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Marie le Jars de Gournay (1565-1645) ishte një shkrimtare, eseiste dhe feministe e hershme franceze, e njohur më së shumti për marrëdhënien e saj me filozofin Michel de Montaigne dhe për punën e saj në mbrojtjen e të drejtave të grave.

Jeta e Hershme dhe Edukimi
Marie le Jars lindi në Paris dhe u rrit në një familje fisnike të varfëruar. Ajo mori një edukim të gjerë autodidakt dhe kishte një pasion të madh për letërsinë dhe filozofinë.

Marrëdhënia me Montaigne
Marie le Jars de Gournay u bë e njohur pas takimit me Michel de Montaigne, i cili e konsideronte atë si një "vajzë e adoptuar". Ajo redaktoi dhe botoi punimet e Montaigne pas vdekjes së tij, duke përfshirë versionin postum të "Essais" në vitin 1595.

Veprimtaria Letrarare dhe Feministe
Gournay shkroi një sërë esesh dhe traktatesh ku mbrojti të drejtat e grave dhe barazinë gjinore. Ndër veprat e saj më të njohura është "Égalité des hommes et des femmes" (Barazia e burrave dhe grave), ku ajo argumenton se gratë janë po aq të afta dhe të denja sa burrat në të gjitha aspektet e jetës

Marie le Jars de Gournay është vlerësuar si një nga zërat e parë të fuqishëm në mbrojtje të barazisë gjinore dhe ka kontribuar ndjeshëm në zhvillimin e mendimit feminist në Evropë. Puna dhe mendimet e saj vazhdojnë të jenë objekt studimi dhe të mbahen mend për ndikimin e tyre të rëndësishëm.


Hipatia e Aleksandrisë ishte një filozofe, matematikane dhe astronome e shquar që jetoi në Aleksandri gjatë fund të shekullit të IV dhe fillim të shekullit të V pas Krishtit. Ajo është konsideruar si një nga gratë e para të shquara në historinë e shkencës dhe filozofisë.

Jeta dhe Arsimi
Hipatia lindi rreth vitit 355-370 pas Krishtit dhe u vra në vitin 415 pas Krishtit. Ajo ishte vajza e Teonit të Aleksandrisë, një matematikian dhe astronom i njohur, i cili ishte gjithashtu mësuesi i saj. Nën udhëzimin e të atit, Hipatia studioi dhe mësoi matematikë, astronomi dhe filozofi në një mjedis që ishte i njohur për bibliotekën e tij të famshme, Bibliotekën e Aleksandrisë .

Karriera dhe Kontributet
Hipatia u bë kreu i shkollës neoplatonike të Aleksandrisë, ku jepte mësim filozofi, matematikë dhe astronomi. Ajo ishte e njohur për komentet e saj mbi veprat e mëparshme shkencore, si ato të Apollonit të Pergas dhe Diofantit të Aleksandrisë. Hipatia kontribuoi në zhvillimin e instrumenteve astronomike dhe hartoi disa punime mbi gjeometrinë dhe algjebrën .

Vdekja dhe Trashëgimia
Vdekja tragjike e Hipatias ndodhi në vitin 415, kur ajo u vra brutalisht nga një turmë e krishterë që besohet se ishte nxitur nga konflikte politike dhe fetare. Kjo ngjarje tronditi dhe u kritikua nga shumë bashkëkohës dhe historianë të mëvonshëm .

Hipatia mbetet një figurë simbolike në historinë e shkencës dhe filozofisë, duke simbolizuar rezistencën ndaj fanatizmit dhe rëndësinë e arsimit dhe shkencës në shoqëri. Ajo është kujtuar dhe nderuar në literaturë, art dhe kulturë, dhe ka shërbyer si një model frymëzues për gratë në shkencë dhe filozofi përgjatë shekujve .

Për më shumë informacion mund të konsultoni burimet si Britannica dhe Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩: 𝙙𝙧𝙚 / @𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙖

Në Kosovë fillon të jepet terapia për parandalimin e infeksionit nga virusi HIV 14/06/2024

Në Kosovë fillon të jepet terapia për parandalimin e infeksionit nga virusi HIV Nga kjo javë, në Kosovë ka nisur të jepet terapia për parandalimin e infeksionit para ekspozimit ndaj virusit HIV, konfirmoi për Radion Evropa e Lirë Murat Mehmeti, shef i repartit për sëmundje seksualisht të transmetueshme në Klinikën Infektive në Prishtinë. Virusi HIV e dëmton siste...


