Integrow Health

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1. Make the customer happy;
2. Keep the customer happy.

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Our Green Week Sale has started!

Get 20% off selected products, here:

Only till stocks last!


Snake Oil Anyone?

Our Green Week Special is on for a little more than a day!
Don't miss out! Go to now!

Today's spotlight products: Fish Oil, Super Omega 3 & Complete E.

The benefits of fish oil have been studied for decades. There are literally more than ten thousand studies published on fish oil and its major beneficial component, omega-3. There is no way we can list all the benefits here, but we will highlight some of the more exciting ones.

Key Points
1. Heart
Improved blood lipid levels (higher HDL, lower LDL, lower triglycerides)
Reduced blood pressure
Plaque prevention

2. Mind and Mood
Improves depression scores
Improves symptoms of ADD and ADHD
May fight psychosis, schizophrenia & bipolar disorder
Improves memory, fights dementia

3. Eyes
May help with macular degeneration

4. Inflammation
Reduces joint pain

5. Skin
May help in dermatitis and psoriasis

6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Essential for fetal development
Improves IQ long-term

7. Liver
Reduces liver fat

8. Lungs & Respiration
Reduces asthma symptoms
Reduces risk of allergies (if taken during pregnancy & breastfeeding)

9. Bones
Improves Bone Mineral Density (BMD)

Our Super Omega-3 is a more concentrated form of the actives found in our Fish Oil product. If you don't suffer from any underlying / chronic diseases, then Fish Oil will be enough for you. If you are pregnant or suffer from a chronic disease, rather go for the Super Omega-3.

Complete E

Vitamin E has been known to science for about a century. However, we're only now discovering many of the potent health benefits of this often forgotten vitamin. It is important to vision, reproduction, and the health of blood, brain and skin. Vitamin E also has antioxidant properties.

The first thing to know about Vitamin E is that there are 8 sub-types of it. These 8 sub-types are grouped into 2 groups of 4 each: The tocopherols and the tocotrienols. It is becoming clear that each of these has a slightly different action and function in the body. When it comes to Vitamin E, balance is key.

This is why we are offering our Complete E, with all 8 sub-types included, all from natural sources (the vitamin E sold in shops is mostly synthetic, not natural).

Key Points:

1. Skin
Nourishes the skin
Improves wound healing
Prevents skin cancer
Reduces itching
Improves eczema
Improves psoriasis
Reduces scarring
Lightens skin blemishes
Reduces wrinkles
Prevents sunburn
Improves nail health
Removes warts

2. Eyes
Fights muscular degeneration

3. Liver
Removes fat from the liver

4. Brain & Mind
Fights dementia

5. Antioxidant
Reduces oxidative stress

6. Heart
Fights heart disease

8. Female reproduction
Improves fertility
Reduces dysmenorrhea
Fights menopausal symptoms

9. Male reproduction
Improves fertility
Reverses ding d**g failure / spike protein slump

10. Lungs
Reduces asthma symptoms

Order now at



Do you have a brain?
If you do, read this!

Brain, mind and mood are top of mind for most people nowadays. With the average age of the population increasing and with a lot of people living longer than the previous generations, more people have to face the challenge of diminished brain function.

How can age-induced brain impairment be halted or reversed?

Beyond that, many younger folk are finding it increasingly harder to cope with the stresses of daily life. Being mentally alert has become a survival skill, a non-negotiable feature of the 21st century.

Brain, mind and mood are interlinked. You cannot suffer in the one area without suffering in the others. Conversely, if you help one area, the other areas are also helped. Supplements play a major role in keeping the brain healthy, and this has knock-on effects for both mind and mood.

So let's see what Integrow Health has to offer your brain this Green Week (and let's keep things alphabetical):

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
We dealt with ALA yesterday. It helps improve all aspects of brain functioning. Dosage is 1-3 capsules / day (depending on severity of brain impairment).

