
We are Meta, a Google ads & content marketing strategy agency that helps business owners succeed. We are in a recession and marketing is broken.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Business is bad and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I looked at the marketing industry and saw that business is bad there as well…if they get you, customers, their business should be booming in a recession. Here is the problem. Conventional marketing does not have a tangible ROI. You can’t see what triggered the customer to act and convert from


Shiny Object Syndrome is real
Shiny objects might catch your eye, but if your content and strategy aren't clicking in one social media platform, chances are they won't work elsewhere either.

So here's the golden ticket: Nail your messaging, focus on a sustainable social media strategy, embrace data points, and serve up top-notch content. Trust me, growth will follow at warp speed! 🚀🫶 and i promise you that it will feel a lot easier than what it is right now!

SHARE THIS wisdom and dive into the discussion below. Questions or thoughts? Lay 'em on us!


Starting doing the work, the real work,

stop going to the cafe to get inspired,

but rather go back to the plan and execute the plan.

You will for sure see the difference in your business and your personal life.

Photos from Ymbued's post 08/07/2023

Facebook ads metrics to track for direct offer campaigns & Lead generation campaigns": These are the measurements and statistics that provide insights into your ad performance. Examples include click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and cost per result. Each metric offers valuable information about how your ads are performing and can help guide your optimization strategies. Did we miss anything?


Are you struggling with planning your business goals or even personal goals? Instead of planning for three months at a time, consider taking it easy and steady by planning monthly.

This approach allows you to assign yourself tasks that directly contribute to your monthly goals, ensuring that you focus on what your business needs rather than just what it wants."

Too often, we fall into the trap of having multiple tabs open, making it seem like we're getting work done, when in reality, we're just wasting time.

Or we spend countless hours on chat GPT instead of actively selling ourselves to our dream customers. By planning monthly and breaking it down into weekly and daily goals that align with your bigger monthly goal, you'll be able to stay focused and productive.

For instance, if your target is to make sales worth R200,000, break it down into how much you need to make each week, and further into daily goals that all contribute towards that R200,000 target.

This way, every task you assign yourself will have a clear purpose in achieving your overall sales goal. With a structured approach, you'll be able to track your progress, stay motivated, and drive tangible results for your business.

● Plan monthly instead of quarterly for better focus and productivity.

● Break down monthly goals into weekly and daily goals for clarity and alignment.

● Ensure all tasks contribute towards the bigger monthly goal.
Stay focused, motivated, and track your progress for success.

We hope you will have fun with planning and achieving those goals.


Business Builders, Business Builders, Business Builders...✨

When we talk about scaling a business and watching a business grow to new heights, one thing we have heard and has stuck like a bad taste in our mouth is when business builders say that they don't need to market their business because word of mouth would do that for them😟😭

Even typing that makes us want to tear up.

What those business builders don't know is that, such type of thinking is a lethal disease that is going to eat away at their business like an insidious worm.🐛

Don't get us wrong, word of mouth is amazing as it let's you know that your product/service is doing well and solving people's problems but it has no indicative value of how it has helped your business like running ads does. If you put in R2 you can expect a R4 return on investment that can be quantified and then duplicated.💪🏿

You can't rely on word of mouth to increase your cash flow and to get you to different branches.

If you thought that it could, sad to say that your business will be out of business within 3 years and your cash flow would have depleted.

Don't let that be the future for your business that you have put your blood, heart and sweat into.🧐

Tell us in the comments what you think of word of mouth.😌


Dare to grab the day by the horns and ride it into the sunset?✨

Dare to build your business no matter what you have to chew and grind your teeth to achieve? Then, by all means, wrestle and chew on this:
🧩 Sell yourself to your dream client each and everyday.
You have to make a conscious decision that soon becomes an unconscious habit of selling yourself to those you believe will become more for your business. It is no longer a secret that people don't buy the product but buy why you sell said product. Become the number one salesperson for your brand conscientiously and watch your dream clients, suppliers, and collaboration requests flock to you like dehydrated Animalia to a watering hole😎

🧩 Learn more about your dream client each day.
Next-generation moves is to spend time where dream clients are inhabiting. Why is the move next-generation, because rarely do other business builders spend the time knowing who they are trying to sell to intimately. They do their research when they start off and that is that pat on the shoulder and call it a day. But the world and the people are evolving and to make it, one needs to keep fingers on the beating pulse of those who bring the bacon to their tables.

