Natural Health With Mr Tongofa

Natural Health With Mr Tongofa

ELITE HEALTHCARE a distributor of natural remedies for all health related issues Iam a Home business trainer and (MLM) Profesional



50% of Men by age 50 they are affected by any of the Prostate disorders mostly BPH(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) commonly known Prostate enlargment and by age 80 _*90%*_ of Men are affected.

If you're a Men above 40years of age you should already be doing something to prevent Prostate Disorders from affecting you in your future age.Living the last years of your lives using catheta(Tube) is something you don't wanna *_⭕ENDURE_* men.

If you're experiencing any of the Prostate Disorders symptoms worry not for us as _ELITE_ HEALTH CARE we have got a male care package that prevents and also cures the disorder if you are already affected

_Contact +263785778543 (Mr Tongofa) for help on Prostate Disorders_



-highly effective to people living with diabetes (alleviates s*xually related disorders)
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-Boosts Energy levels
-Boosts Immune system and gives a glow to people living with HIV
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How can you tell if you have diabetes? Most early symptoms are from higher-than-normal levels of glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood.

The warning signs can be so mild that you don't notice them. That's especially true of type 2 diabetes. Some people don't find out they have it until they get problems from long-term damage caused by the disease.

With type 1 diabetes, the symptoms usually happen quickly, in a matter of days or a few weeks. They're much more severe, too.

Early Signs of Diabetes
Both types of diabetes have some of the same telltale warning signs.

Hunger and fatigue. Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to take in glucose. If your body doesn't make enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body makes, the glucose can't get into them and you have no energy. This can make you hungrier and more tired than usual.
Peeing more often and being thirstier. The average person usually has to p*e between four and seven times in 24 hours, but people with diabetes may go a lot more. Why? Normally, your body reabsorbs glucose as it passes through your kidneys. But when diabetes pushes your blood sugar up, your kidneys may not be able to bring it all back in. This causes the body to make more urine, and that takes fluids. The result: You'll have to go more often. You might p*e out more, too. Because you're p*eing so much, you can get very thirsty. When you drink more, you'll also p*e more.
Dry mouth and itchy skin. Because your body is using fluids to make p*e, there's less moisture for other things. You could get dehydrated, and your mouth may feel dry. Dry skin can make you itchy.
Blurred vision. Changing fluid levels in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and can’t focus.


*Angina/Chest Pain/ Kurwadziwa Nechipfuva* is a term used for chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease. Angina is typically described as squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain in your chest.

Angina, also called angina pectoris, can be a recurring problem or a sudden, acute health concern.

Angina is relatively common but can be hard to distinguish from other types of chest pain, such as the pain or discomfort of indigestion. If you have unexplained chest pain, seek medical attention right away.SYMPTOMS
Symptoms associated with angina include:

Chest pain or discomfort
Pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain
Shortness of breath
The chest pain and discomfort common with angina may be described as pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. Some people with angina symptoms describe angina as feeling like a vise is squeezing their chest or feeling like a heavy weight has been placed on their chest. For others, it may feel like indigestion.

The severity, duration and type of angina can vary. It's important to recognize if you have new or changing chest discomfort. New or different symptoms may signal a more dangerous form of angina (unstable angina) or a heart attack.

Stable angina is the most common form of angina, and it typically occurs with exertion and goes away with rest. If chest discomfort is a new symptom for you, it's important to see your doctor to find out what's causing your chest pain and to get proper treatment.If your stable angina gets worse or changes, seek medical attention immediately.

Characteristics of stable angina
Develops when your heart works harder, such as when you exercise or climb stairs
Can usually be predicted and the pain is usually similar to previous types of chest pain you've had
Lasts a short time, perhaps five minutes or less


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(100% natural and organic NO SIDE EFFECTS)

●It increases s***m count
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*Vigpower capsules $35*



Doctors warn: before a heart attack your body will warn you of these 7 RED flags ❤️‍🩹 Heart attack is the leading cause of death worldwide, that's why you MUST pay attention, especially to the 6th sign.

These are the symptoms that you might have a heart attack in a month. Make sure you always treat these as red flags.

1. Swollen Feet- If you have congestive heart failure, one or both of your heart’s lower chambers lose their ability to pump blood effectively. As a result, blood can back up in your legs, ankles and feet, causing edema.