“The fruit was never an apple”
— Max Svabinsky (1873-1962)

Photos from Society of Australian Sexologists's post 10/06/2024

Hetty Green...the most stingy woman in history, her wealth is estimated at more than $2.3 billion. Hetty Greene was born in America in 1835. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman.

She inherited from her father a fortune estimated at $7.5 million. When she was twenty-one years old, she moved to live in New York to invest her money in Wall Street and was called the Wicked Witch of Wall Street.

She married a millionaire like herself, but still lived on leftover cakes and broken biscuits in grocery stores and argued to get a free bone for her dog every day!! Hetty Greene was a very miserable woman. She sewed underpants when she was 16 years old and did not change them or buy others until the day of her death.

She never spent a penny, so it was said that she never used hot water, that she wore a black dress that she did not change until it was completely worn out, and that she lived on eating a pie that cost only two cents.

Hetty caused her son to amputate his leg because when he broke it, she delayed treating it because she insisted not to She spent no money and kept looking for free medical attention.

Hetty Greene died in 1916 at the age of 81 in New York City, and was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “most stingy person in the world.”

The cause of her death was a stroke due to a quarrel with her maid because the maid asked for an increase in her meager salary.

She died and left behind a huge fortune, and her children did not inherit her extreme stinginess, but rather they were generous to the point that her daughter built a free hospital with her money!! ☕️


English Men Once Sold Their Wives Instead of Getting Divorced

Between the 17th and 19th centuries, wife-selling was a weird custom with a practical purpose.

George Wray tied a halter around his wife’s waist and headed to the nearest market. He wasn’t there to buy anything—he was there to sell his wife.

Onlookers shouted as he auctioned her off to the highest bidder, William Harwood. After Harwood turned over a single shilling to Wray, he put his arm around his purchase. “Harwood walked off arm in arm with his smiling bargain,”reported an onlooker, “with as much coolness as if he had purchased a new coat or hat.” It was 1847, and Wray had just gotten the equivalent of a divorce.
The scene sounds like an elaborate joke. In reality, it was anything but. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, divorce was prohibitively expensive. So some lower-class British people didn’t get them—they sold their wives instead. The custom seems outlandish today, but it could be found in public places like markets, taverns and fairs. Historians disagree on when or how the custom started and how widespread it was, but it seems to have been an accepted alternative divorce among lower-class Britons. Wife sales were crude and funny, but they also served a very real purpose since it was so hard to get a divorce.


The tradition of Portuguese women wearing hooded capes, particularly in the Azores Islands, dates back centuries and is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the region. These hooded capes, known as "saias de monte," are an integral part of traditional Azorean dress and serve both practical and cultural purposes.

Historically, the Azores Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean, experienced unpredictable weather patterns, including strong winds and rain. The hooded capes provided protection from the elements, keeping women warm and dry as they went about their daily tasks, whether working in the fields or tending to household chores.

Beyond their practical function, the hooded capes also carry symbolic significance within Azorean culture. They are often intricately crafted, with elaborate designs and vibrant colors that reflect the unique identity of each island within the archipelago. The capes are passed down through generations as cherished heirlooms, symbolizing the continuity of tradition and the bonds of family and community.

In addition to their role as protective outerwear, the hooded capes are also worn on special occasions and festivals, where they serve as expressions of cultural pride and identity. Women don their capes with pride during religious processions, folk dances, and other traditional celebrations, adding to the rich tapestry of Azorean folklore and customs.

The tradition of wearing hooded capes continues to be upheld in the Azores Islands today, serving as a reminder of the region's rich cultural heritage and the resilience of its people. Through their distinctive dress, Azorean women pay homage to their ancestors, honor their roots, and celebrate the enduring spirit of Azorean culture.


Laskarina Bouboulina ~ and absolutely fascinating story of a true heroine 🦸‍♀️ and also ~ You're never too old to get started as a naval commander.

Laskarina Bouboulina proved that you're never too old to get started as a naval commander. She was 40 years old, twice widowed, the mother of seven children, single, and ready to mingle by the time she set about building up her shipping empire.

Laskarina was born in 1771 inside a prison in Istanbul where her mother was visiting her father, who had been jailed for his participation in a 1770 independence uprising against the Ottoman Empire.

