. Each week I would share a filmed 20mins workout, a new recipe and a mindset topic.

Those first few years I built up a small community, following on Instagram and worked my butt off to take the perfect picture of my smoothie or salad lol!

It was in these years I also started working with brands and had some orettt amazing sponsorships (under armour, Karma, Sunwarrior, It’s Blume, Organika …)

Between 2017-2000 I would say that Be Naturally Fit was only making 10-15k, but the work I did then to establish trust, consistency and connection was invaluable and extremely important for what came next:)

Stay tuned for how I started monetizing my brand and actually taking my side hustle into a full on career😘

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 04/03/2024

Story Week! Each day this week I will be sharing short posts on how I started my business and my health and wellness journey.

Even though I started teaching Fitness a year and a half before I started at Barre Fitness, I’m going to start sharing my entrepreneurial and wellness journey here.

Landing the role as the first instructor who was hired for the new Barre studio in North Shore was honestly a dream come true. It combined my dance background with my love of Fitness. Over the seven years that I taught at Barre Fitness North Shore I met so many amazing women who are still friends and clients.

Teaching at Barre helped me find my voice and gain confidence as a fitness professional. I also showed me how much I loved helping women find their edge and push to new levels of health.

I still love a really good barre workout and have continued teaching it in my online virtual studio and use a lot of the same techniques and principles with my clients today.

Tomorrow I will share how I started Be Naturally Fit while I was still working at Barre and some of the steps I took to build my own brand and name.

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 02/03/2024

Help share this post please 🙏

I don’t normally ask for help in spreading the word- but this handsome man needs a forever home !

We have absolutely loved having him- for a husky, he isn’t stubborn, loud or headstrong. In fact, he is cuddly, works hard for your love, and is fact, a total softie.

His forever home will need to work on his recall. Although he is great on leash and doesn’t pull. He also gets anxious when you leave, so needs to be in his crate and might whine a bit at first, although even after 4 days, he has stopped doing that.

He sleeps no problem in his crate at night, loves all children, other dogs and is cat curious. He is so so gentle.

He is a rescue from Langley and is a 💯 pure bred Siberian husky, all white with golden eyes.

Please help me find him a loving, active home!

Thank you!

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 29/02/2024

In case you are needing to hear this…

1. You are the love you seek. It’s within you at every hard moment you feel babes. That’s why connecting to your heart each day is so fu***ng crucial❤️

2. The direction you are going in is more important than the speed so take it one day at a time. Each day will present itself with new opportunities to grow, to heal, to pause or to push forwards. Keep that antenna pointed towards your dreams.

3. Life is a big ol mess and damn hard. It’s actually comical if you think about what a s**t show mess we are in as a collective. BUT- don’t let that weight crush your spirit- you are here in this time for a reason.

Ok- today’s been hard so I wrote this as a reminder to self- but it felt right to share with you all. Hope it helped someone.

Love you all.

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 21/02/2024

One thing we all need to learn…..

Myself included 🥰

Is that healing happens in the present moment. Like this very moment- where you get to put your phone down and take a conscious loving breath and remind yourself that you are perfectly whole.

In the present moment, you can be mindful of the words you use, the truth you feel, the alignment you create and the love you hold.

If you want to heal and grow- start with your very next breath, thought and action❤️❤️

My prayer for us all is that we awaken to more love 💕

Xoxo Rebecca

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 14/02/2024

Happy Valentine’s Day!😘🥰😍

Spending it in Austin with my love . I am half exploring the city, then will participating in Polarity/Yoga/Intimacy Intensive.

Celebrating love in all forms❤️ especially self love 💕

Don’t wait for someone to pamper you- take care of yourself with some self care, self love 💕



Mindful Mornings 09/02/2024

Is your morning mindful? I filmed this Video back in 2021 for my clients and thought I would share it with you all- it's still such a great 15 mins and definitely a wonderful way to start your day.

Try it and let me know how you feel afterwards:)

Mindful Mornings The perfect way to start your day with some Mindful Kundalini yoga and breath.


Last 2 days of January 🎊 what are you celebrating??


