Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA

This page is for everyone who supports the work of the youth who are up to make a change, who does n

A Young Hero's Journey : An 8-Year-Old Boy's Struggle to Care for His Mom With Giant Leg 08/09/2023

I was encouraged and I understood there is nothing I can complain about but I want to thank God that is with me I pray that this woman and her child can get the help they need.

A Young Hero's Journey : An 8-Year-Old Boy's Struggle to Care for His Mom With Giant Leg Support Obed and his mom in their tough fight against cancer. Your help can make a big difference. To donate, simply click here: https://givinglife.com/cause-details?campaign=545. Thanks for your kindness. Meet Obed, a remarkable 8-year-old boy who embodies the true meaning of bravery. From a tender...


Ngyanibingelela bahlobo bami ngithi anginibikele lapha ukuthi asifile sisakhona kodwa we are going through some development phase that is really not easy on us but trusting God that this will pass and bese sibuyela esmeni senze izinto ngiphinde nibone ukuthi why we were born as DICA/ Ababumbi. Sibiziwe uMdali wasihlomisa ngobuholi nangolwazi lolu asasihlomisa ngalo futhi namanje kulesiskhathi esidlula kusona, siyamethemba osbizile futhi wethembekile kithina iminyaka emihlanu manje, okwingakho sinesiqiniseko namanje ukuthi sizodlula lesikhathi bese niyabona nonke ukuthi besisaphekwa. Ngyanithanda nonke bahlobo bami niziphathe kahle kuqalile inyanga yokugubha abantu abasha abenzakahle emphakathini.


Inqama mayisahlehlile isuke iyothatha Amandla ayngoba ihlehlile ngalawo mazwi ngithi bahlobo bami angifile ngisaphila futhi sisakhona njenge Organisation sisakha okungaphakathi nisazobona nje Nani. Ngyacela ningayeki ukusa, uJehova usemuhle kanti izimangaliso usazenza, hlalani kuye usazobaphakamisa abamphakamisayo njengesqalo nesiphetho sempilo yabo. Ungazilibali ukuthi ungubani emhlabeni ngisho ingelosi siyakuhlonipha njengekhanda hhayi umsila. Never give up on God and God will never give up on you.



Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 02/08/2022

we were with Community Safety and Liaison where we had a second event of Sport and Art against at KwaNdengezi sport Ground.

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 02/08/2022

so with Masiphephe network we have organised a brothers for life where we are willing to hear the side of the story of men and working together with men to fight against gender based violenviolanc

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 02/08/2022

hello good people here we were cleaning the hall and abomama program donated into a family that was affected by floods in kwaCutshwayo


Greetings, syabingelela kubalandeli bethu bonke siyathemba nonke niphilile. So we have met this business elivele lasamkela lase lisethemba ngomsebenzi walo ukuthi siwumakethe. We have partnered with KKBT to promote the business for a year and it is paying us for that, siyacela bakwethu ukunamkela nani kulobudlelwano esesinabo nalelibhizinisi elinesifiso sokunikeza abahlali baseNingizimu Afrika lelithuba lokuzakhela ingcebo. Nathi singababanye abantu abahlomulayo kulelibhizinisi, kuyatshalwa izimali kusela emalini engu R200 kuya ekujuleni kwebhange noma kwephakethe lakho. Se we opened a feeding skeem at Mansenseni hall, we are happy that we joined this business and we hope all our friends in this page shall benefit. If you have any question please feel free to ask.


Hello good people i hope niyaphila nonke ngizwa ngathi nginganifisela nje ukuthi nibe nosuku oluhle. Sisabasiza abantu kuphela sisebenzela eMansenseni hall kulezinsuku.


Hello good people i am very sorry i have been silence for such a long lime, God has been so great to me and the organisation so everyone who is following us will never have finencial problems. Please talk to me if you need help with any information to grow your personal life or you want to understand something on you relationship wherether a romentic, family or friend. I am wilth you just talk to DICA Solutions.


Hello friends and family, we want say we have not ignored you but we are on to somethings keep loving us and will never forget you, we love you may God bless you take care.


Greetings to everyone on this page, i hope that everyone enjoyed December and the New year's eve. I wish you all a Happy new year with prosperity, you alone know what do you want to achieve this year, i pray that you may be successful and this year will be your year of doing great things. I want to tell you this God is able and has a great plan for you, said the word of the Lord in the bible, just have faith on God's promisses and start doing something about your vision you will see the Lord. I love you all may God Bless You.

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 10/12/2021

On the day of our historical lecture from our Chief Shozi a humble Chief of aManganga, bayeeeeede nywele olude kuwe baba wethu sonke eMangangeni, DICA loves you.


