Cailie Ford Nutrition

I help people thrive and companies succeed.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 21/05/2024

Feel like you’re alone in your struggle?

In honour of Maternal Mental Health Month, I wanted to share some mental health stuff about me that only people in my inner circle previously knew.

I haven’t shared much about my journey on social media, probably because I feel like as someone who helps others navigate this stuff I should be the one who has it together. Which is crazy, I know.

Hoping that by sharing a little of my personal experience it helps someone who is currently going through it.

I’d love to know if you can relate to this, let me know in the comments or shoot me a DM to chat ⬇️


Forgot to prioritise yourself these school holidays?

Here's what a recent client had to say about working with me:

"Cailie is nothing short of extraordinary! From the moment I began my personalised sessions with her, it was evident that she genuinely cared about my well-being and health. Her passion and extensive knowledge in nutrition create an atmosphere of engaging conversations, making every session pleasurable. After years of struggling with various dietary issues, I was amazed by the almost instant improvements I experienced when following Cailie's expert advice and minor tweaks to my eating habits.

As time went on, my symptoms improved beyond anything I had imagined, and it is all thanks to Cailie's guidance and expertise. She has an impressive ability to tailor her approach to each individual, ensuring that the advice and recommendations are not only effective but also suited to my unique needs and goals. Cailie's honesty and transparency are truly commendable.

She doesn't promise quick fixes but instead provides a realistic understanding of the time and effort needed to achieve lasting results. I wholeheartedly recommend Cailie to anyone seeking a nutritionist who not only knows her stuff but also genuinely cares about her clients' well-being. Thank you so much!"

📲 To learn about how I can help you reach out for a complimentary discovery call

or come see me at Bodycode Integrative Wellbeing (Mondays + Tuesdays).


The secret to long-term healthy habits?


If you’re struggling to stick to a new healthy regime because you’re being strict… know that flexibility is one of the key components of adherence to a plan.

Try this: Eat at roughly the same times each day, but with variations of similar foods.

Because you will be able to better manage your nutrient intake by not letting yourself become over-hungry, and it saves your brain the effort of wondering when / what you’ll be eating next and ultimately grabbing for the nearest thing in sight.

Have you tried this? Let me know in the comments below 👇🏼


Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 24/10/2023

Sound like you?

Often we know that what we're doing isn't the right thing, but just aren't sure how to change it.

Or we need to hear it from someone else.

💬 Want to know what habits and foods actually work for better sleep? Comment or DM the word 'sleep' and I'll send you my guide for better sleep.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 16/10/2023


Thinking of doing something for yourself this side of Christmas?
I have just the thing...

Inside the program, you will learn exactly how you can:
🥗 Effortlessly make healthy choices for not only yourself but also your family
🤸🏻‍♀️Feel positive about moving your body daily in a way that feels good for you
🍨 Still enjoy the foods that you love
🏃🏻‍♀️Run around after your kids with more freedom
🙅🏻‍♀️Use new strategies to overcome emotional eating and a restrict/binge cycle
✅Set and achieve practical health goals
🧘🏻‍♀️Take time for yourself every single DAY, without the guilt

You'll also score access to these bonuses:

📆 4 x custom meal plans + shopping lists
Take the guess work out of trying to achieve your health goals and let me do the heavy lifting. Meal plans are completely customised to your individual needs.

💡 Educational resources for each of the 8 lessons
Resources that will enhance your understanding of your own body and wellbeing so you take back control of your health.

🥦 Exclusive Discount on Fruit & Veg delivery
Set yourself up for success with a healthy kitchen full of fresh fruit and veg from .

If you're ready to transform your health, then I'm ready to support you.

DM the word 'Thrive' to chat.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 22/09/2023

Many of my female clients come to me wanting to wanting to lose weight without calorie counting or weighing food…

💫 GREAT NEWS: It is absolutely possible to lose weight without doing either of those things.

Here’s 3 simple tips to try:
🥦 VEGGIES: Cover half of your plate with non-starchy veg (e.g. leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini etc) Not only will you get a tonne of nutrients, but you create food volume without adding lots of calories.

💦 HYDRATE: The process of metabolising fat is called lipolysis. The first step of this process is hydrolysis, which occurs when water molecules interact with triglycerides (fats) to create glycerol and fatty acids. Drinking enough water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat.

😴SLEEP: Adequate sleep regulates your hunger / satiety hormones meaning you are more able to honour your fullness signals and not overeat

💥 Want to learn other simple strategies to reach your healthiest body and mind, and create habits that stick? DM ‘Thrive’ to jump on my waitlist for my new group program ‘Re-Energise and Thrive’… launching very soon!


Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 18/09/2023


I have a brand new online *GROUP PROGRAM* designed for Mums ready to ditch the overwhelm and go from surviving to thriving so you can feel the best you've felt in years (maybe ever?)!


Take a moment to imagine how you’d feel if you;

🫶Were sleeping better, feeling more energised, positive and confident
💃🏻 Could reach and maintain your healthiest body, without restricting or dieting ever again
💫 Were finally free of cravings and emotional eating
🥗 Knew how to plan, prep and store super nutritious foods that please the whole family
🔥 Were setting effective goals and performing healthy habits without effort
🤸🏻‍♀️ Were moving your body every day in a way that you LOVE
💅 Prioritised your wellbeing WITHOUT the guilt, and WITHOUT sacrificing the care for those around you

is your answer.

💬 DM the word 'Thrive' to join the waitlist and be the first to hear about the launch COMING SOON (and grab a special early-bird discount)

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 08/09/2023

Ever ignored a niggling symptom only to have it get worse?

Think joint pain… heart burn… bloating… PMS… changes to your menstrual cycle… fatigue…brain fog…

There are all incredibly important and useful signs from your body to tell you that things aren’t quite right.

🩸 Changes to your cycle could signal the start of perimenopause… or perhaps undernourishing with food… or thyroid issues.

🥴 Bloating or digestive pain could signal anything from low stomach acid, infection, IBS, SIBO, parasite, stress.

😴 Fatigue could be nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances or sensitivities, stress, compromised immunity.

😢 PMS is connected to poor digestive health that drives hormone dysregulation.

✋🏼Don’t play guesswork with your health or soldier on in spite of symptoms.

All of your body systems are connected, so a problem in one area of your body overflows to others.

📆 Book an appointment with your healthcare professional to dig deeper and get on top of things before your niggling symptom grows into something bigger.

📲 Need a health partner who can look at things holistically and guide you with personalised support? Reach out for a free discovery call, link in bio.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 01/09/2023

Being healthy doesn't have to be hard.

Whatever your health goal, practising simple and sustainable habits every day will move you toward that goal.

💥 Something I always tell my clients: Take care of the tiny habits, and the big goals will take care of themselves.

📲Need help with being accountable to your habits and goals? I combine Nutritional science with behavioural change expertise to empower you every step of the way. Reach out for a free discovery call - Link in Bio.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 22/08/2023

☕️ Is caffeine your love language?

I get it; I love coffee too 💯
It's one of my favourite rituals with a mid-morning snack.

Unfortunately, I often hear in clinic that my clients drink coffee as their meal/snack, or sip their coffee as they run around after their kids in the morning and then breakfast gets pushed back to much later (if it happens at all).

Those same clients also struggle with their energy, mood, weight loss, and sleep.

If this sounds familiar, I'm not saying you have to give up caffeine, but I recommend tweaking your routine:

🔄 Swap your coffee til after breakfast: Your body is craving nutrients in the morning, and coffee is not a meal
💊 Avoid taking your coffee with supplements because caffeine binds to a lot of nutrients, meaning you won't absorb them
⏰ Try delaying your coffee til mid-morning when you can enjoy in peace & quiet and make a moment of it

❓Would you try this? Tell me below.


Am I right or am I right?

Want to get your kid to try something new or different... SPRINKLES ✨

🫗 Plain yoghurt? Sprinkles.
🥦 Broccoli? Sprinkles.
🥩 Rump steak? Sprinkles.
🍆 Chargrilled eggplant? Sprinkles.

Ok, maybe not the chargrilled eggplant (but maybe?!), but this is genuinely a tip I give my mum clients when they are tearing their hair out because their kids won't try anything new. Don't get hung up on the small amount of sugar from the sprinkles; focus on the result.

Seriously, give it a try and let me know how it goes.


📣 Shout out to all the badass superhero mamas 🦸🏻

Do you give yourself enough credit for what you have achieved?

It is no joke growing a tiny human. Every single one of us deserves a medal 🥇

💥 TAG a mama who needs to hear this.


Did you know a key part of making healthy changes is not about setting lofty goals… it’s having someone to keep you accountable.

I’m Cailie, a registered Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc), behavioural change expert, and recent Hawthorne local 👋

I offer wellbeing workshops and 1:1 consults (both in person and online) to help individuals and groups thrive.

If you would like practical and achievable wholistic nutrition advice, I am passionate about helping busy people like you with:
- Gut disorders
- Menstrual disorders
- Perimenopause
- Stress, fatigue, anxiety
- Immune health
- Autoimmune conditions
- Weight management
- Pre & postnatal health

Reach out for a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals, my approach and see if it’s a great fit.

