Fit and Fierce Health

Fit and Fierce Health

Fit and Fierce is dedicated to bringing women trusted knowledge from the health and fitness world!


I have a few coaching spots open and want to give back ❤️

If you:

Need some accountability while you are home.
Want to continue seeing progress in your goals.
Need help to chill the heck out.
Are practicing social isolation and need plans you can do at home.

DM me and tell me why you could use the extra kick in the butt 🙂

Timeline photos 29/02/2020


This is worth a share and I cannot wait to grab a copy! ⠀

In a world where people are overloaded with negative feelings of themselves, this is a bright spot 🌟⠀

I hope my girls will grow up confident in their bodies, regardless the shape or size. Maybe putting this book on their shelf is a great place to start! ⠀

🌟 ⠀

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

Meet my little friend, Gert!⠀

I named my belly bloat because it is a lot easier to be a little nicer to it when it had a cute pet name. Anyone feel me on that, or is it just me?⠀

For me, Gert would come and go over the years which can be totally normal! But a few years ago it came on STRONG, it hurt and i looked pregnant, often! To the point where I got an xray and my doctor said, "You are literally full of 💩" I mean, why sugar coat it right? I even had a colonoscopy because we just did not know what was up.⠀

In the end there was nothing medically wrong with me other then IBD, thanksfully!! My options were to hang with Gert or get to the bottom of things. So I chose to get to the bottom of things. I did an elimination diet, in fact, I did the auotimmune protocal. IT. WAS. HARD. But I stuck to my guns.⠀

What did I learn from this? Well, I know exactly what my food triggers are but I have also learned there are outside influcnes tha can help/hinder my little Gert showing up. Stress is huge for me in my inflammation/gut response. This is not at all surprising for a perosnality like mine, my house could be burning down and I will probably tell you “I’n good”. I will joke about my house being on fire but wiill tell you I am not really stressed. This missing mind-body connection and not actually understanding what stress feels like means it has to go somewhere. For me, it goes right to my stomach, every dang time.⠀

The elimiation diet allowed me to know only understand my triggers with food but helped me to understand my lifestyle triggers. While I was on the diet, I would bloat so the question would be, what the heck, I have been eating "perfect." So food is not the only answer here.⠀

The other piece of the puzzle is filling our gut back up with all the good bacteria. A good quality probitoic helps to do this and a high quiality fish oil will help to reduce inflammatation. Both can be useful but if you want specific guidance definitely see a functional medicine doctor!⠀

If this sounds like you, there are a few things you can do: ⠀

1. Always see a medical professional to make sure it is nothing medical.⠀
2. A funtional medicine prov

Timeline photos 20/02/2020

Bare Ass Minimums⠀

OR BAMs as I like to call them.⠀

These are KEY to you healthy journey gets in the dang way EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ⠀

So let's build your BAMs together:⠀

1. Think about the activities/tasks that bring you the most health and energy. This could be anything from sleep, to workouts, to nutrition, to meditation. Pick your top two. For me, for example, putting restrictions on my phone/techonolgy and eating foods that do no cause inflammation for me are two non-negotiables for me (or should be!).⠀
2. Think about your busiest weeks that you have had in your life and how much time you have during those weeks (I am going to assume it is very little).⠀
3. Take the two of the habits that bring you the most amount of health and energy and make them a priority on the busiest weeks and FORGET THE REST. For example, not matter how busy I am I can always restrict on my phone. In my busiest weeks, I may spend more money to make my food convenient but I know that is worth the extra costs to maintain good energy.⠀

You see, you will never be able to do all the things It won't work. You WILL always be able to set your own priorities or BAMs. What are the things that HAVE to get done no matter what. Put it up there with brushing your teeth.⠀

What advantages does this have? Well, it keeps you feeling decent, you know the whole put your gas mask on first story. ⠀

But it also will remove you from the "on-off" bandwagon you have likely been riding for years. You are "on" and killing it untl you are off. Then you are "off" and mad at yourself and feel crappy and you sit with that feeling for 1 day too long which turns until 1 week too long which turns into....well you get the idea.⠀

