Final Yard Auto

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Car engines have come a long way since their early days, but what, if anything, has changed?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between old and new car combustion engines? As it turns out, quite a lot.
Despite the basic concept remaining relatively unchanged, modern cars have undergone a series of improvements over time. Here we'll focus on 4 of the most interesting examples.
What are the differences between old cars and new cars?
The basic principles of the very first cars are still used today. One of the main differences is that modern cars have developed as the result of pressure to improve the power of engines and, ultimately, their fuel efficiency.

This has been driven, in part, by market pressure from consumers, as well as larger market forces like the price of oil over time, and governmental tax policies and other regulatory pressures.
But, before we get into the nitty-gritty, it might be useful to explore how an internal combustion engine functions.
An internal combustion engine, in essence, takes a fuel source, like gasoline, mixes it with air, compresses it, and ignites it. This causes a series of small explosions (hence the term internal combustion engine) that, in turn, drive a set of pistons up and down.
These pistons are attached to a crankshaft that translates the reciprocating linear motion of the pistons into rotational movement by turning the crankshaft. Then, the crankshaft transfers this motion through the transmission, which transmits the power to the wheels of the car.
Interestingly, the conversion of reciprocating force into rotational force is nothing new. A very early steam engine was devised by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st-Century AD.
This device used steam to turn a small metal sphere attached to an axle by venting the steam out of a pair of angled nozzles—or exhausts—on opposing sides of the sphere. While Hero never developed it beyond this, it was an interesting early application of steam technology.
Some other basic concepts found in car engines, like the crankshaft, are very old concepts too. Some evidence suggests that some of the first examples may have originated during the Han Dynasty, China.
Modern cars are more efficient than older cars
Burning fuel like gasoline isn't particularly efficient. Of all the potential chemical energy in it, only around 12-30%is converted into power that actually moves the car. The rest is lost to idling, other parasitic losses, heat, and friction.
To help combat this, modern engines have come a long way to squeeze out as much energy as possible from the fuel. Direct-injection technology, for example, does not pre-mix the fuel and air before reaching the cylinder, like older engines.
Rather, fuel is directly injected into the cylinders, which provides up to a 12% improvement in fuel e
Another interesting improvement in car engines is the development of turbochargers. These devices use exhaust gas to power a turbine that pushes extra air (meaning more oxygen) into the cylinders to increase efficiency by up to 25% (though improvements are usually far more modest).
However, there are occasions where turbochargers can be worse than conventional aspirated engines.
Variable valve timing and cylinder deactivation further improve efficiency by only allowing the engine to use as much fuel as it actually needs.
Newer car engines are more powerful
While some might believe so, it turns out, on average, the modern engines are not only more efficient on a like for like basis, but are also relatively more p
For instance, A 1983 Chevrolet Malibu had a 3.8-liter V-6 engine that could spew out 110 horsepower. By comparison, the 2005 version had a 2.2-liter inline four-cylinder generating 144 horsepower.
Modern car engines are much smaller than those of older cars
This drive, no pun intended, for better efficiency in engines has also shrunk their size over time. This is not a coincidence. Car manufacturers have learned that you don't need to make something bigger to make it more powerful. All you need to do is make the object work smarter.
The same technologies that have made engines more efficient have had the side effect of making them smaller. The Ford F-series trucks are a great example. The F-150 had two versions in 2011; a 3.5-liter V-6 engine that generates 365 horsepower, and a 5.0-liter V-8 that generates 360 horsepower.
However, it should be noted that the same series also had a 6.2-liter V-8 that generated 411 horsepower. But, relatively speaking, the smaller V-6 is comparable in power to both V-8's even though it is considerably smaller.

