Rainmaker Revenue & Sales

RMS is a revenue-focused business consultancy. We give our clients predictable revenue growth outco RMS looks at revenue differently.

Revenue is the ‘lifeblood’ of any business. In our experience, every business has unrealised revenue sitting in it just waiting to be unlocked. What would a revenue increase of 5%, 10%, or even 70% mean to your business? We give our clients predictable & reliable revenue growth outcomes so they can take their business from good to great and bring to the table a diverse range of opportunities to un


Recession doesn't mean a death knell for your professional services business or its profitability…

In fact, the opposite can be true…

📶 McKinsey found that businesses that kept a focus on profitability and opportunities for growth during the 2008 recession were more likely to emerge stronger than those that did not.

🤔 So, how can your professional service business increase its profitability?

1️⃣ Change your approach to revenue and profit as a whole…think of it as ‘profit comes from the sum of all of its parts so creating an incrementally better outcome from each individual can exponentially change your outcomes…

This is the core of our unique Revenue Ecosystem Approach…

2️⃣ Address all your revenue and profit blockages at one time, not one at a time…as a C.R.O. would in big enterprise business…

This helps you see all the revenue-influencing pieces more clearly and find new profit opportunities…👀

We call this a CRO View… and you don't need to be a big business to benefit from this way of thinking…

3️⃣ Utilise all the resources at your disposal… so you achieve maximum RORR AKA Return on all your Revenue Resources…

Meaning every single part of your business is contributing to revenue and profit…including your staff.

4️⃣ Build a Revenue Engine with repeatable and scalable processes to optimise your revenue outcomes….meaning business efficiencies that allow you to be flexible and adaptive to change…and even recession…

✅ Address all 4 of these areas… and your business will be on the way to achieving predictable revenue growth and profitability…

AKA the closest thing to a recession-busting unicorn you're ever likely to see…🦄. 😉

So overlook the ‘doom and gloom’ predictions that abound ATM… and see it as the opportunity it can be, and adopt the better profit strategies and watch your business thrive.

Don't let another year drift by without taking steps to firming up your future.

Drop us a line if ensuring your profitability is on your agenda this year...


A ‘one size fits all’ quick fix to revenue and profit is a pipe dream…

The thing is every business is different and has its own unique challenges that it must overcome to be profitable…💰 💰💰

And what used to work doesn’t always in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape…

For SMEs to stay relevant, a different approach to revenue is a must…

This means looking beyond sales and marketing… and taking into account ALL the revenue-influencing areas of your business…

Otherwise, your opportunities to grow profit and revenue will always be limited…

Find out how to grow your revenue… and profit in your business...

Watch the 🎥 below👇🏻 👇🏻 👇🏻


A ‘one size fits all’ quick fix to revenue and profit is a pipe dream…

The thing is every business is different and has its own unique challenges that it must overcome to be profitable…💰 💰💰

And what used to work doesn’t always in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape…

For SMEs to stay relevant, a different approach to revenue is a must…

This means looking beyond sales and marketing… and taking into account ALL the revenue-influencing areas of your business…

Otherwise, your opportunities to grow profit and revenue will always be limited…

Find out how to grow your revenue… and profit in your business...

Watch the 🎥 below👇🏻 👇🏻 👇🏻


Predictable revenue growth...is the holy grail of business...

Here are 5 actions you need to take to get it:

1️⃣ Be clear on what your revenue goals look like.

As they say… ‘if you don't know where you're going you'll end up somewhere else.’

There is a specific route you need to take to get to each specific destination.

2️⃣ Identify ALL the resources available in your business [there's more than you think]

Until you know what you already have to work with it's hard to know what else you need to acquire.

Think better rather than more….as in use what you already have to the fullest before you add more…money... Resources... even more time…

3️⃣ Take a broad view of ALL the revenue areas in your business…

Taking a bigger picture view of something helps you see more clearly and find new opportunities

4️⃣ Align all these areas so they work in sync…

A better outcome is guaranteed when everything works together toward a common goal.

5️⃣ Build repeatable and scalable processes to optimse your revenue outcomes.

Business efficiencies and optimum results come from processes and systems.

Get these 5 things right and reap the rewards of predictable revenue growth...


Controllable + predictable revenue can change the course of your business...

It helps your business

➡️ Predict + meet budgets + targets,
➡️ Consistently get more converting leads + more sales,
➡️ Gain options with your Inventory + supply chain,
➡️ Buffer against rate hikes and inflation,
➡️ Navigate staff shortages + the much-hyped potential recession.

Revenue is the lifeblood of a business so having more control of it will have many positive effects on your business.

