Building Reconciliation Together NPO Organization

Morena O Baetele Bana Bohle Ba Le Fifing Lesedi Leba Hlabele Kabo Phara Ba Lefase


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 16

Poem Title : "Do it for yourself "

Dust yourself
Your face appearance
Represent your image
You look exhausted and

You have sad face
Never fall down
For good

It is not what you want
It is what you have
Rise up and dust yourself
Shine like a star

Shine like a star
Shake up the world
Pull up your socks
It is your time now

What are you waiting for ?
Time wait for no one
Your time start now
Not tomorrow but now !

Wear your golden hat
You are a leader
Not a follower
Failing is part of life

You learn from your mistakes
Failing brings light and
To become successful

Come out of mud
African child
It is time to bury old memories
And upgrade

A path of life that
Washes you to be Brighter like a sunshine
Keep on trying

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Been a Teacher in South Africa it's no Longer Easy or Safe Expecially our Young Teachers They are Not safe at All๐Ÿ˜ข


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 15

Poem Title: "Money"

How needed you are
You wrecked families so Badly
You push people to do unwanted things
You are muti that destroy

Some getting divorced
Because of your power
Some are friendless and
Homeless because of You
I am afraid how youth of

Today feel the love of You
Some are killing innocent Blood because of you
You will make a wrong decision because of

Money is like an air
A thunderstorm
Or a sunshine
It can destroy a strong

It is an evil spirit
It circulate among us
Money gives you wrong people
Create new friends and unwanted people

Money can't buy happiness
But even though
Happiness is what you need
Money, a poison of all things

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 14

Poem Title: "Our Rights

Our Rights
Everyone is celebrating
As the nation we humble ourselves
And respect each other
Leaners have rights

To go to school
Education is free
It only need smart eagle
To grab opportunity
Never loose focus

Aim high for a better future
Everybody has a rights
For education
We are all human beings
Others are being r***d to death

Kidnapped and killed
Everybody has a right to say no
To harmful things
Youth of today is killing our respectful

They violent those rights
Today we've got teenage pregnancy
Because they told themself
They have got Rights
Children lost respect for elders

They are now small parents
They played with their rights
Our rights
Our rights
Oh what a shame

Now freedom is fighting against us
People are no longer living according to rights
Even though
Africans fought for rights

And for freedom
We've got rights
Out of suffering have emerged strong souls
Most massive characters are left with scars

To deny people their
Human rights
Is a challenge their humanity
It always seems impossible
Until it is done

Our rights Our rights

Thanks a lot, our lastborn...

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 13

Poem Title: "Mother's Love

A hand of mother
You are a strong woman
And a great mother
You are strong like a rock
You never shaken by wind

You are my umbrella when it's hot
You always there for me
You are always a good foundation
You are a real gift of life
When my soul is down

You stood up fill it with
You raised me with love
Being with you in life
Its a precious thing I ever had

Now love is overflowing and shine
Like a twinkle star
Mother you are a clay
That is tough in every situation
You comfort my heart

Mother you deserve a golden award
Mother's love never change
You love is pure
Mother you carry me
The whole nine months

Without aborting the seed
You always direct me
When I'm lost
Life never been easy
You never care how Much poor you are

You clean me like others
Because of mother's love
You become a light in the darkness room
You are a black clay

You are a strong rock
A strong woman

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 12

Poem Title: " Dark Secret

Dark secret
I once told something big
I had to keep silent
I wish I never listen to them
I regret every word I've listened

I always think about everyday
I lost much weight
It's a dark secret
It is a dark forest with hidden information

A dark forest is deep and far with bounds
Secret is a black Jacket
Once you wear it
You become the owner of it

Or a witness about it
Secret has wrecked and put
Others in jail
It's hard to die for a soup
While you didn't eat the chicken

Secret shall haunt you to death
You regret every movement it took place
Once you spill the beans
It is out of frying pan

Into the fire
A secret is a vow
And slow poison
It kills you slowly by words and overthinking

And end up spilling the beans
No more sealed lips
Only a darkness room
You regret everything you've heard
It's unexplainable

Hard to die with secret
Once you listen
You become the witness
I wish ears were having lids
To cover my ears from the secret

My mouth that time
Couldn't even shut up
Now I'm in dark deep forest of secret
And I wish I never opened my mouth and my ears

I regret......