It is also interesting to note that modern cars, on the whole, are often thought to be heavier than their older counterparts. However, given that they are also larger and are carrying more safety equipment, the average weight for most models has actually not increased by much. What has changed is an increase in fuel efficiency, safety, emissions, and convenience features.
Modern engines are more reliable
Modern engines are also the result of a gradual replacement of the mechanical parts with electronic ones. This is because electrical parts tend to be less prone to wear and tear than mechanical ones, on average.
Parts like pumps have increasingly become replaced with electronically controlled ones rather than their mechanical ancestors. This helped reduce the need for part replacements over the lifetime of a car engine.
More electronic-rich modern engines also require less frequent tune-ups when compared to older engines.
Other key engine components, like carburetors, have also been given an electronic-makeover.
Carburetors have been replaced with throttle bodies and electronic fuel injection systems. Other parts, like distributors and caps, have been replaced with independent ignition coils controlled by the ECU.
Also, sensors more or less monitor everything. However, this push for more sophistication may have made newer cars less secure.

On a basic level, modern and old car engines work via the same principles, yet it is clear that modern engines have undergone a lot of change over time.
The main drive has been the race for efficiency over power. A nice set of side effects have resulted in modern engines becoming relatively more powerful and generally smaller.
This is thanks to, in part, the replacement of older mechanical analog parts with electronic counterparts.
All in all, modern car engines are more efficient, smaller, relatively more powerful, smarter, and less prone to wear and tear. On the other hand, repairs and servicing now require more skill and consume more time.
But is the price of increased complexity for improved efficiency a price worth paying? We'll let you decide.


Fuel Ethanol: Hero or Villain?

This article provides the advantages and disadvantages of using fuel ethanol to help give engine owners a balanced view and make the most of their fuel.


In recent years, fuel ethanol has become a popular controversy in America. For some people, it seems to be the worst thing since disco music. For others, it seems to be the answer to all of life's problems. The truth of the matter is probably less extreme and includes a bit of each side--ethanol as a fuel does have some challenges, but it also has some benefits. Since ethanol is firmly established as a part of our fuel supply, it is worthwhile to try to keep a balanced view and make effective use of this biofuel.

Ethanol is blended with petroleum gasoline in America in order to meet a federal government mandate known as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and its updated version, RFS2. The reasons for this standard include the desire to support U.S. agriculture, improve fuel security for the nation, and reduce the imbalance between exports and imports. The RFS currently requires that about 10 percent of all gas-engine fuel sold in the United States be ethanol. A few gas stations do sell what they call "ethanol-free gasoline," but these are relatively uncommon, and most gasoline sold today is gasoline with 10 percent ethanol (called "E10"). Higher concentration ethanol blends, such as 15 percent ("E15") and 85 percent ("E85"), are also available in some locations. By comparison, Brazil's gasoline blend is between 20 and 25 percent ethanol.

At the atomic level, gasoline is mostly carbon, with some hydrogen. Ethanol is lower in carbon but includes oxygen. (See Figure 1)

When you look at the chemical composition of ethanol and gasoline, you find that ethanol is a single molecule, C2H6O, whereas gasoline is a complex mix of hundreds of different hydrocarbons (including pentane, benzene, xylene, butane, toluene, and hexane, plus a variety of additives). The chemical composition of gasoline can vary depending on the source of the petroleum, the manner in which it is refined, and the way that it is blended.

Because of these differences, it is not surprising that gasoline and ethanol do not perform identically, and that blending ethanol with gasoline can affect the performance of the fuel.

Problems with Ethanol

Many people have noticed problems when using ethanol-blended gasoline. The more common issues attributed to ethanol include the following:

Fuel energy

Ethanol contains about 30 percent less energy per unit volume than gasoline. As a result, a 10 percent ethanol-gasoline blend will have 97 percent as much energy as gasoline. In reality, that's not a very big difference. If you notice a difference in performance when running on E10, it is likely due to other factors, such as those that follow.

Fuel contaminants

Gasoline is not water soluble, but ethanol is. Therefore, ethanol can pick up contaminants that gasoline doesn't and may deposit those contaminants inside your engine, leading to fouled filters or injectors. This can cause noticeable decreases in engine performance if not dealt with. Engines that are rarely or seasonally used, such as lawnmowers or chainsaws, are especially prone to difficulties, although the reasons are not all clearly understood. Proper formulation and care of ethanol blends is something that fuel transporters and resellers are getting the hang of, so hopefully this will be less of a problem in the future.

