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Business Wealth Network is a business Club. It Inspires empowers,Founders C.E.Os and Entrepreneurs t


"Ready to launch your dream business? Zimbard Business Advisory Services has got you covered! We offer swift company registration, annual re-registrations, and TARMS registration with Tax Clearance Certificate—all at affordable rates. Contact us at +263772218092 and let's make your business dreams come true! "


What is Personal Branding?

In today's competitive and fast-paced world, personal branding has become an essential element for achieving success in both personal and professional life. Personal branding is the practice of marketing oneself and one's career as a brand. It involves creating a unique and consistent image, both online and offline, to differentiate oneself from others and showcase one's strengths, values, and expertise. Personal branding is not just about self-promotion; it is about building a strong reputation and credibility that can open doors to new opportunities, attract the right people, and ultimately lead to success.

Personal branding is a strategic way of managing and controlling how you are perceived by others. It is about being intentional and authentic in how you present yourself to the world. Your personal brand is what sets you apart from others and defines who you are, what you stand for, and what you can offer. It is essential to understand that everyone has a personal brand, whether they are aware of it or not. By taking control of your personal brand, you can shape the way others see you and influence their perception of you.

Building a personal brand starts with self-awareness and self-reflection. You need to understand who you are, what your values and passions are, and what makes you unique. Take the time to identify your strengths, skills, and experiences that set you apart from others. Reflect on your goals and aspirations and think about how you want to be perceived by others. Your personal brand should be a reflection of your authentic self and should align with your values and goals.

Once you have a clear understanding of yourself, it is essential to communicate your personal brand effectively to your target audience. This involves creating a strong and consistent online presence through social media, professional networking sites, and personal websites. Your online profiles should showcase your expertise, accomplishments, and experiences in a way that is engaging and compelling. It is also crucial to engage with your audience, share valuable content, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

In addition to online presence, personal branding also extends to offline interactions. It is important to be mindful of how you present yourself in person, whether it is at networking events, conferences, or during business meetings. Dress professionally, maintain a positive attitude, and be confident in showcasing your skills and knowledge. Remember that every interaction is an opportunity to reinforce your personal brand and make a lasting impression.

Personal branding is a continuous process that requires ongoing effort and attention. It is important to regularly evaluate and refine your personal brand to ensure that it remains relevant and aligned with your goals. Seek feedback from others, both within your industry and outside of it, and be open to making necessary adjustments. Personal branding is not a one-time activity; it is a lifelong commitment to building and maintaining a strong and authentic presence.

In conclusion, personal branding is a powerful tool for achieving success in today's competitive world. It is the practice of marketing oneself and one's career as a brand, creating a unique and consistent image that sets you apart from others. By being intentional and authentic in how you present yourself, you can shape the way others perceive you and open doors to new opportunities. Building a personal brand requires self-awareness, effective communication, and ongoing evaluation. Invest in your personal brand, and you will reap the rewards in both your personal and professional life.

Hi, I'm Luke Moyana, a professional business coach, entrepreneur, and speaker. With over 20 years of experience, I have been coaching businesses across Zimbabwe, catering to solo entrepreneurs, executive management teams, and large organizations. My clients value my proven, no-nonsense approach to scaling their businesses.

If you are interested in coaching with me or simply have a passion for business & personal development and would like to chat, feel free to book a call with me. You can also connect with me on WhatsApp at +263772218092 or find me on various social media channels.
Follow me on Facebook at for insightful content and updates on my coaching services.

I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who are eager to take their businesses & personal development to new heights. Let's embark on this journey together!

Nothing will change until you do something to change it.

&Renewal #
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"Ready to launch your dream business?

Zimbard Business Advisory Services has got you covered!

We offer swift company registration, annual re-registrations, and TARMS registration with Tax Clearance Certificate—all at affordable rates. Contact us at +263772218092 and let's make your business dreams come true!


Reflection on the 1st Quarter of 2024 as a Woman in Business

As I take a moment to contemplate the first quarter of 2024, I cannot help but feel an immense sense of pride and accomplishment in the strides I have made as a woman in the business world. The challenges and hurdles that have come my way have only served to fortify my resolve and enhance my determination to achieve success. This past quarter has been a whirlwind of activity and growth, and I am immensely grateful for the invaluable lessons I have learned and the progress I have made.

One of the pivotal themes that has emerged for me during this quarter is the significance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. In an ever-evolving business landscape, the ability to pivot and adjust to changing circumstances is crucial for achieving success. I have had to navigate unexpected market changes, shifts in consumer behavior, and disruptions in supply chains. However, each challenge has only fueled my creativity and inspired me to seek innovative solutions.

