MGT Courses

MGT Training Solutions is committed and passionate about offering quality online courses with off-li

After more than a decade in the industry, Makiti Guides & Tours is keeping up with the times and technology and wearing a new jacket. MGT Courses is committed and passionate about offering quality online courses with off-line workplace integration in collaboration with experts. Currently Tour Operator and Tourist Guide Courses (including all nine provinces) are available. The guiding courses are CATHSSETA accredited, and Tour Operations is offered according to SATSA and industry guidelines.

Samango monkey - SANBI 02/12/2022


I love nature, but no pro unfortunately, and therefore always grateful to pick the brains of people like Zania Collin and a new ecologist guide trainee, Beate Holscher, who worked for SANBI.

Today’s dilemma was about the Samango monkey (also known as Sykes Monkey). I knew that this lesser-known primate of South Africa (we have 6 species excluding H.sapiens) inhabited forests areas such as the Afromontane and Indian Ocean Coastal belts. I always assumed that they were present in the Tsitsikamma forest because of the habitat, but today I learned they don’t occur this far south!

According to SANBI, researchers disagree as to how many subspecies in South Africa – either two / three.
To contribute to the confusion, the taxonomy of samango monkeys is also still disputed on species level - some listing them under the C. mitis group and other prefer C. albogularis.

The proposed three distinct subspecies in South Africa is:
C. a. labiatus, C. a. erythrarchus and C. a. schwarzi.
In accordance this is where you will find the different subspecies:
1. C. a. labiatus is endemic to South Africa and its southern range limit is the Pirie Forest in the Eastern Cape from there it extends northeastwards to the midlands of the KwaZulu-Natal Province
2.C. a. erythrarchus occurs in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and up to Malawi. Within South Africa it occurs from southern Mpumalanga Province to northern KwaZulu-Natal Province
3. The distribution of C. a. schwarzi comprises Mariepskop in the Pilgrims Rest District, north to the Magoebaskloof area including Woodbush (Mpumalanga Province), as well as the Soutpansberg mountains in northern Limpopo Province.

To conclude, Samatha Oosthuysen (adventure guide, and culture guide trainee) described her first encounter with a Samango monkey at Kosi Bay as follows: "I saw this strange-looking, lonely monkey sitting on the beach and it looked like something cut from a coconut (apparently it tried to swim from one side of the forest to the opposite side) … thanks Sammy for igniting the research on this interesting little creature😊

Subspecies - not biologically different, but distinct populations that occur in isolated geographical pockets of indigenous forests with individuals that may vary slightly in colour and size, etc.
Species - defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature / produce off spring.

Samango monkey - SANBI Common names: Sykes’ monkey, Stair’s white-collared monkey, Schwarz’s white-collared monkey (Eng.); samango-aap (Afr.), insimango (siSwati, isiZulu), ndlandlama (Xitsonga), dulu (Tshivenda), […]

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022 04/10/2022

Why Africans are fortunate😊

Swedish scientist Svante Paabo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine yesterday for his discoveries concerning the *genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution. In layman’s terms, his work can be likened to an archaeologist / palaeontologist ‘excavating’ the DNA of humans, and other hominins in search of evidence for human origins.

*Genome - an organism's complete set of DNAS

Here are some of the key findings from his research.
• According to the evolution theory, early humans, after moving from Africa, encountered the Neanderthal and Denisova hominins living in Europe and Asia respectively. These species are believed to have interbred with the new arrivals and it was concluded through these studies that modern humans with European or Asian descent contain a percentage of the genomes of these two hominin species.
• Reference is also made to how this gene transferal has influenced adaptation, for example Tibetans share a gene with Denisovans that helps them adapt to high altitude.
• In relation to the recent pandemic, it is also suggested that one million individuals died due to the Neanderthal variant that they carry. In other words, the researchers believe that the major genetic risk factor for severe symptoms because of the disease was inherited from Neanderthals. Statistics from different regions correlate with these findings.

As a matter of interest, I searched for previous Nobel prize winners in the field of medicine and physiology which included Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin, and Robert Koch for his work on tuberculosis. In 2015 it was awarded to scientists who developed new drugs for roundworm parasites and malaria that improved the lives of 3.4 billion people around the world. Irish parasitologist William C. Campbell and Japanese microbiologist Satoshi Ōmura shared half the prize with a Chinese researcher (who worked on malaria), for discoveries that led to ivermectin, which has dramatically reduced the incidence of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis).

