Less Lethal Concepts

LLC is dedicated to revolutionizing the security industry with our innovative Pepper Spray Security Systems and related products.

Our mission is to provide a highly effective and efficient alternative to traditional security measures.

Less Lethal Concepts - Defensive Security Systems, Domestic 1 30/07/2024

As crime rates rise and security concerns become more pressing, it's crucial to rethink how we protect our homes and businesses.

In our latest YouTube video, we highlight an innovative installation that showcases practical and effective security solutions tailored to meet the needs of our forward-thinking clients.

These systems are not just enhancements; they are essential tools in the fight against crime and vandalism. I encourage you to explore these solutions and consider integrating them into your current security measures.

For service providers, this is an opportunity to expand your offerings with these cutting-edge products.

Watch the full video to see these systems in action and understand how they can make a significant difference in your security strategy.

For more information on these systems and their applications, feel free to reach out: [email protected].

Check out our YouTube channel for more real-life demonstrations and insights into effective security solutions! (UCFpVrh1k6NrbNWZXRsrw-RA)

Less Lethal Concepts - Defensive Security Systems, Domestic 1 How vulnerable is your home to criminal activity?You may have alarms and cameras, but what do these systems truly offer you in a critical moment?Alarms and c...


Securing Remote Pump Rooms: Effective Solutions to Deter Criminals and Vandals

Remote pump rooms have long been a target for criminals and vandals due to their isolated locations. These attacks not only cause millions in damages and losses but also negatively impact the communities they serve. Additionally, the high levels of criminality have made it increasingly dangerous for technicians to service and repair these sites.

The cost and inconvenience to councils and communities is immeasurable. However, Less Lethal security systems and solutions have provided an effective answer to this pressing issue. These systems offer an instant response to criminal activity, immediately encouraging perpetrators to vacate the premises.

By reducing the time criminals spend on site, Less Lethal solutions translate to fewer losses and more uptime for critical infrastructure. These systems can be used as standalone solutions or integrated into existing security systems, such as alarm systems and CCTV. The preferred option is to integrate with video control rooms, allowing service providers to maintain greater control over the site and the triggering of the systems.

To learn more about how Less Lethal security systems can protect your remote pump rooms, contact us at:

[email protected]


Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd South Africa

Company Overview:

Less Lethal Concepts specializes in the development of cutting-edge defensive security systems and solutions. Our products are meticulously designed to offer highly effective protection across a wide range of scenarios, catering to both fixed infrastructure installations (local or remote) and mobile applications.

Key Features:

"Highly Customizable" :
Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability.

"Versatile Applications" :
From stationary installations to on-the-go security needs, our systems are designed to excel in diverse environments.

"Real-World Demonstrations" :
Explore our YouTube channel for a firsthand look at our solutions in action, showcasing their effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

Contact Information:
For inquiries or to learn more about how our innovative security systems can benefit your organization, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

I look forward to discussing how Less Lethal Concepts can enhance your security strategy and provide peace of mind in virtually any situation.

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za


Protect Your Assets from Theft and Vandalism

Are you tired of dealing with the financial and emotional toll of theft and vandalism on your farm, pump room, cell tower, or substation?

The list of vulnerable assets is long, but there's hope.

At Less Lethal Concepts, we're dedicated to providing effective security solutions to help you safeguard your property and reduce the impact of crime.

Whether you're looking for farm cameras, pump room security, cell tower protection, or substation defense, we've got you covered.

We're seeking service providers and installers who share our commitment to keeping communities safe.

Join us in our mission to make a difference and help victims of crime.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our solutions and how you can be part of the solution:

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za


So! You drive to work and back on dangerous roads at weird hours.....

This idea was birthed out of many conversations with victims of road rage and hijackings and "follow me from the bank/airport victims"

So the thing is.... You realise that you have someone really following you with unknown intent. You try some evading moves but they keep following you! Things get hairy fast so you hit your emergency panic button on your phone (data and network permitting) and call someone..... you make for a quiet road! They are still behind you!


