Voice in the City Ministries South Africa

Voice in the City is an international, interdenominational missions organization founded on the 1st January 1997 by Suzette Hattingh and Gayle Claxton.


The power of intercession in the midst of a rebellious people

In a time of turmoil, with strong opinions, wars, and National Government elections going on around us, some things we may agree with, and others we oppose… how do we pray?


Die Kraft der Fürbitte inmitten eines rebellischen Volkes

In einer unruhigen Zeit mit starken Meinungen, einer Zeit, in der Kriege und nationale Regierungswahlen um uns herum stattfinden, gibt es Dinge, denen wir zustimmen und andere, die wir ablehnen… Wie beten wir in dieser Zeit?

In this message we will explore some of the insights of Paul. He had a revelation and understanding that preaching was invaluable! Do we hold that same viewpoint?

Website: www.voiceinthecity.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialvoiceinthecity/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialvoiceinthecity/

If the Lord lays it on your heart and you would like to support us in the great commission, please support us financially: voiceinthecity.org/en/donate

Wenn der Herr es dir aufs Herz legt, unseren Dienst finanziell zu unterstützen, findest du hier die Bankverbindungen von "Voice in the City - Stimme der Stadt e.V.": voiceinthecity.org/de/spenden


Do we know what day it is?

In a day where it seems things are not as planned we have to sometimes re-focus on what the Lord said about the day we are living in. When we see it from the perspective of the God who holds us in His hands, it gives us courage to carry on.

Let this teaching encourage you, lift your faith, and motivate you to work for the Kingdom today… in the day we live in!

Website: www.voiceinthecity.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialvoiceinthecity/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialvoiceinthecity/

If the Lord lays it on your heart and you would like to support us in the great commission, please support us financially: voiceinthecity.org/en/donate

Wenn der Herr es dir aufs Herz legt, unseren Dienst finanziell zu unterstützen, findest du hier die Bankverbindungen von "Voice in the City - Stimme der Stadt e.V.": voiceinthecity.org/de/spenden


Every day is a day of choice - some not some dramatic and others totally made with out much thought- but sometimes life throws curve balls that we don’t know about or even expect and this forces us to make determined choices of consequences! Some times this is “life” altering and destiny forming!

So let me encourage you that when the road that you travel on in life comes to a place where it splits we call it a fork in the road that is where you will face the strength of your WILL and the Chatacter of your FAITH.

The one fork direction is
I will go this way and the second I WILL NOT go that way.

It is the your ATTITUDE towards your choice takes the steering wheel of your journey.
Your will determines what you do. It determines the focus where you go your attitude will be the foundation upon which you live out your choice

Your attitude works hand in hand with your character. It is therefore of paramount importance that your will your attitude and your character are in harmony with your heart.

Have a wonderful and blessed day! Voice in the City Ministries South AfricaVoice in the City Suzette HattinghBenny FechKaren Bourdillon


Are we foolish to preach the Gospel?

In a world that we now live in where nothing seems normal or even rational any more are we foolish in preaching? This question someone asked me. No, we are not we must realise that the only Hope is the Gospel and the great power it had to transform every life.

In this message we will explore some of the insights of Paul. He had a revelation and understanding that preaching was invaluable! Do we hold that same viewpoint?

Website: www.voiceinthecity.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialvoiceinthecity/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialvoiceinthecity/

If the Lord lays it on your heart and you would like to support us in the great commission, please support us financially: voiceinthecity.org/en/donate

Wenn der Herr es dir aufs Herz legt, unseren Dienst finanziell zu unterstützen, findest du hier die Bankverbindungen von "Voice in the City - Stimme der Stadt e.V.": voiceinthecity.org/de/spenden

Photos from Voice in the City Ministries South Africa's post 26/02/2024

Time to.pray for South Africa . Come and join us - register now to secure your place to learn and to pray for South Africa!
Registration email: [email protected]


And so I wait- wait on the promises spoken out long ago- wait for situations to change - wait for prodigals to come home - wait on the the answers prayers prayed - wait on the manifestation of hopes and dreams spilled out from a place of tears - wait - wait - wait - for joy comes in the morning - where is the morning? What does it look like ? When will the dawn break through? “Oh Lord how long” cried the psalmist David! All I know to do in the time of waiting is to worship Him who is faithful, He who knows the beginning from the end! The one who changed my destiny- He who is faithful - so when I am faithless, and weary He is faithful and in my weakness HE is strong!
So my conclusion to this is my perspective in whom and what I choose to focus on-
I choose to lift my eyes to the Hills from where my help comes from! I choose to wait actively expectant for He is able to for fill His spoken promise - He is able to answer every prayer I prayed - He is able to dry every tear, He is able to turn the hearts of the prodigal - HE IS ABLE TO BREAK THROUGH THE DARKNESS AND DAY BREAK IS COMING - I am actively waiting - for I know my redeemer lives! I will wait!! You must wait- we together will wait and HE will prove HIS faithfulness.


