Mein Name ist Helin und ich bin ein Illustrator und Designer von Kinderprodukten.

Ich habe in den letzten 6 Jahren die Freude und das große Vergnügen gehabt, mit Kindern zu arbeiten; von kleinen Neugeborenen bis hin zu 12-jährigen Jugendlichen.


Did you know that -> The first year of a cat's life is equal to approximately 15 human years. 🙀😹😻

Photos from's post 14/01/2022

✨Japan 🇯🇵 Cat 🐱.
✨The maneki-neko (招き猫, lit. 'beckoning cat') is a common Japanese figurine which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner.
✨Welcome 2022:
The brand new year is here and it's time to welcome 2022 with loads of positivity and enthusiasm. A new year brings with it fresh opportunities, possibilities and signifies a new start and while things may not look perfect at the start of the year considering hike in daily count of Covid cases. As we grow more resilient in pandemic times and get ready to withstand the challenges life may throw at us in the coming year, we are also hopeful that things will get better this year once the milder but more infectious Omicron subsides. With a hope that 2022 will be the year when we will realise our strengths and embrace our weaknesses, a little dose of inspiration is needed at every step.
✨Wishing You All Good Things On This New Year! Have Fun, Joy, Peace, Love, Care, Luck And Success Ahead! 🍀


2. Try / Makeover, love to see my progress.

If you haven’t seen my first version of Itsy bitsy spider, check is on my page longer below.

Insane how practice makes you better and better.

Photos from's post 12/01/2022

I love to see my progress. 😍


What is the story behind Row, Row, Row Your Boat?

The 'boat' in the tune represents your life. You are the oarsman. You are the one doing the rowing. You aren't simply rowing once and then letting the 'stream' of time drift you downriver… you are constantly 'rowing' or trying to be the best that you can be in this life.


Over the past 6 years I have had the joy and great pleasure of working with children, from little baby newborns all the way up to 12 year old pre teens. I have had a wonderful experience and have been surprised by how much they have taught me about myself and how we view the world around us. Throughout this time I noticed how much fun children have talking about p**ping, so I decided to create this p**ping activity book for everyone to share and have fun with. 💩

✨My inspiration to create something for kids starts with my journey in Norway. I started working in a kindergarten school and quickly learnt so much about children and the
beautiful world they live in.

✨I have had so much fun being immersed in it and I love that children have such free spirits and can talk so freely on the subjects of p**ping and peeing without worrying about any judgement.

✨The intention for this p**ping activity book is to entertain the younger children and hope- fully even the older ones. I wish to continue that open and judge free conversation and keep the children's free spirits going long into their futures.
I hope the kids will enjoy the book just as much as I do. Get ready to draw, create, have fun and be entertained.

**pinganimals **ping ✨


✨"The Wheels on the Bus" is an American folk song. It was originally published in a 1939 issue of American Childhood, and originally each verse ended with "over the city streets" rather than the lyrics "all through the town", which have become more common later.

✨My second try with the most known nursery rhyme With’e “the wheels on the Buss goes round and round …” I love my progress what do you think? If you haven’t seen my first try just scroll down and maybe you will find it. ❤️❤️.
En bilinen tekerleme - ikinci denemem “Otobüsün tekerlekleri dönüyor ve dönüyor…” Bu stile bayılıyorum ne düşünüyorsun? Kesin bi 6-8 saat zamanımı aldı ama kesinlikle değdi.
✨İlk denememi görmediyseniz, aşağı kaydırın ve belki direk görürsünüz. ❤️❤️


What do you think about my new drawing style? I love it it’s so much sweeter than the cartoonishly style. I’d love to hear your thoughts 💭



“New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” Are you ready for 2022?


My first edition of a activity book with the theme “p**ping animals” is launching next year in January/February 2022. By doing these activity book I learned a lot about animal droppings 😅

For example Fox p**p smells really bad! But your dogs will LOVE rolling in it but it’s one of the hardest smells to get rid of. Unlike cats, foxes don't bury their faeces. Dry spots or sand pits with loose underground are their favourite places to p**p. How cool!

❔Did you now that ❔

**ping **pinganimals


Inspirer by the fact that Cats sleep an average of 15 -18 hours per day! 💤🛏🥱 what about you? 😄



What do you think about my new Christmas pattern design? 🥰


Inspired by the Norwegians children song “Bjørnen sover» or in English “the bear is sleeping” follow me for more cute art ⭐️

🌙 digitalekunst


Deer lover 🦌 ❤️Did you know that? There are over 60 different species of deer worldwide. Deer are present on all continents except Antarctica. They can live in a range of habitats, from mountainous areas to warm and wet rainforests.


Turtle 🐢 They've been around for a very, very long time.

An estimated 110 million years is how long sea turtles have existed on Earth, which means they once shared the planet with T-Rex and other dinosaurs. 🦖 🦕 .

Photos from's post 12/12/2021

✨Bæ, bæ lille lam er en barnesang de aller, aller fleste har et forhold til. Og den er like populær i dag som den var da den ble utbredt i Norge tidlig på 1900-tallet. Den synges fortsatt lystig blant barn både hjemme og i barnehage.✨



In meinem neuen Kinderbuch erzähle ich über die beliebtesten Tiere. Wie zum Beispiele unsere Liebe Hauskatze 😻Wusstest du das es weltweit geschätzte 500 Millionen Hauskatzen gibt, zB in Deutschland sollen es mehr als 13 Millionen sein.


A classic nursery rhyme with finger play, The “Itsy Bitsy Spider” is also known as the “Incy Wincy Spider” in some countries. It’s hard not to be endeared by this song—even if you are a tiny bit creeped out by real-life spiders.

Et klassisk barnerim med fingerspill, "Lille Peter edderkopp" småbarns favoritt 🙃


Hi and welcome to Tjaa Design my name is Helin and currently I am working on a kids activity book with the theme p**ping animals and funny facts about them. ✨
Hei og velkommen til Tjaa design, mitt navn er Helin og må på tiden hilder jeg på en aktivitets book for de minste med morsomme fakta om dyr og dyr som bæsjer ✨
Merhaba ve hoşgeldiniz Tjaa design. Benim adım Helin ve şu an bi çocuk kitabında calişiyorum. son 6 sene çocuklarla calışdım ve Yeni çocuk kitabim icin hayvanlarin dişkisini konu yaptim altı senedir çocuklarla calisiyorum ve çocuklar çok eğleniyor konu kaka çiş olunca madem bukadar eğleniyor ✨

🇩🇪Hallo hallo und herzlich willkommen zu Tjaa Design mein Name ist Helin und momentan arbeite ich an einem Kinderbuch/ Aktivitätsbuch mit dem Thema gut zu wissen und Tiere die ka**en. Die letzten sechs Jahre habe ich mit Kindern gearbeitet und bemerkt das Kinder sich tot lachen wenn das Thema pi***ln und ka**en ist ✨


“Humans are like bunnies. Some can be incredibly sweet, and some can be little demons.” 🤫


Watercolor 🌈

✨Why are Portraits so Hard to Draw? Always struggled with the proportions of a face and the shadow and lightning process! 🤯

Aah, I still love it ♥️ I hope at least the message is clear✨.


✨The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a LION.✨

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