Simply Health Videos

Videos by Simply Health. Working with individuals & families to prevent/heal health issues while making it affordable to all.

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Do You Know?
Did you know this? Now you do let’s make sure that we’re checking the ingredients in our packaged foods.

Yesterday I participated in the Minority Mental Health Resource Fair bringing awareness to EMFs, why we need to care and ways to reduce and counteract the harmful affects. Here I’m doing muscle testing showing how EMF’s are making us weak when we have our cell phones up to our ears. EMFs (Electro Magnetic Fields) are emitted from wireless devices like cell phones, laptops, 5G, smart watches, smart meters, etc… deleting our energy down to the cellular level. People who are sensitive to EMFs can have migraines, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and more. It’s important we know how to reduce our exposure and counteract the harmful affects since we live in a sea of EMFs and ther’s no way to escape them. Children absorb more of the EMFs than adults since their bodies aren’t fully developed till they’re 25 years old. They absorb 2-3xs more in their brain and 10xs more in their body. Some ways to reduce your exposure: - Limit your wireless devise usage - Don’t put your cell phone to your ears when talking - Put your phone away from your bed. If you must have it next to you put it on airplane mode - Move your router to a room that’s less frequented or used - The last solution and one that I use is wearing Magnetude Jewelry with Neodymium magnets (strongest on the planet). It counteracts the harmful effects of EMFs while giving me more energy, helps with bloods flow, increases my good hormone serotonin for better mood, and helps with inflammation.

Here’s another great tip on how you can eat more plants. Do you like this tip?

We all know we’re suppose to eat 7-13 handfuls of fruits & veggies, but do we? I know I don’t. I’m so grateful I was introduced to these whole, clean fruits, veggies & berries in a capsule. It’s just real whole food so our cells recognize and absorb all the nutrients. What would the nutritional profile of 30 varieties of produce do for your health? Your health matters

So many peopole I've come across still have the idea that all soy is bad for us. Let's break the myths and understand the truth about soy. I want to share this video by Dr. Jan Roberto talking abaout the myths and facts on soy.

The Secrect Indside You Phone

How Nutrition Affects A Child's Behavior

Life is good. I am living the life I love. I am happy and healthy. I have abundance. I surround myself with love and positivity.

Who wants to join me on a 5-day reset? July 6-10, after July 4th weekend. Jump on an informational zoom talk to see if this sounds good to you this Thursday or Friday. See flyer for info. Great for anyone that wants to: - Start taking care of themselves with simple healthy habits. - Learn some basic lifestyle practices. - Have support from a community of others doing the reset with you

Managing stress is so important

One of my passions is helping families create a healthy lifestyle culture and who have kids who have ADHA/ASD

Happy Monday 😊

3-Ingredient gluten free Banana Pancakes 🥞 Gluten is pro inflammatory to your body which causes a spike in your blood sugar and causes inflammation. Inflammation is the root to all disease. Reduce your intake of gluten. Gluten consists of rye, wheat and barley. Try this pancake recipe. Pure oats are gluten free, however they are highly contaminated as they are processed in facilities that also process barley and rye. Non contaminated pure oats are safe for most people who have gluten intolerance. I purchase organic oats.