Ngyanibingelela nonke bahlali ngyathemba niphilile nonke bakwethu, we like to thank everyone who follow this page and those who liked it we are nothing without you all, we wish you all the best on this season may God protect and bless you all with your families, while you are celebrating the end of this year. We want to tell you that you have made it and that you are special, we understand that these years are not that easy but we believe that through faith everything is possable, and this is also a good time for everyone to plan for next year and revision your self. God is there for you no metter what you are facing right now, there is no problem that last for ever and remember we are also hear for you just contact us we have something we call DICA Solutions. Enjoy your 2021 December. We love you.


Ngyabingelela 28 November is loading aniziphathe kahle bakwethu kuloDecember ngyanincenga.


Sekunjalo syakuphinda futhi lokho bakwethu


Hello good people i hope you are all well, as we are approaching December i am humbling my self before you all please take good care. December is passing and you'll be needing money on January so please spend wise. Your safety first is the priority.


Hello ngyabingelela bakwethu kulesikhathi sonyaka ngifisa nje ukuniqinisa idolo ngyazi isikhathi sokuphela konyaka nansi icovid ngalana liyavulwa liyavalwa izwe konke lokhu kugcina kwenza kwabanye kubenzima ukuphila ngoba nemisebwnzi iyaphela kumapetupetu nje nasi neaikhathi sokuvotela ubuholi bohulumeni basekhaya. Ngyazi kukhona labo abakwazile ukuphumelela ezifisweni abebenazo kulonyaka kanti bakhona nalabo abangakwazanga ukuthi zifezeke ngendlela abefisa ngayo kodwa sibonga ukuthi usaphila futhi njengoba usaphila nje usanamathuba amaningi okuyisa impilo yakho phambili ungavumeli ukufeyila kukuphuce amandla akho okuphupha noma lokuba nezifiso nathi siyahluleka kukaningi sihlulwka kodwa into esenza sikwazi ukuqhubeka ukwazi into abanye abantu abangayazi okuyiphupho leDICA kanjalo nakuwe khona lento abantu abangayazi esemqondweni yakho abayoyazi ngamhla usuphumelele, akekho owaziyo ukuthi izophumelela nini kodwa ukuphumelela kwayo kukuwe, ekukhuthaleni kwakho ngifisa ukusho ukuthi iskhathi sisekhona ngoba usaphila ungesabi ukuthi yini engenzekanga kodwa awuzijabulise nje ngalokho okuhle okukodwa okwenzekile empilweni yakho kulonyaka. Nivote kahle abazoya ukuyovota nibe nokuphela konyaka okuhle, ngifisa nje wazi ukuthi ubalulekile kuthina sikufisela impumelelo njalo, makukhona ongakuqondi uzibona engathi udinga usizo sikhona singabakho.


Bahlale base dassenhoek namaphethelo simema abaphila nokukhubazeka kanye nalabo ababagadile ukuthi basebenzise lezinumber ukuze sibaregister kwi event esizoyenza kulenyanga mhlazingu 23, sifisa ukuba emphakathini bakuqonde ukuthi siphila nabo abantu abawuloluhlobo futhi nabo banamalungelo ekumele ahlonipheke kanti nabo bangabantu njengawowonke umuntu banezidingo, siyacela ukuba sibambisane ekwenzeni lolusuku l**e impumelelo siyabonga.


Hello fallows i hope niphilile nonke, mawufuna ukuba umlingisi nje ufisa ukufunda nali ithuba lakho.

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 25/09/2021

Siyabonga kubonabonke abakade bekanye nathi may God bless you


Sekunjalo ke namhlanje shlangene eBhekokuhle amaCiko enza adume ngakho. Happy Heritage Day


Those who want to become better actors. Here is an opportunity for those who would love the opportunity to be developed by the legend himself through his Foundation and did I mention that it's a free project! 💃😍💃😍

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 13/09/2021

Ngyabingelela bakwethu asethembe baphilile abantu. Sekusukile ke lokho on DICA traveling and tourism program we were at Giba Goerge Land woooooo we had fun. Umangaba uyathanda ukuya nawe please contact me sizohlela nawe, we learned a lot about plants and enimels kuleyandawo.

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 05/09/2021

Hello good friends of this page i hape you are having a great Sunday ngithi anginithumelele lokhu abesikukho izolo abantwana bethu in their first friendly games.