Complacency occurs in our lives which would and could possibly lead to a place of compromise when we relax in the familiar environment.
We can become so familiar with our “gifting and talents” that we do ministry / life in our own strength and gifting and we become complacent with the presence of the Lord - that very soon it becomes more about me than Jesus!
May we remain focused on Jesus!


Every person in their lives will go through transition - a change from one place to the next-
Transition will always be a place of tension - and this tension is a place for us to be stretched to grow into the place that transition is taking you to.

The devil is at his most active at this place in our lives! Why? Because when you transition it means that there is movement - look at the places of transition in physical daily lives - you transition from home to work- there is movement - whether you go by car by train, bus whatever - whenever we move from one place to the next there is movement -
Where ever there is movement and action there is also the greatest risk of distraction!
This is where the devil will try and get us - to distract us in our transition period.
However the place of transition with God is always there for transformation!

Jesus Said I am the bread of Life 08/09/2023

If you missed last nights broadcast! In English and German! Credit to Pastor Beenfield for some quotes that I have used with permission


Jesus Said I am the bread of Life When we think about this statement a first thought that comes to mind is the picture of bread, maybe hungry people, maybe you have a totally different first ...


"More than ever do we need to understand what the Word of God says, and how we fit into that as the Body of Christ..." - Dr Gayle Claxton

Join us as we explore the topic of "Faith" at Transformation 8 - our bilingual Bible Course starting on the 2nd of November 2022.

For more information or to register, contact us at [email protected]. We would love to welcome you there!

„Mehr denn je müssen wir verstehen, was das Wort Gottes sagt und wie wir uns als Leib Christi darin einordnen ...“ - Dr. Gayle Claxton

Sei dabei und entdecke mit uns das Thema „Glauben“ bei Transformation 8 - unserem zweisprachigen Bibelkurs, der am 2. November 2022 beginnt.

Für weitere Informationen oder zur Anmeldung kontaktiere uns bitte unter [email protected]. Wir würden uns freuen, dich im Kurs begrüßen zu dürfen!


Thanksgiving October - Voice in the City 17/10/2022

Thanksgiving October - Voice in the City Where we we give something back as an act of gratitude for whatGod has done...


Gateway Church Launceston Area Gateway Church Launceston Area was formed in 2010 and is part of Elim Pentecostal Churches UK.


As we are entering a period of thanksgiving in many cultures, the Voice in the City team is also reflecting on the past year and what we are grateful for.

Through Thanksgiving October, we want to encourage each other and our partners to give something back, as an act of gratitude for what God has done this past year. Whether that is sowing into God’s Kingdom by supporting us financially, or volunteering your time at your local church, giving is such a big part of living out Christ in our everyday.

Collectively, we at Voice in the City, are so grateful for every partner who has sown into our ministry. We understand that times are tough for many, yet still we have been able to continue preaching the Good News to a dying World – YOU MADE THAT POSSIBLE!

What are you grateful for today? Is there a way you can give something back as an act of gratitude for what God has done in your life?

You could:

😀increase your monthly donation
😀purchase a product from our online store or
😀commit to pray for our ministry’s finances!

No one thing is more important than the other and we will be so grateful for your support!

Join us this in giving something back as an act of gratitude for what God has done in your life!

Während in einigen Ländern eine Zeit des Erntedankes beginnt, denkt auch das Voice in the City-Team über das vergangene Jahr nach und wofür wir dankbar sind. Im Erntedankmonat Oktober möchten wir uns gegenseitig ermutigen und auch unsere Partner, als Akt der Dankbarkeit für das, was Gott im vergangenen Jahr getan hat, etwas zurückzugeben. Ob das eine Saat in Gottes Reich ist oder ob ihr euch ehrenamtlich in eurer örtlichen Gemeinde engagiert - Geben ist ein wichtiger Teil unseres täglichen Lebens mit Christus.

