Wierdamed Dr Willem Meyer

Wierdamed   Dr Willem Meyer

Wierdamed is an established medical practice in the heart of Wierdapark.


Dear Valued Patients,

We will be open for file collections this Saturday, 7 September between 08:00 AM and 09:00 AM.

Please note❗that your medical records will remain accessible via medical aid apps, laboratories for blood tests, and radiologists for X-rays. Specialists can be contacted directly for any reports. However, the doctor's personal medical notes will not be included.

Rest assured, none of your medical records will be destroyed. All files will be securely stored.

Warm regards,
Dr. Willem Meyer & the Wierdamed Team


We will be open for collections Friday, 30 August between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM for patient file collections.

Please ensure you pick up your records during this time to have them for your personal records.

We want to assure you that your medical care and records will continue to be in safe hands.

🩺Medical Records: Your medical information will still be accessible through most medical aid apps. These platforms ensure that your records are secure and easily available for future consultations.

🩸Blood Tests: Any blood test results you have will remain available at the laboratories where they were performed. Your medical provider can contact the lab directly if you need to access these results.

🩻 X-rays and Radiology Reports: Your X-ray and radiology records will be stored at the radiologist's office. These will be available for any future medical needs.

Warm regards,
Dr. Willem Meyer & the Wierdamed Team


We will be open for collections 30 August from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM for patient file collections.

Please ensure you pick up your records during this time to have them for your personal records.

We want to assure you that your medical care and records will continue to be in safe hands.

🩺Medical Records: Your medical information will still be accessible through most medical aid apps. These platforms ensure that your records are secure and easily available for future consultations.

🩸Blood Tests: Any blood test results you have will remain available at the laboratories where they were performed. Your medical provider can contact the lab directly if you need to access these results.

🩻 X-rays and Radiology Reports: Your X-ray and radiology records will be stored at the radiologist's office. These will be available for any future medical needs.

Warm regards,
Dr. Willem Meyer & the Wierdamed Team


Firstly, we would like to thank all our patients for your understanding and support as we go through the challenging process of closing our doors after 35 years of service.

We want to assure you that none of your medical records will be destroyed. If you would like to collect your records, please email us at [email protected] or [email protected]. We will soon announce two additional dates for record collection in both September and October. These dates will be chosen with your convenience in mind, and we will confirm them as soon as possible.

Please rest assured that your records will still be available to your medical practitioner, who can request them from relevant sources such as Pathology, Radiology, Medical Aid, and Pharmacies.

Kind regards,

The Wierdamed Team


Dear valued patients,

This is a reminder that Wednesday, August 14, 2024 will be the final day to collect your medical records from Wierdamed. We will be open for collections from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Please ensure you pick up your records during this time to have them for your personal records.

We want to assure you that your medical care and records will continue to be in safe hands.

🩺Medical Records: Your medical information will still be accessible through most medical aid apps. These platforms ensure that your records are secure and easily available for future consultations.

🩸Blood Tests: Any blood test results you have will remain available at the laboratories where they were performed. Your medical provider can contact the lab directly if you need to access these results.

🩻 X-rays and Radiology Reports: Your X-ray and radiology records will be stored at the radiologist's office. These will be available for any future medical needs.

Thank you for the trust and support you have shown us over the years. It has been an honor to serve you.

Warm regards,

Dr. Willem Meyer & the Wierdamed Team


We want to assure you that your medical care and records will continue to be in safe hands.

🩺Medical Records: Your medical information will still be accessible through most medical aid apps. These platforms ensure that your records are secure and easily available for future consultations.

🩸Blood Tests: Any blood test results you have will remain available at the laboratories where they were performed. Your medical provider can contact the lab directly if you need to access these results.

🩻 X-rays and Radiology Reports: Your X-ray and radiology records will be stored at the radiologist's office. These will be available for any future medical needs.

We understand that this transition may raise questions or concerns, and we are here to help you through this period. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any inquiries.

Thank you for the trust and support you have shown us over the years. It has been an honor to serve you.

Warm regards,

Dr. Willem Meyer & the Wierdamed Team


Geagte Pasiënte,

Met die aankondiging van Wierdamed se sluiting, wil ons verseker dat die oorgang vir al ons gewaardeerde pasiënte so glad as moontlik verloop.

Indien u u mediese rekords wil afhaal, kontak asseblief ons spreekkamers voor 31 Julie 2024 om 'n geskikte tyd vir afhaal te reël. Ons is hier om u in elke opsig by te staan tydens hierdie oorgang.