🌏 Bookings & enquiries via website:
Fb: Cailie Ford Nutrition
LI: Cailie Ford


Entrusting someone with your health is deeply personal.

I don’t take it lightly when people choose to work with me, and will do everything in my power to partner with you to see the results you need.

📲 Ready to take a positive step to better health? Book a complimentary discovery call via my website.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 01/08/2023

Did you know daily consumption of fermented foods can help with:
🦠 Strengthening immunity
💩 Improving digestive health
🧬 Supporting hormone health
🧘🏻‍♀️ Improving mental wellbeing
🏃🏻‍♀️Help with weight loss

These delicious foods are a mix of both PRE and PRObiotics… meaning they both feed your good gut bugs AND promote diversity of your microbiome.

🥗 One of my favourite ways to get fermented foods in my diet is a Tbsp of sauerkraut or kimchi on top of my eggs or salad at lunch … it adds the perfect amount of zing & crunch 💥

❗️Regular (daily) intake of fermented foods will obtain the most benefits, not just a once a week type thing.

Do you include fermented foods in your diet? Tell me below 👇🏼

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 23/07/2023

Need help planning meals for the week ahead?

Like a mug, I used to try to invent new meals every single weeknight to feed my family of 5. Whyyyy?! 🤯

Eating healthily doesn’t need to be hard. Nor do you need to dedicate hours upon hours in the kitchen.

Reducing decision-making with meal prep and planning allows more space for the other 1,000,000 things on your list as a busy parent doing the 🤹🏻‍♀️ each week.

These 4 quick & simple meals are on regular rotation in our house, and you can keep things interesting by alternating the protein / veggies.

What are your go-to family meals? Comment below 👇🏼

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 14/07/2023

Grateful for these kind words from a client.

This is why I do what I do; helping people achieve their individual health goals, one sustainable bite at a time.


Want to work with me to transform your health?

📲 Reach out for a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals, my approach & see if it’s a great fit.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 15/05/2022

Want simple ways to reduce your digestive symptoms like reflux, nausea, burping or abdominal pain?

You might have heard about mindful eating, and perhaps that sounds a little ‘woo’ for some, but it’s actually grounded in science.

Digestion begins when you look at & smell your food; this signals your mouth to release digestive enzymes that help you break down foods… when the foods look so good you could ‘drool’ this is your digestion starting. Cool huh?

💚 So the idea of being present and stopping to enjoy your food is actually crucial to proper digestion.

Other things you can do;
🥬 Serve rocket salad with meals because this is a ‘bitter’ food that stimulates the release of digestive enzymes
🍍 Snack on pineapple & pawpaw because these are rich in enzymes that help you break down protein
🧘🏻‍♀️ Sit down instead of eating on the run, this lowers your stress levels, and stress negatively impacts digestion - I recommend eating away from TV!
👄 Chewing - if you don’t chew your food properly before swallowing this can lead to food particles entering digestion that are too big & can cause discomfort
🍏 Eat plenty of fresh fruit & veggies are these are naturally rich in active enzymes to help you break down foods properly

And as I tell my sons - It’s not a race, no one is going to steal your food from you… SLOW. DOWN.

It’s takes around 20min for your stomach to feel full… chilling out & slowing down means you won’t overeat and reduce the risk of digestive upset.

❓ What do you notice about the foods you eat, does anything in particular trigger symptoms in you? Comment below 👇🏼

Tag a friend who eats like it’s a race 😜


How often you heard someone else say this? Or are you a little guilty?

There are so many well-meaning statements that often do more harm than good when they begin with “at least…”

Some examples that come to mind;
💔 Miscarriage: At least you know you can get pregnant
😫 Distressed about work: Well, at least you have a job in this climate
👩‍👧‍👦 Exhausted by your kids: At least you’re lucky enough to have kids
😢 Depressed about the rain: At least you’re not in Lismore

Psychologically, it is tough to sit with a negative emotion and let it be, so most people dive in quickly to placate, but in doing so you diminish empathy.

There is so much going on around us right now, on our own doorstep and right across to the globe.
The weight of world is H E A V Y.

This is a friendly reminder to show compassion and empathy the next time someone comes to you with a problem.

Instead of “at least”, experiment with “I can hear how upset you are, that must be really hard” or “I’m here to listen, you can talk to me any time”

Drop a 💙 if you can relate and tag an empathetic friend who knows just what to say when you’re down.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 29/03/2022

Do you suffer from reflux or indigestion?

