Angel Holistic Health Coaching

Angel Holistic Health Coaching

I empower my clients so that they can make informed decisions and advocate for their holistic health

Angela Mazza is a certified health coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. She is a registered nurse for over 20 years with experience in the hospital, home care and school settings. She is passionate about educating others to prevent degenerative diseases and manage chronic conditions in order to embrace life fully.


Very grateful for the opportunity to be featured on this podcast with Emma K Viglucci, a marriage and family therapist in Manhattan.

Our patterns impacts everything in our lives-from our abundance and success, to our relationship and love life, to our health and wellness…

Such an important topic-when it comes to being physically healthy, the impact of emotional, behavioral and relational should not be overlooked!

Please take a listen to this insightful podcast!

Link in bio.


May 25th is World Thyroid Day!🦋

Why is the Thyroid so important?

The Thyroid is the little butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck.

It only weighs an ounce but packs a powerful punch.

• It controls your metabolism.

• Your mood.

• Your hormones.

• Your cognitive function. (Hello brain fog!)

• Your energy.

It is involved in a ton of biological functions.

• Your brain

• Your nervous system

• Your respiratory system

• Your heart

• Your body temperature

• Your muscle strength

• Your menstrual cycle

This is why when you have a thyroid issue, it results in such a wide range of symptoms.

We need to give the thyroid the love it needs by finding the boundaries we need to heal and improve our energy!

You are worth it!💗

If you want education, compassion and support join my private community- link in bio.


Weight Loss is more than just fitting into that old pair of jeans.

It is more than seeing those numbers on the scale go down.

It is even more than getting that spark back in your step.

It is about your future longevity.

It is about living not only longer but better with the ability “to do all the things.”

Be able to get up off the floor after playing with your grandkids.

It is about healing your liver, your gut and that inflammation in your body.

It is about transforming your HEALTH and your LIFE.

Because you ARE IMPORTANT.





Join me May 21 for my FREE Training to Conquer that Stubborn Thyroid Weight!


Thyroid Healthy Eating Tip! 🦋

Eat a wide variety of nutrients.

Eating Nutrient Rich Foods will support your thyroid health, even if your thyroid was removed.

Focus on lean proteins, healthy fats and plant based foods.

Look for these nutrients when focusing on thyroid health:

• Iron from red meat and leafy greens.

• Iodine found in nori seaweed, prunes, & fish.

• Zinc found in shellfish, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Want to learn more?

Join my free training on May 21st.

Comment warrior below for info👇🏻


After the first few months of living without a thyroid, the scale was not my friend.😳

But to be honest, weight was the least of my concerns.

I was dealing with extremely low energy, hair loss, and a variety of other symptoms.

I needed to feel better but…

I needed to take care of my three young children.

I needed to work as the school nurse.🦋

I needed to be present to bring my children to their extra curricular activities.

I was overwhelmed, exhausted and barely able to get through the day.

It affected my relationships and my healing.
Sound familiar?

Unfortunately many of us, especially women, spread ourselves too thin and sacrifice our health as a result.

I knew there had to be a better way.

Eventually, after a lot of research and education on thyroid health, I found a holistic solution to heal.

And as I started on a better path, my energy soared and the weight came off!

Now I feel amazing! I actually feel better than when I had a fully functioning thyroid!🥰

You don’t need to suffer!


My mission is to advocate and educate so you can let your light shine!🌞

Join me on May 21st for a FREE Training to Conquer that Stubborn Thyroid Weight!

Comment WARRIOR below and I will send you a link to register in your@DM👇🏻

# holistichealth

Photos from Angel Holistic Health Coaching's post 01/05/2024

Are you deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral essential for good health? 👀

This may be surprising, but you have an almost one in three chance of being at risk. 😬

What happens if you’re low on one or two vitamins or minerals? 👇

Your body needs important nutrients to function correctly.

If you are low in those nutrients, you may experience issues with your physical and mental health.

When you have a thyroid issue, the RIGHT supplementation is essential to feeling good!

I know when my vitamin and mineral levels are off because

I feel:

• low energy

• tingling in my extremities

• aches in my muscles.🤨

What are your indicators that your vitamin and mineral levels are off?