Achieving predictable revenue requires that you address 4 areas:

✅ Resources
Understand ALL the revenue-related resources available in your business [there's more than you think]
Until you know what you already have to work with it's hard to know what you really need.
Think better rather than more….as in use what you already have to the fullest before you add more…money... Resources... even time…at the problem.

✅ A CRO View [AKA Chief Revenue Officer’s view point of revenue]
Take a broad view of ALL the revenue areas in your business at one time, not one at a time…
Taking a bigger picture view of something helps you see more clearly and find new opportunities

✅ Approach Revenue like an Ecosystem
Align all these areas so they work in sync… because every area has an impact on or influences all the other areas to some degree. So a balanced ecosystem means better overall outcomes…

✅ Build a Revenue Engine
Build repeatable and scalable processes to optimise your revenue outcomes.
Processes and systems create efficiencies and allow you to be flexible and adaptable to change/

Our Revenue Reimagined framework guides you through these steps to achieve sustainable and predictable revenue in pretty much any business...

Want to know more? Drop us a line…and let's see if we can help…


Revenue is broken...

Commonly held business beliefs and strategies are...

🚫 Costing your business opportunity,
🚫 Leaving you with fewer options, and
🚫 Negatively impacting your company's bottom line...

The truth is this ...

When you look at the revenue influencing parts of your business in isolation...

Tactics, like hiring a new salesperson, upping your marketing spend, implementing new tech, or even dropping your prices,

Are more likely to result in little more than a pricy ‘sugar hit’ that won’t actually deliver the long-term results you’re after...

Unless they are considered as part of your Revenue Ecosystem…

✅ True Revenue Growth is the product of understanding and utilising all of your revenue ecosystem inclusions, not simply a function or department looked at in isolation.

✅ When your revenue ecosystem is balanced, however…. you will find a wealth of opportunities and additional options will begin to surface…

✅ Viewing and embracing revenue as an ecosystem is a critical component of the ability to adapt so you can keep up with, and ahead of the pace of a rapidly changing world …

And businesses that don't embrace revenue ecosystems risk falling behind...

Because they often don't take into account critical cause-and-effect outcomes that have the potential to impact multiple other revenue-influencing areas in the business.

These knock-on effects occur each time a business decision is made…BTW

Take pricing for example...changing it can have a knock-on effect on more than 6 other key areas of revenue influence... and that's beyond sales and marketing...areas like product, messaging and distribution...

Taking into account this flow-on effect allows you to optimise your pricing change outcomes now and also set yourself up for better future outcomes.

BTW...Your business already has many if not all the components of a revenue ecosystem...

But are all these revenue-influencing functions working in sync or balanced?

Similar to nature, to reap the rewards, an ecosystem needs to be balanced.

A balanced revenue ecosystem, finely tuned to your business goals and needs is the key to predictable revenue growth.

Are your revenue-influencing functions working in sync...or in isolation?


If you pick up a newspaper or watch the news...the 'R-word' is literally everywhere of late...

And it's a topic, I've been asked about more and more frequently in recent months...

So in this video, I share why I believe building a revenue engine in your business is the key to ongoing success...and fine-tuning it is the simplest way to weather pretty much anything that will be thrown your way as an owner or manager of an SMB.

Watch the 🎥 here ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️


The root of almost every business revenue problem stems from communication...

Or should we say 'lack of' or miscommunication…

And even in this day and age, internal non-communication is a still huge issue for many organisations.

Within an Organisation, communication works in a number of ways or directions…

⏸ Vertical – communication between employees on different hierarchical positions,
⏬ Downward – communication from managers or leaders to employees,
⏫ Upward – communication from employees to managers or leaders,
⏩ Horizontal – communication between individuals in the same hierarchical positions

And while all are damaging if not done well...

Horizontal communication... particularly between departments, like marketing, sales, financial, and customer service to name a few…

Can have a big impact on the opportunities your business is ultimately exposed to.

Non-communication leads to the ‘silo’ effect’ which occurs when groups of employees start to work as autonomous units within an organisation.

The result is often:
🚫 Duplication of effort,
🚫 Lack of synergy and
🚫 Missed opportunities.

Opening the lines of communication in your company, however, results in...
✅ Higher Productivity,
✅ Greater Collaboration,
✅ Keeps Everyone On The Same Page Working Towards a Common Goal,
✅ Helps create a positive workplace culture.

Great Internal [& external] communication is one of the many benefits of looking at revenue as an ecosystem within your business.

Is your business a victim of no communication or are your communication channels firing?

Need help opening your channels of communication?

Then send us a DM….