📞 Kontakinligting:

Telefoon: 012 653 4117/8
E-pos: [email protected]

Dankie vir u begrip en ondersteuning gedurende hierdie tyd.

Hartlike groete,

Dr. Willem Meyer en die Wierdamed-span


Die Laaste Hoofstuk van Wierdamed.

"'n Onmoontlike taak!

Hoe sluit ek die grootste hoofstuk van my lewe af? Hoe maak ek die deure waardeur my bestaansreg ingekom het 35 jaar gelede agter my toe sonder om ook 'n stuk van my wese daar agter te laat?

Soveel mense het my siel aangeraak, my lewe onbewustelik geslyp en gehelp vorm, en was pasiënt, maar ook vriend en deel van my "Praktyk familie." Ons was al saam deur baie blydskap en hartseer, en ek was uiters bevoorreg om deel te wees van vele se lief en leed. Ons het baie saam gelag en net so baie saam gehuil. Lewensveranderende toestande saam met pasiënte beleef en ook, wat in my oë, wonderwerke was sien plaasvind - wonderwerke wat soms die gees en nie die vlees genees het nie.

Nuwe asempies met groot opgewondenheid in die wêreld help inbring en ook met groot hartseer beleef dat iemand sy laaste asem uitblaas.

Op die 31 Julie 2024 sluit Wierdamed sy deure. Ek tree uit as gevolg van mediese redes en daar bly 'n deel van my wese agter daardie geslote deure. Baie dankie aan almal wat saam met my op hierdie lewenspad gestap het en baie dankie vir die vertroue en lojaliteit wat julle in Wierdamed gestel het gedurende die afgelope 35 jaar. Dit laat my in oorweldigende nederigheid en verwondering staan en laat my met so 'n reuse groot leemte in my wese agter."

Dr. Willem Meyer.

Soos ons afskeid neem, nooi ons jou uit om jou herinneringe en foto's van jou tyd by Wierdamed te deel. Jou ervarings en stories is die hart en siel van ons praktyk, en dit beteken meer vir ons as wat woorde kan uitdruk.

Die Wierdamed Span.


In our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the simple joys that surround us. Whether it's our health, our loved ones, or the small moments of peace in our day, contentment comes from within.

Let’s take a moment today to pause and recognize the abundance in our lives.


Prostate cancer can be effectively treated when caught early.

Here are six early warning signs you should never ignore:

🩺 Frequent Urination – Especially at night.
🩺 Weak or Interrupted Urine Flow – Difficulty starting or stopping.
🩺 Pain or Burning During Urination – Unusual discomfort can be a red flag.
🩺 Blood in Urine or Semen – Any traces should prompt an immediate check-up.
🩺 Erectile Dysfunction – Sudden issues with achieving or maintaining an er****on.
🩺 Discomfort in the Pelvic Area – Persistent pain or pressure.

If you notice any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional right away. Early detection is crucial!


An ECG (Electrocardiogram) is a non-invasive test that monitors the heart's electrical activity to identify any abnormalities. At Wierdamed, we offer comprehensive cardiac care with both resting and stress ECGs.

Resting ECG:

🩺 Performed while you are at rest.
🩺 Electrodes are placed on your chest, arms, and legs to record your heart's activity.
🩺 Helps detect issues like arrhythmias, heart attacks, and other cardiac conditions.

Stress ECG:

🩺 Conducted during physical activity.
🩺 Observes how your heart responds to exercise.
🩺 Aids in diagnosing coronary artery disease, assessing exercise tolerance, and planning treatments.

When and Why You Need an ECG:

🩺 If you're experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeats.
Have a family history of heart disease.
🩺 As part of a pre-operative evaluation.
🩺 For routine check-ups if you're over 40 or have risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

At Wierdamed, our skilled medical team provides accurate testing and detailed analysis, giving you peace of mind and ensuring your heart health.


Exercising with your family can make it even more enjoyable and keep you motivated. Here’s how staying active with your loved ones can transform your health:

🔹 Heart Health: Regular exercise strengthens your heart, improves circulation, and helps lower blood pressure, reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

🔹 Family Bonding: Exercising together can strengthen family bonds, creating lasting memories and promoting teamwork and communication.

🔹 Mental Well-being: Physical activity releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. It can help combat anxiety, depression, and improve overall mental health. Plus, sharing these moments with family can enhance emotional connections.

