Larry Liebenberg Art

Graphite Pencil Artist and Art Teacher


So why do I enjoy drawing faces so much?

As they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. When you look at a face, the face is an expression of the whole personality.

This morning I have been thinking about how wonderful and important every individual personality is.

Every person is made up of a sum of likes and dislikes. That in essence is what makes us who we are.

I am absolutely fascinated with what makes up a "personality".

Here is an example :

Just think of how you feel when you pack a suitcase to go travel somewhere.

Every person has a different view of what to pack.

This different interest, or list of things to pack is typically what makes us human beings so interesting.

When I draw faces, this fact, this difference, this individual look in the eyes, and portrayal of a character, is fascinating.

Just think of how you feel at times when you are alone, or out in nature, and you have a heightened awareness of just being alive and sensing the uniqueness of what you love and don't love.

That's your personality expressing itself.

That, in essence is what I love to capture in every portrait.

Have a great day further.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 27/04/2024

“I Love My Dog”

About two years ago, Helen (my wife), and I were travelling through Kwazulu Natal, north of Durban in South Africa, and we stayed some time in a caravan park, in a little coastal Town Called Mtunzini.

Mtunzini is a sub-tropical area, with all kinds of birds, wild indigenous trees, very hot summers, and mangroves.

One day, during our stay in Mtunzini, I went up to the Mtunzini Country Club, and started doing this drawing at the club.

This is one of the most beautiful golf clubs in South Africa, and when you sit up on the veranda area, you look out across the beautiful winding estuaries, which flank between the golf course and the Indian Ocean.

While I was at the club drawing this portrait, a wonderful couple who live in Mtunzini, came up to me and took an interest in the portrait.

It turned out that they were both interested in art, and I was invited to their stately home, to give a demonstration of my drawing techniques, and inspiration, to a few of their friends from Mtunzini.

We had a great time as I visited their home, and showed them some of my drawing techniques.
I will always treasure that experience.


Part of this drawing was done at the golf club, and part done back in the caravan park, sitting outside under the trees.

I also put some final touches into this drawing a few days ago, here at home, and am happy to present to you, “I Love My Dog”.

It took a long, long time and much patience to complete the jersey. But I love drawing fine detail.

A new challenge to me was drawing jeans with shredded knees. But I am happy with the result.

Thank you all for your continued interest.

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*Do you know anyone who loves art?

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 22/04/2024

“The Border Collies”

Sometime last year, my wife Helen and I went to look after a house which was situated about two hundred metres away from the ocean, and which had a beautiful beach area nearby.

We were tasked with looking after two border collies, while their owners went travelling.
We had to take the dogs for their daily walks, feed them and be their friends.

It was an enjoyable experience which we will never forget.

The collies were full of energy and, would love to run on the beach. Of particular interest was how the one collie, would herd the other. As I have never looked after dogs like this before, I found this behaviour really interesting.

They were dogs well known to all the locals, and people would often greet them and us on the beach.

During this time, Helen thought it would be a great idea to photograph and paint a “Doggy Portrait”, of the two collies.

Helen is really great with her dog portraits. This portrait she did in water colour.

I love the way she skilfully captured the exact look of the collies, the look in their eyes and their playful habit, which was chasing tennis balls.

So today I am posting the portrait she did.

This doggy portrait was a big surprise for the house owners as they had no idea she was painting this portrait. When they arrived back home, they found the portrait to their great surprise. They were overjoyed and very grateful.

Hope you love this one.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 17/04/2024

“Love My Outfit, Love My Hair”

So, it’s a beautiful, happy, sunny morning, no wind day here in Port Elizabeth.

Whenever we have no wind days here in PE, we all feel great! It’s about 10am as I type this post.

This subject got my attention in that she seems to be a very beautiful soul, with a beauty that radiates from within. The look in her eyes, the friendliness, and the calm demeanour speaks to me of humility, sincerity and honesty.


I enjoyed drawing this classic styled outfit, the sleeves, and the needlework on the dress. This dress reminded to me of times past in previous generations when women dressed more conservatively, and looked very elegant.

I enjoyed drawing the three dimensional aspects of the dress. For example: The dark to light shading in the needlework was an amazing and fun challenge to complete.

