Edgewood Junior High School PTO Videos

Videos by Edgewood Junior High School PTO. The EJHS PTO page serves as a place to find information about upcoming events and fundraisers held a

Gear up for the fall with some awesome new Edgewood apparel! Our official fall spirit-wear sale is open NOW—OCTOBER 31. The sale website is www.tinyurl.com/rbbapparel.

We have selected some amazing items this year and are excited to see our community decked out and showing their school and Edgewood pride. 100% of the proceeds from the sale go back into supporting students and teachers!

Items will be delivered to students the week of November 12—check out the images posted to see the individual items and pricing. Happy shopping!

Other Edgewood Junior High School PTO videos

Gear up for the fall with some awesome new Edgewood apparel! Our official fall spirit-wear sale is open NOW—OCTOBER 31. The sale website is www.tinyurl.com/rbbapparel. We have selected some amazing items this year and are excited to see our community decked out and showing their school and Edgewood pride. 100% of the proceeds from the sale go back into supporting students and teachers! Items will be delivered to students the week of November 12—check out the images posted to see the individual items and pricing. Happy shopping!