2. Fatigue - When the arteries become narrow your heart receives a lot less blood than it is used to.This makes the heart work a whole lot harder than it normally would have to, leaving you feeling overly tired and drowsy just about all of the time.

3. Shortness of breath - When your heart is getting less blood this means it your lungs are not going to be able to get as much oxygen to the lungs as you normally would.The two systems depend on one another so without one you can’t have the other. If you have been having trouble breathing it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible, this could mean it is getting close to time for your attack.

4. Weakness - When your body becomes weak, all of a sudden it is because the arteries becoming more narrow are not allowing blood circulation properly.Your muscles aren’t getting what they need, and this could cause you to fall even for what may seem like at first no reason so be especially careful.

5. Dizziness and Cold Sweats - The poor circulations is also causing the blood flow to your brain to be restricted. This is very life threatening. This will at first cause dizziness and clamminess.

6. Chest Pressure - If you are having onset symptoms of a heart attack chances are you have been experiencing discomfort in your chest, whether it’s minor pain or built-up pressure.This will constantly increase until the attack itself happens.

7. Flu or Cold Symptoms - If you feel as if you are having flu symptoms out of nowhere this could be because the attack itself is about to happen within the near future.Many people feel they have developed a cold just days before their attacks.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, please see a doctor as soon as possible.The best way to prevent a heart attack is by noticing the symptoms earlier on.
Or you can order now *your natural cardiac Care package* that is capable of addressing the case completely and for all through organic medication.*



Pain during or after s*x (dyspareunia) can be caused by many things, such as illness, infection, physical problem, psychological problem.

If you get pain during or after s*x, your body may be trying to tell you something is wrong, so don't ignore it.

SHARE for awareness.


Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and how we interact with others. Our relationships can offer support during difficult times. Social wellness involves building healthy, nurturing, and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you.



Cholesterol is a waxy substance that's found in the fats (lipids) in your blood. While your body needs cholesterol to continue building healthy cells, having high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease.

When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits make it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Your heart may not get as much oxygen-rich blood as it needs, which increases the risk of a heart attack. Decreased blood flow to your brain can cause a stroke.

High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) can be inherited, but it's often the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, and thus preventable and treatable. A healthy diet, regular exercise and sometimes medication can go a long way toward reducing high cholesterol.


High cholesterol has no symptoms. Getting a full body scan or a blood test is the only way to detect high cholesterol


Cholesterol is carried through your blood, attached to proteins. This combination of proteins and cholesterol is called a lipoprotein. You may have heard of different types of cholesterol, based on what type of cholesterol the lipoprotein carries. They are:

✓Low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL, or "bad," cholesterol transports cholesterol particles throughout your body. LDL cholesterol builds up in the walls of your arteries, making them hard and narrow.
✓Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). This type of lipoprotein contains the most triglycerides, a type of fat, attached to the proteins in your blood. VLDL cholesterol makes LDL cholesterol larger in size, causing your blood vessels to narrow. If you're taking cholesterol-lowering medication but have a high VLDL level, you may need additional medication to lower your triglycerides.
✓High-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL, or "good," cholesterol picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to your liver.


You're more likely to have high cholesterol that can lead to heart disease if you have any of these risk factors:

✓Smoking. Cigarette smoking damages the walls of your blood vessels, making them likely to accumulate fatty deposits. Smoking may also lower your level of HDL, or "good," cholesterol.
✓Obesity. Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater puts you at risk of high cholesterol.
✓Large waist circumference. Your risk increases if you are a man with a waist circumference of at least 40 inches (102 centimeters) or a woman with a waist circumference of at least 35 inches (89 centimeters).
✓Poor diet. Foods that are high in cholesterol, such as red meat and full-fat dairy products, will increase your total cholesterol. Eating saturated fat, found in animal products, and trans fats, found in some commercially baked cookies and crackers, also can raise your cholesterol level.
✓Lack of exercise. Exercise helps boost your body's HDL "good" cholesterol while lowering your LDL "bad" cholesterol. Not getting enough exercise puts you at risk of high cholesterol.
✓Diabetes. High blood sugar contributes to higher LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. High blood sugar also damages the lining of your arteries


The same heart-healthy lifestyle changes that can lower your cholesterol can help prevent you from having high cholesterol in the first place. To help prevent high cholesterol, you can:

✓Lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight
✓Quit smoking
✓Eat a low-fat, low-salt diet that includes many fruits, vegetables and whole grains
✓Exercise on most days of the week for at least 30 minutes
✓Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all



Vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginitis, inflammation of the va**na characterized by va**nal irritation, intense itchiness and va**nal discharge. A va**nal yeast infection affects your va**na and the tissues at the opening to your va**na (v***a).


Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include:

✓Itching and irritation in the va**na and at the entrance to the va**na (v***a)
✓A burning sensation, especially during in*******se or while urinating
✓Redness and swelling of the v***a
✓Vaginal pain and soreness
✓Thick, white, odor-free va**nal discharge with a cottage cheese appearance

Complicated yeast infection

You might have a complicated yeast infection if:

✓You have severe signs and symptoms, such as extensive redness, swelling and itching that leads to the development of tears or cracks (fissures) or sores
✓You have recurrent yeast infections four or more in a single year
Your infection is caused by a type of candida other than Candida albicans
✓You're pregnant
✓You have uncontrolled diabetes
✓You have lowered immunity due to use of certain medications or a condition such as HIV infection


A va**nal yeast infection is caused by the fungus candida. Candida is a microorganism that's normally present in your va**na, along with bacteria. Your va**na naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast and bacteria.

Overgrowth of yeast can result from:

✓Antibiotic use, which leads to a decrease in the amount of lactobacillus bacteria in your va**na and a change in your va**nal pH that allows yeast to overgrow
✓Uncontrolled diabetes
✓Impaired immune system
✓Anything that changes the type and amount of bacteria normally present in the va**na, such as douching or irritation from inadequate va**nal lubrication

To reduce your risk of va**nal yeast infection:

✓Avoid douching.
✓Wear cotton underwear and loosefitting pants or skirts.
✓Avoid tight-fitting underwear or pantyhose.
✓Change out of wet clothes, such as swimsuits or workout attire, as soon as possible.
✓Stay out of hot tubs or very hot baths

Early detection is essential for prevention. Book a full body scan with us using the contact below for determining if you have a strong immune system and if you have any risk factors for any other health challenge.

Contact Mr T Tongofa *(Herbal Health Consultant)* 078 577 8543



What is herpes?

Herpes is the name of a group of viruses that cause painful blisters and sores. The most common viruses are:

Herpes zoster: This causes chickenpox and shingles.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and type 2: Type 1 usually causes cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth. Type 2 usually causes sores on the ge****ls (s*xual organs).

Ge***al herpes is a s*xually transmitted infection (STI). Once you’re infected, you have the virus for the rest of your life.

Symptoms of a herpes infection

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. Symptoms of ge***al herpes may include:

Painful sores in the ge***al area, a**s, buttocks, or thighs


Painful urination

Vaginal discharge

Tender lumps in the groin

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headache. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time. Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

Stages of infection

Once you have been infected with the virus, you’ll go through different stages of infection.

Primary stage: This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy, and the area under the blisters will be red. The blisters then break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage. While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. In fact, they may not even know they’re infected

It may hurt to urinate during this stage. While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. In fact, they may not even know they’re infec



Motor neuron disease refers to a group of diseases that cause the motor nerves in the spine and brain to lose function over time. They are a rare but severe form of neurodegenerative disease.

Motor neurons are nerve cells that send electrical output signals to the muscles, affecting the muscles’ ability to function.
Motor neuron disease (MND) can appear at any age, but the symptoms usually appear after the age of 50 years, It affects more males than females. The most common type of MND is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) primarily affects the nerve cells (neurons) responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movement (those muscles we choose to move). Voluntary muscles produce movements like chewing, walking, and talking. The disease is progressive, meaning the symptoms get worse over time.

ALS belongs to a wider group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases, which are caused by gradual deterioration (degeneration) and death of motor neurons. Motor neurons are nerve cells that extend from the brain to the spinal cord and to muscles throughout the body.

As motor neurons degenerate, they stop sending messages to the muscles and the muscles gradually weaken, start to twitch, and waste away (atrophy). Eventually, the brain loses its ability to initiate and control voluntary movements.

