Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD

Self-Care Warrior | Sacred Space Holder |
Barefoot Wanderer
✨Rest. Restore. Receive✨
💕 Dark Moon Restorative Women’s Circles
🌿 Nature Therapy

Merging Spirit & Science & Nature as Sacred Medicine on your
✨Journey Back to Self✨ Hi There 😊

My name is Stelle & I am a trauma-informed Holistic Counsellor and Psychotherapist, fully certified & registered with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). I also have a PhD in Molecular Genetics and Developmental Biology and am a Reiki Certified Practitioner. My path of s

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 03/07/2024

✨Next Dark Moon Women’s Circle - this Thursday evening ✨
A deeply nourishing evening for when your social battery is low but you still yearn for connection. Come celebrate the Dark Moon with an evening of relaxing soundscapes & and a Reiki-infused head massage 💕
When the sky is darkest & the moon cycle is coming to a close, we may feel introverted, drained, without a whole lot to give. The intention behind this gathering of women is not to ask more of you at a time when you are depleted… here there is no need to introduce yourself, talk, set intentions or DO anything at all!
Simply come along & make yourself comfortable within the wonderful nurturing walls of . Settle in amongst the dim lighting and scent of essential oils. Gift yourself some quiet time with yourself.
There is nothing for you to do here but RECEIVE, REST & RECOVER.
Be still. Take the time to move within & reconnect with that silent place within yourself. Move past the bustle & chatter of life into sweet quietude.
This is the savasana of the moon cycle. Lie back. Stay warm. Allow yourself to rest and heal 🧡
Booking is essential. Contact me for the link. I look forward to spending this sacred time with you. Stelle xx


Surrender is NOT weakness. It is not the same as giving up or handing your power to another. The key to Surrender is no longer RESISTING & fighting & wishing that things were different. It means letting go of the ‘expectations’ you have around how you think it ‘should’ be or wanted it to be. It means trusting that whatever is happening to you is serving your evolution perfectly.

So if you have felt resistance of late, you know… that mental chatter having its own conversation in your head about how ‘it’s not fair!!’ or ‘why is this happening?!’ (lol, that is my default mental programming haha), then come join us for an evening of ✨letting go✨. Come be supported in handing over anything that no longer serves your highest good. To release the need to control, but rather find a sense of peace in the acceptance of what is 🧡
A gentle evening of Cacao + Release + Rest.
Comment ✨RELEASE✨ in the comments below and I can send you more information and the option to book yourself a spot on the mat.
Much love always. Stelle ✨


As women & mothers, we are genetically, hormonally & developmentally wired to ✨Give✨. To give of ourselves to help, support & nurture others. To give of ourselves to our chosen profession & in our personal relationships. We give our time, our bodies & our energy. And we give UP our sleep, autonomy & freedom.
But as Givers - we also need to Receive.
It’s the art of reciprocity. The principle of creating harmony. Two parts of a whole, each part feeding one another through giving & receiving.

We can’t give from an empty cup. If we continue to give to others without giving to ourselves, we will drain ourselves and deplete ourselves of the capacity to give more. I wish someone had told me this early in my motherhood journey. Looking back, I can’t help but feel guilty that I didn’t take time to rest, receive & refuel, because if I did… I know I could have done a ‘better’ job. But based on what my model figures were saying & doing, I was of the believe that self-care was either selfish or a sign of vulnerability (I mean, we should be strong independent women who can do it all!) But that was part of my journey. My right of passage. It was a HUGE social conditioning & limiting belief that I had to break through. Sitting in the knowledge that I am worthy. That taking some time to slow down & rest is not a weakness. That tending to myself is an absolute necessity!
For me, this year is all about ✨receiving✨ A gentle reminder of how pivotal it is to loving tend to myself. Who else feels this calling? A calling to take a moments pause and give to ourselves… to rest, restore, receive?


“Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.”

― Henri Bergson

Dark Moon Women Circle - Restorative Soundscape Journey | Humanitix 03/05/2024

A gathering for when your battery is low but you still want to be surrounded by kin.
No introductions. Nothing to do. Just come along and find a place on the mat. Refuel your soul with a restorative soundscape journey. Rest in the stillness. Nourish yourself with a Reiki-infused head massage.
Rest. Restore. Recover.
Only a few spots remain for our next gathering within the nurturing walls of Gaia Mu Temple - Tuesday 7th May. Bookings essential. I look forward to sharing space with you if you feel called.
Warmest blessings always - Stelle ✨

Dark Moon Women Circle - Restorative Soundscape Journey | Humanitix Dark Moon Restorative Sound Journey - For when your social battery is low but you still want company. Come along to Rest, Restore & Recover.