*mmmm bacon*

Spend time in their Facebook groups, on Reddit and on any other backyard-tunnel extravaganza where you can find out what they are talking about, looking at or what is catching their interest. Then use that information to craft an offer that they simply can't resist.

Sounds simple as hell but surprisingly so few business builders utilize such easy go-to methods.

Do not be like them.

Do better and see better results in your business.

Now, who is ready to grab the day by the horns and start making others weep in jealousy?😀 I know we are.


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

It's Monday again and that means a new start to the week ahead ☀️

That means if you hadn't gotten something done last week, it's a whole perspective that is coming your way😎

Embrace it and search for new ways to combat old problems: in your life and in your business. You GOT this.💪🏿

Now who is ready to conquer this week? Coz we know we ready too.😌😌 So who is with us?


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

It's a new month so new goals need to be set in place.💪🏿

There is only 5 months til the end of the year so let's push and make it the ending with a BANG!!‼️

Who is with us?


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Did you know that today is national sleepy head day😴?? This quirky Finnish tradition began in the medieval period to wash off the evil of laziness.

So let's take a page from the Finnish tradition and not sleep on a chance to get new customers for your business.

And lucky for you all, we are to help with some tips. This is part one.😬 So more will be coming.

🔸 Firstly, get to know who you are selling to intimately and with such knowledge, you can craft an irresistible offer that they won't be able to resist. Our client avatar workbook will be of some use to you here😉. Link in our bio.

🔸 Choose the source of the traffic to reach this target audience. Use FB Ads or IG Ads if you are targeting a cold audience, if your target audience is a hot lead(this👌🏿 not 🥵)😂 and ready to buy/ hunt for what you are offering then Google Ads are your best bet. LinkedIn Ads are best for B2B businesses and not products.

We hope we have given you a starting point. 😉 Look forward to part 2... coming soon.

We shall be back with more tips to help your business grow.🤞🏿 Tell us in the comments any other tips that you would want us to touch on.😁


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

When Mark Zuckerberg was creating Facebook, he was not thinking of how to make money but wanted to solve the lack of connection between people who were far from each other. He solved the issue of the disconnect between family and friends (and now even maybe weirdos😬😬)

When Thomas Edison was creating the lightbulb he didn't think of how he was going to get money(he might have thought about it though😗) but he was trying to solve a light💡 issue.

Do you see where we are heading?🫣🙃

If you are directing all your energy towards looking for, and chasing that hard-cold cash, your business will not grow. True business growth comes from solving people's problems.😌😌

And you can only solve those problems when you know exactly what their issues are. When you know your target audience's pain points. And once you tune into that, the sky is the limit.👌🏿

If you want to take the first step to understand your dream/target audience in order for you to solve their problems.

Download our free pdf that will help you to truly understand your ideal client.

Link in our bio


Hey Big Dreamers,✨✨

Building trust is the beginning step to a beautiful relationship.🤞🏿

We at Ymbued understand THAT at our core and that is why we try by all means possible to give you guys all the tools needed in order to take those first steps to your business dream goals.

One thing we know for sure is that trust comes from knowing who you are speaking to and understanding what they need.

We made all that possible (knowing and understanding your ideal client😌) with a nifty pdf that is entitled The Ymbued Client Avatar Workbook.

Get your free copy by following the link in our bio.🤩

If you like what you read and would love some help to implement, book a free 30-minute strategy call with us.👌🏿


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Today, we are going to be sharing how Instagram is expanding the ways creators can earn money on both its platform as well as on Facebook. All these new technologies will help creators or small business owners as the metaverse is being built.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

✅First things first, the Creator marketplace: Branded content is a multi-billion dollar on Instagram. It is how a lot of creators make money all around the world. The creator marketplace is a new space within the app where creators can find brands and brands can find creators and look for opportunities to work together. Creators will be able to indicate the brands and topics they’re interested in making branded content for, discover opportunities to partner with vetted brands and manage their brand deals without ever leaving the app. This means that small business owners can find creators that are about the same vision as their brand and be easier for collaborations to occur.