A recent study showed the top five nutrients that many of us need more of...

✨ Vitamin B6

✨ Vitamin B12

✨ Vitamin C

✨ Vitamin D

✨ Iron

👉 Swipe to view some great sources for these nutrients.

Eating a nutrient-rich diet with a variety of foods can help everyone achieve their health and nutrition goals.🥰

When supplementing remember “test don’t guess” to know what you need to supplement.

Some labs you may ask for are a Complete Metabolic Panel, Vitamin B12 Level, Vitamin D, and Ferritin level.

Think you might be at risk for a nutrient deficiency?

• Together we can review your foods and supplements

• create a plan

• & ensure you are on track with meeting all of your needs.🎉

DM me to set up a free consult👆





Last week, I was honored to be the keynote speaker at my alma mater, St. Joseph Hill Academy High School, at their World of Wellness event.🦋

Of course, I was exited but this also represented a dream fulfilled.

I was what most would classify as an introvert or painfully shy.

I grew up feeling invisible and always wanting to keep the peace.

☹️I feared upsetting anyone.
☹️I feared being rejected.
☹️I feared failing and looking foolish.
☹️I feared being successful and everyone looking to me!

What inspired me to overcome my “fears” was my passion for helping others.🥰

I took small steps to be more assertive, to setting boundaries, and to show myself compassion!🦋
As I took these actions:
❤️I grew as a person.
❤️I advocated for myself and others.
❤️My confidence grew.
❤️My limited mindset disappeared and more possibilities appeared.

I believe that You have the power
to create the change
You desire in Your own life.💪

I believe you are strong and capable of taking the actions needed to heal.

One of my professors in college once told me “Be bold and speak up more so that others can learn from you.”

So today I ask you to:

💜Be Bold.
💜Find Your voice.
💜Let Your light shine.
💜Share your unique gifts with the world.
💜You are amazing.
💜You can accomplish what you desire!

With Gratitude,

Coach Angela 🦋


Client Testimonial!🎉💗

C.H. came to me reporting that she felt unmotivated, sluggish, brain fog, pain in her joints, and unable to lose weight.

She enter my Thyroid Love Program skeptical about improving her energy since she had always struggled with self care.

I am so proud to see how she has prioritized her healing and has transformed her life!

She is meal planning, exercising and is an active member of her community.

Since entering my program she has:

• more energy

• less pain

• more flexible

• more productive

• and lost 40 lbs!🎉

I am so grateful to be a part of her transformation and life!💗



My team & I will be starting a Clean Up, Green Up & Thrive! Event in honor of Earth Day.🌍

We have some wonderful before and after pictures, great tips on how to save money and the planet at the same time, and even a raffle with some cool gifts! 🎁

I love these because I can stop in anytime and read what’s been posted.👀

Drop a “ME” in the comments below, and I’ll send you an invitation. 

Photos from Angel Holistic Health Coaching's post 17/04/2024

Nourishing your body is vital to your holistic health.

So I thought I would share 4 weekly tips you can start implementing now to nourish your body!

Week ① Avoid Gluten and Cross Reactive Grains. 🌾

Gluten refers to the specific protein found in grains, such as wheat, barley and rye. Many people, even those that are not autoimmune, find they have a gluten sensitivity that causes inflammation. See if you feel the difference.

Week ② Snack on nuts or seeds instead of chips or processed snacks. 🥜

Nuts are a great snack as they are packed with healthy fats. Pair them with some yogurt and a piece of fruit.

Week ③ Add a serving of vegetables to every dinner. 🥬🍆🥒🫑

Adding a serving of vegetables to each dinner will increase the amount of fiber you consume, as well as certain vitamins and minerals.

Week ④ Have fish twice a week.🐠

Fish is a great source of healthy fats such as omega-3s. These types of fats are great for cognitive function and heart health. Try to get in two servings per week.

By the end of this month, you will have adopted four habits that nourish your body and promote longevity 👏.


You may know you want to be healthier,

but taking those actions can often be challenging. 😠

Developing the right mindset,

having accountability

and creating the right environment are all key to taking action.