When have BAMs that you know you can maintain, you are never really "off." You may be in a season where there are other more pressing priorities but you still feel good about putting that gas mask on so to speak. Your habits should be achievable on your best and worst weeks 💪⠀

You get me?⠀

What are your BAMs?⠀

🌟 ⠀

Timeline photos 20/02/2020

🎉Celebrating Wins 🎉⠀

I like to celebrate even the SMALLEST wins. I believe that pride and accomplishment is contagious and it keeps you on the path toward your goals.⠀

A mindset change is HUGE! Even if you are not making the greatest choices but you ARE more mindful of those choices, this is a win. You are challenging and shifting the foundation, ohhhh baby, better watch our for some serious change!⠀


Timeline photos 14/02/2020

Don't forget to enter ❤️

If you are curious check out my stories to see more info on what this coaching entails!!

“Courage over comfort” ⠀

says “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” ⠀

It is easy to continue to dislike what we know because the dislike of the known is easier then the fear of the unknown. ⠀

In the spirit of. Valentine’s Day and the unremitting search for self love I am going to offer one lucky person 3 months of free coaching. ⠀

All you need to do is like this post and tag 3 friends. Share the post in your own feed for an extra year entry! Winner to be drawn on Valentines Day at noon.

Are you ready to step into your courage? ⠀

🌟 ⠀

Timeline photos 13/02/2020

"I choose my vibe"⠀

In honour of our brain games this week and a few personal goals, I took at page from and wrote this quote on my mirror.⠀

Mirror quotes seem very self help and cheesy, I get you! BUT the thing is, you look at them every day which is where the magic lies.⠀

The key to mindset change is to rewrite your internal script and this is best done with reminders each day. I mean, lets be honest, how many times do you get caught up in your own head when it comes to healthy eating and exercise? ALL. THE. TIME. Your mindset will directly influence the success of the goals you set. ⠀

What will be on your mirror next week? You can borrow mine if you want ;)⠀



Have you ever felt this?

I have ✋

A client said this to me once, in fact, many say it in many different ways.

How we feel dictates our self talk. Our self talk defines our truth.

Perhaps today you are in the dark.
Perhaps today you are beat down.
Perhaps today you do not have hope.
Perhaps today you feel damaged.

This is what you feel and therefore all you can see.

But here is what I see:

Today you showed up.
Today you you tried.
Today you struggled and learned.
Today you fought.

Everything we see is perspective, not truth. You are not broken my friend, it is just all you can see right now 💗

Tag someone below and let them know how you see them, perhaps they need a slight shift in perspective.



We all know that words matter but holy heck, that reframe can be haarrdddd. Today I am going to give you some quick little examples that you can start to play with.

Here are a few play on words for you:

"I HAVE to" vs. "I have the OPPORTUNITY to"

"I can't" vs. "I am not willing to"

"I do not have the time" vs. "I have not made the time"

Try this and tell me how wonderful and different it feels 😉

What is your go to script? Give is a reframe and share below


Timeline photos 10/02/2020

“Courage over comfort” ⠀

says “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” ⠀

It is easy to continue to dislike what we know because the dislike of the known is easier then the fear of the unknown. ⠀

In the spirit of. Valentine’s Day and the unremitting search for self love I am going to offer one lucky person 3 months of free coaching. ⠀

All you need to do is like this post and tag 3 friends. Share the post in your own feed for an extra year entry! Winner to be drawn on Valentines Day at noon.

Are you ready to step into your courage? ⠀

🌟 ⠀


A look inside 👀

Today, I decided to give you a look inside of my own health journey. I hope that it gives a little perspective on who I am, why I coach and why I am good at what i do 😉

If you decide to listen, thank you!

If you have any questions, reach out!