Our Brain-Mag contains Magnesium-L-Threonate. This amino acid complex with magnesium is the only form of magnesium known to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is an important mechanism protecting the brain against harmful toxins, but it can also make it harder for good stuff, like magnesium, to enter.
By increasing magnesium levels inside the brain, Brain-Mag helps improve sleep and calmness (via increased GABA production, which requires magnesium). It may also play a role in improving symptoms of various psychiatric disorders such as panic attacks, anxiety, depression, bipolar and schizophrenia. While no clinical trials have been done to prove these psychiatric benefits, all fingers point to magnesium deficiency as a key role player in the development of all types of mental disorders.
A small 2015 trial in 44 patients showed that Magnesium-L-Threonate improved all aspects of brain function that were tested (over a 12 week period). The dosage given was equivalent to 3 capsules of Brain-Mag daily. A number of other studies have shown that higher levels of magnesium intake are linked to drastically lower risks for dementia and other brain disorders.
Dosage: 1-4 capsules daily, depending on the severity of the condition being treated. It is recommended to take the full dosage before lunch, since it may interfere with sleep if taken later in the day. However, some people report sleeping better when taking it at night.

Cancer Bush
This traditional African remedy with a thousand uses also has potent benefits in burn-out and grief. In both these cases, it produces a deep sense of calm. It helps people to cope with grief without numbing their emotions. In the case of burn-out, it brings back self-motivation.
Dosage is 2 tablets daily.

Complete E
We will deal with Complete E in greater detail on Thursday. In brief, Vitamin E is essential to good brain functioning by preventing / lowering brain inflammation. Inflammation lies at the root of many mental disorders, as well as conditions such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Vitamin E has been shown to reduce depression scores and symptoms of attention deficit as well as hyperactivity.
Dosage: 1-2 softgels daily, with food

Doc Frank's Mega D3
The importance of Vitamin D3 for the brain cannot be overstated. It helps with the absorption fo magnesium, it increases the production of key chemicals involved in brain repair, it reduces inflammation (in the brain and elsewhere) and it stabilises neuronal membranes (= reduces epileptic and migraine attacks).
The ideal dosage per day varies from person to person. According to most recent studies, a daily Vitamin D3 intake of 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily is optimal.
In theory, it is possible to get this from sun exposure, but few of us spend enough (naked) time in the sun to make this feasible (rumours that Sandy Bay is opening a mobile office hub are, apparently, false). For the vast majority of us office denizens, supplementation is the only way to get enough Vitamin D3.
It is recommended that you get your Vitamin D3 levels tested at least twice in the first year of supplementing with Vitamin D3, thereafter once a year. Your target is a blood level of 80 ng/ml. Most people not supplementing with D3 clock in around 20 ng/ml or lower. The lab is usually OK with this level, but this level is not based on good science at all. In fact, there has been a concerted effort to retract all articles in the literature that show the benefits of higher blood levels of D3. Go figure.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule Mega D3 per week, with food. If you have a chronic underlying condition, you may need 2 capsules a week (e.g., one on Monday, one on Thursday). Remember to test your levels 3 months after beginning supplementation, then adjust your dose according to the results.

Elexoma Medic (Complete System)
The Elexoma Medic is a digital device for mental health. It uses a technology known as CES (cranial electrotherapy stimulation) or tACS (transcranial alternating current stimulation) to increase energy levels in the brain. In clinical trials, CES was much more potent than modern antidepressants in treating depression.
CES works in each and every brain disorder, since all of these are due to energy imbalances within the brain.
The Elexoma Medic is available at 25% discount this week and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. It is also useful in the treatment of insomnia and chronic pain.
Order it via Integrow's Green Week portal, but read up more at

