Kristie Rosser Wellness

Kristie Rosser Wellness

Hormone Replacement, Age Management and Weight Loss Specialist Optimal Wellness is owned and operated by Kristie B. All appointments are virtual.

Rosser, a certified Family Nurse Practitioner, Hormone Specialist, Certified Nutrition and Holistic Health Coach, Wellness and Age Management Specialist, and actively fit health care provider. Kristie has 25 + years of experience in this profession. Visit


In our quest for healthy aging = a strong, powerful and independent body, it is important to not neglect our mental wellbeing.

Mental wellbeing is a foundational component of Healthy Aging.

Learning to take of your brain, your emotions, and aging body enables you to improve your mental wellbeing and your quality of life.

1. Setting boundaries
2. Connecting with Nature, getting sunshine
3. Getting enough rest
4. Cultivating creativity
5. Staying physically active: cardio + strength training
6. Connecting with others
7. Practicing self-reflection and self-awareness
8. Finding people who support and love you


Healthy aging isn’t just important, it’s necessary.

Taking care of yourself today builds a healthier you in the years ahead.

Build a healthy body today so you can enjoy living as the future You 😊


Morning boost

2 cups water
1 tsp honey
1 lemon, juiced
1 lime, juiced
½ inch turmeric root, sliced
½ inch ginger root, sliced

Add all ingredients to the boiled water and let steep for 10 minutes, then enjoy.

You can make this the night before, letting it steep over night, and the simply reheat when ready to drink the following day.



Morning hydration:

Warm water 💦
1/2 Lemon 🍋 juiced
Optional: 1/4 " Ginger root (juiced)


Why you need Turmeric

In a word: Turmeric is awesome!
It has been used in India for thousands of years as a medicinal herb because it works wonders at reducing inflammation in all parts of the body.

Health benefits of turmeric include lowering heart disease risk, and reducing joint pain. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier, it also improves mood, brain functions and helps prevent alzheimers.

Because it also boosts the immune system, it is a great supplement to use more often in the winter months when colds, flu and viruses are all around us.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric and spice that you know it for, is released with heat, and better absorbed when ingested with black pepper.
Black pepper and contains piperine.
Piperine is a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin by 2000%.

I like to drink my turmeric--
its warming, calming and I am getting the most benefits by heating the turmeric (activating the curcumin), and drinking it with black pepper (to boost the curcurmin absorption).

My Turmeric Milk Recipe

2 cups of milk of unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
twist of black peppercorn
2T coconut oil

1. Melt the coconut oil in a pan on a very low heat
2. Add turmeric and twist of black pepper; stir
3. Add coconut milk and cook until warm
4. Enjoy throughout your morning


I now know why Grandma drank apple cider vinegar every single day.

What I thought as a child was “stinky”
turns out to be a brilliant way to manage your health in your own kitchen.

Apple cider vinegar has been proven to have a ton of health benefits including
reducing blood sugar,
reducing cholesterol,
aiding in weight loss,
Boosting immune health,
Managingg sugar cravings,
and aiding in digestive issues.

Grandma had it figured out 💯

I drink a "shot" of apple cider vinegar each morning, and call them my "ACV shots".

If you are new to ACV,
start with a smaller amount and work up--

For example, start with 1/8th of a tsp and work up to 1 tablespoon over time.

And keep it simple.

ACV shot recipe:
2-3 ounces water
1 T ACV (raw, organic--I use Braggs)
Optional: juice of 1/2 lemon

Take it all at once in one gulp, and remember, if you are new to ACV, start low and go slow with your "dose" increase as it burns on the way down 🔥


Yoga is what I call “old medicine.”

It has survived the test of time because it works in a variety off ways to boost your health

Start your day, or Unwind at the end of your day, with some great yoga poses that reduce your stress.


I love my salt lamp.

I have several in my home including in my living room and office.

The Benefits are wonderfull!


Drinking detox tea on busy mornings can help with energy and focus.

The herbs are naturally immune boosting and support liver health.

Avoid the soda and give yourself a boost with a nice detox tea--dandelion, licorice root and kava are great options, too

Make and enjoy it throughout your busy mornings.

Photos from Kristie Rosser Wellness's post 10/02/2024

Ever increasingly, we live in a world where is it considered "normal" and even expected, to be unwell, tired and nearly dead as we age as women-
all while we should be living healthy and vibrant lives into our later decades.

