
We inspire, engage, and empower your team in the service of driving sustainable business growth 📈 Talent Development


Have a blessed Eid everyone!
نتمنى عيد مبارك للجميع!

Photos from Tiqani's post 21/05/2024

Interactivity is the secret to learning and acquiring knowledge.

We learn best through experimentation, when we're free to think, ask questions, and explore in a judgment-free environment. It's in these spaces where curiosity thrives and learning flourishes.

Tiqani had the privilege of participating in Automechanika Riyadh this year. Our training manager Farid Sfeir delivered a workshop on "Navigating Aftersales Learning & Development in the Automotive Industry" and what stood out was the audience engagement.

Participants were actively involved, openly asking questions and sharing their thoughts. This created a vibrant learning atmosphere and helped attendees develop a personalized plan to apply their new knowledge.

What’s truly amazing about learning and development is its uniqueness to each individual, even among those with similar backgrounds. Interactivity and engagement are key to reinforcing our unique growth journeys.

Photos from Tiqani's post 15/05/2024

At the heart of everything we do lies one fundamental truth:

Every interaction, and every conversation, fuels our passion to serve you better.

Our recent participation at HRLC Riyadh was more than just an event—it was an inspiring encounter with incredible individuals. We didn't just attend; we engaged, listened, and learned. Your stories, your experiences—they ignite our curiosity and fuel our drive to support you.

Working with you and for you is not just a job; it's our mission.
We're on a relentless quest to uncover your talents, to amplify your strengths, and to help you shine. Because, ultimately, it's all about you—the real superstar in this narrative.

So, whether it's through personalized coaching, innovative training methods, or bespoke programs, know that our focus is on you. Because in this collaborative journey, your triumphs are not just milestones—they're our shared victories.


Tiqani team wishes you and your loved ones a truly blessed Eid, filled with love and peace.
Eid Mubarak!

فريق تقني يتمنى لكم ولأحبائكم عيدًا مباركًا مليئًا بالحب والسلام.
عيد مبارك!


Understanding the diverse learning styles of adults is crucial for effective education.

Each person has a unique preference, whether visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or interpersonal. By incorporating various methods such as reading materials, lectures, visual aids, discussions, hands-on experiences, and teaching opportunities, facilitators can cater to different learning styles.

Engaging learners in active participation boosts retention, reinforcing the wisdom:
"Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember."


In today's automotive world, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are taking the lead. Staying on top of HEV technology is not just a choice – it's a necessity for your workshop's success!

Why dive into HEV learning?

✅ Stay Competitive: Customers are going green! Learn to service the latest eco-friendly rides.
✅ Boost Revenue: HEV expertise opens doors to a growing market. More skills = More jobs!
✅ Future-Proof Your Business: HEVs are here to stay. Equip your team for the road ahead.

Ready to accelerate your workshop's potential? 🚀Access CDX HEV e-learning course NOW!

DM us for a 10-day free trial!

Let's Drive Excellence Together!


Join us in celebrating Tiqani's anniversary 🎉
As we celebrate our 15th anniversary, it's a momentous occasion to reflect on the incredible strides we've made and the transformative impact we've had on individuals, teams, and businesses.

At Tiqani, we are not merely a company; we are catalysts for change.

Our mission is clear: to inspire, engage, and empower talents in the pursuit of sustainable business growth. Over the past 15 years, we've stayed true to this mission, leaving an indelible mark on the learning and development landscape.

Our work is far from over. As we stand on the threshold of the future, we are charged with renewed energy and enthusiasm for what lies ahead.

Together, we envision more impact, success, and transformative moments.
So, here's to 15 years of excellence, innovation, and growth.


Exciting News for Automotive Workshops and Technicians!
Are you looking to upskill your team and stay ahead in the ever-evolving automotive industry? Introducing CDX's cutting-edge E-learning platform tailored for workshops and technicians!

➡ Dive into the Fundamentals: Boost your team's knowledge on essential automotive basics.
➡ Handle Heavy Duty with Ease: Equip your technicians with specialized skills for heavy-duty vehicles.
➡ Embrace the Future with Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Stay ahead of the curve in the world of eco-friendly automotive technology.