🔹 Healthy Habits: By exercising together, you set a positive example for your children, instilling healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

🔹 Weight Management: Staying active helps control your weight by burning calories and building muscle, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight for the entire family.

🔹 Diabetes Prevention: Exercise helps control blood sugar levels and can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

🔹 Cancer Risk: Regular physical activity can lower the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colon, and lung cancer.

🔹 Immune Boost: Exercise can give your immune system a boost, helping you fend off illnesses more effectively.

🔹 Fun and Motivation: Family workouts can be fun and diverse, keeping everyone engaged and motivated. From bike rides to hiking and family sports days, the options are endless!

Remember, it's never too late to start! Even small changes, like a daily walk or a weekend hike, can make a big difference.

Your health is your wealth, so let’s get moving and make every step count! 🌿


Prioritize your health and happiness with regular check-ups! 🩺

At Wierdamed, we understand the importance of managing hypertension for a fulfilling life. Take charge of your well-being and schedule your visit today! Let's work together towards a healthier, happier you!


Prevention is better than cure - and one test that can support a road to healthier lifestyles and better health is the Cholesterol/Total Lipogram Screening.

This simple yet crucial test can help you understand your cholesterol levels and identify any potential risks early on. By staying informed, you can make proactive changes to your diet, exercise routine, and overall lifestyle, reducing the risk of heart disease and other health issues.

Remember, knowledge is power, and taking this step today can lead to a healthier tomorrow.


May is Mental Health Month.

In a world where hustle culture often takes center stage, let's take a moment to prioritise something equally important: mental wellbeing.

Each day, we navigate through highs and lows, and sometimes, the weight of it all can feel overwhelming. That's why it's crucial to foster a culture of support and understanding. Whether it's lending an ear to a friend, checking in on loved ones, or simply being kind to strangers, every act of compassion contributes to a brighter, healthier community.

Remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes. Let's normalise conversations around mental health and break the stigma. Together, we can create a safe space where everyone feels valued, heard, and supported.


Soos meeste pasiënte reeds weet, is daar groot veranderinge by die praktyk.

Dr. Visagie het besluit om op kort kennisgewing die praktyk te verlaat. Dit, gepaard met Dr. Meyer se herstel van sy soveelste rugoperasie, het die praktyk bietjie in die knyp gelaat. Ons wens altwee sterkte toe.

Gelukkig is Dr. Mignon du Plessis besig om die fort te hou terwyl ons hard opsoek is na nog 'n dokter wat aan ons hoë standaarde voldoen.

Ons hoop om binnekort die praktyk weer voltyds te beman en dieselfde dienslewering te verskaf waaraan u al gedurende ons 35-jarige bestaan gewoond geraak het.

Wierdamed groete,

Dr. Willem Meyer


🚨 Aandag Pasiënte! 🚨

Let asseblief daarop dat ons praktyk vandag gesluit sal wees. Maar, jou gesondheid is ons prioriteit! Vir enige noodgevalle kan jy kontak maak met die volgende mediese fasiliteite:

🏥 Unitas-hospitaal
📍 Cliftonweg, Lyttelton, Centurion
☎️ Tel: 012 677 8000

🏥 Mediclinic Midstream
📍 H/v Midstream rylaan & Midhill Boulevard, Midstream Estate
☎️ Tel: 012 652 9000


In times of uncertainty, it's the glimmer of hope that guides us through. Amidst the challenges we face, we want to remind you that hope is a powerful force, illuminating even the darkest of days.

✨ Finding Hope in Each Day:
As your dedicated healthcare team, we're here to walk alongside you on your journey towards wellness. We understand that every step forward, no matter how small, is a triumph worth celebrating. Together, we cultivate hope in the face of adversity, knowing that brighter days lie ahead.

🌈 Nurturing Hope for Tomorrow:
Even in the midst of trials, we believe in the promise of tomorrow. Each day presents new opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation. With perseverance and determination, we embrace the hope that fuels our collective journey towards a healthier, happier future.

💖 You Are the Heart of Hope:
Our patients are the heart and soul of everything we do. Your resilience, courage, and unwavering spirit inspire us each day. As we navigate challenges together, let us hold onto hope as our guiding light, propelling us towards brighter horizons.

🤝 Together, We Thrive:
In times of uncertainty, we lean on each other for support and strength. Your trust in us fuels our commitment to providing exceptional care and unwavering support. Together, as a united community, we stand resilient, bound by hope and compassion.