How long will it take for your help to arrive? Should things go sideways fast before your help can arrive, you at least have a chance to hit your Pepper Spray Panic button when there's no other innocent road users nearby....

Now you can escape safely and put some useful distance between yourself and the criminals!

It is then vital to go and report the incident to the police. If you can, get a forward and rear facing dash cam for evidence.

Feel free to contact me for more information about it.

[email protected]


In this promotional video we highlight the importance and value of the Less Lethal Concepts Remote Controlled PANIC Defensive System.

Our aim is to provide adequate solutions to instantly neutralize the acts of the criminals and vandals and potentially saving your life and much more.

People don't understand the life long impact crime has on victims.

This is very unfair to the victims.

Our mission is to create effective and viable solutions to instantly deal with the criminal act, mitigating the result there of.

For more information on our products, solutions and integrations as well as how you could benefit from using it, feel free to contact me.

Service providers and installers very welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Home | Less Lethal Concepts, Pepper Spray, Centurion 08/03/2024

To Whom It May Concern,
The recent unlawful land grab in Bloemfontein has brought to light the rapid escalation of issues that can impact entire communities, underscoring the deficiencies in security services for these neighbourhoods. Within a span of under two hours, thousands of invaders encroached upon the area, with some attempting to occupy the local park. This development is poised to have significant repercussions for the legitimate residents in that vicinity, particularly concerning their security.

In light of these events, I wish to draw your attention to our advanced technology and solutions designed to mitigate the impact of criminal activities on victims, whether in domestic, commercial, industrial, remote sites, or various other settings. As a leading systems and solutions manufacturer, our primary focus is on developing practical and efficient security solutions that offer immediate responses to criminal acts, serving as a deterrent to offenders and vandals. This approach allows victims and response teams crucial time to react effectively.

Our systems are versatile and adaptable to a wide range of applications, contingent upon specific needs, site dynamics, and budget constraints. They can be configured as standalone devices or seamlessly integrated into existing security or camera systems for local or remote triggering/activation. The implementation of these solutions yields tangible benefits such as a significant reduction in harm to victims, decreased damage and losses, and enhanced safety for response personnel upon arrival. The swift activation of our systems effectively diffuses potentially dangerous situations.

Drawing from over three decades of experience, we have observed that criminal groups tend to avoid sites equipped with our products and solutions once they encounter them. This is due to the clear message sent by our systems that targeting such locations is not in their best interest. Additionally, the positive reputation spread through word-of-mouth acts as a powerful deterrent against criminal activities, providing a substantial advantage to crime victims.

Our systems can be strategically positioned both externally and internally to prevent unauthorized access from a distance before reaching critical points. We specialize in customizing a significant portion of our products to suit specific applications, ensuring that we deliver optimal solutions tailored to each unique challenge. For further details and specifications on our standard product offerings, including informative videos showcasing real-life demonstrations, please visit our website shop and YouTube channel linked below.

We are actively seeking service providers and dedicated installers to collaborate with us in promoting these innovative solutions. Should you require additional information or wish to explore partnership opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us using the provided contact details below. Kindly note that due to reception issues, data calls may be more reliable for communication.
Website: www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com//videos
Office: 071 519 3239
Alternative: 061 586 3324
Email: [email protected]

We look forward to the possibility of working together towards enhancing security measures and safeguarding communities against criminal threats.

Warm regards,
Derek Kemp
Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd

Home | Less Lethal Concepts, Pepper Spray, Centurion Less Lethal Concepts manufactures pepper spray security systems and related security products. Our systems are used in domestic, commercial, industrial, remote sites, cell towers, CIT vehicles, pump rooms and many more applications including self defense sprays.


So this evening I sit with a good reminder of why our OC Pepper Spray is such an effective product!

Earlier today I cleaned some big pepper bottles to ready them for servicing. I obviously didn't wear any safety gloves because ...ya know. So now I sit with extreme fire in my hands! I can't touch anything because whatever I touch burns intensely! This after using degreasers and mechanics hand wash with grit in it as I still cleaned some engine parts after cleaning the pepper bottles!

