Wolfpack RFC

Wolfpack RFC

Getting massive & ripped The Wolfpack RFC is Cape Towns favourite (we hope) social Rugby Team.

Our home is Gardens Rugby Club and we are new to the WP Reserve League. Founded in 2010 by Nick French, we have quickly grown into a dominant force both on the field and off. Proudly unbeaten thus far, we are on top of the log and are working hard to stay there and hopefully win the League this year. This is our first EVER season and we are eternally grateful to all our amazing players, fans, spon

Timeline photos 30/03/2017

Hello lads, it has been a long time!!!! I was hoping to reconnect with the pack and see who is around for a long-over due catch up. Here is a call of support to the pack for our dear friend and coach Andrew Faber;

You might not know that he's been in hospital for the last month. Hepatitis A, jaundice and other complications. He has no medical insurance, no income protection. Like many filmmakers, he lives hand to mouth, and it always seems more important to pay the rent, to put food on the table and pray one never gets sick. Andrew wasn't so lucky. One month of not working, plus a conservative 2-4 month recuperation period for a freelancer means that he and his family are going to be running into some hard times from April.

Coash is sitting in hospital with a rather large hospital bill that he needs to sort out so he can focus on his family. Would you lads be willing to jump in, make some contributions and even look at doing some fund-raisers?

I will happily start the fund with R5,000 to kick start it all. I know everyone is all over, doing their own thing and has their own s**t to worry about. I just thought it would be the right thing to do to give a helping had to our good friend and coach, who took out, 3 days a week, for 2 full seasons to train, support, mentor and support all of us (for nothing except our friendship).

Please feel free to through some ideas into the mix for what you think may be effective ways to raise cash and support for our legendary coach. Golf days, pub quiz, rugby betting pools, get-togethers, boozy lunches or mother flippen pancake sales - ANYTHING that the pack members can help with and do to help us raise the required amount.

Please guys, lets show Andrew our support and be there for him on the sidelines of this challenging time for him and his family.




Cape Town

Opening Hours

Monday 18:15 - 20:30
Tuesday 19:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 18:15 - 20:30
Friday 20:00 - 02:00