🌟 Embrace Hope, Embrace Healing:
No matter what lies ahead, remember that hope is a beacon of light that shines within each of us. Let it guide you through the darkest nights and lead you towards a future filled with possibility, resilience, and healing.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey. Together, let's continue to embrace hope and write the next chapter of our story, filled with courage, resilience, and unwavering hope.


As we gear up for another flu season, it's crucial to prioritize our health and well-being. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu is by getting vaccinated. 🩹💉

Here's the scoop on the flu vaccine and when's the best time to roll up your sleeve and get it:

Understanding the Flu Vaccine:
The flu vaccine is designed to protect against the influenza viruses that research suggests will be most common during the upcoming season. It's your armor against the flu bug and its potential complications.

Timing is Key:
While it's never too late to get vaccinated, the optimal time to get your flu shot is in the early fall, before flu season kicks into high gear. Getting vaccinated before the flu starts spreading in your community gives your body the best chance to build up immunity.

Why You Shouldn't Delay:
Getting vaccinated not only protects you but also helps safeguard those around you, including those who are more vulnerable to severe flu complications, like young children, older adults, and individuals with certain medical conditions.

Don't let the flu catch you off guard this season.


Let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible gift of good health. In the midst of life's challenges, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care and maintaining a positive outlook.

But here's the thing: your health and happiness are interconnected.

Today, make a commitment to prioritize positivity alongside your health goals. Embrace the power of a positive outlook! Whether it's finding joy in the little things, practicing gratitude, or simply sharing a smile, let positivity be your ally on the journey to well-being.

Reaffirm your dedication to taking care of your health. From regular check-ups to nurturing your body with nutritious foods and staying active, every action you take matters. Empower yourself to make choices that promote wellness and celebrate the progress, no matter how small.

Together, let's cultivate a culture of positivity and wellness. Let's support each other, uplift each other, and inspire each other to live our healthiest, happiest lives.


Oor die naweek het ons die verjaarsdag van ons eie Dr. Meyer gevier, 'n hoeksteen van ons mediese praktyk en 'n baken van kundigheid in die veld!

Dr. Meyer, jou toewyding aan ons pasiënte en jou onwrikbare strewe na uitnemendheid inspireer ons almal elke dag. Jou passie vir gesondheidsorg en jou barmhartige benadering maak jou nie net 'n uitsonderlike dokter nie, maar ook 'n baie spesiale persoon.

Ons wil hierdie oomblik gebruik om ons diepste dankbaarheid uit te spreek vir alles wat jy doen! Dankie!

Mag jou jaar gevul wees met vreugde en wonderlike oomblikke wat jy werklik verdien. Hier is nog 'n jaar van sukses, vervulling en 'n positiewe impak op die lewens van ander!


May your day be filled with kindness, joy, and all the wonderful things life has to offer.


Each day is a fresh chance to make progress, no matter how small the step may seem. Let's take it, embrace it, and celebrate every little victory along the way!


We're happy to announce that Dr. Mignion Du Plessis will be joining our practice for the next few weeks! Dr. Meyer will be undergoing a back operation, and we're grateful to have Dr. Du Plessis stepping in during this time.

Dr. Du Plessis brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our team, and we're confident that our patients will receive the same exceptional care they're accustomed to.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Du Plessis to our practice!


Regular medical check-ups are essential for preventive healthcare, early detection, and overall well-being.

They help in identifying potential health issues before they worsen, monitor and manage chronic conditions, and guide healthy lifestyle practices.

During a check-up, expect your doctor to review your health history, measure blood pressure, conduct blood and urine tests, calculate BMI, perform a physical examination, and recommend cancer screenings and vaccinations based on your age and gender.

Additionally, HIV testing, counselling, and mental health assessments may be included. To prepare, make a list of symptoms, review your medical history, and follow any fasting instructions.

While many medical aids cover annual check-ups, it's best to confirm coverage with your provider. Taking proactive steps towards your health, such as staying active and maintaining a healthy diet, is crucial. Together with your doctor, you can shape a healthier future.


Understanding the HPV vaccine is key. While it shields against many HPV strains linked to cervical cancer, it's crucial to note that it doesn't cover all types. That's why regular screenings remain vital for all women, irrespective of vaccination status, ensuring early detection and prevention.

🔬 Women aged 21 to 29 should prioritize Pap tests every three years. This exam scrutinizes cervical cells for any irregularities.