You might think that because of the rising acid sensation of relux that high stomach acid would be the likely culprit, however 9 times out of 10 it is actually LOW stomach acid that is causing the problem.

We need our gastric environment to be highly acidic to;
🦠 kill off bacteria and viruses that enter the body
🔨 break down food into tiny particles for proper digestion
🧬 Stimulate release of enzymes to break down fats, proteins and carbs.

Here are just SOME of the causes of low stomach acid;
1. STRESS: When you are in fight/flight mode, the body responds by lowering your stomach and slowing digestion. Short-term stress is not necessarily a bad thing, but we all live in a society where LIFE is stressful, and many of us are living with chronic stress
2. ANTACIDS: Whilst antacids are dished out like skittles, they can be incredibly problematic if used long term (longer than 6wks as per the packet insert). I’ve had clients come to me who have been using antacids for years! They work by lowering stomach acid and may reduce reflux short term, but over time contribute to problems further down your digestive tract.
3. H.pylori: These nasty critters can take up residence in the stomach attacking the gastric lining, and are linked with development of gastric ulcers.

Whilst reflux may seem like a fairly innocuous digestive complaint, the problem is that when undigested food particles enter the intestines it can contribute to conditions like SIBO, IBS, Dysbiosis, and even autoimmunity.

💥 Be mindful that your body is expert at sending signals when it needs a little TLC, and you can help by not ignoring those signs.

👩🏻‍⚕️A Clinical Nutritionist can partner with you to understand exactly what could be causing your symptoms by taking a detailed case history, referring you for further investigations and help you find manageable solutions in the form of dietary, lifestyle changes and evidence-based supplements. reach out via PM for more info.

I’ll share some simple ways to support digestion in an upcoming post, stay tuned.

Do you notice a change in your digestion when you’re stressed? Drop a 💙 if you can relate.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 29/03/2022


Do you experience regular digestive discomfort before, during or after eating?

I see this a lot in my clinic where my clients have had numerous investigations but have been told there’s ‘nothing wrong’.

Dysbiosis is a condition that occurs when, simply put, your gut balance is a little out of whack.

Common symptoms include:
- Recurrent infections like mouth ulcers, candida etc
- Constipation diarrhoea
- Reflux
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Brain fog
- Anxiety

The causes behind dysbiosis range from diet and lifestyle factors, stress being a big one because stress changes the ‘landscape’ of your microbiome and negatively impacts your digestion.

🥐 Diets high in refined carbohydrates and processed foods are another culprit, because our bad bacteria LOVE to feed on sugar.

Working with a health practitioner, who can look at your all of your symptoms in a holistic way; analysing not just the types of food you eat, but how you eat, and how you live your life can make a significant difference in improving your gut health.

📞 I offer a complimentary discovery call so you can tell me a little about what you’re experiencing and we decide if I can help and how to work together.

To learn more about how I can help, reach out via PM.

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 26/03/2022

Do you struggle to manage portions when eating? Or unsure how to get enough veg in your diet?

🙅🏻‍♀️ I am definitely NOT the type of nutritionist who instructs you to count calories or weigh your food (I don’t do this so I would never ask my clients to)

A really simple tip to support everything from healthy weight, better sleep, increased energy and optimal digestion is to construct your plate visually by covering:
🥬 50% with veggies
🐠 25% with a protein source of choice (meat, tofu, fish or pulses)
🥔 25% with a starch like pasta, rice, potatoes, quinoa

💡 Including a healthy fat source like a tbsp olive oil is a great idea too because there are nutrients (Vit A, D, E, K) that are absorbed best with a source of fat 🤓

Constructing your plate like this is a foolproof way to help you reach the recommended daily intake 5 serves of veg, while not depriving yourself of other foods.

Have you tried this approach to your meals? Comment below 👇🏼


Did you feel dropped like a hot stone after your 6wk postnatal check up?

Since the birth of my first child, it’s always struck me as an odd approach to care that it’s assumed ‘you’ll be right’ once you’ve passed your 6wk physical check up with the doctor.

Those first 6 weeks post birth are such a blur, and not reflective of the (usually) gruelling time ahead.

- Fatigue gets compounded
- Nerves get frayed
- Emotions are a rollercoaster

The latest stats on postnatal depression is that one in seven Australian women are diagnosed.
But what about all of the mothers who don’t seek help? Or aren’t ‘clinically depressed’, but are severely depleted in so many aspects? Physically, mentally, emotionally.

