Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin

E-RYT Yoga Instructor:
Hatha, Vinyasa, Poweryoga, Anfänger Yoga, Stuhlyoga, Curvy Yoga, Kids Yoga, Yin Yoga
Pilates and Stretching Instructor


To new beginnings! All the best to all of you!!🎉🍀✨️


Ich habe jetzt 600 Follower! Vielen Dank für euren kontinuierlichen Support! Ohne euch wäre das nie möglich gewesen. 🙏🤗🎉


Fall is a big reminder again:
Change is the only constant in life.

Time to let go again.


Feels like summer


Heute Abend von 18:00-19:00 Uhr gibt es FLOW & RELAX YOGA mit mir im Augarten Wien.

Melde dich online an oder schreibe mir hier auf Instagram.

Freu mich auf Euch! 🙏🏻😁


Practice gratitude.
It will let you realize how much there already is in your life that is wonderful.


Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 10/06/2023

What are your dreams?
What are your fears?
Are they connected to or depending on each other?

Sometimes life is too much, or is it?... Maybe it's just what life feels like when you are taking a leap of faith. It can be scary. Everything can feel a bit overwhelming when you leave your comfort zone. And that is why you don't want to change anything.

The last couple of years showed us that change is always a part of our lives.

I want to be mindful a lot and in the moment whenever possible. That is when I connect with my true Self.

That is when I understand that life is not perfect. It is amazingly simple and complicated and way too complex for me to simplify it. I don't need to understand every part of it.

So, it's okay to be confused or to feel lost sometimes as long as you trust this journey. It is so rewarding.

I guess you can call it:
Being mindfully alive or living your Yoga.


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and caregivers out there!

You are the most wonderful human beings with all of your unconditional love and empathy.

Celebrate yourself! Enjoy the attention. You deserve it.


One of my golden girls said this to me after our Chair Exercise class this week.

That makes me sooo happy!


Whatever you are facing right now.
Trust yourself.

You can do it.


Wer es noch nicht weiß:

Ich werde ab Oktober 2023 ein neues Yogastudio im 2. Bezirk in Wien leiten: Dein Yoga Leo

Jetzt suchen wir schon langsam unser LehrerInnen Team zusammen.

Wir brauchen

✨️✨️✨️WIR SUCHEN✨️ ✨️✨️
Hot Yoga - Flow Yoga - Mat Pilates LehrerInnen !!!

Bisher haben wir schon eine handvoll LehrerInnen für unser Yoga Leo Team gefunden, aber dieses Team braucht Verstärkung!

Wir möchten ein Studio für jedes Level sein, nicht nur für geübte Yogis.

Dein Yoga Leo wird ein Ort für alle sein, die Entspannung und Erholung vom Stress suchen, aber auch neue Kraft und Energie finden wollen, um den Alltag zu meistern und das Leben genießen zu können.

Du möchtest genau dasselbe für deine Yogis?

Dann bewirb dich mit

Lebenslauf, Foto, Zertifikaten, Video deiner Disziplin(en)

und schreib uns eine E-Mail an: [email protected]

Wir freuen uns schon auf dich!

Dein Yoga Leo 🙏

Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 26/02/2023

Du hast immer wieder Rückenschnerzen? Du sitzt viel?

Diese simplen Übungen direkt am Schreibtisch auf dem 2. Bild oder diese Yoga Übungen auf dem 3. Bild helfen dir deine Schmerzen loszuwerden.

Die Vorderseite deines Körpers verkürzt sich im Sitzen und die Rückseite hat die ganze Arbeit, dich in der Sitzposition zu halten. Je mehr du nach vorne kippst, desto mehr leiden Nacken und unterer Rücken, die sich in dieser für sie unnatürlichen Position verkrampfen.

Bewegung hilft immer. Es muss nicht viel sein. Ein paar Dehnübungen reichen oft.

Probiers aus.

Markier dir diesen Beitrag.


Thanks for letting me guide you through some deep stretches and strengthening exercises at your home in NYC.
See you soon in a virtual class!


I will miss our in-person classes at your home, Miranda!

But i will see you soon in our virtual classes. 🤩


Meditation works.

With letting go. Finding new energy and calm.

Sometimes a little push in the right direction helps.

Since you're already on the phone, check out the Calm app. It offers many opportunities to meditate.

Just one click away:
your daily 10-minute meditation.

Try for yourself. But go easy on yourself.


and I. Colleagues and friends since 2015. Two european Yogis in NYC. Talking with you about the ups and downs in life and our teaching careers is so important to me.

Thanks for being such a good friend, Carolina! ❤️🥰

Prosit Neujahr 02/01/2023
Ein neuer Newsletter ist da!

Prosit Neujahr Was sind deine Vorsätze fürs Neue Jahr?


I wish you a very merry Christmas!

Happy holidays!

Enjoy it.
Relax & Breathe.
Have fun.
Love and laugh a lot.

Photos from Dein Yoga Leo's post 23/12/2022
Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 10/12/2022

Im grateful for my clients and students. Thanks for all the great work and your kind and also funny feedback for my classes!



It's okay to rest. To take a break. To Pause..
Watch your breath. Notice those little pauses it's takes between each inhale and exhale. .
And if you fall asleep during a meditation, good for you.
Enjoy the nap.

Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 02/11/2022


Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff pose, also known as Low Plank, is an asana in modern yoga as exercise and in some forms of Surya Namaskar, in which a straight body parallel to the ground is supported by the toes and palms, with elbows at a right angle along the body.


• strengthens all major core muscles

• strengthens deltoids, triceps, and the rotator cuff group of muscles

• improves posture

• increases stamina

If this pose is too much, go down on your knees when you lower down from plank to the mat.

Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 28/10/2022

Okay, not everyone wants to do this one: crow pose

I am also not a lover of this one, but it's the perfect pose to practice as we build up to other arm balances like Handstand and Firefly poses.

It's benefits:

• builds and tones the core

• strengthens the arms, wrists and upper back

• improves balance

• deepens concentration and focus

• opens the hips

Step on your Yogablock with your toes and balls of your feet and then lean into your arms. Your hips are already in the air and this helps to come into the pose.

Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 25/10/2022

Upwardfacing dog is a wonderful backbend!

It's benefits:

• opens the chest

• stimulates the abdominal muscles

• strengthens back muscles

• stretches wrists and
tones arm muscles

• lengthens the spine


If you struggle lifting your hips up, you could do Cobra Pose where you keep the hips on the floor.

Photos from Yoga & Pilates mit Katrin's post 19/10/2022

Anjaneyasana =
high lunge or crescent pose is also a wonderful asana with a lot of benefits.


• opens your groins and hips

• stretches and tones your legs, especially thighs

• strengthens your knees, ankles and waist

• stimulates abdominals organs

• increases stamina and lung capacity

• lengthens the spine

• therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, sciatica

You can hold on to a chair for balance.

If you want to bring some spice into this pose,
you can try to do eagle arms (see in the picture) and lean backwards lifting the elbows up and then lean forward and try to touch your front knee with your elbows.

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