Furthermore, the power of networking and cultivating strong relationships in the business realm has become increasingly evident to me. I have been fortunate enough to connect with fellow women in business who have proven to be invaluable sources of support, guidance, and motivation. Through establishing a robust network of allies and mentors, I have been able to surmount obstacles and seize new opportunities that would have otherwise eluded me.

Additionally, I have come to recognize the utmost importance of self-care and achieving a healthy work-life balance in maintaining my overall well-being and sanity amidst the demands of a demanding career. As a woman in business, it is all too easy to become consumed by work and neglect other aspects of life. However, I have learned that setting aside time for self-reflection, practicing mindfulness, and nurturing relationships outside of work are vital for long-term success and happiness.

Reflecting on the first quarter of 2024, I am immensely proud of the progress I have made and the valuable lessons I have learned along the way.

"Now my focus on this 2nd quarter of 2024 as a Woman in Business are."

As a woman in business, the second quarter of 2024 holds great importance for me as I strive to balance various aspects of my life and career. In this reflective period, my focus is on personal development, hobbies, family, the profitability of my business, and community participation.

Personal Development:
Personal growth is a continual journey, and I am committed to investing in myself during this quarter. This involves honing my leadership skills, expanding my knowledge through workshops and seminars, and seeking mentorship opportunities to further develop my professional acumen. By setting aside time for self-reflection and goal-setting, I aim to enhance my decision-making abilities and resilience in the face of challenges.

Amidst the demands of running a business, it is essential to nurture my passions and interests outside of work. In this quarter, I plan to dedicate time to my hobbies, whether it be painting, yoga, or hiking. Engaging in activities that bring me joy and relaxation not only rejuvenates my spirit but also fosters creativity and a sense of balance in my life.

Family is the cornerstone of my support system, and I recognize the importance of maintaining strong connections with my loved ones. In the second quarter of 2024, I aim to prioritize quality time with my family, whether it be through shared meals, outings, or meaningful conversations. Balancing the demands of work with family commitments is crucial for fostering a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Profitability of My Business:
As a woman entrepreneur, the profitability of my business is a key indicator of success and sustainability. In the upcoming quarter, I am focused on implementing strategic initiatives to drive growth and increase revenue streams. This includes optimizing operational processes, leveraging technology for efficiency, and exploring new market opportunities. By closely monitoring key performance indicators and financial metrics, I aim to ensure the long-term viability and profitability of my business.

Community Participation:
I believe in the power of giving back to the community and making a positive impact beyond the confines of my business. This quarter, I am committed to actively participating in community service initiatives, such as volunteering at local organizations, supporting charitable causes, and engaging in mentorship programs for aspiring entrepreneurs. By contributing to the betterment of society, I not only fulfill a sense of social responsibility but also cultivate meaningful connections and networks within the community.
The second quarter of 2024 holds a multitude of opportunities for personal and professional growth as a woman in business. By focusing on personal development, hobbies, family, the profitability of my business, and community participation, I am confident in my ability to navigate the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead. With determination, resilience, and a commitment to holistic well-being, I look forward to making this quarter a period of growth, fulfillment, and positive impact.

Marketing Dept, Women in business.

Women in business international association
Master Business Coach
Luke Moyana

Did you know that just by being around high performing individuals, you can increase your performance by 15%+

If you are looking for support with starting your own business, registering your own business, growing your business and scaling up your business, I invite you to join WIBIA as a fully paid member or set up an appointment with WIBIA

Please reach out to me if this was of any value to you. +263772218092

Please reach out to me as well if you would want to be involved with WIBIA as a Volunteer, Resource Person, Partner, Affiliate, or Sponsor.

Kindly consider being a fully paid up member of WIBIA.

The Women in business international association (WIBIA) is an organization that provides support, resources, and networking opportunities for women in the business world.�
Nothing will change until You do something to change it.


"Ready to launch your dream business? 🚀 Zimbard Business Advisory Services has got you covered! 💼💪 We offer swift company registration, annual re-registrations, and TARMS registration with Tax Clearance Certificate—all at affordable rates. Contact us at +263772218092 and let's make your business dreams come true! "


A Well-Organized Day for Women in Business

Being a woman in the business world presents its own unique set of challenges. In order to navigate these challenges successfully, it is crucial to develop a routine that allows for effective time management and prioritization. In this article , I will outline the specific routine I follow each day as a woman in business to stay organized and focused, ensuring that I am able to tackle the demands of my professional life efficiently.