This is why our systems and solutions are so effective in removing criminals from where they are causing trouble. The effects of the Chilli Pepper Spray are so hectic that criminals find it very difficult to perform their crimes and need to vacate ASAP!

Then provided you set up the system to saturate them properly they will for the next couple of hours experience such severe discomfort that it'll drive them crazy because there's not much you can do but burn until the effects wear off!

This we find helps to get the bush telegraph buzzing and they generally never return to that site again unless, of course, it's a new group that doesn't know what surprize is waiting for them!

I recommend that you seriously consider the products and systems we make when you plan on upgrading your security solutions.

Our systems work in a vast number of applications. Below is the link to our YouTube channel where you will find many real and demo videos and shorts of our systems in action.


O & WhatsApp) +27 (0)71 519 3239
Alternative+27 (0) 61 586 3324
[email protected]


Wow! It's almost that time of the year again. Please make sure that you prepare early for your security requirements. Don't leave it for the last minute.


Ever wondered how you would react when suddenly you are faced with a home invader?

Shocked, paralysed with fear, not having adequate self defence tools handy?

System No2 for this forward thinking client on a farm far from any quick assistance or any security response.

When you need to be your own 1st responder it's comforting to know that your trusty LLC Pepper Spray Security System will be there to back you up with 24hr Panic facility and alarm sensors to instantly neutralize the situation in your favour.

We make security systems effective and response/reaction instantaneous! Let this become your 1st priority when selecting your security solutions.

For more information and pricing on our solution options feel free to contact me.

(By the way.... The springs on the doors are to keep them closed for the systems sake and keep monkeys and snakes out should someone attempt to gain access while the owner is away)

O) 071 519 3239
Other) 061 586 3324
[email protected]


Cable theft, vandalism problems, remote location, high value items just there for the criminals to expropriate security unable to be there all the time?

Pulling your hair out yet?

Here's a great video from long ago of how to solve some of these problems.

This client had endless problems as mentioned above. This was a temporarily DIY installed system with short range detection. As far as I can recall it wasn't there long before some freeloaders arrived and vacated in a hurry empty handed as can be seen in the video.

Our systems don't discriminate, look the other way, don't get bribed, not affected by jamming if already Armed, don't care who you are or how important you are. If it is Armed and you try it, it will repel you pretty quick and if installed smartly you will know for a few days afterwards that you were where you weren't supposed to be.

For real fight back security systems and solutions feel free to contact me and discuss your unique problems.

Office) 071 519 3239
Other) 061 586 3324
[email protected]


So your client is in the rural areas. The police don't work, the security company is far and putting a guard there has its own problems especially for his personal safety.... So what to do now?

Get a security system that actually fights back instantly to deter the criminals effectively!

This is the 1st time we have been tasked to make a system to be mounted on the ceiling. What's more....the client insisted that there be 6 nozzles. Modifications added to the nozzles to reduce the spray distance due to the size of the area and mounting height.

It works very well!

For more feel free to contact me on the following:
Office:071 519 3239
Other:061 586 3324
[email protected]


Here's a unique system made to client requirements. He has no answers for his crime problems anymore and needs a solution before it destroys his business.

So after some discussion he sent a drawing of what he wants....... I made it as he wants and I think it's great and will surely give him the results he is expecting from the system.

Roof mounted and all round spray as per his instruction.

Looking forward to the video when this system does it's job.😁

If you suffer serious crime issues and want systems and solutions that really strive to fight back and reduce your risk feel free to contact me.

Office: 071 519 3239
Email: [email protected]


Do you have persistent theft problems and no workable solution?

We make many solutions for all types of applications. Here is an example of a small solution for a farmer that continually has his panels stolen.

Feel free to contact me if you want to have security systems that aim to stop the crimes.

Office: 071 519 3239
Email: [email protected]


One of the best definitions of less lethal is “any use of force other than that which is considered deadly force that involves physical effort to control, restrain, or overcome the resistance of another.” ¹ This definition encompasses force such as an officer’s manual restraint, electronic control weapons, aerosol spray and impact projectiles.