Therefore ,on treatment we primarily focus on brain cell regeneration ,since its the root cause of the signs and symptoms of what the individual might be experiencing .

Green world solution :

Pine pollen tea
Compound marrow powder
Grape seed extract
Ginkgo biloba
Soybean lecithin
I-shine capsules
Deep sea fish oil

These when taken consistently up to about 4 to 6 months ,will eventually make the brain cells regains its ability to initiate and control voluntary movements .


Use organic fertilizers


Physical health can be defined as the normal functioning of the body. Representing one dimension of total well-being, it's about how your body grows, feels and moves, how you care for it, and what you put into it.

We offer physical health lesson

Koko Ndut Followers


A person should take note of changes in the consistency, smell, and color of their discharge, as such changes could indicate an infection.


✓White, clear, and odorless discharge is normal and should not be a cause for concern. ✓If a person experiences heavy discharge or notices the volume increasing each month, they may wish to seek medical advice.

✓✓A person should see a healthcare provider if they experience yellow or green discharge or discharge with a clumpy texture, as they may have an infection.

✓✓A person should also talk to a healthcare provider if they experience the following symptoms in relation to discharge:

✓a strong or bad odor
✓skin darkening around the va**na..

Whatsapp +263785778543



Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an er****on firm enough for s*x.

Problems getting or keeping an er****on also can be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease down the road.

If you're concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk to your health Consultant even if you're embarrassed.

Sometimes, treating an underlying condition is enough to reverse erectile dysfunction.


Male s*xual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.

In most cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by something physical. Common causes include:

✓Heart disease
✓Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
✓High cholesterol
✓High blood pressure
✓Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol
✓Parkinson's disease
✓Multiple sclerosis
✓Peyronie's disease — development of scar tissue inside the p***s
✓Certain prescription medications
✓Tobacco use
✓Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
✓Sleep disorders
✓Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
✓Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord.

We have a permanent and natural solution for you!Be A Man Again!..

App mr Tongofa for your solution
Also join our group for more



A Miscarriages is any loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks of Gestation.

Any loss of pregnancy above 20 weeks of pregnancy is an abortion irregardless of the cause.

Some of the common causes of Miscarriages include;

👍Rhesus Incompatibility
👍Exposure to radiations and radioactive materials
👍Use of medication
👍Infections such as UTIs,STIs in pregnancy.
👍Cervical incompetency
👍Heavy lifting and exercises
👍Vigorous s£x in the 1st trimester of pregnancy
👍Family history of miscarriages
👍Conge***al anomalies
👍History of miscarriages
👍Hormonal imbalance

For any enquiries and booking if appointment contact us through WhatsApp or Calls 0785778543



A bone is a rigid organ that costutes part of the vertebral skeleton.Bones are a living tissue they have their own blood vessels and are made of living cells which help them grow and to repair themselves .Proteins ,minerals and vitamins make up the bones.

Health challenges of the bones includes *OSTEOPOROSIS* which is a condition in which bones become less dense and more likely to fracture, it can result in loss of height ,severe BACK PAIN and change in ones posture ,it can impair a person's ability to walk and can cause prolonged or permanent disability.

is a general term for conditions that affect the joints and sorrounding tissues ,we have 2 types of arthritis namely :_Osteoarthritis_ and _Rheumatoid arthritis_

*OSTEOARTHRITIS* is a very painful degenerative joint disease that often involves the hips ,knees,neck,lower back or small joints of the hands,the catilege that cushions the ends of the bones in the joints WEARS OUT causing the bones to rub together,joint flexibility is reduced and the joint swells.

It is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that involves joints of the fingers,thumbs,wrists,elbows,shoulders,knees,feet and ankels.(An autoimmune disease is one in which the body releases enzymes that attack its own healthy tissues.

*GOUT* ,is a disease characterised by an abnormal metabolism of uric acid crystals,people with gout produce too much *URIC ACID* or their kidneys are inadequate in removing it.Gout is a common cause of sudden onset of a painful,hot,red,swollen joint usually in the foot at the big toe.