✅ The second update is improvements to reels; It has been possible to post reels on Instagram and to make them eligible to show up on Facebook for a while. The new update is the ability to proactively cross-post your reels to Facebook. It is a small but important distinction that allows you to be eligible for all the creator monetization tools that Facebook offers, specifically overlay ads and Facebook bonuses. For example, if you are running a promotion on Instagram, you can cross-post it on Facebook with real live action to get as much traction as possible.

✅Lastly, no fees for all these creator monetization tools that are mentioned in this post, and for the whole Instagram suite of tools. The no fees policy shall be extended by Instagram to the end of 2023.

We hope this helps you to start planning how YOU can monetize on Instagram and Facebook.

Which update is your favourite? Let us know in the comments.🔆


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

We all know these cliched motivations:
🍋 When life gives you lemons, make some lemonade.
🍋When life gives you lemons, ask it why it is giving you those. Did you ask for lemons? We believe not.
🍋 When life gives you lemons, sq**rt some in their eyes.🫣

All cliched motivations aside. The main point of most if not all of them is that YOU need to do something to change the situation that you have been handed.

And honestly, what is a better time than now to do so? If you always look for a better time, you will turn grey and probably die before you even take a step.

So don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.- stole that quote😬😬

Take it a day at a time and FIGHT. No better time than NOW to start.

Who is with us??? 💪🏿

Tag your partner in crime who you want to go on this journey of change with.


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Increasing online sales is the primary goal of countless businesses, large and small alike. Thus, doing it is a little like bowling a strike – it looks a lot easier than it actually is.

Fortunately, there are dozens of ways you can make more sales online, many of which you can implement right away. Because we are such amazing people, we wanted to share 3 of our favourite tips to do just that.😉

✅The first one is to get more ad clicks with ad extensions.
If you’re selling stuff online, ad extensions are a no-brainer – this feature (available in both AdWords and Bing) allows you to make your ad bigger with more places to click. And it doesn’t cost any extra! AND it increases your ad’s click-through rate! Amazing, right?
We thought so too.

✅The second one is to show off customer testimonials and trust signals.
Customer feedback has never been more important in today's social media environment. Fortunately, this means that your satisfied customers can provide you with one of the most valuable weapons in your arsenal – testimonials. There are few things more persuasive than gushing testimonials and reviews from your most ardent brand advocates. Make sure you include gushing testimonials and reviews from your most ardent brand evangelists extolling how wonderful you are.

✅The third and last tip is to create a sense of urgency.
It’s important, to be honest, and transparent about who you are and what you do, but there’s no rule against creating a sense of urgency to persuade prospects to buy from you right now.
From time-sensitive promotions to limited-edition products, consumers are attracted to incentives that create a sense of urgency. There are a variety of ways to achieve this, but some strategies may be more effective than others. Maybe you could provide a financial incentive to customers who commit to purchase immediately, such as free shipping or a discount, if you can't (or don't want to) make a limited-edition product to entice prospects.

We hope that these tips come in handy. Let us know which one you want to utilise first.


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Every day is a wonderful challenge. 🤞🏿
Every day you need to challenge the YOU of the day before.

No one is going to come and save you. That just means that the opportunity and the way to save yourself are within YOUR hands. No one is going to fight harder in your corner than yourself.✊🏿

So, how dare you give up? How dare you give up on yourself?😖

YOU are your greatest weapon and your greatest ally.🫰🏾


Cliched as it may be, there is light at the end of the tunnel.🔆

Tag someone in the comments who needs to hear this.


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Are you feeling overwhelmed and overworked and you are slowly starting to feel like you have no life and time is just passing you by??🥹

YOU are not alone. We have all been in the same situation. We are making progress to get out of the slump and we wanted to offer some steps that we have taken to get us to where we are now.☺️

🌟 The first thing that you can do is create to-do lists for all the work that you have to get done. You can prioritize your very important tasks and have a plan and schedule in place so that you won't feel that overwhelming feeling of being pulled in different directions.

🌟 The next thing that can be extremely beneficial but people don't take seriously is that you should schedule BREAKS in-between your work. Your brain and your body get tired from being in the same setting continuously. So give them a boost for 10-15 min and see the wonders.😉😉😌

🌟 The last thing we want to share is that YOU should put all your focus and effort into what brings money into your business. It's all about the money, money...🎶

Bonus tip: Put something that motivates in front of your eyes to give that needed push when things become tough.