Bekunjena kwiWomans empowerment

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 28/08/2021

Namhlanje besilekelela organisation entsha iFaith and Hope yenza umcimbi wayo wokuqala lapho besibungaza khona omame (womans) ubemuhle kakhulu umcimbi. Obekhona uzibonele wazizwela yena, organisation efisa ukulekelela kakhulu abantu bakithi ukuthi bazi ngamalungelo abo nokuthi kusho ukuthini ukuba izwe elikhululekile bese igqugquze nokuzimela kubantu abangamaAfrican ikakhulu ngezinto ezithinta agriculture. Besisho kanjena namhlanje kubantu besfazane " ABANTU BESIFAZANE BANGAKWAZI UKUZIMELA NOMA BENGEKHO ABANTU BESILISA " engathi abantu bakithi bengayeka ukukhuluma kakhulu izinkinga kodwa bakhulume izisombululo, singenza okuningi uma nje songaphana indlebe nokuthi sinikezane ithuba iloyo naloyo enze lokho akwazi ukukwenza ngokungesabi futhi ngokuzethemba, sikuyeke ukuhlebana kodwa silekelelane njengezingane zandawonye, ukohlukana kwezibongo akusho ukuthi asifani kodwa iyona ndlela ekwazi ukukutshela ukuthi wena usukakuphi. Sonke thina esimnyama sabandawonye masifunde ukuthwalisana ngoba vele okulimaza umuntu wakini nawe kuyakuthinta noma uyakubona noma awukuboni wena lokhu ukuthi kukuthinta kanjani. Mbokodo siyanithanda futhi siyakholelwa kunina, abaningi bethu bakhuliswe imbokodo ngoba obaba bebengekho mhlambe washona ubaba noma umsebenzi awenzayo uyamhlukanisa nomndeni iskhathi esiningi, bakwazi omame ukuthi bayibambe imizi yakithi zakhula ingane. Ngaleyondlela bantu besifazane siyanithanda futhi siyanihlonipha ngeqhaza enilibambayo ezimpilweni zethu, qhubekani ningapheli amandla bakhona abafisa ukuneseka DICA and Faith and Hope is hear for you.


Happy Sunday to everyone
Prov 1:7,8,9&10 Advice to the Young people to have knowladge you must first have reverance for the Lord, stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn. To be contenued in the bible


hello good people ngifisa ukuthi nje komama nabantwana bakwethu ngathi ingayinhle inyanga yabomame noma yokubungaza abantu besifazane abanesibindi sokukhulisa izingane bebodwana, abakwazi ukuphikisana nesystem ecindezela abesifazane ikakhulu emsebenzini, ngithi nywele olude kinina nonke nihlale niyimbokodo njalo bese nifundisa nezingane zenu ukuthi ziziphathe kahle zilandele ezinyathelweni zenu kanye nobaba labo abayaziyo intoyabo ukuthi bangobaba ngokuvikela labo ababuthakathaka. Ngifisa ukuthi ngiyanithanda ningayeki ukwenza okuhle okunalokho kuthi nalapho beningenzi kahle khona nishintahe nenze kahle.


ngyaxolisa we did not inform you about our event on the 16th of June my mistake fellows but i will share photos with you we really enjoyed our the holiday and we hope the Youth learned somethings on that day and we hope our vision was clear but i will share it with you here. we hope to develop our soccer field, we hope to have a tennis court where youth can play basket ball and netball as well as tennis, and we also hope to have a swimming pool for the people who would like to up skill their swimming skills. All we want to do is to protect the future of our youth, we are agents of change and we want to build mere agents.


Hello good people ngiyethemba bagcinekile abantu onyakeni ka2021, i know it is not easy but you guys are fighting so hard to be successful and i want to say you can do it, never give up.

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 14/05/2021

This is what happened on the 07 May 2021 when we had our introduction to the journey with the high school learners


Hello everyone I hope wonke umuntu uryt please support us.

Exact Online Tv 17/04/2021

*Hi, Catch The Full broadcast in our YouTube Channel Online Program.. Please🥺 don't forget to subscribe🙏♥️*


Exact Online Tv Exact Online Program with Saint Brwsky

Photos from Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art- DICA's post 17/04/2021
Exact Online Tv 10/04/2021

*Hi, Catch The Full broadcast in our YouTube Channel Online Program.. Please🥺 don't forget to subscribe🙏♥️*


Exact Online Tv Exact online program with Zebra

Exact Online Tv 03/04/2021

*Hi, Catch The Full broadcast in our YouTube Channel Online Program.. Please🥺 don't forget to subscribe🙏♥️*


Exact Online Tv Exact Online program with Zany Macgriffins

Exact Online TV 14/03/2021

*Hi, Catch The Full broadcast in our YouTube Channel Online Program.. Please don't forget to subscribe🙏♥️*


Exect was found by Andile Shezi one of the best Artist of Dassenhoek Internal Creative Art so I please you all to support the show.

Exact Online TV Exact Online TV with Ice 6

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Launch of our feeding skeem





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