This package repairs the bones and their partcular. diseases:


It. Alleviates pain and swell of joints caused by arthritis,prevents degenerative joint diseases among middle aged and elderly ,suitable for people with rheumatoid. Arthritis and osteoarthritis as well as gout.

Supplements calcium and. Magnesium to relieve osteoporosis symptoms eg joint pain and lumbago,suitable. For pple with calcium. Deficiency or osteoporosis



Repairs the kidneys so that they will be able to manage expelling uric acid crystals tht causes gout ,it is the main product for people who has gout.

It enhances th functions of the kidneys so as to fight against gout.

They are involved in the formation of bones together with proteins and minerals ,lack of vitamins means weak bones and weak bones leads to osteoporosis.


Suitable for the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis ,muscle strain,traumatic stick the plaster on the painful joint.

App +263785778543
For more information please join our whatsapp group click the link



Acids if not treated in time can cause serious problems like colon cancer and piles which may need operations to reverse.

Say no to operation!!

"Makadii ndanetseka nenyongo, inouraya here? Which is the best food to eat?

Nyon'o is caused by excess excretion of acid in the stomach. Other laymen words used to describe the condition are "heartburn" and "yellow". The acid then irritates the stomach and if not managed early and prolonged it end up causing sores or ulcers in the stomach. So maUlcers results from excess acid secretion and medically the disease is called Peptic Ulcer Disease. It does not mean that everyone with nyon'o has ulcers but it is a consequence.
Avoiding the following food minimises nyon'o or ulcers and is encouraged: fat food; spices especially mhiripiri; alcohol, tomatoes; onions; fizzy drinks; orange crush or other acidic drinks; coffee or anything with caffeine. Eating small frequent meals and avoiding being hungry is also encouraged. It is also advised not sleep just after eating at least sleep 2hrs after eating to allow stomach emptying. Avoiding tight clothes, loosing weight and sleeping with head raised also helps reduce the symptoms.
If not responding to lifestyle and dietary modification and over the counter medication you are encouraged to see your doctor or health Consultant.Like any disease if not managed early it can kill mainly due to complications the main being due to bleeding if it reaches the ulcer stage.

Tibatei mukwanisike kubatsirika padambudziko iri pane number dzinotevera.

Mr T Tongofa



Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. The pain is often worse when lying down or bending over.
Symptoms of heartburn include:

✓A burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and may occur at night
✓Pain that worsens when lying down or bending over
[9/28, 14:59] Mr Mutandwa: *When to see a health consultant*

Seek immediate help if you experience severe chest pain or pressure, especially when combined with other signs and symptoms such as pain in the arm or jaw or difficulty breathing. Chest pain may be a symptom of a heart attack.

Make an appointment with your doctor or health Consultant if:

✓Heartburn occurs more than twice a week
✓Symptoms persist despite use of over-the-counter medications
✓You have difficulty swallowing
✓You have persistent nausea or vomiting
✓You have weight loss because of poor appetite or difficulty eating

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach (esophagus).

✓Normally when you swallow, a band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow down into your stomach. Then the muscle tightens again.

✓If the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes abnormally or weakens, stomach acid can flow back up into your esophagus (acid reflux) and cause heartburn. The acid backup may be worse when you're bent over or lying down

Certain foods and drinks can trigger heartburn in some people, including:

✓Spicy foods
✓Citrus products
✓Tomato products, such as ketchup
✓Fatty or fried foods
✓Alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee or other caffeinated beverages
✓Large or fatty meals
✓Being overweight or pregnant also can increase your risk of experiencing heartburn

Lifestyle changes can help ease heartburn:

>Maintain a healthy weight. Excess pounds put pressure on your abdomen, pushing up your stomach and causing acid to back up into your esophagus.

>Avoid tightfitting clothing, which puts pressure on your abdomen and the lower esophageal sphincter.

>Avoid foods that trigger your heartburn.

>Avoid lying down after a meal. Wait at least three hours.

>Avoid late meals.
Elevate the head of your bed if you regularly experience heartburn at night or while trying to sleep. If that's not possible, insert a wedge between your mattress and box spring to elevate your body from the waist up. Raising your head with additional pillows usually isn't effective.

>Avoid smoking. Smoking decreases the lower esophageal sphincter's ability to function properly.

For information call +263 785778543

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