carl.bronner_art Videos

Videos by carl.bronner_art. I am a learner artist, on a mission to find my voice, I do art for myself, and hope that somewhere i

The evolution of this canvas is ongoing and still unresolved. My only New Year’s resolution is to not drag this painting into another year!!

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The evolution of this canvas is ongoing and still unresolved. My only New Year’s resolution is to not drag this painting into another year!!

Some gouache and watercolour horses to play with today whilst the oil roses dry.

Evaporated Dreams. Whilst I was painting this over the past few days, a friend was fading from this life. Strong, courageous, generous, gentle. I finished this today and she slipped away a few hours later. We had plans to defy our diagnosis’s and ride together soon. But our dreams evaporated, reality is a cruel creature. To my beautiful Jo, rest and dream on the other side.

Pear Shaped Autumn