Ask Yourself:

🦋WHY do you want to be healthier?

🦋WHAT motivates you?

🦋HOW will your life improve?

Write it down in a journal and read frequently!

Put some post it reminders in spots that will motivate you such as a mirror or refrigerator.

You got this!!💪


As many of you know by now, I am a passionate advocate for health and healing especially when it comes to the thyroid. 🦋

Heidi Sexton, an advocate for wellness, amazing fellow health coach and friend requested I write a guest blog on how to do a thyroid self check for her lovely holistic wellness blog.

Read the article below-click the link 👇

Thyroid disease often is classified as a hidden illness.

Many people suffer with thyroid symptoms for years... often without a diagnosis.☹️

I personally dismissed many of my low thyroid symptoms for years.

Today, I am feeling strong and energized!

I am proud to assist my clients on their own health journey to let their light shine!💗
Want to receive an uplifting & helpful newsletter in your inbox?

Subscribe to Heidi’s The Hope Builder Newsletter today!👇

Guiding you to reclaim energy, health and happiness for the better half of life.


Honored to coach my clients on their health journey.

It is a bonus to receive such a lovely testimonial!💗


Happy leap day!

How are you embracing the “extra” day?

Take a leap and do something a little extra today for you!🙌


Today is Valentine’s day!

It is a day to celebrate love, support, commitment, positivity and caring for others.

So today make a mindful choice to celebrate love!

💜I choose to celebrate the support I receive from my husband daily.

💜I choose to celebrate the way I care for my 3 children.

💜I choose to celebrate my commitment to my clients and my coaching business.

💜I choose to celebrate the positivity I share with others that I interact with, whether it be a stranger or someone I know.

❤️So today celebrate the love in your life!

❤️Celebrate the love you share with others!

❤️Celebrate you and the gift you are to this world!

❤️You are unique and amazing!

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3:14).”

Happy Valentine’s Day!💝

Grateful for you!

Coach Angela

Photos from Angel Holistic Health Coaching's post 08/02/2024

🏃‍♂️💪 Fuel Your Recovery: Post-Workout Guide 🍽️

Athletes and Weekend Warriors listen up!

Recovery is just as crucial as your training sessions.

Let’s break down the essentials for optimal recovery:

1. Glycogen Restoration: Post-exercise, your body needs to replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. The key? Carbohydrate-rich foods that are easily digested and absorbed. This step is vital, especially if you’re training consecutively or multiple times a day.

2. Protein for Muscle Repair: Carbs alone aren’t enough. Protein is your muscle repair hero! Studies show that meals combining carbs and protein post-workout enhance performance, aiding in muscle repair and growth.

Timing Matters: Aim to consume a mix of carbs and protein within 30 minutes post-training. Follow up with a high-carbohydrate meal within 2 hours to maximize recovery benefits.

🍲 Easy Post-Workout Snack Ideas:

🏋️‍♀️ Cottage Cheese & Fruit
🏋️‍♀️ Pita Bread & Hummus
🏋️‍♀️ Tuna, Chicken, or Chickpea Salad & Crackers
🏋️‍♀️ Protein Bites with Oats, Nut Butter and Protein Powder

Remember, what you eat after a workout is key to your performance and recovery.

🦋Keep these tips in mind to stay at the top of your game!🥰

Photos from Angel Holistic Health Coaching's post 08/02/2024

🏃‍♂️💪 Fuel Your Recovery: Post-Workout Guide 🍽️

Athletes and Weekend Warriors listen up!

Recovery is just as crucial as your training sessions.

Let's break down the essentials for optimal recovery:

1. Glycogen Restoration: Post-exercise, your body needs to replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. The key? Carbohydrate-rich foods that are easily digested and absorbed. This step is vital, especially if you're training consecutively or multiple times a day.

2. Protein for Muscle Repair: Carbs alone aren't enough. Protein is your muscle repair hero! Studies show that meals combining carbs and protein post-workout enhance performance, aiding in muscle repair and growth.

Timing Matters: Aim to consume a mix of carbs and protein within 30 minutes post-training. Follow up with a high-carbohydrate meal within 2 hours to maximize recovery benefits.