Do you have Break-in problems?

Too scared to go on holiday fearing someone will come and take your assets and cause untold damage? Already dreaming of sleeping inside your property with a shot gun to protect your assets!?

We feel your frustrations…... that’s why we have created one of the most useful DIY security systems available!

For more information and pricing on this DIY solution then contact us.

Cassey: 071 934 8847
071 519 3239
[email protected]

The easter break is on the way. Is it really worth your while to leave you family or assets vulnerable to criminals?


Do you have Break-in problems?

Too scared to go on holiday fearing someone will come and take your assets and cause untold damage? Already dreaming of sleeping inside your property with a shot gun to protect your assets!?

We feel your frustrations…... that’s why we have created one of the most useful security systems available!

The Portable Primary Pepper Spray Unit complete with built in Pet Friendly PIR motion detector. Fully DIY!

This system was designed for the DIY Enthusiast and person that wants a quick, sure and convenient security solution that will instantly deal decisively with trespassers.

You can select SIREN ONLY or PEPPER SPRAY Arming via the remote control and if you have an emergency there is the Panic button. Press it once for the siren and if the attack persists then simply press it a second time to spray the pepper spray for your defense.

Several inputs and outputs that make this little system a power house of technical options for expansions, false alarming options, communication and safety overrides but to mention a few.

Effective security has never been this simple! Put it here or move it there tomorrow and when you go away put your valuables in the same area as the system for their protection.

See our YouTube channel for the real videos. These brave little sentries are responsible for most of the real videos. See the features below. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFpVrh1k6NrbNWZXRsrw-RA

Read some of our old favourite reference letters! These will prove the effectiveness of our systems and will surely make you laugh at the comments! https://derek1kemp.wixsite.com/website-1/testimonials
• 1 x 100ml PEPPER CAN
• 1 x 100ml TESTER CAN (Inert Perfume to test with)
• REMOTE CONTROLLED (2 Remotes Supplied)
• 24Hr PANIC SPRAY FACILITY (Local or via Remote triggering)
• 24Hr TAMPER INPUT (Local or via Remote triggering)

Lead time: 3-21 working days.

Power suggestions: With the advent of load shedding (RSA) we will recommend power supplied via power pack with additional batteries or a solar system. This will ensure that your trusty security system will always give you peace of mind. Contact us for recommendations.

Price: R 3097.00 no vat

T's & Cs apply

Colour depends on the available plastic colour. Default is white.

Fritz Kruger on LinkedIn: Waiting for the Reaction. This is the phase where most of today's loss… 28/01/2023

Thank you for your post and insight shared. Yes, we wait for the reaction.

Fritz Kruger on LinkedIn: Waiting for the Reaction. This is the phase where most of today's loss… Waiting for the Reaction. This is the phase where most of today's loss prevention action efforts in South Africa fails. The intrusions are detected and or…


LLC a manufacturing company dedicated to creating disruptive security systems, products and solutions in an attempt to minimise the time and effects criminals have in attacking you at home or your workplace or other remote sites.

With a range of standard systems, we also create application specific devices and solutions.

Our products can operate as "stand-alone" systems or can be integrated into most conventional security systems and cctv systems.

Please contact us to learn more of our offerings and how we can enhance the effectiveness of your security solutions to your clients.

Our systems are used in the following environments:
* Domestic
* Commercial
* Industrial
* Mining
* Cell Towers
* Pump Rooms
* Other Remote Sites
* CIT (Cash-In-Transit)
* Riot Control (Vehicles)
* Riot Control (Other)
* Custom Applications

Feel free to peruse our website shop to see our different products and YouTube channel for real and demo videos of our systems in action as proof of the effectiveness of our products.

Office/WhatsApp: tel: +27(0) 71 519 3239
Tel: 061 586 3324

Less Lethal Concepts External Pepper Spray Security System in the bush. 04/12/2022

Less Lethal Concepts External Pepper Spray Security System in the bush.

In this video the client asked for a Less Lethal Concepts Pepper Spray Security System that not only triggers on forced entry but also on remote Panic.

