Poetry Hub

The best of poems by various poets. Short stories and some inspiration We nurture talent to the blossoming stage


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Daily spiritual nourishment.

Life Central Lupane Branch This platform was created for the purposes of ministering the word of God to the world.


Sometimes you have to go through phases of emptiness to be full again



Ndingahufananidza namaruva musango,
Wada anongopurura hake.
Ingakona nei kubuda mvura yemumaziso.
Dzichitasvana mumigwagwa motokari,
Yevanhu mitezo ichipesana.
Vanoenda ndora vachioneka,
Vosara dzava nherera,pfunda neshirikadzi.
Zvirema,mhetamakumbo ifararira.
Mumigwagwa tsaona mukombe yatora.
Achanyaradza umwe ndiyani tagodzwa tose?
Upenyu ikwire dzike.

Unotapira mjolo kana wanyura,
Wati svata wokurumira muvhu.
Kupwanyika moyo dzichiri pwere,
Haingamiri imba yakatsemuka pamavambo.
Kusiiwa pachena wakaperera,
Kubatiswa denga mumhepo,ukaritsvangadzira ungariwana?
Vane dziri kupfungaira chiutsi,chiri kudzima.
Agozikanwa nani muparanzvongo.
Inongova wakandikwenya ndikatiza,
Vehana nhete nokusazvibata voita vakadzi miriwo.
Kujajada nedemo rakacheka nyika,
Ko rinogamushirika wani gupuro,
Upenyu tongozvitambira.

Dzokushwa hadzo kose idzo hosha,
Dzinorapika nedzisingarapiki dzotipedza.
Chero nehwana rongova jechecheche rava Wareware,
Dzakaibva dzose nyama dzisati dzabikwa.
Ungadongorereka mukova wekunopodzwa!
Makunun'unu anodiwa pamasvuuganda.
Vazhinji voorera mudzimba,chido chekurapwa chiripo.
Deno taipambara tichinuna zvaiva nani,
Akasasikwa akange nani.
Richasinina nepai tichikamiwa zuva roga roga.
Upenyu mwachewe.

Vakamedza mavara,ngowani dzefundo vakadzipfeka,
Rikati wakandisiya pano basa.
Vongoritaira semazeeretsi.
Pariri fufuro yakapfunya chisero.
Kana dziri mhandara dzedu dziri parufuse,
Pasina uvato urombo chikwekwe chako.
Gumbo nebasa zvodyidzana, chaitemura chichatemurazve.
Dzadzimba pfungwa ndipo vodzibata,
Kudzibata nemhondi yeutano.
Ungazovada vati tuzu mhondi yoponda muviri,
Upenyu haujairike.

Usatenuka pamukwidza,mandikurumidze wakazvara mandinonoke.
Pfavira kutana nyama yemusoro haidi bvure pfure.
Upenyu ivhiri hunotenderera,
Zviri kwavo nhasi mangwana zviri kwedu.
Kuseri kwebhonzo kune munyepfu,
Usakanda mapfumo pasi.
Nyadenga vakatora iruva ravo,
Usabatirira pamisodzi ringa mberi.
Kudonha sandi kunzi chivata,muka rwendo ruchipo.


Let's do this💯


Poem loading


Perfection is out of reach,
But my hand is outstretched
Hold it tight and close your eyes,
True love isn't farfetched,
Two imperfect hearts,
perfectly merged


Let's get drunk in love,
Like Jay Z and Beyonce
In front of the Priest,
I will make you my fiancee

We can make a toast
To a beautiful imperfect life laying ahead
Two beings, conjoined in spirit


Nhetembo 💯



Ndaiti tine ukama,
Izvo takarimirana pamuganhu.
Rudo rwako ruri pasimba rangu.
Kana ndodawo muhoro ndave muroyi.
Wakadzigaraka nyanga dzamushore,
Wotitunga nhivi dzose.
Kutibindurisa kubva uchitanga kusvika wapera mwedzi.
Zvenyu vagonhi makadzidza.
Munodya nepedu nyangwe takushandirai.
Taiti kudya chemuzvere kubata mwana,
Hatina kuziva tadenha mago.
Kuswedera pedyo toita setine gwembe.
Kudoti tioneiwo,hunzi mirai ndakuringai.
Zvatichafa makumbo ari mumvura.
Ko zvamaitibvunza nechirungu wani,
Kuratidza utesve neunyanzvi hwenyu.
Tave mudanga motitonga nedemo,
Tave nhapwa zvino ukama hwadambuka.
Inhamo yedu vashandi.
Kusukutwa nevashandirwi.
Zvamunoti ukama igasva,
Kuzadzisa kwacho hamuchada.
Tapota vashandirwi tiri vanhuwo,
Muchayeuka bako kwanaya.
Mukasava nemoyo nevashandi.