Morning Routine
To start my day on a productive note, I wake up at 5:30 am, adhering to the age-old adage that the early bird catches the worm.
Upon waking up, I immediately have a glass of warm water with lemon. This not only kickstarts my metabolism but also helps to hydrate my body, preparing me for the day ahead. Following this, I engage in a short meditation session, which allows me to clear my mind and set a positive tone for the day.

After my meditation, I incorporate light exercise into my morning routine, such as yoga or a quick jog around the neighborhood. This helps get my blood pumping and energizes me, ensuring that I start the day on a high note. Once I have completed my workout, I nourish my body with a healthy breakfast consisting of oatmeal, fresh fruit, and a cup of green tea. Recognizing the importance of breakfast in providing the energy needed to tackle a busy schedule, I prioritize this meal.

After nourishing my body, I review my calendar and to-do list for the day. This allows me to assess the tasks that need to be completed, prioritize them based on deadlines and importance, and allocate specific time slots for each task in my schedule. This practice not only keeps me focused but also ensures that I make efficient use of my time throughout the day.

Midday Routine
By mid-morning, I am typically settled into my office or workspace, ready to immerse myself in my work. The first step in this phase of my day is to check and respond to any urgent emails or messages. This ensures that I address any pressing matters promptly, keeping the workflow smooth and uninterrupted. Once I have attended to these immediate priorities, I shift my focus to the most important tasks of the day, giving them my undivided attention.

During the midday hours, I follow the Pomodoro Technique to maintain productivity and avoid burnout. This technique involves working in focused bursts of 25 minutes followed by a short break of 5 minutes. By adhering to this practice, I am able to maintain a high level of concentration and productivity throughout the day. During my short breaks, I use this time to stretch, hydrate, or engage in a brief relaxation exercise to recharge my mind.

Afternoon Routine
As the afternoon approaches, I find it beneficial to have a designated time for brainstorming and creative thinking. This is when I schedule meetings or collaborative sessions with colleagues, allowing for the exchange of ideas and the generation of innovative solutions. By dedicating a specific time for this type of work, I ensure that my focus remains on the task at hand, fostering a conducive environment for creativity and collaboration.

Towards the end of the afternoon, I review my progress on the tasks I have completed and assess whether any adjustments need to be made to my schedule for the following day. This allows me to stay adaptable and make necessary changes to my plan, ensuring that I stay on track and continue to meet deadlines effectively.

In conclusion, as a woman in business, organizing my day is essential for maintaining productivity and achieving success. Through my morning routine of mindful practices, prioritizing tasks, and allocating specific time slots, I set a foundation for a productive day. The Pomodoro Technique and designated brainstorming sessions further enhance my efficiency and enable me to overcome the challenges of a demanding work environment. By following a well-structured routine, I am able to navigate the intricacies of my professional life effectively and thrive in the world of business.

Marketing Dept, Women in business.

Women in business international association
Master Business Coach
Luke Moyana

Did you know that just by being around high performing individuals, you can increase your performance by 15%+

If you are looking for support with starting your own business, registering your own business, growing your business and scaling up your business, I invite you to join WIBIA as a fully paid member or set up an appointment with WIBIA

Please reach out to me if this was of any value to you. +263772218092

Please reach out to me as well if you would want to be involved with WIBIA as a Volunteer, Resource Person, Partner, Affiliate, or Sponsor.

Kindly consider being a fully paid up member of WIBIA.

The Women in business international association (WIBIA) is an organization that provides support, resources, and networking opportunities for women in the business world.�
Nothing will change until You do something to change it.


"Leaders Don't Command" by Jorge Cuervo is a book that offers a fresh perspective on leadership, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, empathy, and empowerment over traditional command-and-control management styles.

Here are key lessons from the book

1. Leadership Through Influence: True leaders influence rather than command. They inspire their team members to take action and commit to goals through shared vision and mutual respect, rather than through orders or coercion.

2. Empowerment is Key: Empowering team members is crucial for fostering innovation and engagement. Leaders should trust their teams, delegate effectively, and provide the resources and support needed for individuals to take ownership of their work.

3. Build Relationships Based on Trust: Successful leadership is rooted in trust. Leaders must be transparent, consistent, and reliable to build strong relationships with their team members. Trust fosters an environment where open communication and feedback are valued.