Als Voice in the City sind wir sehr dankbar für jeden Partner, der in unseren Dienst gesät hat. Wir wissen, dass die Zeiten für viele schwierig sind, und doch konnten wir einer sterbenden Welt weiterhin die Gute Nachricht verkünden - IHR habt es möglich gemacht!

Wofür seid ihr heute dankbar? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, wie ihr etwas zurückgeben könnt, als Akt der Dankbarkeit für das, was Gott in eurem Leben getan hat?

Ihr könntet

😀monatlich etwas spenden
😀ein Produkt aus unserem Online-Shop kaufen
😀oder euch verpflichten, für die Finanzen unseres Dienstes zu beten.

Alle diese Dinge sind sehr wichtig, deshalb sind wir sehr dankbar für jede Art von Unterstützung!

Seid ihr im dabei und gebt etwas zurück als Akt der Dankbarkeit für das, was Gott in eurem Leben getan hat?


Join us uf you can

THE TWO TREES – WE ARE STILL IN THE GARDEN… We think of the Garden of Eden as something that does not affect us today, seeing that Christ has redeemed us. We could not be more wrong! In reality, as fol...


Have you ever made an appointment with a friend and that friend didn't arrive on time? When you needed that friend to be there at that moment and you felt like that person maybe didn't care? Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus were friends and then one day a crisis happens, Lazarus dies. But Jesus does not come to them straight away.

Sometimes we really expect Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do something in our life and step in. Just because He doesn't come when we think He should doesn't mean He is not interested. Jesus has not forgotten you.

If your vision today is dead and your heart is hardened, learn how to invite Jesus to come into your vision, your situation, He is the God of resurrection.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/KXfV_hJUZSs
New episode every Thursday, 5pm on YouTube


When your and my day comes to end the journey we call life here on earth- then the only thing left for others and those friends family and yes even your enemy  is to “remember” you!

Make it your goal to leave a memory that points people to the Cross and the life and goodness of Jesus -
leave a memory that will inspire others to be better people -
leave a memory that others can grasp for hope when desperate. Where others can understand love and care - leave a memory that is worth remembering!

This is the daily challenge because we are not promised tomorrow- truly Paul knew what a challenge this is by writing in Philippians 1:21 For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!

Let each day count and leave a legacy that others will follow and find Christ!

Rev Gayle Claxton

International Prayer Meeting 09/02/2021

Good evening Pray-ers, please go to our YouTube channel to watch this weeks live prayer meeting on Where Eagles Cry.

International Prayer Meeting Website: www.voiceinthecity.orgFacebook: www.facebook.com/officialvoiceinthecity/Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialvoiceinthecity/If the Lord lays it on y...

Photos from Voice in the City Ministries South Africa's post 08/02/2021

Combined prayer with and for the nations!
with Suzette Hattingh & guests


We will be joined by the following special guests:
Evangelist Walter Heidenreich
Evangelist Francois de Jager
Worship leader Trevor Sampson

Intercession theme:

Matthew 4:16 “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.”

We all talk about “the harvest,” however, during the Covid-19 pandemic it seems that faith for the lost has been put on the “back burner” due to limitations and travel restrictions. Did this pandemic change the command of the Great Commission? Certainly not! So, we will continue to pray for “the harvest!”

1. Your nation
2. Your area
3. Your family

a. If you have a flag of your nation, bring it along to the meeting.
b. Write the name of your city on a piece of paper and bring it along to the meeting.
c. On three separate pieces of paper, write the names of three people whose salvation you are trusting for – we are going to stand in agreement with you for their breakthrough!

Join us in prayer! Get your friends, prayer groups and family to join too – it is going to be a powerful and practical evening!

Prayer moves mountains but combined prayer moves nations!

Suzette Hattingh and team

Date: 9 February 2021
Time: 7:00 pm (CET)
Facebook LIVE: https://www.facebook.com/officialvoiceinthecity
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/VoiceintheCityTV


Join us every Wednesdays at 4pm Israel time and 3pm SA tume!

Click the link - [on.icej.org/ICEJGlobalPrayer]

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

The power of intercession in the midst of a rebellious people
Do we know what day it is?
Are we foolish to preach the Gospel?
Are we foolish to preach the Gospel?
People praying the vision of the church.
Highlights of Empowerment Week 2018.Please share and follow our page as we will be coming to South Africa in November ag...
Last night of the Empowerment Week. Healing night




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday 09:00 - 16:30
Friday 09:00 - 16:30

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