Fish Oil and Super Omega-3
We will deal with these in greater detail on Thursday, but omega-3 is a crucial element in healthy brain functioning. Studies show that fish oil / omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy improves the IQ of children for a decade after birth. That is but one aspect of the brain healthy benefits of fish oil. By reducing inflammation in the brain, it helps will all manner of brain and mental disorders.
Fish Oil: Take 2-4 softgels daily, with food.
Super Omega-3: Take 1-2 softgels daily, with food

Green Immune
Green Immune is our specially formulated, multi-purpose low dose cannabis oil. One spray below the tongue delivers 4.5 mg oil in a balanced mix of cannabinoids. Trials have shown the benefit of this low dose, taken at bedtime, to improve brain functioning, including insomnia, dementia, depression, anxiety and more.
It may also be helpful in essential tremor or Parkinson's disease (it works in about a third of such cases).
It works via numerous pathways, many of which are not fully understood. By calming the mood, it helps conserve the brain's energy balance. By reducing inflammation, it prevents brain damage. By promoting chemicals essential for brain repair, it helps restore normal brain function.

Hydrogen Water Generator
We have two versions of this on sale, as well as the filter stone replacement part. The latter needs to be replaced about once a year. Since we only get these generators in once a year, it's a good idea to stock up on a filter stone (for the 1.6 L jugs, not for the 500 ml cups).
Hydrogen as medicine has been around for a very long time – even before the first kid swallowed hydrogen from a party balloon to make his voice sound funny.
Its main power lies in the way it alkalinises the body. If you have a smidgeon of high school chemistry, you will know that the Hydrogen ion (H+) is responsible for the acidity of a liquid. Hydrogen gas (H2) is able to act as a buffer to H+, meaning it cancels out the acidity.
Since the majority of human ailments have an acid component (either in the cause or the maintenance), lowering acidity is important to regain health.
Nearly 40 studies have so far been done in cancer, showing the power of hydrogen gas in reversing cancer growth.
There are literally hundreds of papers published on the use of hydrogen therapy in auto-immune diseases, dementia, kidney disease, infections, etc etc.
Talking brain: A recently published study showed that hydrogen as gas and dissolved in water) significantly mitigated the effects of alcohol on the brain (Reference). This is not an excuse for you to drink more. Alcohol in this study was simply an agent that reduced brain functioning. The point is that hydrogen reverses such damage (and it will do so regardless of the cause).
Our 1.6 L hydrogen jugs can produce magnetised / linear / hexagonal water as well as hydrogen water. It is advised to magnetise the water first, and then to hydrogenate it. Magnetic water is able to enter cells much faster / better than normal tap / bottled water. A well hydrated cell is much more able to survive the strains of living.
Our 500 ml cup has a rechargeable battery (charge from USB port anywhere). This means you can have hydrogen water wherever you go. Since hydrogen evaporates from water pretty quickly, it is best to drink the water as soon as it is hydrogenated. Your portable hydrogen cup can make up to 20 cups of hydrogen water on a single charge. The 500 ml version does not produce magnetised water.

Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum)
Kanna is an ancient Khoi remedy with a most profound effect on anxiety and mood. It does this without affecting the brain's normal functioning. As such, it is great for use by students studying or writing exams, or people in high stress jobs. If taken at night, it can help with a deep night's sleep. It can be given to pets while travelling to keep them calm.
There are no serious side effects reported, not even in massive overdose (trust students to push the boundaries on this one).
It also gives pleasing results in attention deficit.
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules daily, with or without food. If using 2 capsules, take them ~12 hours apart for the best effect. Safe in adults and children

Melatonin 12 mg
This is a once-off imported product. The benefits of melatonin on sleep have long been touted, but more and more benefits are becoming known.
Melatonin also provides the brain with the feel-good hormone serotonin, meaning it leads to better mood.
This product provides 12 mg melatonin in a quick dissolve tablet. Let it melt in your mouth before swallowing it down. This is the highest dose available in South Africa and we only have 20 bottles of 180 tablets left. We're not likely to get this product back in stock soon.
Brain benefits:
Improved mood
Boosts memory
Reverses dementia
It is also used (in doses as high as 180 mg / day) to treat / prevent cancer.