The result is a very discreet nozzle that gives a 4 meter long blast that pushes the spray into the perpetrator the floor and then up and around the veranda to affect anyone else in the area.

As this site is in the bush veld and no neighbours or any other help nearby including security response our client is at peace having a security system that actually fights back to deter the criminals on the outside of the home before they gain access.

This is an ongoing project.

Less Lethal Concepts, making quality security systems and solutions since 1994 with many lives and assets saved.

We are looking for installers and service providers. Please contact us on [email protected]https://youtu.be/lhIIervBnds

Less Lethal Concepts External Pepper Spray Security System in the bush. In this video the client asked for a Less Lethal Concepts Pepper Spray Security System that not only triggers on forced entry but also on remote Panic.The re...

55ml Pepper Canister Fog | Less Lethal Concepts 18/11/2022


Black Friday Special till we close in December for the holidays.
Self defence Pepper Sprays

55ml Fog/Mist @ R100.00 with Safety Cap (no vat)

Self defence Pepper Sprays Direct Jet @ R120.00 (no vat)

Self defence Pepper Sprays with standard cap R86.00

Payment secures your order as we make to order. Courier can be arranged but will be quoted for.

Office: 071 519 3239
Email: [email protected]

Web: www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za

55ml Pepper Canister Fog | Less Lethal Concepts Self Defense Spray with safty cap.Types:Pepper Fog

100ml Portable Primary System (Master Unit) | Less Lethal Concepts 18/11/2022


Our Black Friday special!

Highly effective small DIY Pepper Spray Security System. On special till we close in December for the holidays @ R2900.00 (no vat). Your payment secures your order as we manufacture to order.

Consists of:
Device with settings, inputs and outputs.

Digital Anti-pet motion sensor

Built in piezo siren

Backup battery

Transformer (Mains)

2 x 4 button remotes.

1 x pepper spray

1 x tester spray

Instruction manual

Manufactured to order. 60% deposit secures @ R 1740.00 (balance R1160.00) courier can be arranged but will be quoted for.

Office: 071 519 3239
Email: [email protected]

Web: www.lesslethalconcepts.co.za

100ml Portable Primary System (Master Unit) | Less Lethal Concepts Portable Primary Pepper Spray Unit complete with built in Pet Friendly PIR motion detector. Fully DIY! 2x Four button remote controls. 12v 1.3AHr battery Built in piezo siren 1x 100ml Pepper Spray can 1x 100ml Tester Spray can. 220v AC to 16v AC plug in transformer with 5 meter cable (RSA) Can be co...


Made with passion in December 2011..... Nice to see you again for a quick check up and a modification..... 11 years old and still going.... That's how we make products..... They supposed to last.....and yes they do!


These statistics are seriously alarming and worry some.

If you live in a secluded environment then you should be considering upscaling your security solutions to systems that give you the "fight back" option. Our systems don't discriminate, if Armed they will work to deter your attackers.

Please contact us on 071 519 3239 or [email protected] for more on our solutions. Installers welcome.

dictionary english - Google-søgning 11/08/2022

Listening to the radio the other morning three articles stood out….

1. Thabo Mbeki warning about the impending repeat of the July riots and inability of the current presidents’ failures and the mood of the people especially the poor. https://t.co/l8k1uVpIND

2. An article about criminal syndicates that break into your home when you not there or on holiday and on your return, you have lost your home and the battles you will have to get your own back not with standing the reluctance of the police to decisively deal with this problem due to some reasons I will not mention here.

3. News 24 has an app that you can use to check the past to current reported crime stats for you to gauge the area you would like to move to.

With this in mind we should realize that we ourselves are our best security and response. It has been clear for a very long time that the systems in place have been whittled down and broken to the point where you won’t get meaningful help or justice. South Africa’s deadly July 2021 riots may recur if there’s no change - defenceWeb

With these ominous clouds looming overhead and no real promise or confidence that there will be any improvement in the foreseeable future regarding the situation in our beautiful country with so much potential….