Empower your workforce, enhance efficiency, and ensure top-notch service with our user-friendly modules. Let's drive success together!

🔗 DM us to accelerate your technical learning journey!


We wish the spirit of Ramadan surrounds your heart and fills it with goodness and peace.
Ramadan Mubarak to you and your families.

نتمنى أن تحيط روح الشهر الفضيل قلبك وتملأه بالخير والسلام.
رمضان مبارك لكم ولعائلاتكم.



Celebrating the women of impact.
Happy International Women's Day!


Knowledge multiplies exponentially when shared! Imagine the impact when spread across many industries.

For nearly a decade, Tiqani has been synonymous with excellence in the automotive industry. But what many don't realize is our dynamic evolution over the past five years. We've extended our reach beyond automotive, empowering professionals across diverse sectors.

Amidst our array of solutions, Tiqani's mission thrives, touching many industries which motivates our team to champion a culture of perpetual growth, enriching both individuals and communities.

Ready to start your transformation journey?
Reach out to us and discover how Tiqani can empower you and your team!


Mindset, Process, and Outcome are the three layers of behavior change, which form the foundation for understanding and achieving personal or organizational transformations.

1️⃣ First, Mindset pertains to the underlying beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that influence behavior. It involves fostering a positive outlook, embracing growth, and cultivating resilience to navigate challenges effectively.

2️⃣ Process refers to the systematic steps and actions taken to enact change. It encompasses goal setting, strategizing, and implementing actionable plans to facilitate progress toward desired outcomes.

3️⃣ Lastly, Outcome signifies the measurable results or consequences of behavior change efforts. It involves assessing effectiveness, adapting feedback-based strategies, and celebrating successes to sustain motivation and momentum.

By addressing each layer holistically, individuals and entities can optimize their approach to behavior change and enhance their likelihood of achieving meaningful and lasting transformations.

What do you think are the tools that can help people change behaviors?


العقلية والعملية والنتيجة هي الطبقات الثلاث لتغيير السلوك، والتي تشكل الأساس لفهم وتحقيق التحولات الشخصية أو المهنية.

أولاً، تتعلق العقلية بالمعتقدات والمواقف والتصورات الأساسية التي تؤثر على السلوك. فهو ينطوي على تعزيز النظرة الإيجابية، وتبني النمو، وتنمية المرونة للتغلب على التحديات بفعالية.

تشير العملية إلى الخطوات والإجراءات المنهجية المتخذة لإحداث التغيير. ويشمل تحديد الأهداف، ووضع الاستراتيجيات، وتنفيذ خطط قابلة للتنفيذ لتسهيل التقدم نحو النتائج المرجوة.

وأخيرًا، تشير النتيجة إلى الحصيلة أو العواقب القابلة للقياس لجهود تغيير السلوك. وهو ينطوي على تقييم الفعالية، وتكييف الاستراتيجيات القائمة على ردود الفعل، والاحتفال بالنجاحات للحفاظ على الحافز والزخم.

ومن خلال معالجة كل طبقة بشكل شمولي، يمكن للأفراد والفرق تحسين نهجهم في تغيير السلوك وتعزيز احتمالية تحقيق تحولات هادفة ودائمة.

ما هي برأيك الأدوات التي يمكن أن تساعد الناس على تغيير سلوكياتهم؟

#النمو #السلوك #التدريب #الكوتشينغ


At Tiqani, we've embraced a philosophy: building our team around shared values. Think of these values as our North Star, guiding every decision and action we take.

We've aligned our business values with the personal principles cherished by each member of our team. It's not just about the expertise only. By understanding ourselves deeply, we've crafted a business that resonates with our values.

Transparency is a commitment. We prioritize our client's interests above our own, fostering trust through open communication and honesty.

Authenticity is at the heart of what we do. We genuinely care about people, forging connections that extend beyond business transactions.

And passion? It's our driving force. We firmly believe that enjoying what we do is essential; after all, 'the job isn't worth it if you don't enjoy it.'