The original and best true-blue brain food. It helps detoxify the brain, reverses dementia, improves mood, reduces inflammation.
Dosage: 3 gram / day or more if you want / need. It is safe, even at much higher doses.

Lithium orotate is the active ingredient here. It is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and thus nourish the brain. Around the world, studies have shown that areas with high levels of lithium in the drinking water have lower levels of violent death and su***de. In fact, the correlation goes further: the higher the levels of lithium, the lower the levels of violent death and su***de – and vice versa.
Since we're all drinking purified water nowadays, we're all lithium deficient (and it shows in our driving).
A recent study showed that a dose of lithium as low as 20 mg (given as 500 mg lithium orotate) reversed even advanced dementia (Reference).
Key Points:
Memory loss
Anger management
Bipolar depression
Major depression

Go to to order now!



A is for Alha-lipoic Acid (or ALA for short)
Relatively few people have heard of ALA. Still, it is an all-round good-for-everything powerhouse supplement. Think of it as the garbage remover – humble, yet versatile and important for optimal health.

Key Points:
* Weight loss (mild)
* Anti-diabetic
* Anti-oxidant
* Reduces inflammation
* Rejuvenates tissues
* Improves brain & nerve health
* Improves heart health

Antioxidant: ALA is best known for its action as a powerful antioxidant. In other words, it protects the cell from being damaged by the waste products of energy production. Uniquely, it is both water and fat-soluble, meaning it can easily reach wherever it needs to be in the body.

Rejuvenation: Study after study shows how good ALA is in helping the body heal itself. In any form of organ damage, it seems to act like a reset button, returning cells to a much healthier, more youthful state. Even in cases of organ failure, ALA is often able to halt and even reverse the damage.
This sounds too good to be true, not so? After all, if we discovered the reset button, wouldn't we all be using it? Who wants to be sick and old anyway? Think cirrhosis (liver), COPD (lungs), heart failure, kidney failure, dementia (brain).
No matter how tough the rebuilding task, ALA gets going to repair the damage.

Anti-diabetic: ALA sensitizes cells to the effects of insulin. In plain language, it helps reverse Type 2 diabetes. As if that is not enough reason for diabetics to use ALA, it also deals with diabetic nerve damage. Diabetics often suffer from a painful nerve condition known as "peripheral neuropathy". It's caused by damage to the tiny nerve fibres that supply the skin and limbs, where oxygen is less abundant than closer to the heart. That explains the "peripheral" in the name. Many studies have shown the amazing benefit of ALA for this condition.
Dosages in these conditions range from 1 to 3 x 250 mg capsules daily, depending on the severity of the disease. The usual recommended dose ranges from 200 to 600 mg / day. The maximum recommended daily dose is 2,400 mg.
Together with high doses of Vit D3 and Vit B1, ALA (3 x 250 mg daily) helps the nerves to absorb more glucose and oxygen, while cleaning up excess waste products. This shift stops the nerves from sending out distress signals (which the brain interprets as pain signals).
The same mechanism of action is at work in the way ALA relieves fibromyalgia pains (where we recommend the addition of VLDN / Very Low Dose Naltrexone for even better results).

But wait, there's even more…

Autoimmunity: "ALA … not only acts as a powerful antioxidant, but also is able to regulate the immune system in either direct or indirect ways. Studies reviewed suggest that ALA is used to treat autoimmune diseases including SLE, RA, and primary vasculitis as well as MS." (Reference)
ALA (3 x 250 mg daily) is critical in getting the upper hand in cases of auto-immune diseases.

And that's STILL not all.