Now will be a good time to re-look your current security solutions you are using and consider the effectiveness of it. Criminals always arrive on time and perform their tasks but sadly the security response will in the majority of cases have a time delay before arriving to deal with the situation generally arriving after the fact in most instances or outnumbered or outgunned in others.

The dictionary classifies the word “SECURITY” as follows: the state of being free from danger or threat. https://www.google.com/search?q=dictionary+english&oq=diction&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j0i131i433i512j0i433i512j0i131i433i512j0i512l4j0i271.4519j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 =security

Less Lethal Concepts focusses on manufacturing solutions aimed at minimizing the results from criminal incidents by making it very difficult for criminals to operate on a site with the following benefits to be had:

1. Potential to save lives by creating scenarios where victims have safe spaces and can activate the systems manually or automatically to instantly deter the criminals. This could spare you medical costs and emotional trauma going into the future for the victims. https://youtu.be/JYu9-Mpt1QE

2. Reduce the time criminals and vandals have to achieve their intentions on the site reducing the damage and losses you will suffer. https://youtu.be/Li6E70ZsJgU

3. Making it safer for the reaction officer responding. In most instances we have found that the situation has been successfully neutralized and the criminals run off faster than what they took to gain entry making it less hazardous for the reaction officer. https://youtu.be/7RWl60gREF8

4. With over 30 years behind us the general result is they try it once and never return unless it’s a new crowd in the area. The bush telegraph is also a wonderful tool as it spreads the word in the community like wild fire. We have had countless testimonies from people at their wits end that installed our systems and just by virtue of the system being there on the wall has suddenly stopped the problems without the need to be activated. It’s just there and “they” know it…...proving that most crime starts from within! https://youtu.be/aCmcvYsTmA4

5. Internal as well as external solutions, DIY to fully integratable options, From small to large systems, Static to mobile systems and we have the ability to custom make systems to suit the conditions and client requirements. https://youtu.be/GU8M8hO54_U and https://youtu.be/KTTwwSLc7BY

6. Our products are incredibly flexible and can be integrated into other systems or be controlled via “off-site video control rooms” or be used as a “standalone” system.

7. Our systems don’t just deploy OC spray but we can include UV (invisible and visible powders and liquids) for marking purposes etc. https://video.wixstatic.com/video/8d7d5b_858bad7e825d45e39a84a0cbc07f9d1f/1080p/mp4/file.mp4

We make these solutions and welcome any serious service providers to work with us to provide meaningful security solutions to the victims and potential victims of crime.

Feel free to contact and have a conversation with us to understand the importance and effectiveness of alternative security products, solutions and applications as well as how to integrate into your projects.

Office/WhatsApp: tel: +27(0) 71 519 3239
[email protected]

dictionary english - Google-søgning

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Videos (show all)

Securing Remote Pump Rooms: Effective Solutions to Deter Criminals and VandalsRemote pump rooms have long been a target ...
Less Lethal Concepts Pty Ltd South Africa Company Overview:Less Lethal Concepts specializes in the development of cuttin...
Protect Your Assets from Theft and Vandalism Are you tired of dealing with the financial and emotional toll of theft and...
So! You drive to work and back on dangerous roads at weird hours..... This idea was birthed out of many conversations wi...
In this promotional video we highlight the importance and value of the Less Lethal Concepts Remote Controlled PANIC Defe...
Ever wondered how you would react when suddenly you are faced with a home invader?Shocked, paralysed with fear, not havi...
Cable theft, vandalism problems, remote location, high value items just there for the criminals to expropriate security ...
So your client is in the rural areas. The police don't work, the security company is far and putting a guard there has i...
Here's a unique system made to client requirements. He has no answers for his crime problems anymore and needs a solutio...
Do you have persistent theft problems and no workable solution?We make many solutions for all types of applications. Her...
Do you have Break-in problems?Too scared to go on holiday fearing someone will come and take your assets and cause untol...
Intruder gets a nasty blast from the Less Lethal Systems pepper spray alarm and decides best to leave



118 Hampton Road

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday 08:30 - 16:30
Friday 08:30 - 12:30

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