I also enjoyed drawing her elegant hands, rings, and well cared for nails.

Her hair and highlights which come alive and radiate with the natural sunlight.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 08/04/2024

“Little Oliver”
This is Little Oliver. What a champion!

And what a wonderful experience, drawing this commission.

The challenge in this commission was not only representing Little Oliver’s friendly face, but also the complex little windbreaker jacket, and his super trendy shoes. He looks so happy and confident!

This portrait was commissioned by his grandmother who lives here in Port Elizabeth.

Little Oliver’s grandmother sent me two photos on WhatsApp, of which I selected the one I thought would make the best portrait.

It is always a great joy to complete a portrait, or portraits for grandparents, as they seem to have so much love and admiration for their grandchildren.

And their excitement is like music to my ears when they see the completed portrait.


This artwork was completed on medium weight, A3 size, 297mm x 420mm, Primeart Acid-Free paper.

This artwork was completed using a combination of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and Faber-Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 31/03/2024

When I was four years old, and attending a nursery school, the teacher wrote in my report to my mother,

“Although Larry has grown up a great deal during the last six months, he is still much too prone to burst into tears when things do not go his way. Larry really must be encouraged to cope with his problems more constructively. We have tried to show him that he will get better results with words than tears.”

Throughout my life, I have found that I am very sensitive to the emotions of people around me.
I sometimes overly process everything that is happening around me, including sights, sounds, and emotions.

This might have contributed to the outbursts I had at nursery school.

I never understood this “oversensitive” side of my nature until later in life when I discovered how much I love the “feelings, and emotions” I perceive while doing Portraiture Art.

When I draw, I am able to turn my “negative” into my positive, as it takes a hyper-sensitive mind to excel in the finer nuances in Portraiture Art.

When I look at the subject I need to draw, I find I am able to capture in detail, the “look”, or the “emotion” in the person I am drawing.

And I simply LOVE this.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 24/03/2024

Can there be anything more important in life than family?

I am so grateful that I grew up in a wonderful, loving, caring family. My mother and father always loved me and my two brothers and my sister. We grew up on a small land holding (5 Acres), of land, where we had space to run around in a big garden, and play games and life was wonderful.

We had the security of knowing that we were loved and cherished by our parents. My parents always encouraged us when we achieved even the smallest of success in any endeavour.

We had fruit trees, and vegetables and a big open field where my parents kept some cows. We had farm fresh milk from the cows every day. Our home was not a rich home, but there was tons of love.

To add to this joy, was all the friends and families that used to come and visit us.

We had many what we call in South Africa, “Braais” or “Barbeques”.

Our home was like a train station of people coming and going. We often had friends stay over for weekends, and they loved coming to stay because we had a big swimming pool in the front garden with a trampoline.


When I chose to draw this portrait, it reminded me of the love and joy of my childhood. I just love the big smile on the little boys face, and the love between this couple.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 20/03/2024

It's early morning, middle of March 2024, as I type this post.

The day is just beginning and the beautiful morning dawn has arrived. Everything is peaceful outside.

As I ponder my thoughts around this work of art, and remember all the amazing moments spent drawing this portrait, I am just filled with gratitude. Gratitude to God for the blessings of life. Gratitude to my fellow human beings for the world we love and share.


What comes to my mind in this portrait is an emotion of hope! Hope for life.

The surrounding atmosphere, the bouquet of nature, the tufts of grass, the sincere look in her eyes, and her hand, these caught my attention. I just had to draw this.

Most of this portrait, I drew, sitting in my beautiful kitchen, looking out across the green hills of Port Elizabeth. SA.

I listened to a lot of calm music and songs while drawing this portrait. Some of the music and lyrics were songs portraying green fields, and outdoors. Sunlight and hope for humanity.

This was truly, one of the most amazing experiences drawing this very three dimensional portrait.

Everyone on earth should be drawing. It would make the world into a better place.


This artwork was completed on 120gsm (medium weight), A3 size, 297mm x 420mm, Primeart Acid-Free paper.

This artwork was completed using a combination of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and Faber-Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 18/03/2024

"My Art Story"
Have you every wished that you could draw a face?

Have you ever sat with a piece of paper in front of you and found yourself trying to sketch a face? If you have, then you might be someone who has some artistic talent that you have never developed.