Timeline photos 05/02/2020

The hardest thing about change BY FAR!⠀

Sustainable change takes time! ⠀

🙌 You need time to practice new habtits.⠀

🙌 You need time to screw them up!⠀

🙌 You need time to learn from them!⠀

🙌 You need a few "fresh starts."⠀

🙌 You need time to dig deep!⠀

🙌 You need time to let life happen, all the good and bad!⠀

🙌 You need time to learn to love the grind.⠀

This statement is on repeat with my clients. ⠀

Trust the process and things will fall into place 💕⠀



I am so sad.⠀

A client said to me last week they were mocked by their peers when making efforts to eat healthy. Sigh.⠀

With all of the good work that people are doing, like and , in the health and body positive world I thought (and think) that we are moving in the right direction and yet it feels too slow.⠀

As a coach, I ask myself, what can my clients to in their own world to stand up against this? What can they do to help boost the confidence in their choices? What can they do to feel proud of making a smart choice for THEM?⠀

The answer, as always, lies within. We cannot control other people but we CAN control our reactions to them. ⠀

Hereinlies the power of imagery and mental preparation. Here are a few steps to help you elevate yourself.⠀

1. Mentally prepare yourself with some reactions that work for you, that feel light and easy. These could be:⠀

🌟 Taking a deep breath and letting it truly roll off your shoulders.⠀

🌟 Offering to share⠀

🌟 Saying "I make this choice because it makes me feel great"⠀

🌟Saying "I am not really comfortable discussing my food choices"⠀

The first time might not feel great but the more you practice the more comfortable you will get!
Listen for more tips on using imagery to truly prepare yourself 💗





I am working on a challenge for our family for February that I want to share with you guys. Our grocery bill is getting out of hand!!!! The challenge is to stay under a specific budget. I am trying to land on a number though. I am curious what you spend on your groceries weekly/monthly? How many people do you feed? Do you support any allergies?

Let’s make healthy eating a little more accessible!!!

DM me if you are not comfortable sharing publicly!


Hey friends. I’ve been working hard on getting my clients up and running! Now I’m back and ready to bring you more content.

Tel me, what do you want to know about? What are you trying to change with your health (if anything)? How in the heck can I help you?

Tellllll me all the things 👇


Merry Christmas 🎄

Last day to catch online health coaching at 40% off. Just 74.99/month.

If you are curious DM today, we can chat over the next few days.


Inside the coaching platform.

Daily habit, lesson and workout cards to your email.

Badges for consistency. Progress indicators and surveys.

Creation of YOUR owners manual for easy reference later.

Course archive to review old lessons that you want.

And on and on!

Take a peak 😊


Give yourself the gift of coaching for Christmas!

Below are the coles notes on what you will get:

Daily emails with lessons, habits and workouts
A note from me 2-3 times/week
Video/phone chat once per month

74.99/month. No commitment, cancel any time.

Check out this link for more detailed info:

DM me all your questions to see if this program is for you!

Timeline photos 23/12/2019

Today I cried going through a car wash.⠀

Yup, I cried. I used to be embarrassed by crying randomly, especially when there is no obvious reason. I mean, the car wash did nothing to me lol⠀

But I have moved past that because crying is simply a release of emotion. It could be frustration, anger, sadness, happiness, the options are endless. The truth is, we all have emotions and they need to be released in some way There is no shame in that! ⠀

So I cried, my husband held my hand, we did not even talk about it because he gets it and understands I just need a minute.⠀

Christmas really puts me in a glass case of emotion. Anyone else? ✋⠀

I remember vividly getting the news that my mom was terminal and had less then 6 months with us. It was Christmas Eve. I held it together until I got to my best friends house. ⠀

Since then, Christmas has never been quite the same. There are parts I love of course and these memories, while etched in my mind, will never diminish those parts. I won't let them. ⠀

But there are also lonely parts, sad memories and traditions that I long for. ⠀

If you feel torn about Christmas, that is cool you are not alone! ⠀

I got your back ❤️ 🎄⠀

Timeline photos 20/12/2019

What kind of holiday person are you?⠀

Does your food, exercise and lifestyle habits maintain consistently throughout the hildays?⠀

Does your food, exercise and lifestyle habits look like an epidsode of Big Brother? ⠀