Recently, I also watched a programme where a health authority in Uganda was interviewed about the influence of the pandemic on Africa. Apart from South Africa, the continent did not struggle as much as the rest of the world in terms of combating the disease. Likely reasons for the mild impact that were discussed, included (but not limited to) the absence of a western, and affluent lifestyle, as well as possible resilience due to exposure to other viruses and parasitic infestation.

So, it may be due to the lack of the Neanderthals influences on the genome of Africans, or/and possibly the introduction of certain medication to combat disease, (or other unstated reasons), either way, this time Africans benefited from the valuable research contributed by Nobel prize laurates. 😊


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2022 was awarded to Svante Pääbo "for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution"

Photos from MGT Courses's post 27/09/2022

Mapungubwe and the 'royals'

Interesting chat with Steven, tourist guide at the Mpungubwe museum ( University of Pretoria) last week.

According to the latest research it was not a Kingdom, but rather a State. Apparently, the golden rhino, septer and bowl were found in three different graves on top of "the hill of the jackal" - one of the graves belonging to a woman. All three believed to be rulers - so not a king buried with one of his wives, etc.

Did not have time to pop into the archives division, but maybe one of you have a reference to the latest interpretation? I recently watched a very informative documentary about Schroda, K2 and Mapungubwe and the trade, and all the references was to a king...

Also briefly visited the Anglo Ashanti gold collection at the Javett Art Centre (across the street) - take care that clients do not lean against the glass display since it is connected to an alarm.

Both exhibits are worth the visit!

Tips for visiting:
Send booking request at least four days in advance to [email protected]. Payment is electronic, and you will receive a one-time pin to enter and park at the university. Only accessible from Mondays - Fridays.

For the Javett, visit their website to make an online booking and payment.

There is also the possibility of walking from the Museum view the gold collection in the Javett via pedestrian bridge (if you have made your bookings online). Apparently only possible from Tuesday - Friday, but check first:)

Photos from MGT Courses's post 14/09/2022
Photos from MGT Courses's post 11/09/2022

Noordgesig, township in Soweto

Enjoyed a heritage drive (Smart cars)- and walk-about this wonderful community yesterday with two of my students as part of their assessment. Many of us have driven past this area en route from a Soweto tour, totally oblivious of what it has to offer…

Some famous personalities:
• Tuli House – home to Jake Tuli, the first black South African boxer to hold an Empire championship (later known as Commonwealth Games) title
• House of Ma Vee (Vesta Smith) – courageous opponent of apartheid who joined march to Union building. She also gave shelter to children evading arrest after the Soweto Uprising resulting in her being arrested. A founder member of the UDF. Both she, and Jake Tuli were awarded National orders.
• Mama Glover’s house – a beautiful soul that did so much for her community! Many murals in this community testify of her selfless deeds – my favourite, the “Tree of life” that depicts all the activities she engaged in.

Murals brighten up and bring hope to the community from depictions of days gone by to happy celebrations for newly wed couples!

How fortunate we were to have joined Lavinia (artist and designer of many of the murals), and her husband Fabian Otto! They managed to give us a glimpse into the everyday lives of the residents and introduced us to all the projects aimed at changing perspectives and quality of life. A bonus was the performance by the local dance group at the Otto’s home (opposite Tuli house) – the youngsters were full of energy conveying the township vibe.