Cancer: In conjunction with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), it has shown truly remarkable results in halting or reversing cancer growth.
Generally speaking, dosage is best before meals, on an empty stomach, but if you take it with food, it will still work, if not quite as well.
"Doc Frank's ALA" has a special trick built into the formulation. By adding a dash of black pepper extract, the amount of ALA absorbed after oral dosing is much higher than is otherwise the case. While we were not able to measure the exact increase in absorption (those tests cost more than politicians steal in a year), a review of studies suggests that black pepper extract likely boosts the absorption between 20% and 50%. In other words, every one of our 250 mg capsules is money well spent!

Get 25% off automatically on all the products on this page, including ALA:

Green Week Sale 21/11/2022

Our annual Green Week sale is now on!

Green Week Sale Our annual Green Week Sale is here!


Free shipping on orders over R1500.


Our brand new premises at Carmel Guest Farm! Long may it last (this time)!


With the (unofficial) fifth wave of COVID-19 ¾ now (unofficially) over, and all the silly regulations now (officially) over, we can breathe a (maskless) sigh of relief and focus on some more immediate health concerns. You know, like lead poisoning (from bullets), iron poisoning (from minibus taxis) and the usual barrage of flu, cold and other assorted critters (Ebola, anyone?).

Living in fear of infection or illness is most certainly not the way life was intended to be. A mere 2½ years ago, we (the citizens of the free world) took for granted the idea of looking after our own health. We took it for granted that a cold or a flu was no reason for a (dem)panic. WHO knew what would happen next? It is time we took back the "old normal". IOW, looking life straight in the eyes and taking everything it offers - both good and bad - with both hands.

Blaming others for your ill health / ill fortune / ill temper is soooo 21st century. Blame takes the power right out of your own hands, the power to do something about the s(h)ituation. After all, hey, you can't control all those other people / forces, can you? So you sit / self-isolate / social distance in your little corner and cry into your mask.

"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper."
- "The Hollow Men", TS Eliot (1925)

That was written nearly a century ago and seems eerily prophetic (and how sexist & gender-insensitive of Eliot to talk of "men" instead of "humans" or "beings" or "its"). But let's buck the trend… Now is NOT a time for hollow whipering. Now is the time for boldness and courage: Taking full responsibility for our own beliefs, actions and consequences.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.
- Henry Stanley Haskins (often misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson)

There is the antidote to hollowness in a nutshell: Boldly bringing into the light what lies buried inside of us. It is the miracle of the seed germinating into new life.

The world needs the miracles only YOU can bring out from inside you. The life inside each one of us is the greatest miracle we will ever receive. Cherish it, yes, but more importantly, use your inner candle to light other candles. You have the power to bring hope and beauty into the lives of others.

A miracle breaks impossible odds. Right now, it may seem impossible to be happy, generous, kind or loving. But each of these is a choide. You have the power to break the odds. All that is needed, is the courage to reach out.

Some cynics say the South African anthem is, "It wasn't me!" Blame-shifting is our national sport. Yet our anthem actually is "Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika" - God bless Africa. It is both a prayer and a blueprint. You cannot pray for blessing (on an entire continent, nogal) without being willing to be a channel for that blessing to flow.

Modern medicine is based on distrust. That's what you get when relationship flies out the window. Building credibility and trust requires the human touch. Yes, science adds credibility, but without the human touch coming first, trust can't be established via scientific publications alone. The spate of fraudulent articles published in recent times further undermined trust in modern medicine. The beast is hollow all the way down.

Life is risky. It always was and it always will be. Take the risk! Reach out and touch lives around you. Show generosity, compassion, love - that is radical. Be bold and courageous. Take the knocks and spills with the joys and thrills. Forget what lies behind. Do not fear what lies ahead. Show that you are solid to the core, a rock that others can rely on, a candle in the dark.

Bring it on!

Green Week - Integrow Health (Pty) Ltd 23/11/2021

Our famous GREEN WEEK starts NOW!

Until Sunday, 28 November, you can enjoy some amazing specials.

Not only can you save tons of money on products this week, you can also get FREE SHIPPING if your basket size (after discounts) is greater than R1000.