Seals and hoses

On old machinery, seals and hoses on engines and fuel systems tend to be weak and susceptible to degradation. Ethanol in gasoline can cause them to deteriorate, shrink, or swell, resulting in leaks.

Fuel-air ratio

Ethanol molecules include oxygen atoms, whereas gasoline molecules don't. That's part of the reason why ethanol has less energy than gasoline. Another effect of the oxygen from ethanol is that ethanol blends tend to run "leaner" than pure gasoline because there is more oxygen available in the fuel-air mixture. If your engine is not able to compensate by reducing the incoming airflow, the resulting combustion conditions in the engine cylinder may be less than ideal. Newer vehicles are generally designed to take care of this automatically, but older engines may need a bit of manual adjustment to get the air-fuel mixture just right.

Some people have reported engines overheating when ethanol blends are used, suggesting that ethanol burns "hotter." This is a bit mysterious since ethanol contains less energy per unit volume than gasoline, and the flame temperature of ethanol is more than 40°C cooler than gasoline. The most likely explanation is related to the air/fuel ratio. Most engines are designed to run with an excess of fuel relative to the amount of air (a "rich" mixture); experience has shown that this leads to higher power output and cooler engine temperatures. When ethanol blends are used, newer engines are equipped with sensors to adjust the air/fuel ratio automatically. Older vehicles and small engines may not be equipped to do this, resulting in a "leaner" burn that may increase engine temperatures and/or reduce engine power. A simple adjustment to the fuel system to "richen" the mixture can often fix this problem.

Increased competition for crops

The ethanol industry uses about 40 percent of America's corn crop. That's a lot, even when you take into account that a great deal of the corn for ethanol becomes "distiller's dried grains," a high-protein animal feed. In a poor year (such as the drought of 2012), the presence of the ethanol market can drive up the price of feed corn and other crops that could be grown on those fields, leading to higher feed and food prices. One research study concluded that over half of recent increases in commodity corn prices can be attributed to increased demand (by the ethanol and animal feed sectors), and about 19 percent of increased retail food prices are due to higher commodity prices.

It is interesting to note that food prices worldwide are more closely correlated to petroleum prices than to ethanol production. The following graph shows that as petroleum prices go up, food prices go up. By the same token, as petroleum prices go down, food prices go down. If we care about keeping food affordable, it follows that we need to find ways to keep fuels affordable.

Figure 2. Food Price Index and Brent crude oil price ($/barrel), 1990 to present.

Benefits of Ethanol

While challenges from fuel ethanol are certainly real, they are not the entire story. Ethanol also provides benefits that should be taken into consideration. The most significant benefits include the following:


Before ethanol was blended with gasoline, the United States used a fuel additive called MTBE to oxygenate the fuel, which improves combustion efficiency and reduces air emissions. The problem with MTBE is that it is extremely toxic and can pollute groundwater if spilled. Ethanol oxygenates the fuel and is much safer for the water supply.

Boosts octane

Ethanol boosts the octane number of fuel, which helps prevent pre-ignition knock. Incidentally, the octane rating system for fuels was originally developed by Penn State chemist Russell Marker in the 1920s. The octane rating (Anti-Knock Index, AKI) of normal unleaded gasoline in the United States is 87. The octane rating of pure ethanol is 100. What's interesting is that when ethanol is blended with gasoline, it performs as if its octane rating is 112, making ethanol a very effective octane booster when used in gasoline. High octane is one reason why NASCAR uses ethanol for their high-compression racing engines. Engines that are designed and optimized for ethanol fuel have the potential to run at higher efficiencies than engines designed for and using gasoline.