Johannesburg Heritage
Lavinia and Fabian Otto

Photos from MGT Courses's post 08/09/2022

Not so “dull” after all …
Completed a short exploration trip to Dullstroom and surrounds with some guide colleagues, and I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by all the interesting history and stories. Herewith but a few:
Dullstroom was virtually razed to the ground by occupying British Forces on two separate occasions during the second Anglo-Boer War. Only two buildings predating 1901 remained untouched – a house known as “Little Foxes” (difficult to see) and Rose Cottage that can be viewed just after the Old Transvaal Inn along the main road. Rose Cottage was apparently a brothel.
There are many stories pertainidng to the war-period (most of it is recorded in Rob Milne’s book, Anecdotes of the Anglo Boer War). There is the tragic story about the Boer girl who fell in love with a British soldier, and the town’s children who died in the concentration camps. Some have allegedly seen spirits of children around town believed to be the children ‘returning’ to their happy place …
Rob also discovered a tunnel dug from the riverbank into the town by the Boers to surprise the British Garrison.
Then there was a Boer officer, named ‘Roksak’ Redelinghuys. Dressed in a British officer’s uniform, he infiltrated the town and visited the church posing as a ‘Colonel Bullock’ in order to expose traitors. Redelinghuys apparently got the nickname when his comrades learned that he carried one of his wife’s dresses in his pack, as a reminder of home and family! Sweet!
A few more interesting facts
• A time capsule is hidden somewhere on the town square and will be opened in 2038
• The clock shop claiming to have the largest selection of clocks s in one shop in the southern hemisphere
• Verloren Vallei Ramsar wetland site (approximately 17km north of town) is home to all three cranes species in South Africa, one of them our national bird.
• Some 7km out of town on the R540 to Lydenburg, just after the turn off to Verloren Vallei, a huge white rock appears on the left – about the size of “Old Joe”. It would appear that it has been there since the completion of the railroad and points to the Nederhorst railway siding close by – the highest railway siding in South Africa (2076m above sea level). The railway siding lies at the foot of the highest mountain in Mpumalanga, the Berg (2332 m above sea level) that is part of the Steenkampsberg. According to Anne Lawrance, the road over Die Berg is the highest tarred road in SA! It is also said that the railway line is the steepest in SA? (Needs verification). People would take a day trip from Dullstroom on the train to Lydenburg for shopping on a Saturday. On the way back, at the very steep sections, people would be walking along, and some would be left behind when the train gained sudden momentum! The train driver, Johnny Duggan, is said to have reduced speed at times to throw buckets of trout in the streams…

To end a perfect day after exciting tours in and around Dullstroom, or perhaps just relaxing at a trout farm, the Duck and Trout Restaurant comes highly recommended. Apart from an excellent menu including sushi (made from local trout and very fresh!), duck pie, grilled trout, oxtail, bean soup, whatever you fancy, the local crowd there was fantastic! Yes, you can have breakfast at Harrie’s Pancakes, but I found it rather boring, and not as tasty as I expected …but that is just me 😊
In the spirit of heritage month, feel free to share your experience and info about the town and surrounds 😊
You can contact the Dullstroom Heritage Society for tours in and around town:
Mike Whelan,

Dullstroom Heritage Society
Munro Deysel (Old Transvaal Inn, Dulstroom)
Rob Milne (Historian and battlefield specialist)
Anne Lawrance (legendary!)
Thanks to Giorgio Teker and ‘Kezumpi’, as well as Adel Nel!


The mummy ...

Shipped from Cairo to Cape Town, then transported by wagon to Pretoria. The original owner one day arrived at the Museum with the mummy strapped at the back of his bicycle and that became its home since 1899.

The mummy dates to approximately 175 AD and is therefore roughly 2 000 years old.

You can view it at the Ditsong National Museum of Cultural History (Pretoria).


AdventurEx - Find Your Edge 14/07/2022

Great opportunity to boost domestic tourism!
Let me know should you be interested in participating in this expo, or visit the website

AdventurEx - Find Your Edge If you live your life on the edge, then you cannot afford to miss this world-class consumer expo for adventure-seekers. Everything you need and want on show ...



Anyone is welcome to join this week's workshops:
May 10, 11 and 12 @ 2pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 885 7496 5591
Passcode: 118267

Terms and conditions:
You have to identify yourself to the presenter.
Only enrolled and paying participants will be able to access the recordings of the sessions afterwards.

The online workshops will cover the different training courses for the national tourist guide qualification (FETC: Tourist Guiding NQF Level 4) including walking and driving tours, meet and greet, SA overview and history, provincial courses, etc.

The objectives are to provide
* additional support to MGT enrolled students
* a refresher course for registered guides
* illegal guides the first step to getting legal
* insight and information to any interested party (including tour operators) of what being a tourist guide entail


Today's online workshop (Session 2) will be a geological overview of South Africa and will include 'a giant sandwich, a beer, and the flying saucer'! Come and have fun with us!