Note: All these specials are applied AUTOMATICALLY. You don't have to add a code or anything. Simply add the products you want to your cart and the computer will do the rest.

Our T's & C's are listed at the very end of this post.

To your health!

The Team at Integrow Health


Marked down 80%
"Women's Waterworks" booklet
At-home training to relieve symptoms of urinary incontinence. 64 pages.
Was R80, now R16. You save R64!

Keep your leg muscles moving while you're sitting at your desk.
Was R119, now R23.50. You save R95.50!

Buy 1, get 1 free
Description: For every one unit you buy, we add one free unit to your cart. In other words, if you buy three units, we will add three free units to your cart.
•Spirulina 180 tablets
•D-Ribose 120g powder

Buy 1 (or more) and get 1 free
Description: Buy one or more of these items and we will add one (and only one) free unit to your cart. In other words, if you buy three, we will add one free unit to your cart.
•Spirulina 500 mg x 1000 tablets
•Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Buy 2 and get 1 free
Description: For every two units you buy, we add one free unit to your cart. In other words, if you buy three, we will add one free unit to your cart. If you order four, we will add two free units to your cart, etc.
•MgO (240 mg Magnesium / capsule) x 30 capsules
•Re-Mind (10 mg Lithium orotate / capsule) x 60 capsules
•Brain-Mag x 30 capsules
•Kanna (150 mg Sceletium tortuosum herb / capsule) x 60 capsules

Buy 2 (or more) and get 1 free
Description: Buy two or more of these items and we will add one (and only one) free unit to your cart. In other words, if you buy only one unit, you get no free units. If you buy three units, we will add one free unit to your cart.
•Sutherlandia (Cancer Bush) 500 mg x 60 tablets
•Mega D3 50,000 IU / capsule x 30 capsules
•Bulk MgO (240 mg Magnesium / capsule) x 120 capsules

Buy one unit of one product, get one unit of something else for free
Description: For every one unit of these items you buy, we will add one free unit of something else to your cart (the two products are complementary, one supports the function of the other). In other words, if you buy three units of Brain-Mag 120 capsules, you will get three units of Re-Mind 60 capsules free.
•Brain-Mag x 120 capsules & Re-Mind x 60 capsules
•Spirulina 600 mg x 500 capsules & Sutherlandia 500 mg x 60 tablets

Here is the link:

PS: If you struggle placing your order, don't panic. Just email [email protected] , explain your problem, and a staff member will assist. We're here to help you. You can also phone 087-135 1042 and leave a message.

Terms and conditions

•Special only valid till 23.59 (South Africa Time) of Sunday, 28 November 2021
•Orders with a basket total of more than R1000 (after discount is applied) qualify for FREE SHIPPING
•Delivery within South Africa only
•Allow five to seven business days for delivery. Please be patient.
•Every day's orders must be paid within one business day of being placed, or they will be cancelled. Email us a proof of payment to avoid your order being cancelled.
•No limit on the number of units a client may purchase.
•Specials are subject to stock levels. In the unlikely event of us running out of stock, you will be refunded.
•Orders are shipped on a First In, First Out basis. Order early each day to avoid disappointment.
•We're trying to have fun. Don't take things too seriously. Forgive us when we make mistakes. We're going the extra mile to make (and keep) everyone happy, but we're not perfect (yet).
•On 1 December, we will adjust the pricing of many of our products to reflect "inflationary pressures". Order now to avoid nasty surprises!

Green Week - Integrow Health (Pty) Ltd Integrow Health (Pty) Ltd PO Box 4075 George East, 6539 South Africa Tel: 087-135 1042 Fax: 086-618 0171 VAT 494 019 5664 087-135 1042


FREE SHIPPING on all South African orders till end November 2021!


Our new premises at 13 Doneraile Street, George

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in George?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


Old Schoolhouse, Carmel Guest Farm, Victoria Bay

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00

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