For us, it's not just about delivering results; it's about creating meaningful experiences—for our clients, partners, and ourselves.


Here are some golden tips to make your microlearning steps successful:

1. Set Your Goals: Every micro-session should have a clear purpose. When you set specific goals, you pave the way for effective and targeted learning. It's like having a roadmap – no more wandering, just straight to the knowledge destination!

2. Diversify Your Learning Content: Dive into a mix of videos, articles, and quizzes. Why limit yourself to one method? Keep it lively, keep it engaging!

3. Apply What You Learn: The real magic happens when you apply what you've learned. Microlearning isn't just about gathering info; it's about turning knowledge into actions.

Let's turn those micro-moments into major wins!


Discover everything you need for your team growth journey on our new website!
Learn about our values, team spirit, and why we're passionate about helping people grow. Check out success stories and the latest insights.

Want advice? Book a free chat with our experts or send us a message.

We're just one click away!



Happy UAE National Day! 🎉
Today, let's celebrate the spirit of unity and progress that defines this incredible nation. Wishing everyone in the UAE a day filled with joy, pride, and a bright future ahead!


The learning pyramid, pioneered by the National Training Laboratory, reveals how our brains retain information.
According to this concept, we remember:
➡ 75% of what we learn through practice
➡ 90% when we teach others or immediately apply the knowledge.

At Tiqani, we embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly.
Our training programs focus on active implementation and encouraging interaction among colleagues.
We believe that genuine learning stems from embracing the learning process, which involves making and learning from mistakes. It's through these experiences that individuals retain 90% of what they learn.

In essence, our approach at Tiqani is designed to amplify learning retention for each participant, ensuring efficient utilization of resources while fostering a culture of continuous growth and development.


Imagine your job as a canvas, and each task you perform is a brushstroke. Just like an artist leaves their unique mark on a masterpiece, you, as an individual, paint your self-portrait through your work.

By infusing excellence into every stroke, you're signing your name on this canvas of daily tasks.
Your autograph should proudly scream, "I care about what I do, and I do it exceptionally well."

In the realm of learning and development, the same principle applies. Every plan is your opportunity to leave a lasting impression and to empower others to strive for excellence in their own self-portraits of learning and growth.


The concept of the "3 F's of Nitro" for employee experience simplifies the key elements to focus on when enhancing the workplace environment.

1. Fundamentals: it is the foundation of a positive employee experience. It's about ensuring that employees find meaning and purpose in their work. When employees feel that their contributions matter and align with their values, they are more engaged and satisfied.

2. Flourish: It is to provide development opportunities that help employees understand their weaknesses and work on the areas of improvement.

3. Fun: Offering flexible work arrangements, recognizing individual needs, and promoting work-life balance are essential. When employees have the flexibility they need, they can weather challenges more effectively.

In essence, the "3 F's of Nitro" are a simple yet effective way to remember the fundamental aspects of creating a positive employee experience.

Just like a well-constructed house, when these elements are in place, you'll have a strong foundation for a thriving workplace.


Wishing you a day filled with peace and reflection.
Have a blessed day everyone!

نتمنى لكم يومًا مليئًا بالسلام والتأمل.
يوم مبارك للجميع!


May this nation continue to succeed and may the bonds of unity remain unbreakable.
Our team is sending its warmest greetings and wishes for a day filled with joy and a future filled with prosperity.
Happy National Day, Saudi Arabia!

نتمنى أن تستمر هذه الأمة في النجاح وتبقى روابط الوحدة متينة.
يرسل لكم فريقنا أحر التحيات والتمنيات بيوم مليء بالبهجة ومستقبل مليء بالازدهار.
يوم وطني سعيد للمملكة العربية السعودية!

#ازدهار #نمو

Photos from Tiqani's post 12/09/2023

The Six Thinking Hats is a concept introduced by Edward de Bono to streamline group discussions and decision-making processes.
Each "hat" represents a different thinking style:

Red Hat: Emotional and intuitive thinking.
Express feelings, hunches, and intuition without justification.