Expect more,
and allow your body the chance to show you how amazing it can be --
and how optimal your life can be in your 50s and beyond!


It's important to practice daily detox methods to allow your body a chance to reboot and repair.

Self-care is necessary, not selfish.

Find a few things that help you reboot and practice them often.


Know your numbers 💯

You can’t treat what you don’t track.

Have your blood work monitored by a specialist who understands age management and metabolic health, and track your body composition.

Take charge of your health before your numbers take charge of You.




Are you reading the labels on your skin care products?
Your skin absorbs toxins, so read those labels and, just like you have done with your food, change brands if needed.


You are Enough.
You are Worthy.
You are Loved.
You are Awesome.
Keep moving forward and make it happen.


Love flax seeds.

Super good for you, a great source of good EFAs (essential fatty acids) with so many health benefits ❤️


Keep your lymphatic system moving 😊

Practice these simple detox techniques daily to maintain your balance, energy, and boost your immune system.


5 cups water
1/3 cup sliced carrots
1/3 cup diced zucchini
1/3 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup mushrooms
5 teaspoons miso of your choice
1 cup chopped kale, swiss chard, or other greens

MAKE THE VEGETABLES: In a large pot add water, carrots, zucchini and broccoli and bring to a boil. Once boiling lower to a simmer and let cook another 5 minutes.

MIX IN THE MISO: Add a few tablespoons of the vegetable broth from the pot to a small bowl. Add miso to the bowl and mix in the miso to form a puree. Place the miso puree in the soup pot and simmer for 2 or 3 minutes (miso should not be boiled because it will kill the beneficial bacteria).

Finally, add the greens and simmer for 2 more minutes and then remove from heat.

For a boost of adrenal and kidney health, add Maine Coast Sea Sprinkles or buy sea vegetables like wakame, nori, or dulse flakes from your local market.


Be honest with yourself.

Once you are honest with yourself, it is simple to see the changes you need to make to achieve the health, the life, the energy, and the weight loss success you are looking for.


Your immune system is the ultimate balancing system in your body. When it is strong, you are strong. When it is overwhelmed and weak, you get sick and inflammed.

We live in a toxic world, we worry alot, we make poor food choices, and we dont move our bodies.
Here are a few simple ways to boost your immune system:

1. Drink Warm Lemon Water every morning - This provides the perfect cleanse first thing in the morning. It prepares the body for digestion, and it is a natural anti-viral.

2. Dry Skin Brush once or twice a day - This daily practice supports your lymphatic system, allowing it to release the toxins stored there that cause illness.

3. Drink apple cider vinegar - Start with 1/8th tsp and increase to 2 T daily. I add this to my morning immune booster "shot" that I take everyday. A little ACV, with warm lemon water, cayenne peppe and ginger help ward-off bacteria and viruses, and provide a natural boost to your immune system.

4. Take a deep breath--we walk around all day and never truly take a deep (all the way to the belly button) breath. We just take bunny-rabbit breathes all day as we run around doing our thing. Breathing cleanses the mind, body and spirit.It allows the adrenal to take a break, too.


I dry skin brush everyday and am a firm believer in its power as a detox method, especially in the winter months.

This simple daily practice does my body good! It imporves circulation, improves toxins release, and help the lymph system take out the garbage.

It's also a calming experience, and forces you to slow down for a few mintues everyday to take care of you!

This a great detox practice for kids and adults.

I love this photo that shares the Benefits of daily dry skin brushing:


Managing Expectations 😊Results take:
daily nurturing (consistency) and time (patience) ❤️💪💫
Expecting immediate results from a one-time action, or inconsistent self-care, is like asking for a magic-wand 💫response. And that’s not how healing and healthy aging work.
You can’t heal a lifetime of poor self-care, bad choices, disease, inflammation, and imbalance over-night 🤔
Consistency (90% perfect) and Patience (Time-spent- being-consistent) are the key 🔑


It's all about which way you look.
Attitude is Altitude 💯


If you have a hard time getting to sleep, try this simple solution:
chamomile tea with 1tsp honey.

The chamomile helps to soothe and relax the body.
The honey contributing to the release of melatonin in the brain, which contributes to sleep.

Together, they make a calming tonic.


Shrink your excuses 💯


You must be a priority in your life--you can't take care of, or love others, if this is not first in your own life.


Self-care is not selfish--it's absolutely necessary.

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