🍲 Easy Post-Workout Snack Ideas:

🏋️‍♀️ Cottage Cheese & Fruit
🏋️‍♀️ Pita Bread & Hummus
🏋️‍♀️ Tuna, Chicken, or Chickpea Salad & Crackers
🏋️‍♀️ Protein Bites with Oats, Nut Butter and Protein Powder

Remember, what you eat after a workout is key to your performance and recovery.

🦋Keep these tips in mind to stay at the top of your game!


As we begin a new year, a simple reminder that when you take action-you create change.

I have done it with my thyroid health.
And I continue to take action daily.

Because I feel good and I want to continue to feel good as I age!

My awesome clients take small steps daily that creates improved health outcomes.

Weight loss
Lower A1C
Lower Cholesterol levels
Improved endurance and energy

Make 2024 the year of action!
I believe in you!


With Gratitude always,
Coach Angela


I am honored to join Carla Palmer on her GYSB (Get Your Sexy Back) podcast this week!
We talk about increasing awareness and education regarding thyroid health especially for women in midlife.
The GYSB podcast focuses on helping ambitious professional women reach their optimal mental and physical health!
Go check it out!


Stress is universal!

We all get stressed out!!!

But did you know that half of thyroid related disorders remain undiagnosised??


Because the symptoms of stress and thyroid are similar!

And woman especiallly are warriors and keep going!

Want to learn more?

Join us at our zoom chat this Thursday!!

Link in comments to sign up!


Monday Motivation!!

"It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop!"

🥰I love this quote!

Probably I love it because I identify with it.

I have always been slow and meticulous with anything I do.

Sometimes, it can be frustrating ...

but often it allows me to observe things I wouldn't have if I was moving quicker.

It also reminds me to be patient with myself.

As long as I take small actions everyday; I will move in the direction of my dreams.

I see this happen all the time with my clients!!

Daily small steps compound to big wins!!

✅Some ideas to observe this progress for yourself is to write down your goals.

✅Then break it down into what actions will get you there.

✅Keep a log of the small actions you take daily.

✅Prioritize what is important to you and what will get you closer to that dream.

I have learned not to compare myself to others but to embrace who I am and give myself credit for what I accomplish!

💙Today embrace all that makes you special!

❤️Give yourself credit for your accomplishments!

💙Keep Going!



My son asked me how I felt after attending my high school reunion and that was my answer.

Empowered being surrounded my a community of beautiful, compassionate, purpose driven women.

Grateful to have the opportunity to witness the positive impact each of them make in their individual lives.

Inspired by them to continue to be driven in my mission to guide, educate and support women with thyroid issues (often referred to as the “invisible disease”).🦋

Thank you my fellow Hilltoppers for inspiring me!
In high school- I was quite and often felt invisible.
Now I am stepping into my power and being BOLD
Because it is not truly about me.
It is about helping others be seen and heard!
I am giving a voice to women who suffer with hypothyroidism and helping them transform!
And to me that is worth being bold.😉


Thankful Thursday!🦋

I So appreciate being featured on Coffee with Tannie’s podcast!

Always enjoy speaking with another nurse and wellness advocate!

It was so fun!

Thanks Tannie RN!

Go check it out on Spotify! 😉


Client Testimonial!🦋

This client came to me feeling discouraged and overwhelmed.

Together we created a plan of realistic enjoyable habits that were sustainable.

I don't come from a place of restriction when working with my clients. I come from a place of abundance and addition -aiming to make life fuller.

The right routines produce the right results!

Now this client is more energized, eating better, has lost weight and best of all feels confident! Amazing!🥰

Want to learn more about your thyroid health?

>>>Join my No Charge 5 day virtual event.

>>>Stating Monday!

>>>Link in bio.


September is thyroid cancer awareness month!🦋
As a survivor of thyroid cancer, I am currently thriving but that was not always the case.
For years, I dealt with hypothyroidism and my body being totally out of wack!
It took me years to go from simply surviving to thriving!
This is why thyroid cancer awareness is part of my mission.
We all have the power to improve our health!