@ Sorojena Tan Tan Poetry



In the canvas of my skin, a masterpiece unfolds,
Beauty in my patches, a story to be told.
Like strokes of a brush, in shades unique and rare,
Vitiligo's artistry, a beauty beyond compare.

Where melanin dances, in patterns unforeseen,
A celebration of diversity, in every hue and sheen.
Each patch, a testament to the wonders of our frame,
A tapestry of difference, where beauty has no shame.

Embracing the symphony of light and dark,
Vitiligo whispers, a message from the heart.
In every speckled constellation, a tale of strength and grace,
A portrait of resilience, in this wondrous, diverse space.

Happy World Vitiligo Day💜💜💜💜


Big shout out to my newest top fans! Blessing Tanhera


Kindness is a language understood by everyone.


Midnight reflections
_Birthday night_

_Alone in the night
When the noisy world goes to sleep

My soul whispers
A symphony of self-reflection

Comparing what I have and what I desire

Shedding tears
As pieces of my broken dreams pierce my heart

Losing my mind
As my shattered past haunts my thoughts

I don't know how long I can endure
Sometimes I wish for my final birthday

Birthdays serve as a reminder
Of the beginning of my own suffering

They are birthmarks that remind me of my failures

😔 Zero


Unspoken Feelings

You have no idea how hard it is to smile with a broken heart inside of your ribcage. Shoving all the memories at the back of your mind and pretending like all that happened wasn't a big deal. Pretending like it didn't hurt when it still does. Fighting all the battles on your own like 24/7. Harbouring bitterness and still aim towards Heaven.They all say, you gotta trust me bro. After opening up, they go ahead and discuss your hunger stories over supper. Sometimes I feel like Sia, unstoppable and all but then life takes me back to Rag'n Bone's world, I'm only human after all.

By XJ_Timeo



Hordes in the way with their insolents,
Serpentines deface her feeble heart,
with betrayal.
Faultless throughout every dawn.
Thy absolutism expedition, gets vicious
before reaching the coast.
Stares become chaotic and pricky,
It becomes gravey

These scorns,
Fighting with thy mind,
and trying to control their wicked chants.
She bears their rhetoric dominance.
An applaud to her frail character,
one that kills and again kills.

Sympathy to the acre sphere for,
thy master nimbles in a jiffy to pleasin' the foe yet she can't solicit her cache.
Magnified is thy lady in front of the mirror,
For she lures wholly.

Run away maiden for they thwart abusively,
At kindergarten they harnesses ;
Perfection is just a word.
So don't be ashamed maiden ;
Perfection is just a word.

_By Proverbs_



Let us explore the innermost parts of our hearts
Something we have denied ourselves for years
I have been stuck in the game known as the chase,
Hoping to find my heart a place

My dearest Melissa,
Do you still remember how it all started?
It was a beautiful night with stars dotted around the sky, what a spectacular view it was
I stalked you, trying to think of the perfect words to describe your elegance
You missed a step and fell right into my arms
For once, fate played by my rules

I took that opportunity and asked you for a dance and to my surprise, you said yes
We sang along to John Legend's All Of Me
Even though I couldn't tell you,
I badly wanted you all to myself
We both lost control and infused lips
The passionate kiss we dared not talk about.

Years have gone by since you left town
Never have I thought we will see each other again
Love is immortal, it survived the distance
If I have to be honest with you
Let it be known, that i am still in love with you

If it pleases you
Grant me one petition
Invite me inside your heart
and ask me to stay

*By XJ_Timeo*
Editor || Proofreader || Ghostwriter
Poet || Author || Graphics Designer
Digital marketer



The human body is a temple
but not a woman's body,
not an african woman's body,
covered and hidden like secrets.

Maybe these daughters too should be made
Between their legs is a pathway to Njelele,
a sweet journey to sacred lands.

Sit up straight
That's not how a woman should sit.
For down there is a passage
between space and time .
a woman is an astronaut;
seasonally going to the moon and space,
bringing forth streams from Mars and Earth.

Stupid is the impatient lady
who let men old enough to father her
to put strange organs on her,
organs known only to men,
Organs that go crazy when secrets of a woman
are revealed to them.

Ssssh that is not how a woman should

her belly has an oven that cooks and deliver
babies .
Above her chest are sacred lands
Kilimanjaro and Mount Everest.
The beauty of an african woman,
treasures to be well treasured.