Hope this helps.😁 Tell us in the comments the tip that you will utilize.😊


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

We are going to share with you three things that we stay on top of to not only kill it but as well as make a killing on social media.😋👌🏾

Here goes nothing:

⭕ First things first, C.O.N.S.I.S.T.E.N.C.Y. being consistent with your posting, your engagements and all that it entails gives you access to the algorithm god's who can see that you are working hard. It is as simple as that, being consistent is how you grow a loyal following and also how you can keep updated on all the trends that can help your business grow.

⭕ The second step is to post/create RELEVANT and RELATABLE content that speaks to your ideal client. We have no other way to say that so we shall leave it like that. 😉

⭕ The last tip is to have a strategy/content plan. As they say, a prepared man can handle anything 😋 Having a strategy helps you to streamline your thoughts and thus you can easily fix and adapt to new changes as quickly as possible. You can implement social media categories that makes planning easier and faster saving you a whole lot of time and worry.

Now doesn't that sound nice? We think so.

So what is stopping you from achieving your goals? It is lack of planning or a lackluster plan.

If you need some help starting off, book a free 30-minute strategy call with us and we can get things on the road.

Link can be found in our bio. See you then.👌🏾



Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Let's talk to you real quick.😅

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. We all know that right?


And as clichéd as it may sound, it truly is that.

When we started Creative Inc, which is now Ymbued we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

But we took that first step. We put everything on the line to make sure our dreams didn't just remain dreams.

And that is a big factor of why we do what we do. We want to inspire others to follow their dreams and to reach for the stars.

So we went all in and we are now reaping our hardwork and our dedication.

If you are starting off in your business, reach out to us and let's have a chat. And if you do need our services then even more so reach out.

We love to chat with business owners who are chasing their dreams.👌🏾


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

Do you despise taking pictures and creating Reels?🙃

You wouldn't be the only one... Take for example our co-founder and Projects manager, Stanislas Nsaman. Cool cat extraordinaire when not in front of the camera but once the lights go on and ACTION is called well our cat becomes a rickety mouse.😅 He is extremely uncomfortable in front of the camera and in doing the fun Reels that we try to incorporate into our marketing tools... BUT he does them. He does them because he knows it is the way for our business to get to the next level.😎 Proud of you, Stan.😏

The Ymbued family has always been not afraid to test our creative limits as well as try new trends that can lead to better results for our growing business.😌 So we are willing to be uncomfortable, to be looked at weirdly and to shake what our mothers gave us... and other things as well😉

We're willing to do things outside of our comfort zone, explore how different marketing tools will help our business and have mischievous fun along the way... even if they're extremely hard to collaborate with our team working from different areas and with rhythmically challenged members( we thinking of you Stan and Mfundo😅👀)!

But we are trying our best each and every single day, disciplining our marketing efforts and taking a small step towards our bright and 💸 future.

We choose to do what we need to do to get to where we need to go and we don't (okay try not to) get embarrassed and let other people's opinions stop our grind, exploration and growth... so we just dance and shake shake shake them, haters, away.🫰🏾

Ready to conquer with us, dreamers? Commit to consistency and not giving a DAMN as you chase your business goals...

Are you guys willing to do every and all things to get to your end goal? Because we are READY to do that. Join us🤑

Comment💰 if you are ready to go to


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

🔉We have got news!!!🔊

So it seems that Instagram has released some new Features for Creators🥳

Exciting right? Well, let's dive in...

❇️ The first new feature available is that you can upload 90-second Reels now. This is a 30-second increase from the past of only 60 seconds. Now you can showcase your service or product right off the bat so that people can understand and connect with you on a longer scale than ever before.

❇️ The second new feature is that you can now import your own audio into the Reels that you will create. The most favourable REELS are ones with original audio and right now is the best time to capitalize on that with the new feature. Amazing right?

❇️ The third new feature is that Reels now have Interactive stickers just like in the stories. So you can now put poll stickers, and question stickers as well as quiz stickers and so many more on your Reels now. So you can interact with your followers apart from the comments and the DMs.