White Hat: Factual and objective thinking.
Focus on data, facts, and information.

Yellow Hat: Optimistic and positive thinking.
Explore benefits, opportunities, and solutions.

Black Hat: Critical and cautious thinking.
Identify risks, problems, and potential pitfalls.

Green Hat: Creative and innovative thinking.
Generate new ideas, possibilities, and alternatives.

Blue Hat: Process-oriented thinking.
Facilitate and manage the thinking process, set agendas, and summarize discussions.

By wearing these "hats" sequentially or as needed, individuals and groups can approach complex problems from different angles, leading to more comprehensive and effective decision-making.


True greatness emerges when we invest our moments in pursuits that ignite our passion.

At Tiqani Inc., it's about nurturing the growth of others and guiding them along their journey of development. It's when our purpose aligns seamlessly with our passions, and our values form the pillars of positive change.

Inspiring and facilitating the transformation and advancement of individuals in their careers stands as one of the most exquisite contributions we can make.

What about you?
How are you making an impact?

تظهر العظمة الحقيقية عندما نستثمر لحظاتنا في المساعي التي تشعل شغفنا.

في تقني، يتعلق الأمر برعاية نمو الآخرين وتوجيههم خلال رحلة التطوير الخاصة بهم. يحدث ذلك عندما يتوافق هدفنا بسلاسة مع شغفنا، وتشكل قيمنا ركائز التغيير الإيجابي.

يعد إلهام وتسهيل التحول والتقدم للأفراد في حياتهم المهنية أحد أروع المساهمات التي يمكننا تقديمها.

ماذا عنك؟
كيف يمكنك إحداث تأثير؟

#تدريب #نمو #النجاح


An article shared by John Spence a leadership expert, emphasizes on talent encompassing more than just skill proficiency is particularly insightful.

Competence is undoubtedly crucial, but character, collaboration, communication, and commitment collectively construct the foundation of true business talent.

The article's call to action, urging businesses to actively seek out individuals who not only excel in their fields but also exhibit integrity, teamwork, effective communication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, strikes at the core of sustainable success.

By embracing this philosophy and making talent acquisition and development a cornerstone, a company stands to gain a significant competitive edge, positioning itself to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.

This resonates as a refreshingly holistic approach to talent management, one that doesn't merely focus on technical prowess but seeks to foster a culture of integrity, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

The link to the full article is available in the comment box below.


Remember, self-skills analysis is an ongoing process.
As you develop and grow, revisit your goals and skills regularly to adapt to changes in your life and aspirations. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to your personal development journey.

Are you looking to assess and improve your skills?
Conducting a self-skills analysis is the first step toward personal and professional growth.

Here are 5 steps to help you get started:
1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Set clear goals for skill development.
3. Seek feedback from others.
4. Develop a plan of action.
5. Continuously evaluate and adapt your skills.

By following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of your strengths, areas for improvement, and take actionable steps toward self-improvement.

Start your journey to personal and professional growth today and share this post with someone who could benefit from conducting a self-skills analysis.


The key to excelling in sales lies in four essential competencies:
1️⃣ Empathy: Understand and connect with your customers on a deeper level, addressing their unique needs.
2️⃣ Attention to Detail: Spot the little things that matter, tailoring your approach for a personalized experience.
3️⃣ Active Listening: Engage fully with customers, unlocking valuable insights and building trust.
4️⃣ Genuine Care: Show customers you genuinely care, fostering loyalty and lasting relationships.

Sales is more than a process.

Picture from our previous project in KSA.


⚠ Important Clarification!
While training is an essential part of talent development, providing generic training without a clear focus on an individual's growth and potential does not qualify as talent development. It is true that generic training is a necessity for providing a baseline of knowledge and skills to employees, but it is important to complement it with talent development initiatives that focus on individual growth and long-term career advancement.

Talent development is a purposeful and systematic effort to identify and cultivate an individual's potential and skills beyond their current job responsibilities.


Since 2009, Tiqani's team has been on a mission to empower employees and business leaders to achieve remarkable results. And now, we're thrilled to unveil our game-changing 9-Step Roadmap that will take your company from where it is today to where you aspire to be.