A woman who has treasured her pride
Is applauded with cows,
Not that she is bought,
An african woman cannot be bargained,
for what she carries is neither gold or brass,
such is a woman's body!

Brvdley The WordPill from We All Miss Grandfather.


Dear Martin....

How can I forget a blissful night as such?
We stood in awe and watched,
Stars like diamonds scattered across the night,
A breathtaking sight, an enchanting light.
The air was sweet with jasmine on the breeze,
As we marvelled at the stars twinkling above,
In that ethereal embrace, time stood still,
A night so wondrous, it was a divine thrill.




Ndingati ishanje kusazvireva,
Kuivhiira pachena kuzvipedza.
Kusavapembedza kuvasvora.
Madanha vaitirei vakakosha.
Mungaishora henyu tseketsa,
Asi pasina iyo jongwe rinotama musha.
Kusenga zai nokurivhumbamira,
Raizotsotsonyeka here pasina sheshe?
Makakosha amai.

Mune rudo runenge rumborera.
Paruma nyuchi runosarapo.
Muri mutakuri weyedu mitoro,
Neyedu minamato munosvitsa kumusoro.
Kuraya nekutirovera masoro,
Kutifundisa, kuchengeta nekutipinza mumuforo.
Musipo tingadai tiri pazero.
Kutenda kune dzinzakadzi,
Manja ndarova ,muridzo hewo.
Makakosha amai.

Deno hwaitengwa hupenyu,
Ndaiwedzera pane hwamunahwo.
Neangu maoko ndichazama.
Kukupenyesai sezuva,
Kukushongedzai seruva.
Farai izuva renyu,
Ndosaka tareva,
Makakosha amai.

@ Sorejena Tan Tan Poetry



Happy mother's day ❤️ 💐

How do you do that so effortlessly?
Carrying a baby for 9 months
Smiling as it twist and turns.
How do you embrace the beauty infused in birth pangs.

You're the fragrance to the flowers in our gardens.
Your strength is like the sun during photosynthesis.
Order only thrives in your presence.

Your love knows no boundary
It is imbedded in your voice when you hum doing laundry
It's in the aroma which emanates from the kitchen when you cook supper
It's in the goodnight stories you narrate to the little ones.

Everything about you is special
Everything you touch blossoms
Like magic, it all comes to life
It is your presence that marks the difference between a house and a home

That leads me back to the question.
How do you do all that effortlessly?

By XJ_Timeo
Editor || Proofreader || Ghostwriter
Poet || Author || Graphics Designer
Digital marketer




Amidst the shattered fragments of my trust
I gaze into the reflection of my soul
Once adorned with innocence and belief
Now tainted by the sting of betrayal's bitter pill

I've danced with the demons of disdain
Felt the weight of scorn upon my shoulders
Yet in this darkest hour of my pain
I find the source of my anguish slowly burning

Why do you betray your own keeper?
Seek solace in the hands of your oppressor?
Why do you find solace in the company of torment?
The answers elude me, slipping like sand through my fingers

You warned me of lurking adversaries
Instructed me to fortify my defenses
While dismantling the walls of my sanctuary
Leaving me vulnerable to your own offenses

Now I stand, a silhouette of brokenness
Not from external forces, but from within
For the one who inflicted this cruel distress
Is none other than my own kin

Behold, the one who caused me this suffering
Is not an enemy from afar,
In the mirror's gaze, I see the truth unfold...
The one who hurt me, in the end, is YOU , my own beating heart

By © Nurse - Author



I gifted my momma a dream home, a haven she adores
Any car that's sleek, a Mercedes to explore
My heart beats fast, as I hand her the keys
But fear grips her tight, as she trembles with ease

Four cars in my garage, two Bimmers shine bright
A BMW collection, my obsession takes flight
Porsche on the horizon, a future delight
But my heart belongs to Lamborghini's fiery light

Hurracan or Aventador, my soul's on fire
Five years of saving, my dream's one desire
Fast sports cars, my passion, my heart's desire
A Gallery thriving, clothing stores that inspire

A famous writer, a voice for the voiceless too
A public figure, with a heart that beats true
Helping hands, wherever I roam
But with success comes danger, a price to call home

This dream, this life, it's a double-edged sword
A reality I crave, but fear it may be marred
Waking up, I'm left with a longing sigh
A wish, a dream, that may never come alive.

By The Conno


Faith is the antidote




Those mistakes are lessons.
Whilst others are regretting, make sure you learn


Giving up is easy, so do it the hard way


I don't know how or when but believe me when I say, you're going to be just fine❤️🍀



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