The family hailed from the Greek island of Hydra and like most Greeks in maritime communities they were skilled sailors.
Laskarina was a hard drinker and, as the story goes, so ugly the only way she could get laid was to point a pistol at a man and threaten him. What is the truth of it and what is the locker room talk of sexually rejected men, we will never know.
Laskarina's second husband, Dimitri Bouboulis, from whom she got the name Bouboulina, died in 1811 in battle with pirates, a leading cause of death in the day.

He had four ships to his name, which she took over and began to build up into a formidable fleet, crowned by the massive warship Agamemnon, evoking the Trojan War. Laskarina and her fellow Greeks had been preparing for another independence uprising for years as part of the innocently named underground organisation 'The Friendly Society'. She recruited a private army of men from the island of Spetses, and spent the fortune she had inherited from her husbands on feeding and paying her men.

Laskarina had also been secretly amassing arms and reeping them in her house. Imagine an Ottoman ofcial coming to inspect this middle-aged Greek mother's home and finding the building blocks for a private army. 'Oh, these? Oh no, just a hobby, don't mind silly old me!'

When the Greeks rose up in their bloody bid for independence, Laskarina commanded her ships all round the Greek islands, fighting in key blockades and battles and sieges of Turkish forts, and assisting Greek forces wherever they were.

Though outnumbered, the Greeks were better sailors and a mighty match for the Ottomans. When sea battles weren't enough for her, Laskarina came ashore to fight the revolution on horseback.

When the Greeks captured the town of Tripolis, Laskarina negotiated a prisoner swap with the defeated Turkish commander in order to save the lives of the Turkish women and children of the harem of the Ottoman governor Hourshid Pasha.

She had made a promise years earlier to the mother of the Sultan that she would protect Turkish women in need, in exchange for returning her confiscated fortune. And so in the midst of a war marked by brutal massacres of civilians, she commanded her soldiers not to harm these women and children, warning them that, 'Whoever attempts to do so will have first to pass over my dead body. The women and children were safely evacuated.

The Greek War of Independence lasted from 1821 until 1832 and resulted in an independent Greek state, but Laskarina wouldn't survive to see it.

After all her daring feats at sea and on the battlefield, Laskarina was killed in 1825 in a family dispute, when her son ran off with the daughter of another family and someone shot her.

It just goes to show that no amount of revolutionary spirit and battle experience can save a person from their family drama.

Source ~ 100 Nasty Women of History ~ Hannah Jewell


"In the medieval times, in a French city, women put a light poison in the morning in the breakfast of their husbands, and then when they returned home, late at night, he was given the antidote, so this poison was not harmful to human beings." In case the men didn't return home because they were elsewhere and so the antidote was delayed, men got headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, depression, pain, vomiting.
The longer the man was away from home, the more sick he was, and then when he returned home, unbeknownst to him, his wife gave him the antidote and he was better in a few minutes.
With this horrible trick, men were cheated, because they imagined that being away from home would cause them pain and depression, and so they became fond of their homes and wives... "

Tina Modotti center


It was extremely hard to get a divorce in medieval Europe, so couples who had enough of each other sometimes opted to end the marriage with a divorce duel. German combat instructor and court adviser Hans Talhofer wrote Fechtbuch (“Fencing Book”) in 1467, an illustrated tome that included techniques for couples engaged in such duels. Since men have obvious physical advantages, things had to get evened out. Hubbies, armed with three clubs, had to fight from inside a waist-high hole about three feet wide, with one hand tied to their body. Wives were armed with three rocks that weighed up to eight pounds, tied in a cloth like a battery in a sock, and could move around the hole freely.

Both sides’ weapons had to be of equal length. A husband who touched the hole’s edge forfeited a club. If he did so three times, he had to continue unarmed. If that happened, he would presumably have to try and wrestle his wife into the hole before she bashed his head in. Talhofer’s manual offered advice about appropriate clothes, best techniques for each gender, and step-by-step instructions to exploit the opponent’s vulnerabilities. The duels were surprisingly fair, and numerous women emerged victorious. Although divorce duels were not to the death, death was the ultimate result. If the wife won, her husband was executed, and if the husband won, the wife was buried alive.


Dasma e gocave që trazoi Tiranën

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U bullizua për syzet dhe dhëmbët, 10-vjeçari kryen vetëvrasje! | Top Albania Radio 16/05/2024

U bullizua për syzet dhe dhëmbët, 10-vjeçari kryen vetëvrasje! | Top Albania Radio Një djalë 10-vjeçar kreu vetëvrasje pasi u bullizua në shkollë, ndërsa familja e tij tha...

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