❇️ The last new feature that IG has rolled out and one of our favourites is grid pinning. This is where by you can pin a post that you like directly onto your profile. IG is going over and beyond giving the user as much control over their experience on the app as possible. You just need to click on the three dots on the post and choose pin to profile and in this way you can make sure that people who come to your page can first see what is important. Such as when you have a promotion, you can pin it for people to see first.

We will keep you updated on all the new changes that will be coming your way from the social media platforms.

Let us know what you think about these new features in the comments below.✌🏿


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

🔉We have got news!!!🔊

So it seems that Instagram has released some new Features for Creators🥳

Exciting right? Well, let's dive in...

❇️ The first new feature available is that you can upload 90-second Reels now. This is a 30-second increase from the past of only 60 seconds. Now you can showcase your service or product right off the bat so that people can understand and connect with you on a longer scale than ever before.

❇️ The second new feature is that you can now import your own audio into the Reels that you will create. The most favourable REELS are ones with original audio and right now is the best time to capitalize on that with the new feature. Amazing right?

❇️ The third new feature is that Reels now have Interactive stickers just like in the stories. So you can now put poll stickers, and question stickers as well as quiz stickers and so many more on your Reels now. So you can interact with your followers apart from the comments and the DMs.

❇️ The last new feature that IG has rolled out and one of our favourites is grid pinning. This is where by you can pin a post that you like directly onto your profile. IG is going over and beyond giving the user as much control over their experience on the app as possible. You just need to click on the three dots on the post and choose pin to profile and in this way you can make sure that people who come to your page can first see what is important. Such as when you have a promotion, you can pin it for people to see first.

We will keep you updated on all the new changes that will be coming your way from the social media platforms.

Let us know what you think about these new features in the comments below.✌🏿


Hey Big Dreamers,✨

As it is a Monday, we thought long and hard about what to post. We know that Mondays are not everyone's best friend and we wanted to share some inspiration, to say the least.😌😉

We know that when you are continuously moving forward and making big moves in your life or business, it can sometimes look or feel like you are staying in one place but that is a complete and utter LIE!!!

The truth is that it is always the closest that can not see the movement and the heights reached.😎

You sometimes need to take a deep breath and take a step back to see your actual progress. To see the growth that you have achieved. Not just in your life but also in your business.

You need to celebrate the small as well as the big WINS.🥳

Because we are all killin' it!

Trust and believe in yourself.🤩


We would like to wish our co-founder and Business Strategist, Allan Kato, a very happy birthday. ✨

He is one person that knows what dedication and true perseverance are all about.

He continues to show us that we can be better, do better and achieve more.🙏🏾

Truly a boss like no other.😎

From the Ymbued family, we wish you many more years filled with blessings and more money than you know what to do with. 😂


Hey, want me to let you on to a secret? 🤫👀

Then hold on:🤞🏾

These are 4 TIPS to BOOK new Clients. I live by these and starting now...

So should you. 💁🏿‍♂️

✅ Number one, is to utilise direct messaging (DMs) : sounds easy right? But having conversations with your followers and people who engage or comment on your social media platforms is an extremely easy way to vet your potential clients from those who won't fall within your ideal client avatar.

✅ The second tip is to ask for referrals: If you know other business people that might share your pool of ideal clients then there is nothing wrong with asking them to help out by sending people your way. You can even incitivize the offer by maybe those who refer clients to you can get 10% or even 20% off your products. But remember, this is a two way street so also send people (ideal clients) their way.

✅ The third tip is to spend at least R10 to boost any post, reel, IGTV that has done well on Facebook Business Manager or on the FB Ads manager pages. If you can see that people resonated with this type of content, why not capitalize on that? And you can decide how much you want to spend and then target a specific audience that you have defined as your ideal clients. 😌

✅The fourth and last tip is to go onto online discussion forums where you believe your ideal clients spend time on. This is simply to know more about the people that you offer services too and once you know more about a person, the easier is to talk to them and to guide them into making a decision. Which is at the end of the day, to become your client or a repeat one.

Is that not amazing? 😬

I think so. 😌

So utilise these tips and watch your booking calender fill up. 👌🏾

Thank me later. 😎

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Hey big dreamer ✨No caption here 😂😂😂😂



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