One of the toughest benefits to get a handle on is the impact of ethanol on fuel prices, and economists enjoy debating this issue. However, it is reasonable to say that having an extra 10 percent of our gasoline provided by ethanol is increasing the total amount of fuel available while eliminating the need for other oxygenates and octane boosters, thus exerting a downward pressure on petroleum prices.

Ethanol is Renewable

Ethanol from corn or other crops can be grown and produced year after year after year. The same cannot be said of gasoline.

Supports domestic agriculture

The U.S. farm economy has benefited from ethanol to the tune of billions of dollars per year. This includes as much as an estimated 70,000 direct jobs and 330,000 indirect jobs, usually in rural areas and small towns. In years when the corn yield is high and commodity prices dip, ethanol can be a farm saver for thousands of farmers each year. In Pennsylvania, farmers that supply the local ethanol plant have received a premium above commodity rates for their corn.

What Should Engine Owners do?

Unless the technology, economics, and politics of fuel change dramatically, we can expect ethanol to be a part of the fuel supply for the foreseeable future. With that in mind, what should engine owners do to make the most of their fuel?

Check and maintain your engine

Find out if your equipment is suitable for ethanol-blended fuel. If not, you should find out from the manufacturer if modifications can be made to your engine or additives can be used to make the fuel compatible.

Maintain your infrequently used equipment

Lawnmowers, boats, hobby cars, and the like should receive extra attention when not in use. Add fuel stabilizer if the equipment will be idle for more than a few weeks, and avoid keeping stored fuel for long periods of time. Some small engine manufacturers recommend using fuel stabilizer mixed with gasoline at all times, not only when storing equipment.

Don't let ethanol be an excuse

Often ethanol is blamed for the malfunctions of poorly maintained equipment. Don't let that happen to you. Keep your engine clean and your cooling system in good shape, and perform regular maintenance as appropriate. There is truth to the saying, "If you take care of your equipment, it will take care of you."

Try a comparison

If you are convinced that ethanol is causing problems with your engine, track down a seller of ethanol-free gasoline (the Internet is a good starting point for a search), and try a tankful to see if it makes a difference. If it does, you may need to "go the extra mile" to get your fuel from a specialized ethanol-free fuel supplier. Antique car owners and small engine operators are the most likely people to need this approach. Fortunately, most of us won't have to go to that extreme.

Have a glass of water

The clean, pure water that most of us enjoy is being protected by ethanol's replacement of MTBE. Let's keep that in mind and be thankful that future generations have better prospects for pure water due to the use of fuel ethanol.

In the end analysis, is ethanol a net benefit or a step in the wrong direction? It may be fun to debate various opinions on that, but the bottom line is that it is a matter of personal opinion as to whether the positives or negatives are more compelling. For most of us, ethanol blends do not affect the performance of our engines. However, if you own older equipment or devices that sit idle for long periods of time, a few commonsense precautions can help minimize problems and maximize performance for your machinery


Energy Information Administration, United States Department of Energy. "Monthly Spot Prices for Crude Oil." Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, 2014.

Ferris, J. "Analyzing the Influence of Energy Policy." Ethanol Producer Magazine (October 2013): 50-52.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. "Food Price Index." Rome: United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 2014.

Morvay, Z., and D. D. Gvozdenac. Applied Industrial Energy and Environmental Management. Part III: Fundamentals for Analysis and Calculation of Energy and Environmental Performance. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Urbanchuck, J. Contribution of the Ethanol Industry to the Economy of the United States: Report to the Renewable Fuels Association. New Castle, Del.: Cardno Entrix Corp., 2011.

Prepared by Daniel Ciolkosz, Penn State Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Reviewed by Andre Boehman, University of Michigan, and Douglas Schaufler, Penn State Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Photos from Final Yard Auto's post 12/03/2019

Now selling High performance Carbon fibre ceramic brakes

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Attending to Land Cruiser 100 series suspension.

Photos from Final Yard Auto's post 30/01/2019

In the process of replacing a faulty high pressure pump on the Discovery.

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248 Williams Way Msasa

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Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00

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