4. Embrace Vulnerability: Leaders who are not afraid to show vulnerability can create stronger connections with their teams. Admitting mistakes, acknowledging limitations, and seeking input from others can demonstrate humility and openness, encouraging a similar attitude across the team.

5. Lead by Example: Actions speak louder than words. Leaders should model the behavior, work ethic, and values they expect from their team members. Leading by example is a powerful way to set standards and influence the organizational culture positively.

6. Encourage Continuous Learning: A culture of continuous learning and development benefits both the organization and its employees. Leaders should promote and facilitate opportunities for learning, whether through formal training, mentoring, or challenging assignments.

7. Value Diversity and Inclusivity: Recognizing and valuing diverse perspectives and backgrounds can lead to more innovative and effective problem-solving. Leaders should cultivate an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and included.

8. Focus on Communication: Effective communication is a cornerstone of effective leadership. Leaders must be adept at conveying ideas clearly and listening actively. This involves not only speaking and writing but also non-verbal communication and the ability to read others.

9. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to change and lead through uncertainty is increasingly important. Leaders should remain flexible, open to new ideas, and ready to pivot strategies as needed to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

10. Serve Others: The concept of servant leadership, where the leader's primary goal is to serve others, is emphasized. Leaders should focus on the growth and well-being of their team members and the communities to which they belong.

"Leaders Don't Command" offers a comprehensive guide to modern leadership, stressing the importance of empathy, empowerment, and a people-centered approach. By adopting these principles, leaders can inspire and motivate their teams more effectively, leading to higher satisfaction, better performance, and overall success for their organizations.



What are your dreams, ambitions and aspirations as a Woman in Business?

As a woman in business, I am fueled by a burning desire to break through glass ceilings, shatter stereotypes, and create a path of success for future generations of women in the corporate world. In my dreams, I envision a world where gender is no longer a barrier to achievement, where women are equally represented in leadership positions, and where diversity and inclusivity thrive in every boardroom. My ambitions extend far beyond personal gain; I yearn to climb the corporate ladder not only for myself but also to create a platform from which I can uplift and empower other women.

To turn my dreams into reality, I am committed to taking deliberate and strategic actions that will propel me towards success while empowering other women along the way. Foremost, I recognize the importance of investing in my education and skills development. By equipping myself with the necessary knowledge and expertise, I will be better positioned to excel in my chosen field and overcome any obstacles that come my way. Education is the cornerstone upon which I can build a solid foundation for a successful career.

In addition to education, I understand the significance of seeking out mentorship and networking opportunities. By cultivating relationships with successful women in business, I can gain valuable insights, guidance, and support as I navigate my professional journey. Learning from those who have already charted a path to success will undoubtedly accelerate my own growth and development.

Furthermore, I am determined to actively pursue leadership roles and projects that allow me to showcase my capabilities and potential for growth. By seizing these opportunities, I can not only prove my worth to others but also demonstrate to myself that I am capable of achieving great things. I firmly believe that by taking on challenges and stepping out of my comfort zone, I can push the boundaries of what is possible and inspire others to do the same.

Advocacy is another crucial aspect of my plan to achieve my dreams. I will use my voice and influence to champion gender equality and diversity in the workplace. By challenging outdated norms and promoting inclusive practices, I hope to create an environment where every individual feels valued and empowered. I firmly believe that diversity fosters innovation, creativity, and success, and I will tirelessly work towards creating an inclusive corporate culture.

As I pursue my dreams and ambitions, I also recognize the importance of self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I understand that success is not solely defined by professional achievements, but also by personal well-being. By prioritizing self-care, I can ensure that I am operating at my best and have the resilience needed to persevere in the face of any challenges.

In conclusion, as a woman in business, my dreams, ambitions, and aspirations are fueled by a determination to break barriers and pave the way for future generations. Through education, mentorship, leadership, advocacy, and self-care, I am confident that I can achieve my goals and make a lasting impact in the corporate world. I am committed to creating a future where gender is no longer a limitation and where women thrive in every aspect of business. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Marketing Dept, Women in business.

Women in business international association
Master Business Coach
Luke Moyana

Did you know that just by being around high performing individuals, you can increase your performance by 15%+

If you are looking for support with starting your own business, registering your own business, growing your business and scaling up your business, I invite you to join WIBIA as a fully paid member or set up an appointment with WIBIA

Please reach out to me if this was of any value to you. +263772218092

Please reach out to me as well if you would want to be involved with WIBIA as a Volunteer, Resource Person, Partner, Affiliate, or Sponsor.

Kindly consider being a fully paid up member of WIBIA.

