Aanlyn Kursusse, Pretoria Videos

Videos by Aanlyn Kursusse in Pretoria. Currently, we are primarily striving to provide pre-primary teachers with the additional training

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Self-care for Teachers
Caring for yourself is a necessary part of caring for others! In this course we are going to teach you how to take care of yourself this holiday and how to prepare for an amazing new refreshed you for 2024! In our "self-care for teachers" course we will learn more about self-care, types of self-care, how to find your own love language, as well as ways to take care of yourself. We also look at meditation, mental health and how to prevent burnout. This course also comes with a small self-care journal to help you on your self-care journey. https://aanlynkursusse.com/self-care

Selfsorg vir Onderwysers
Om na jouself om te sien is 'n noodsaaklike deel van omsien na ander! In hierdie kursus gaan ons jou dié vakansie leer hoe om selfsorg toe te pas en hoe om voor te berei vir 'n wonderlike nuwe JY vir 2024! In ons "selfsorg vir onderwysers" kursus gaan ons meer leer oor selfversorging, tipes selfversorging, hoe om jou eie liefdestaal te vind, asook maniere om vir jouself te sorg. Ons kyk ook na meditasie, geestesgesondheid en hoe om uitbranding te voorkom. Hierdie kursus kom ook met 'n klein selfversorgingsjoernaal om jou op jou selfversorgingsreis te help. https://aanlynkursusse.com/self-sorg

Last day! Get your training for the new year TODAY!

Gesondheid, Veiligheid en Higiëne in die Voorskool

Gesondheid, Veiligheid en Higiëne in die Voorskool
Indien jy wonder waaroor ons Gesondheid, Veiligheid en Higiëne kursus gaan….

Health, Safety & Hygiene in the Preschool

Health, Safety & Hygiene in the Preschool
In case you are wondering what our Health,Safety & Hygiene course is about…..

Skryf vandag nog in vir ons belangrikheid van buitespel kortkursus! Slegs R150pp aanlynkursusse.com/buitespel Enrol today for our importance of outdoor play short course! Only R150pp aanlynkursusse.com/outdoorplay