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 11

Poem Title: "Piece of me"

Piece of me
I grew up poor
But never had poor mindset
Years ago it was sort of jokes
Until I became talented

Now my life it's make sense
I never doubted myself
Everyday is another day of trying
I never give up on my dreams
By piece of me

I was building myself a bit
Life never been easy
I was keeping trying
I never listen to mosquitos
That makes uninvited noise

I came across lot of challenges
That was piece of me
My background never define me
Even now I'm not easy to be define
Being born in corner House

It's never been your fault
Parent belongings be never been mine
My success wasn't about
How I am or where I come from
Success it's a choice from a person

I've got lot to tell
Others information I can't speak
Even though
I've got bright mindset
Of expressing my feelings there

I've got strong wings
Which makes me fly higher
By piece by piece
The world is so nice
With a lot of attractive

I am decent girl
I never loved the world
The world is like chappies
Once you lost the tasted
It throws you out

That's the cruel of the world
I never been part of loving the world
I grew in decent family
Even though
My life is different and incomparable

I mean by piece
I've got a lot to share
I was giving slices of me
Piece by piece

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


The BRT Organisation has realized that some teachers at various schools are not just Teachers but parents to those kids they are playing significant role more than a teacher, they are parents

So the BRT Organisation want to awards them with appreciation certificates
Inbox us everywhere you are in South Africa, Inbox us Name & Surname and Name of School we will send the Certificate vie WhatsApp or Email Address of that special teacher to you even if you are no longer at school


We will ever cherish you KZN


Long walk


BRT Limpopo Mawa Block 9 during workshop


The kids of BRT Limpopo joined hands saying stop GBV




1 KZN we will for ever send vote of thanks


Members arrived in KZN thanks for the support from various schools we visited


Thanks you one more KZN for welcoming Building Reconciliation Together Emphangeniโค๏ธ


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 10 Tittle " Listen and Learn

Listen and Learn
She did not listen to them
Giving her advice was a waste of time
She was full of herself

She lived a soft life
A girl never struggle with money
Her beauty attracted blessers
Her parents tried to talk to her

All she was after was money and soft life
She loved nice time nothing else
Her parents didn't care anymore
Because her behaviour was out of control

While her friends and peers were busy preparing for their future
Life started to be difficult for her

She was torn into pieces
Lost her beauty
She did this to herself
She is a skeleton now

Happiness is gone now
World chewed and spit her up
Only shame left on her
She was a topic of community

They told her
She didn't listen
She wish she can start all over
But time wait for no one
Only you can make it work

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 9 Tittle " Youth of Today

Youth of today
Is this a youth of today?
Who have discarded their culture
And ashamed of speaking their indigenous languages

A youth of today
Don't respect adults
They barely respect
A youth of today

Drink alcohol as if the sun will never rise again
Are this the leaders of tomorrow?
Who sell their bodies to blessers
Who hardly respect their parents

I'm ashamed to look at youth of today
I thought youth of today
Will make ancestors be proud
This generation is a shame

A generation of teenage pregnancy
They kill innocent seeds
Unborn babys are mistakes
A youth of today

Are destroying our culture
Freedom made things to be worse
I thought the 1990s did
Fight for freedom

Not knowing they are killing
Our active youth
Youth wake up
Dust yourself

I'm really ashamed of you
Is this a youth of today?
Who feel like school is a jail cell
Who swim in the pool of drugs

I'm ashamed to rise my head
I'm Ashamed of youth of today
Who killed our culture
Are this the leaders of tomorrow?

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Community Development

Mr Mohale Ezekiel has a burning desire and a need for wanting to partner with government to work for the betterment of society. However l point out and would really love to drive the point home that this non-profit organisation is not involved in party politics, even though there is a greater need to work with the government and oppositions towards creating more economic and uplifment opportunities for our people.

Even where there are visible failures on the part of government entities and elected current leadership's to uplift our Communities out of their underdevelopment, the idea for Mr Ezekiel Mohale and the ( BRT) Continental Executive Board Members is not to judge the government harshly, but to work with them and private sectors to create opportunities for development and self-determination.

The ( BRT ) Teams are passionate to deal with challenges such as are faced by our unemployed Graduates who are struggling to find employment in the state and private sectors. This Organisation want to help find solutions that will help our people improve their lives and change their circumstances for the better, and further admits that the Organisation does have solutions in black and white to provide to the government and private sectors, we can assist our government with ideas that can help our country move forward.