'If your business isn't performing...nobody is going to want to work there, including the business owner.'

This is just some of the gold we covered during a recent chat with of Excelar8...where we talked about all things , , and of course, ...

I couldn't agree more...IME - an optimised aligned business with a healthy revenue ecosystem is a surefire way to solve most business problems that'll be thrown your way as an SMB owner or manager.

Some of the prime themes we talked about were "methods you can use to achieve alignment across teams" and "what are the benefits of alignment".

Check out the entire 🎥 here...⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️


"17% of SMB businesses fail because they lack a business model."

A vision, exceptional staff, and a great work ethic only take a business so far…
And while it's true many businesses manage to grow and even thrive in the early days based on organic growth...

There comes a point, where it’s practically impossible to maintain a successful business, let alone grow it, without a strategy.

Which means planning is absolutely critical for business success.

It's unavoidable...

If you fail to plan, your business will not last…

No matter how great your idea is. how exceptional your staff or how many hours you put in...

✅ Defining your objectives and your revenue goals and then working out the best way to achieve them...is non-negotiable if you want to make it.

Make sure that you have:
➡️ Performed a market analysis,
➡️ Created a business plan,
➡️ Made a list of potential problems and possible solutions,
➡️ Analysed your competition,
as well as
➡️ Consider your workforce needs...
and this list is just for starters...

It all starts by understanding all the revenue influencing areas and options of YOUR business…and in doing that taking control of your REVENUE…

✅ Because if you get your revenue right… the rest will follow…

Embracing a revenue ecosystem and building a revenue engine in line with your business and your goals is the simplest way to do this…

Do you have a revenue Strategy for your business?
It all starts by understanding all the revenue-influencing areas and options of YOUR business…and in doing that taking control of your REVENUE…


I recently told a client to sack their Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service teams...

And while this might sound a bit extreme, I share why I suggested this in the video below...

Watch it here ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️


We love a happy ending...or a happy 'beginning' as the case may be...👏🏻

And there's nothing we like better than hearing from a happy client...

'We were considering hiring another Salesperson to help grow revenue.' Working with RMS, and taking a different view of the problem, lead to a better outcome than we thought possible. First defining how our clients buy services & reviewing our resources, allowed us to redefine roles & responsibilities within our business, tighten up information & communication flows, and put in place repeatable systems underpinned by the strategic use of technology. These tweaks resulted in a 10-15% increase in gross sales along with saving us the cost of recruiting, onboarding, training & payroll costs of a new salesperson which equated to approx $110K + saved'

Want a happy revenue story for your business.. then drop us a line...


Want a sure-fire way to recession-proof your business?

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine

Want your business to avoid becoming a victim to the vagaries of an unpredictable future…

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine

Want to avoid leaving your business's destiny in the hands of outside powers…a hiccup in the economy, a new regulatory requirement, a new competitor, or the loss of a major client.

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine


Because A Modern Robust Revenue Engine makes revenue generation:
✅ More predictable,
✅ Profitable
✅ Sustainable,
✅ Measurable,
✅ Able to be tuned & tweaked as required
✅ Scaleable and
✅ Most importantly aligns with the business's capabilities and goals.

A revenue engine covers every step in the attraction, conversion, retention, and expansion of revenue.

Want to build a Revenue Engine for your business?

then drop us a line...because if it's revenue related...we can help.


Want a sure-fire way to recession-proof your business?

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine

Want your business to avoid becoming a victim to the vagaries of an unpredictable future…

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine

Want to avoid leaving your business's destiny in the hands of outside powers…a hiccup in the economy, a new regulatory requirement, a new competitor, or the loss of a major client.

🚒 Build a Revenue Engine


Because A Modern Robust Revenue Engine makes revenue generation:

✅ More predictable,
✅ Profitable
✅ Sustainable,
✅ Measurable,
✅ Able to be tuned & tweaked as required
✅ Scaleable and
✅ Most importantly aligns with the business's capabilities and goals.

A revenue engine covers every step in the attraction, conversion, retention, and expansion of revenue.

Want to build a Revenue Engine for your business?

Then drop us a line...because if it's revenue related..

We can help.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Whats The Secret Sauce To Uncovering Profitability?
A ‘one size fits all’ quick fix to revenue and profit is a pipe dream…The thing is every business is different and has i...
If you pick up a newspaper or watch the news...the 'R-word' is literally everywhere of late...And it's a topic, I've bee...
'If your business isn't performing...nobody is going to want to work there, including the business owner.'This is just s...
I recently told a client to sack their Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service teams...And while this might sound a bit e...
Optimising Your Business Exit Strategy



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Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm

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