I did not know that I had an ability to draw faces until many years after high school. And I did not take any art lessons in school or after school.

The first time I realized that I had an interest in drawing faces was when one day I found myself having this strong desire to draw a face which I saw in a magazine.

So, I cut the page out of the magazine. I then took some drawing paper, and made some light grid lines with a pencil across the drawing paper.

Then I made the exact same grid lines across the magazine page. I then used some art materials I had at home in an attempt to draw the most realistic replica of the original that I could do. I used graphite pencils, cotton wool and ear buds in my attempt to draw an exact replica of the original. And that was it.

That is when I first realized that I love drawing portraits.

The portrait shown in this post is the one I have just described.

And now, years later I’m still hooked on doing portraits. I love the detail in faces, like the eyes, the nose, the hair, the eyebrows etc. I love the challenge of realism, which is, drawing as close a resemblance to the original photo as is possible. In art circles they call this PHOTO REALISM.


If you live in Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA, and would like to learn how to draw portraits with Graphite Pencil:

Art lessons are still available per month. (ZAR)

Art lessons are one hour per week.

Advice will be given on what art supplies you will be needing.

Please message ART LESSONS to me on WhatsApp, if you live in PE and would like to apply to take art lessons

Beginners are welcome.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 14/03/2024

“Happy Summer”
There is nothing like a happy summer’s day.

When we get outside, we feel fresh air, feel healthy, and life is great!

This is the emotion that I found that shines through in this artwork.

One simple reason I chose to draw this image is that I had never drawn a hat like this before. This challenge really appealed to me.

Also, the atmosphere in the photo, the sunlight, the dried flowers, the free feeling caught my attention.

I just love drawing and what a great experience it was drawing this one! I wish every person on earth could experience the unbelievable joy of drawing with graphite pencils.


This artwork was completed on 120gsm (medium weight), A3 size, 297mm x 420mm, Primeart Acid-Free paper.

This artwork was completed using a combination of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and Faber-Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils.


Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 04/03/2024

Few things impress me more in life than a calm, confident and contented look in someone’s face.

The reason I chose to draw this subject is exactly this.

This bride looks like she is very calm, self-assured, and this serenity, this peacefulness, is what captured my artistic interest.


This artwork was completed on 120gsm (medium weight), A3 size, 297mm x 420mm, Primeart Acid-Free paper.

This artwork was completed using a combination of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and Faber-Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils.


If you live in Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA, and would like to learn how to draw portraits with Graphite Pencil:

Art lessons are still available per month. (ZAR)

Art lessons are one hour per week, (no extra charge for a five week month)

Advice will be given on what art supplies you will be needing.

Please message ART LESSONS to me on WhatsApp, if you live in PE and would like to apply to take art lessons.

Beginners are welcome.


Portraits are available at R1000 (ZAR) for an A3 size (297mm x 420mm), unframed, plus (R250 per extra subject)

I would require a clear photo of the subject/s you want drawn. You can WhatsApp the photo/s to me.

I can also do a series, i.e. two or three separate portraits, like brothers and sisters or grandchildren portrayed separately.

R109 postage for any destination in South Africa. (Postnet to Postnet)

A 50% deposit will be required prior to commencing.

The 50% balance payment will be due on pick up, drop off, or prior to posting.

Progress shots of the artwork will be sent to you via WhatsApp messaging.

Turnaround time will be about three weeks to a month.

A4 Size Portraits are also available at R850 (ZAR), unframed, (R250 per extra subject)

Please message PORTRAIT to me on WhatsApp, if you would like to order a portrait.

Only available in South Africa.


Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 04/03/2024

“Little Princess”
Inspiration to draw this little girl with her bunny rabbit came from a desire to showcase the infinite value of every child on earth.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. “
Matthew 19:14 (NIV). Holy Bible.

If God values children so much, then we should also strive for their protection and well-being in every nation, tribe and people around the world.


This artwork was completed on 120gsm (medium weight), A3 size, 297mm x 420mm, Primeart Acid-Free paper.

This artwork was completed using a combination of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and Faber-Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils.