Founder Ezekiel Mohale say the ( BRT ) is looking forward to establish information centres in rural and semi-urban Communities. He and his team's of various Community Development Activists want to use these centres to provide invaluable information about available economics and job opportunities, such as learnership, internship as well as vacancies in the state and other institutions, which will be acceptable to unemployed graduates and other members of the Communities


The Founder of BRT Ezekiel Mohale asking a difficult question during GBV event who is the Government? The event was held in Boqa village GA Rabogale Limpopo Province


The joy our kids having in the center Xitsonga dance.


Building Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation is trying by all means to keep children out of the streets and keep them busy we need your support as kids only needs Bluetooth speakers and Organisation Uniforms ๐Ÿ™


Onthatile the praise Poet BRT child


This poem melted our heart๐Ÿ’”as GBV continues to be a major problem in South Africa ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”we will continue uniting as organization to find the root of the problem


Temoso Motale need support to continue with her dream as a singer anyone who would love to ft just to help with recognition please whatsapp 0799465073


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 8 Tittle " What is a Democracy"

What kind of democracy is this
Is this a democracy or a curse?

They fought for democracy?
Not this!

Ohh what a shame to our democracy
The rights of people
Their voice's are silenced

Not even a whisper to their ears
Is this a democracy or a curse?
Our children are dropping out

Politicians stomach are large as drums
They exploit our resources

The common man is in the shadow
No more democracy
There is loadshedding

No good roads
Corruption is very high
Youth is talented but killing one another

Is this a freedom or curse?
They died and buried for this!
This is a curse

Lookout our youth of today
Leadership of today
Look how selfish they are

World is full of curse
Celebrities are dying young
Money curse the world

Its a cursed generation
Is this a democracy?

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission

Photos from Building Reconciliation Together NPO Organization's post 10/03/2024

Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 7 Tittle "Hope for Africa"

When I wake and roll my eyes
I see an earthly version of paradise
I see golden rays in your eastern skies

It's beauty beyond my imagination
I see hope in your each and every sunrise...

When I try to level with you
I see wisdom in your elders, energy in your youth

Generations, each with endless possibilities

Hope for our generation
I see active children
Who obey rules at home

Bright future they are holding
Youth that is not ashamed of their culture

Their respect for culture
My hope as an African
I wish we could be together

And fight against poverty
As a strong youth
We are leaders of tomorrow

I see wisdom in your elders, energy in your youth

Generations, each with endless possibilities
I see varying cultures and personalities

I see strengths harnessed in your diversities
Yet in all that, I see one large, united family

I see strength and hope, in your unity
You are home to endless possibilities, Africa

Home to a people with unimaginable value

Roots to the face of the globe, Africa
Home to rich elegance and beauty, Africa

When I look at you, I see greatness hovering in your soul

I see the people in you, and you in them.
I see hope in you Africa.

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission


Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation
The Praise Poet
Poem 6 Tittle "Let it go"

Let it go

Slow down and take a Deep breath
Hold your tears
Pretend to be fine

While you not
It's not easy to let things go
Especially in a situation like this

Deep down inside it is Not easy
Just let things go
It doesn't matter how

You've suffered in life
But holding those grudges
Won't help

It is difficult I know
Only time will tell
You won't have peace

Don't bottle things up
It wasn't meant for you
Your right time will come

Never keep it
If you let it go
You will be relieved

You won't have peace
Take this thing out
It wasn't meant for you

Your right time will come
Never keep it
Take out heavy load

Off your shoulders
Even though its hard
It doesn't matter now

You tried to keep it up
Take it off it will haunt
You in your dreams

Never stay where you are
If you are not happy
You are not caged

You can move
Stay out of danger
Let them leave you

You also have to leave
You tried so hard
By letting things go

You will have a peace of Mind
You are worth it
Let it go

NB: This poem remains a work of Onthatile Sehlwana ,no one is allowed to publish it or use it for personal gain without her permission

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Videos (show all)

We will ever cherish you KZN
Long walk
BRT Limpopo Mawa Block 9 during workshop
The kids of BRT Limpopo joined hands saying stop GBV
1 KZN we will for ever send vote of thanks
Members arrived in KZN thanks for the support from various schools we visited
Thanks you one more KZN for welcoming Building Reconciliation Together Emphangeniโค๏ธ
The Founder of BRT Ezekiel Mohale asking a difficult question during GBV event who is the Government? The event was held...
The joy our kids having in the center Xitsonga dance.
Building Reconciliation Together NPO Organisation is trying by all means to keep children out of the streets and keep th...
Onthatile the praise Poet BRT child


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