Let's dive into the journey and see how we can partner with you to maximize your team's potential and sustainable growth — without wasting your time and resources.

If you're passionate about unleashing your team's potential and achieving success, reach out to our team of experts and book your free discovery call by clicking this link https://tiqani.com/roadmap/

Let's embark on this transformative journey together!


Depuis 2009, l'équipe de Tiqani a pour mission de donner aux employés et aux chefs d'entreprise les moyens d'obtenir des résultats remarquables. Et maintenant, nous sommes ravis de dévoiler notre feuille de route révolutionnaire en 9 étapes qui amènera votre entreprise d'où elle est aujourd'hui à là où vous aspirez à être.

Plongeons-nous dans le voyage et voyons comment nous pouvons travailler en partenariat avec vous pour maximiser le potentiel et la croissance durable de votre équipe, sans perdre votre temps et vos ressources.

Si vous êtes passionné par l'idée de libérer le potentiel de votre équipe et d'obtenir un succès remarquable, contactez notre équipe d'experts et réservez votre appel de découverte gratuit en cliquant sur ce lien https://tiqani.com/fr/roadmap/

Embarquons ensemble dans ce voyage de transformation!

La traduction française du vidéo est disponible, cliquez sur l'icône "cc"

منذ عام ٢٠٠٩، فريق تقني في مهمة لتمكين الموظفين وقادة الأعمال و مساعدتهم في تحقيق نتائج مميزة. والآن، يسعدنا الكشف عن خارطة طريق مؤلفة من ٩ خطوات والتي ستنقل شركتك من حيث هي اليوم إلى حيث تطمح أن تكون.

لنتعمق في الرحلة ولنتعاون معك في تحقيق أقصى إمكانات موظفيك ودفع النمو المستدام - دون إضاعة وقتك ومواردك.

إذا كنت شغوفًا بإطلاق العنان لإمكانات فريقك وتحقيق نجاح ملحوظ، تواصل مع فريق الخبراء لدينا واحجز مكالمة استكشافية مجانية عن طريق نقر هذا الرابط https://tiqani.com/ar/roadmap/

لنبدأ هذه الرحلة التحويلية معًا!

#النمو #القيادة #قائد #التدريب #التنمية #التعلم #التطوير

الترجمة العربية متوفرة ، انقر على رمز "cc"

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A Talent Development Establishment

We, at Tiqani, provide talent development solutions that allow businesses and individuals to adopt a culture of measurable continuous growth.

We have spent more than 10 years uncovering talents and supporting automotive professionals in one of the most challenging industries at this time.

Having learned many lessons, this year, 2020, we have taken the initiative to widen the scope and to include in our mission support for all professionals, at all levels, in all industries.

We follow the bite-size blended learning methodology during our sessions. From e-learning, pre-session work, pretests, games, challenges, and team-building activities, to role play and feedback, action planning, posttest, and post-session implementation.

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Join us in celebrating Tiqani's anniversary 🎉 -As we celebrate our 15th anniversary, it's a momentous occasion to reflec...
We wish the spirit of Ramadan surrounds your heart and fills it with goodness and peace.Ramadan Mubarak to you and your ...
Exciting News! We're thrilled to present our revamped company logo, symbolizing the vital link between people and proces...
Since 2009, Tiqani's team has been on a mission to empower employees and business leaders to achieve remarkable results....
Ignite the fire within, for when you come together as a team, magic happens! Let your collective spirit soar as you supp...
Building strong bonds and creating unforgettable memories with an amazing team! Our team-building event was a blast, fil...
Engage & Energize Your Workfoce
We are proud to announce that our training manager and instructional designer, Mr. Farid Sfeir, was chosen as the best e...
Have a blessed month everyone.Ramadan Kareem!شهر مبارك للجميع.رمضان كريم!#RamadanKareem #رمضان_كريم
International Women's Day
Tiqani Inc. Logo Reveal 2021-2022
Virtual Training



1, Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Sunday 08:30 - 17:30

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