If you live in Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA, and would like to learn how to draw portraits with Graphite Pencil:

Art lessons are still available per month. (ZAR)

Art lessons are one hour per week, (no extra charge for a five week month)

Advice will be given on what art supplies you will be needing.

Please message ART LESSONS to me on WhatsApp, if you live in PE and would like to apply to take art LESSONS.

Beginners are welcome.


Portraits are available at R1000 (ZAR) for an A3 size (297mm x 420mm), unframed, plus (R250 per extra subject)

I would require a clear photo of the subject/s you want drawn. You can WhatsApp the photo/s to me.

I can also do a series, i.e. two or three separate portraits, like brothers and sisters or grandchildren.

R109 postage for any destination in South Africa. (Postnet to Postnet).

A 50% deposit will be required prior to commencing.

The 50% balance payment will be due on pick up, drop off, or prior to posting.

Progress shots of the artwork will be sent to you via WhatsApp messaging.

Turnaround time will be about three weeks to a month.

A4 Size Portraits are also available at R850 (ZAR), unframed, (R250 per extra subject).

Please message PORTRAIT to me on WhatsApp, if you would like to order a portrait.

Only available in South Africa.


Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 28/02/2024

“Gatsby Glamour”
So why draw this subject? Well I love drawing glamorous portraits with fashion clothes and fashion accessories.

I chose to draw this subject, because of the following interesting features:

The headpiece which is woven into a flower structure, with some lace.
The pearls.
The glamour hairstyle.
The relaxed hands position. (A nice three dimensional challenge)
The amazing and stylish outfit
The look in her eyes. The light reflection which captivates.The smoky look to the sides.
The dark background which highlights the lacework, and the subjects piercing stare.

I really enjoyed drawing this artwork, and this is probably my favourite drawing to date.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 26/02/2024

"Precious Little One"

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 24/02/2024

“Love without Limits”
So where do I begin to explain this work of art.

Well, inspiration to draw this subject came from the desire to draw the relationship that exists between people and their beloved pets.

Art, to me is more than just drawing beautiful images.

As an artist, I care more about the creative journey I take in each artwork I do, than just focussing on the end result.

The creative journey meaning, the subject I choose, the difficulty challenge, and the place or environment where I choose to draw part of, or most of the drawing.

It also involves the sounds around me when I draw, which could be some background music or people talking in a coffee shop.

Or, just drawing at home in the joy of pure silence.

This drawing had a small part (about two hours +) of its journey, in an amazing little coffee shop called Twigs Coffee Shop, in a little town called Mtunzini, on the North parts of KwazuluNatal KZN, South Africa. A very scenic town and interesting coffee shop.

Well I remember that morning so clearly... It was a calm, sunny day, when I absorbed all the sights and sounds around me, into the emotion of this drawing.

There were a few children playing in the back garden area, and a group of ladies sitting near me who were chatting loudly about some of their life joys and retirement challenges.

My wife was sitting across from me, peacefully reading a book, and enjoying the day with me.

While drawing, I completely lost track of time, and it felt as though every stroke of the pencil, and every wave of my brushes, were making music, and were dancing in harmony with the life around me.


I chose this subject, because I love the way this young lady is just loving her dog with an affectionate kiss. The dog also looks so happy, with its tongue showing.

In a world where real love is fast becoming a rare commodity, these human emotions between people and their pets have a way of reminding us about true value.

Photos from Larry Liebenberg Art's post 29/01/2024

"Equestrian Elegance"
Just up the road from where I live is the PE Riding Club, a very well-known and prestigious destination amongst show jumping enthusiasts in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

I sometimes spend a morning or afternoon watching the show jumping, with my wife and her family.

The PE Riding Club is a great venue to have something to eat and watch the show jumping on a sunny day. (If there is an event in progress)

Well, while watching these events, I have been so impressed with how well groomed and healthy the horses look, and the courage shown by the many riders. (There is no way I would ever do what they do. Incredible courage!! Hats off to all the show jumpers)

Part of my inspiration to draw this image came from the many happy hours spent watching the horse riding at this wonderful venue.


"Couple in love"

A3 Graphite Pencil Drawing on Primeart acid-free 120gsm paper.

I am so happy with this final finish. I captured the look in their eyes.

For Portraits like this, please Whattsap me.

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