The Power of One Small Shift 🚀

If you are on the fence with joining my Sugar-Free Challenge starting this Thursday- listen up.

🥰 have you ever thought about the power of taking one small step that creates a ripple effect in your life?

There is hidden power in small actions! Which is why I always encourage small consistent actions- they create the biggest transformations.

Taking a month to focus on healthy sugar free nutrition, sustainable fun workouts and lifestyle habits that create happiness may be the beginning of a massive inner and outer transformation! You just need that catalyst to start 🥰

How To Dive In and see for yourself?👉

Click the link in my bio and sign up for my sugar-free challenge. Remember it’s not about a complete overhaul. It’s about embracing the power of one small shift at a time.

Tag someone who needs to hear this, and let’s celebrate the incredible strength that lies within the choices we make each day.


Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 26/01/2024

🌱 Join the Sugar-Free February Challenge in the Virtual Studio !! 🌱

Ready to kick those sugar cravings to the curb? This challenge is a month towards a healthier you with my Annual Sugar-Free Challenge.

Benefits of joining me and my members for a month of sugar-free fun 🤩:
• weight-loss through less sugary carbs, more balanced blood sugar, improved metabolism and increases satiety by adding in more fibre and protein!
• improved gut health by reducing inflammation in the gut, increasing beneficial gut bacteria, and improved intestinal barrier function (which happens when we remove excess sugar).
• glowing skin ✨✨
• better energy by getting off the sugar rollercoaster of highs and lows.
• better moods - same reason as above!
• and less pms symptoms as sugar affects insulin and other elevated insulin affects our s*x hormones. Less sugar = better hormonal balance.

🏋️‍♀️ What’s included in the challenge?

• 5 LIVE and replay workouts a week to keep you active and engaged.
• weekly sugar-free meal plans with recipes and grocery list to keep you inspired and fed.
• weekly nutrition and wellness check-in calls with me for personalized guidance and support.

Say good bye to sugar cravings and hello to feeling amazing inside and out.

Did this post inspire you? It’s only $100 to join if you aren’t already a member.

Definitely worth the effort and investment babes. You’ll learn so much and feel so f***ing good.

Put the 🔗 in bio.

Photos from BeNaturally.Fit's post 22/01/2024

Embark on a Sacred Journey of Self-Discovery!

Sacred Space Women’s Coaching Program is here to guide you through a up levelling 5 month experience🩷🌟💫

What to expect:
⚡️ Dive deep into spirituality, feminine energy, intuition, kundalini and yogic science.
🌙 Commit to self-love and self discovery. Unlocking the true potential within you.
✨ Build a sisterhood of support, embracing your soft sides, and finding strength through shared experiences

Why Join???

This program is crafted for women ready to embrace their authenticity and discover the immense strength and grace that comes from mindful awareness of self.

Ready to open your heart, build your prana, grow with grace and explore your passions?

We start this Friday!
Sign up through link in bio🪐


Videos (show all)

Yes- you can be a witchy priestess and a Costco shopping mom.Don’t let labels or fear of being weird hold you back from ...
Quick Flash Sale $60 for 6 classes- live or replay option.The perfect way to get some heavy lifts, barre, kundalini yoga...
A healing journey from loss of a parent to feeling so much stronger!
Morning Journaling: Your Secret Weapon for Focus!As we navigate our busy schedules, with kids, work, social and self car...
Your body is a system.How to get the body of your dreams- it’s more than just your workouts y’all.Dm me if you want to k...
Barre Moves that give your butt a serious lift 🍑Ok- did anyone else notice that since they turned 40 their glutes seem t...
From leading a Sacred Intimacy Retreat, to Nya’s grad, to hosting a Solstice party, Paige’s multiple birthdays, Grampie ...
Hormone Balance Part 2Yesterday I shared we should be adding liver loving and gut health promoting foods to improve horm...
My Summer Solstice Practice to download all the light codes and expand into your future self- right now.Literally I am s...
Honestly! As a woman in her 40’s, I know we have a lot on our plate and a lot we want to offer the world.But many mid-li...
I wish more women understood that the habits they engage in literally shape their life!And strength training, meditation...