Do you land somewhere in between?⠀

Tell me below 👇⠀

There is no wrong answer here. The only thing you should be thinking about is how you FEEL about your answer. ⠀

If your your answer comes without the cloak of guilt, perfect! ⠀

If your answer comes dripping with guilt and self-depreciating humour, well then we should chat!⠀

There is this fine balance between indulging becuase food and drink is a love language for many people. It brings people together, it builds tradition, it is how people show love. It is MORE then just food and many do not know how to express love or connect unless food is involved!⠀

This time of year is about feeling comfortable with your plan. Do you want to maintain or are you still pushing forward with specific goals? ⠀

The plan could be to not have a plan. You may indulge or even over indulge and not allow the guilt trip to prevail. ⠀

It could mean sticking to 80% full but having indulgent bites of everything.⠀

Whatever you land on, be proud of it!⠀

And if you are still uncomfortable navigating this balance, a coach will help you devise a solid plan and mindset ;) ⠀

Timeline photos 19/12/2019

Do you have a mirror? ⠀

Perfect, go stand in front of it. ⠀

Belt this lyric out, get cute, point at yourself, maybe toss out a wink! ⠀

This Christmas give yourself the gift of YOU! ⠀

What makes your soul smile? ⠀
What calms your nerves? ⠀
What makes you feel sexy? ⠀
What makes you laugh so hard you pee?⠀
What makes you sing in the shower or dance around your house? ⠀

Good. Go do that that! ⠀

If no one has told you this, you deserve it. You deserve to find that spirited, kind, strong, beautiful woman that is in there. ⠀

Let me know below, what will you do for yourself this Christmas? ⠀

Timeline photos 18/12/2019

What will happen when you get to your "ideal" weight?⠀

I mean have you ever truly asked yourself this question?⠀

Many "diets" do not ask you this question, they keep it at weight loss. There is nothing inherently wrong with this but the fact is, any body goals are deeply interwined with other feelings, desires, failures etc.⠀

In fact, I have seen many women who start with a weight loss goal, do not reach their expected weight and are happier then they would have imagined. ⠀

I have seen women reach their weight loss goal and are asking themselves, now what? While they were “successful” at achieving their goal it did not bring that sense of ease and/or fulfillment.⠀

Before you embark on your journey perhaps it is a good idea to ask yourself:⠀

What is GOOD about NOT changing, and what might be BAD about changing?⠀

Because the thing is, there will always be good and bad things about changing (or not changing). ⠀

And that is ALL ok. ⠀

You may not want to give up your Friday night wings and beer. Not changing = wings and beer = good.⠀

Perhaps you’re known as the life of the party and you think that has to change for you to get the body you want. A perceived change in identity = bad, who wants to do that? ⠀

The thing is, there are all these little barriers that exist in our minds. Yet, we shift all the focus to the scale or a pant because it’s easier. But easy does not ignite change. ⠀

Diving into the discomfort is like diving for hidden gems. ⠀

Uncovering these gems could help you find a deeper motivation. ⠀
Uncovering these gems may help you navigate challenges better. ⠀
Uncovering these gems may feel scary and yet also liberating. ⠀
Uncovering these gems is the place where growth lies. ⠀

Let's not pretend that your worthiness lies on a scale.⠀
Let's not pretend that you don't have fears.⠀
Let's not pretend that this path is a simple one.⠀

Find yourself a coach that will dive with you and help you find your gems. Find a coach that will be comfortable through the discomfort. Find a coach that will walk this path with you. ⠀⠀
I love going a little deeper then greens and super foods. If nothing has worked for you in the past and you are looking to go a little deeper then just food, hit me up!



I am so excited to bring online coach to you! If you head to my stories on FB or Instagram I babble on about what is all about but I will lay it out here as best I can!

What you will get with online coaching with me:

Improved body confidence
Improved mental confidence
Letting go of food confusion
Getting off roller coaster diets
Getting active at any level
Ditching food rules
Eat with deprivation

We will work on:

Nutrition habits
Physical activity habits (workouts are included if you want them - at ALL levels)
Stress management
Improving sleep
And on and on.