Many thyroid cancers are treatable but some are aggressive and more difficult to treat.
But No Cancer is the “good cancer.”
Please STOP saying this! I can’t tell you how many times I have been told this! My clients and friends with this condition have been told this! Stop!
No matter the prognosis-
Cancer is traumatic and scary!
It is life changing, expensive, and stressful!!
It causes you to experience a variety of symptoms.
It impacts your spouse, children, family and friends.

So advocate for yourself and your loved ones.

Get your neck checked. A medical professional can detect a thyroid nodule during a routine physical. Mine did.
Go for your annual physical. Early detection saves lives!!
Be kind and compassionate!!
Often others are all fighting battles that they don't share.
With Gratitude,

Coach Angela

Want to learn How to overcome thyroid fatigue?>>>join my 5 day free event next week!
>>>link in bio to register🦋

Photos from Angel Holistic Health Coaching's post 07/09/2022

"To snack or not to snack?" 🤔

That is NOT the question!

The question is- "What does your snack consist of?"

Because that is infinitely more important!

Snacking is good for you!!🥰

Smart snacking does a lot of good:

✅satisfies hunger

✅helps stabilize blood sugar levels

✅boost metabolism

✅gives you more opportunities to get all the nutrients you need.

I love this snack using an organic apple, some almond butter and h**p hearts!❤️

Delicious and satisfying !👏

It is a great midday pick me up!

Here is the easy formula that I use for my snacking!

The ideal "smart" snack should be:

✅A nutritionally balanced mini-meal of about 200 calories or less

✅Include a Complex Carbohydrate


✅Healthy fat

This combination is crucial so that your energy levels will be stable.

Especially important if your dealing with a thyroid issue!

Plus it helps you feel satisfied until your next meal! Win win!👏
Want more great meal tip and recipes like this??!

Join my five day free event to overcome thyroid fatigue.
Link in bio.


Wake up and Motivate!🦋

✝️"Faith and daily action can cleanse discouragement."

As the summer ends and we begin a new school year, a lot changes.

Often we become overwhelmed with new challenges and experiences.

It can be super stressful!!

To help, ask yourself, “what actions do I need to do today to make progress?”

Remember it does not need to be a big accomplishment, just small steps forward!

🦋You are capable of so many things!
🦋You have skills and talents to share with others!
🦋Embrace your purpose!
🦋Appreciate Your Abilities!
🦋The world needs your uniqueness and the good you possess!
🦋Share, Connect, and take Action!

With Gratitude,

Coach Angela


Client testimonial!🦋

This client came to me super frustrated.

She was sleeping sometimes for 20 hrs, skipping her meds, missing meals, lethargic, and wanting her life back!

As a busy professional woman, she knew she wasn’t going to accept this as her new reality!

Together we partnered and are working toward her goals.

She is crushing them!!🙌

She now has more energy, and now has routines that support her life!


I am So proud of her!

Want to learn more on how it is to work with me?

Join my No CHARGE 5 day virtual event!

The fun begins September 12!

Link in bio!

Let’s shine together!!



Do you want to overcome exhaustion and feel energized again?!

Does fatigue hit you like a brick wall?!

Are you being told “you’re fine” even though you know this is NOT True?!
I have been where you are!
I know how frustrating it is!
I know how it sucks to feel depleted!
Unless you have experienced it, you just don’t get it!
✅Fed up feeling crappy!
✅No energy to move but SO much to do!
✅Ready to kick exhaustion to the curb!
✅Ready to feel strong and energized!
Join my NO CHARGE 5 day virtual event to Overcome Thyroid Fatigue and Ignite your Energy Now!🦋
Event runs September 12 to 16.
Learn the steps you can take to ignite your energy!🦋
There will be some great chances to win wellness goodies daily!
To be eligible, all you need to do is REGISTER for the event and participate in the pop up FB group.
Refer your friends to share in the fun and support!
Link to Register in BIO.
Let’s Shine Together!!😎

Videos (show all)

5 Swaps I made for my thyroid health 🦋 Whole nutrient rich food instead of easy processed foods🦋 Strength training 30min...