🔬 From age 30 onwards, the recommendation shifts to a combined Pap and HPV test every five years until 65. This comprehensive approach bolsters accuracy in detecting cervical abnormalities. Alternatively, Pap tests every three years until 65 are also an option.

Additionally, understanding when to get the HPV vaccine is essential. The CDC recommends routine vaccination for girls starting at age 11 or 12. However, it can be administered as early as age 9 and up to age 26 for females who haven't been vaccinated previously or completed the series.

It's crucial to consider individual risk factors too. Those with a history of cervical abnormalities or certain health conditions may require more frequent screenings, tailored to their needs.

By staying informed and proactive about screenings, women can safeguard their health against cervical cancer. Don't hesitate to discuss screening options with your healthcare provider to make informed decisions.


We are passionate about not only treating illness but also promoting overall wellness. Today we want to encourage everyone to prioritize their health by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

Here are a few simple tips to incorporate into your daily routine:

🚶‍♀️ Stay Active: Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Whether it's a brisk walk, yoga session, or a fun workout class, find activities you enjoy and make them a regular part of your schedule.

🍎Eat Nutritious Foods: Fuel your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Remember, a balanced diet is key to maintaining good health.

😴 Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to feel rested and rejuvenated.

🙃 Manage Stress: Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time outdoors.

🩺 Schedule Regular Check-ups: Don't forget to visit your healthcare provider for routine check-ups and screenings. Prevention is key in maintaining good health!

Let's all commit to making healthier choices today and every day. Your health is your greatest asset, so invest in it wisely! 💪


Of jy nou heerlik ontspan saam met jou spesiale persoon of die dag gebruik om liefde te deel met vriende en familie, moenie vergeet om ook 'n bietjie liefde aan jou gesondheid te wys nie!

Want 'n gesonde hart is die beste Valentynsgeskenk wat jy aan jouself kan gee! 💝😊


In a world where cancer touches millions, let's stand together this month to raise awareness, support survivors, and cherish the memories of those we've lost. Together, we wield the power to make a meaningful impact!

💡 Spot the Signs: Early detection is our strongest ally. Take a moment to learn the symptoms and encourage regular check-ups. Knowledge empowers us!

🤗 Community Support: Cancer is a battle not fought alone—it affects families and communities. Extend a helping hand, lend an empathetic ear, and let's fortify each other. Together, we are unbreakable!

🌈 Triumph of Survival: Each survivor's journey is a testament to resilience and courage. Share their stories to inspire hope and celebrate the victories, big and small.

🕊️ Honoring Loved Ones: Let's come together to honor and remember those who bravely faced cancer. Share your tributes, memories, and messages of love—keeping their spirit alive in our hearts.

In our shared commitment to cancer awareness, let's be the driving force for change. Each act of support, every shared survivor story, and every moment of remembrance is a step towards a world where cancer is met with unity and understanding. Thank you for standing strong with us, creating a ripple effect of hope that extends far beyond this month. Together, we are making a meaningful difference.


Regular checkups are more than just appointments; they are your passport to a healthier, happier life!

Here's why you should make that call:

✅ Early Detection, Better Outcomes: Regular checkups empower us to detect potential health issues early on. Early detection means more effective treatment and better overall outcomes.
✅ Preventive Care Matters: Prevention is the cornerstone of good health. Scheduling checkups allows us to address potential concerns before they escalate, reducing the risk of serious health issues.
✅ Monitor Vital Signs: Checkups include monitoring vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate. Keeping an eye on these indicators helps us track your health and identify any changes that need attention.
✅ Build a Trusted Relationship: Scheduling regular checkups allows you to build a trusted relationship with our healthcare team. Open communication is vital for addressing your health concerns effectively.
✅ Peace of Mind: There's incredible peace of mind that comes with knowing you're taking proactive steps towards good health. Regular checkups provide reassurance and help you stay in control of your well-being.

Your health journey starts with a single step.

Wierdamed Family Practice

Wierdamed is an established medical practice in the heart of Wierdapark. Dr. Willem Meyer opened the doors in 1990 and since then has grown in to a well know house hold name in Centurion. Dr Lelanie Visagie joined the team May 2016.

We strive for excellence in every interaction by providing our patients with the best healthcare services they deserve.

We gladly welcome patients of all ages and offer a variety of services to suit your family's needs.

Medical Aids:

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398 Theuns Van Niekerk Street. Wierdapark