I enjoy going deep and hope to do that with you to find that uncomfortable but rewarding space where you can see the change you want. It is not just about eating greens!

For a more thorough review check out my coaching page below:

You can also DM or request a phone chat. I am happy to review with you to make sure this program is right for you.

I am taking a VERY limited number of clients so I can ensure every client gets the ongoing support they need.

I am going to offer a Friends & Family intro pricing until December 25th!


Timeline photos 12/12/2019

Give me a ❤️ If you feel this! ⁣⠀
This is what health coaching can do for you. ⁣⠀
It can give you perspective. ⁣⠀
It can give you permission. ⁣⠀
It can validate you. ⁣⠀
It can give you the nudge you need to slow the self criticism. ⁣⠀
While also gently guiding you to where you want to be. ⁣⠀
⁣ ⠀

Nutrition and Fitness for Busy Professionals 11/12/2019

Hey you!

Are you busy? I mean duh, right?! Who isn’t busy these days!

If you need a little reboot or some help getting some extra zzz’s or getting in a quick workout I have got an answer for you!

Ok, I am not going to lie. The truth is there is no magical answer, society is lying to you!

I do have a few tips though. Go check it out here 👇

Nutrition and Fitness for Busy Professionals


Check out my new(ish) website!

Timeline photos 24/11/2019

4 decades of life have passed 🎉

I found 40......weird. ⠀

On one hand I am so grateful.⠀

I smile, thinking how lucky I am that I found the family that is perfect for me.⠀
I smile, remembering we only had a 20% chance of having one baby, let alone two!⠀
I smile, thinking about my lifelong best friends who are truly sisters.⠀
I smile, thinking the about the opportunities I have had.⠀
I smile, thinking about the brothers and sisters I may have never known.⠀
I smile, thinking about the special relationship my mom and I had.⠀
I smile, thinking about my how much joy my family brings me.⠀

On the other hand, the weight of my moms passing is heavier then usual. Time and time again, I am reminded that the grieving process never ends. Every time there is a new reason to celebrate, laugh or cry, I grieve. Every new season, every shift in my being, I grieve.⠀

I grieve for my girls, that they will not know her.⠀
I grieve for my mom, that she will not know my girls.⠀
I grieve for me, that I do not have her voice at the end of a daily phone call. ⠀
I grieve for us, that we cannot share a full heart together over family moments.⠀
I grieve for my grandma, who should not have buried a daughter.⠀
I grieve for my dad, who lost the love of his life.⠀
I grieve that my husband never met her and how funny she would have made him feel ha.⠀
I grieve for her, remembering our conversations that she was not ready to go. ⠀
I grieve for me, that I could not help her.⠀
Most of all I grieve that the world has lost a remarkable laugh.⠀

And here I sit. Both 40 and whole and equally as broken.⠀

Both wistful and grateful knowing my grief represents 25 years of loving, fighting, laughing and everything in between. Knowing that being grateful in the midst of the grief is the best gift I can give her.⠀

Like I said, 40 has been.....weird. So I got a tattoo. An excerpt from my baby book in her hand writing. Reminding me of her truest self, my best trait and what I hope the girls will carry on in our honor.⠀

Videos (show all)

GAME TIME!We all know that words matter but holy heck, that reframe can be haarrdddd.   Today I am going to give you som...
A look inside 👀Today, I decided to give you a look inside of my own health journey.  I hope that it gives a little persp...
A look inside 👀Today, I decided to give you a look inside of my own health journey.  I hope that it gives a little persp...
I am so sad.⠀⠀A client said to me last week they were mocked by their peers when making efforts to eat healthy.  Sigh.⠀⠀...
Merry Christmas 🎄 Last day to catch online health coaching at 40% off.  Just 74.99/month.If you are curious DM today, we...
Inside the coaching platform. Daily habit, lesson and workout cards to your email. Badges for consistency.  Progress ind...
When you smile before you even open your eyes #lifegoals #mindsetmatters