Join for free today:
MGT Live is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tourist Guide Master Class
Time: May 4, 2022 02:00 PM Pretoria
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 7496 5591
Passcode: 118267


The online workshops will cover the different training courses for the national tourist guide qualification (FETC: Tourist Guiding NQF Level 4) including walking and driving tours, meet and greet, SA overview and history, provincial courses, etc.

The objectives are to provide
* additional support to MGT enrolled students
* a refresher course for registered guides
* illegal guides the first step to getting legal
* insight and information to any interested party (including tour operators) of what being a tourist guide entails

Photos from MGT Courses's post 03/05/2022


The online workshops will cover the different training courses for the national tourist guide qualification (FETC: Tourist Guiding NQF Level 4) including walking and driving tours, meet and greet, SA overview and history, provincial courses, etc.

The objectives are to provide
* additional support to MGT enrolled students
* a refresher course for registered guides
* illegal guides the first step to getting legal
* insight and information to any interested party (including tour operators) of what being a tourist guide entail

Join for free today:
Herewith the link to today’s meeting:

MGT Live is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Tourist Guide Master Class
Time: May 3, 2022 02:00 PM Johannesburg

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 7496 5591
Passcode: 118267

Did you Know? Part 3 of 3 17/09/2021

Did you Know? Part 3 of 3 Prof. Fransjohanpretorius talks about Black Concentration Camps.


Rob Milne shares a few amazing finds in this week's episode of DID YOU KNOW? You can watch it on, as well as some of the previous episodes in the first series.

Joleen Du Plessis is already planning a follow up series that will premiere in a couple of weeks time.

Do let us know if you enjoyed the first series and feel free to make suggestions.


Late edition of Did You know?

Joleen Du Plessis interviews Prof Hein Willemse about the origin and history of Afrikaans.

Logon to to follow.


Today's episode answers the question: "When, where and why did the Germans settled in South Africa"? ...and many interesting stories ...
Follow the series on for free (for a limited time only)

Makiti Guides&Tours Tourist guiding and tour operator courses


Today's episode answers the question: "When, where and why did the Germans settled in South Africa"? ...and many interesting stories ...
Follow the series on for free (for a limited time only)

MGT Training Solutions Accredited Cahtsseta provider 613/P/060074/2006 offering online qualifications, skills programmes and short courses relating to tour operations.

Did you know? Series 1 Episode 10 30/04/2021

Today's episode answers the question: "When, where and why did the Germans settled in South Africa"? ...and many interesting stories ...
Follow the series on for free (for a limited time only)

Did you know? Series 1 Episode 10 Heinz Kusel the German blood in our veins


Did you know that the Griqua emblem is the "Kanniedood"?
Learn other interesting information about the Griqua leaders, their history and prophecies in this week's episode of "Did you know'? Joleen Du Plessis interviews Cecil le Fleur (descendant of the Griqua prophet Andrew Abraham Stockenstrom le Fleur I (Die Kneg).
Access this video, and previous ones via

Photos from MGT Courses's post 16/04/2021


We are offering virtual guiding workshops from 19-23 April.

It will cover the basics of guiding and a walking guided experience., and aligned to the outcomes and criteria of the unit standards below.

The objectives are to provide
* additional support to MGT enrolled students
* a refresher course for registered guides
* illegal guides the first step to getting legal
* insight and information to any interested party (including tour operators) of what being a tourist guide entail

An in-house certificate of attendance will be issued if you participate in all 10 sessions.

Cathsseta accreditation number: 613/P/060074/2006

All MGT students and registered tourist guides are welcome to join for FREE.

Cost for RPL candidates and other interested parties can join for R550. *NFTGA members will qualify for a 20% discount.

Complete the application form if you are interested to join:

Terms and conditions apply.


This week's episode of 'Did you know?' (The Basotho) is now available on It is free for guides.
Max du Preez shares some interesting insights about King Moshoeshoe, the African philosopher Mohlomi, and the profetess Mantsopa. Presented by Joleen Du Plessis.


"Catch the dream" with Joleen Du Plessis
in this week's episode of "Did you know?" - Anthea Rossouw, founder of the Dreamcatcher foundation, shares the heartwarming story of how a small community close to Stilbaai on the Garden Route was transformed.
Register and watch for free on

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Videos (show all)

"Catch the dream" with Joleen Du Plessis in this week's episode of "Did you know?" -  Anthea Rossouw,  founder of the Dr...





Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00

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