Having lived the postnatal experience three times now, and understanding nutritional requirements of our bodies, I am incredibly passionate about helping other mums navigate this time.

I offer private consults, and a group workshop ‘Thriving in postpartum’, which is currently delivered on demand for groups of mums (minimum 😎.
To find out more reach out via PM or visit my website

Do you agree that postnatal health needs more attention? What was your postpartum experience? Comment below 👇🏼


Do you notice changes in your body when you’ve been a bit more sedentary than usual?

Research was conducted during the pandemic that assessed the impact of limited physical activity on the body.

Unsurprisingly, when physical activity is low, health is very quickly impacted.

Just two weeks of step counts around 2,500 resulted in numerous metabolic changes like;
- Increase abdominal fat
- Increased insulin resistance
- Loss of cardio fitness
- Reduced muscle tone in lower extremities

Shocking right?

With working from home being the ‘new norm’ (where typically step counts decrease dramatically), it’s no wonder I’ve had many people through my clinic wanting help with implementing new habits for staying active and eating well while WFH.

🏃🏻‍♀️ One of my top tips for incorporating daily movement is to include INCIDENTAL activity wherever possible -
1️⃣ walk kids to school instead of driving / public transport
2️⃣ walk to pick up a few groceries
3️⃣go for walk after lunch to get some fresh air and sunshine ☀️

💚 You don’t have to be doing HIIT workouts to be healthy, don’t underestimate the impact of incidental exercise on your health & wellbeing.

Do you track your daily steps? What’s your top tip for incorporating incidental activity? Comment below 👇🏼



Are you getting enough fermented foods in your diet?

A recent study was conducted by Stanford university of healthy individuals over a 10week period.

The study analysed the microbiome and inflammatory markers of each individual at the start and finish, and the findings were astounding.

The group that consumed fermented foods had a greater diversity of gut microbiome, as well as a reduction in inflammatory proteins.

This was compared to the group consuming a high fibre diet.

What’s this telling us?
NOT that you shouldn’t eat a diet high in fibre, because all the research indicates a diet high plant food (fibre) reduces the risk and incidence of disease.

HOWEVER, in addition to plant foods, daily consumption of fermented foods has a profound effect on gut health, weight management, diabetes risk etc.

Fermented foods include:
- Tempeh
- Yoghurt
- Kimchi
- Sauerkraut
- Kefir
- Kombucha

If your gut could use a little TLC, but you’re unsure where to start, I offer a free discovery call as part of my services. reach out via PM or link in bio

What’s your favourite way to include fermented foods in your diet? Comment below 👇🏼



I thought about doing something outside of my corporate job for years; I had an unwavering desire to do something that truly made a difference to others.

I remember one of the thoughts that initially pushed me to return to study in my late-20’s “I want my children to be proud of what I do”

I didn’t know where my nutrition degree would take me when I started studying; but after years of late night lectures whilst working 9-5 full time, three pregnancies, two children breastfed at the back of lectures, numerous, rescheduled holidays to accomodate exam schedules, countless favours called on from my husband, friends, neighbours… I founded CailieFordNutrition, helping individuals, organisations and fellow mums to thrive through prioritising wellbeing.

💎 My only wish is that I could go back and tell my early 20-something self to not worry so much about how I would juggle it all, stop self-sabotaging, to dive in head first sooner and trust the process.

🦸🏻‍♀️ On this International women’s day, I want all the women who yearn for something more or different in their lives but feel stuck…trust the process and dive in head-first, you never know where your courage will take you.

Here’s to strong women
May we know them
May we raise them
May we be them

Photos from Cailie Ford Nutrition's post 03/03/2022

Have you noticed your step count decrease when working from home?

According to the Australian National Bureau of statistics, 20% of Australians do less activity while working from home.

This is a trend I’ve observed over the past two years when working both with organisations and in my private practice.

Now this post isn’t about achieving perfect beach bodies. However, science tells us that an excess of abdominal fat surrounding our vital organs and sedentary activity increases the risk of cardiovascular, metabolic disease and cancer.

What has been your experience - do you find your daily activity increases or decreases when you working from home? Comment below.

Boost Your Energy 22/02/2022

Anyone NOT tired?
I feel like everyone I see in my clinic is suffering from fatigue for one reason or another.

If that’s you too and you’d love to know how you can support your energy through diet & lifestyle habits - grab your tickets for my FREE webinar - details below in the link 👇🏼

If you can’t make it, register anyway and watch the recording later. See you there!

Boost Your Energy ⁠✨ Tuesday March 1st 2022⁠ | 12:30pm

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Brisbane?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 9:30am - 3pm

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