The Women in business international association (WIBIA) is an organization that provides support, resources, and networking opportunities for women in the business world.�
Nothing will change until You do something to change it.


The hallmarks of a great leader.
A great leader is not someone who is flawless or without faults; rather, what sets them apart is their willingness to acknowledge their imperfections and strive for continuous self-improvement. Instead of pretending to be infallible, they embrace their vulnerabilities, learn from their mistakes, and use their growth journey as a source of inspiration for others.
One of the key characteristics of an exceptional leader is their ability to uplift others. They understand that their role is not to dominate or control, but to empower and support those around them. A remarkable leader recognizes the unique strengths and talents of their team members and actively works to help them shine. By fostering a culture of collaboration and encouragement, they create an environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.
Furthermore, a remarkable leader is a servant to all. They prioritize the needs of others above their interests and are dedicated to serving the greater good. Whether it is through mentorship, guidance, or simply lending a helping hand, an extraordinary leader is always ready to put the well-being of their team and organization before their own personal gain.
In addition, an exceptional leader is humble and accountable. They do not seek praise or recognition for their actions, but instead focus on the collective achievements of their team. They take responsibility for both successes and failures, understanding that accountability is key to building trust and credibility. Furthermore, they are open to feedback and willing to admit when they have made a mistake, using setbacks as opportunities for growth.
Moreover, an outstanding leader is willing to perform even the most menial tasks to show their dedication and commitment to the well-being of their team. They lead by example, demonstrating through their actions that no job is beneath them and that every member of the team is valued and respected. This act of humility and service strengthens the bond within the team.

Luke Moyana.

| Entrepreneur | Master Business Coach | Leadership Coach | Speaker | Mentor | Trainer | MBA Milan ITALY | MBA CUZ ZW |
Multi Award Winning Coach



I am about to give up on life. Things just not working for me. What must I do?

Life is never a smooth journey. It is often filled with challenges, setbacks, and disappointments.
I have encountered my fair share of struggles and difficulties along the way, and lately, it seems like everything is falling apart.
I feel overwhelmed, lost, and hopeless. I am about to give up on life.

The feeling of defeat and despair is weighing heavily on me.
I wake up every morning with a sense of dread, facing the day ahead with a heavy heart.
My job feels like a dead-end, my relationships are strained, and my goals seem unattainable.
It feels like I am stuck in a never-ending cycle of failure and disappointment.

I have tried to stay positive, to keep pushing through the tough times, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. I feel like I am drowning in a sea of negativity, unable to find a way out.
I have lost all motivation and hope. I feel like I am running on empty, with nothing left to give.

But deep down, I know that giving up is not the answer. I know that no matter how tough things may seem, there is always a way out.
I need to remind myself that life is full of ups and downs, and that this too shall pass. I need to find the strength within me to keep going, to keep fighting, no matter how hard it may seem.

I must take a step back and reevaluate my situation.
I need to identify the root causes of my problems and work towards finding solutions.
I need to seek help and support from those around me, whether it is friends, family,professional counselor or a Coach. I need to take care of my mental and emotional well-being, prioritizing self-care and self-love.
I must also learn to let go of things that are holding me back. Whether it is toxic relationships, negative beliefs, or self-doubt, I need to release them and free myself from their grips.

I need to cultivate a positive mindset and focus on the things that bring me joy and fulfillment.
I realize that I cannot control everything that happens to me, but I can control how I respond to them. I need to embrace the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. I need to be resilient and adaptable, knowing that each obstacle I overcome makes me stronger and more prepared for what lies ahead.

Giving up is not an option.
I must find the courage and determination to keep going, to keep pushing forward, even when the road ahead seems dark and uncertain.
I must believe in myself and my abilities, knowing that I have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

I am about to give up on life. Things just not working for me. But I must not lose hope. I must keep fighting, keep striving, keep believing that better days are ahead. I must keep going, one step at a time, knowing that I have the power within me to turn things around.

Did you know that just by being around high-performance individuals, you can increase your performance by 15%+

Please let me know if this was of any value to you.

Everything is Possible

To your greatness,�Master Business Coach Doc Luke Moyana
Founder/CEO Business Wealth Network.
| Professional Business Coach | Personal Development Coach |Motivational Speaker | Mentor | Trainer | Facilitator |

| MBA Milan, Italy |
| MBA Catholic University ZW |
Multi Award Winning Business Coach.
ICMF Business Coach of the Year 2021/2022/2023

[email protected]

Nothing will change until you do something to change it.

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