When feathers appear 🪶 Angels are near
I always find it comforting when I am open to receive all the little subliminal messages scattered around the collective, just waiting to be noticed so that their heartfelt message can land. Exactly what I needed today 🧡
Thank you for being the conduit for these beautiful gifts today and for your unconditional support, kind words & nuggets of wisdom. So much food for thought to continue to nourish me on this journey 🙏


Let’s normalize the some days we just don’t have our sh #! together & that it’s OK!
So in love with this song by ❤️ Somedays I’m not ok and I’m finally ok with, not being ok. Somedays I’m a fu%kn hot mess & I digress, I’m a work in progress!
Most days I’m just tryna hold space, but there is so much pain, it’s just so overwhelming… these days I focus on myself & my mental health, it’s about all I can handle 😘
Yes, we can want to be on a mission to learn how to live life with a strong core stability & ability to withstand the chaos around us - but life is a whirlwind of experiences, and it’s ok to have moments when we feel all messy. Step back and take a little more time for yourself and love yourself for being human 🧡 Don’t put yet more pressure on yourself… rest, slow down, linger & lament… you will know when it is right to start exploring to discover the magic of what lies underneath 🙏💫


A common theme in today’s sessions was the deep desire to live more in the feminine 🌟
On my drive home, I sat in contemplation about our vast advances in technology, yet how is it that with all these systems in place, that they have still not been able to serve us in slowing down?! 🤯
So many of us spend our time living in the masculine - with jobs requiring us to be organized, structured, steeped in protocol, SOPs & methodology. Then we go home - and we have to look after the kids, cook dinner, clean & carry the heavy cognitive load of ensuring everything is on point for the upcoming days. When do we have time to relax? Where do we find time to tend to ourselves? Why, with all our technology, coding & automation tools, why do we still have to give so much of ourselves?
No wonder our feminine side is craving time for herself - the time to pause, rest, read, ponder, be creative, move gently & sensually, sit back & observe, having the time for our creativity to express itself 💫
I am loving the practice referred to by Richard Rudd as ‘The Art of Contemplation’ 💖 A beautiful embodied practice that we can incorporate into our everyday ordinary lives. A practice that helps us to create moments of pause in our days. Moments in which we can start to move out of our heads & into our bodies… creating space for calm & stillness, the creation of sacred space for ourselves, our own sacred being. We deserve to be tended to as much as those we support & nurture.
So how can you be more gentle on yourself today? How can you create more safety, softness & space for yourself each and every day? Leave a comment about what you have found helps you reconnect with your own sacred feminine. You never know who you may end up helping … your words could be their lifeline 💫
Much love always
Stelle ✨


Your body needs it ✨Your mind craves it✨Your soul desires it ✨
Sometimes the best medicine we can offer ourselves is time to pause & rest.


A gathering for when your battery is low but you still want company. Sitting in total surrender to the stillness within…Feeling into the vibrations of touch, scent & sound and allowing them to be your guide 🧡🪄✨🥰

No introductions. Nothing to do. Just come along and find a place on the mat. Refuel your body & Rest your soul with a blissful Reiki-infused head massage 🧡
Our next gathering is coming up on Monday 8th April from 6:30pm . Bookings essential. Link in bio. I look forward to sharing space with you soon. Stelle ✨

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 28/03/2024

Nature is Medicine… No words
4 days & 4 nights
In deep inner silence
Cocooned in the warm embrace of Buran-Avalon, located in the magical & sacred lands of Garumngar Country. The epitome of Merging Spirit + Science + Nature 🧡
My deepest gratitude to Steve for making this life changing experience a reality on the sacred land you tend you call home 🙏🧡 & Taji .connection for being the most amazing, nurturing mumma bear & providing such nourishing Soul food across all facets ❤️
Thank you to Steve, Taji & the quest protector team .bednarski for having held such safe & deeply inspiring sacred space across the 9 day journey. And to my fellow questers - thank you for being a part of this amazing journey 🙏 My heart has burst open wide💥🧡 There are no words…


✨ Soon to be holding space on Fridays ✨
Gaia Mu Temple has grown and matured in so many ways since I started holding support sessions here in July 2022. I have always looked forward to Thursdays, relishing the time spent within the warm & nurturing frequency of this space 🧡 Apart from sitting in session with all the amazing Souls who have shared their story with me beneath the open sky of the deck or within the walls of the 🍃 Moss room Healing Bungalow 🍃- my time was often spent alone as the sole practitioner on a Thursday.
Now, Gaia Mu Temple is blessed with the daily presence & skillful offerings of Ava from in the Fern Healing Bungalow. An increase in the number of people coming & going for healings or hosted events within the temple walls meant the deck was no longer a safe space to hold sessions. However, the guardians of Gaia Mu heard our call and now we have our own private outdoor deck space for all Moss Room clientele. Yay ☀️🍃🌺🌳😀
The studio space is also bustling with energy & activity on Fridays, with offering group Shakti yoga in the morning, followed by spinal energetics throughout the day!
Beginning April 12th, I look forward to all the new adventures that await me and the opportunity to bask in the Gaia Mu Temple Friday Vibes✨Same soulful support offerings, just a different day.
Fridays - online bookings available via link in bio.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - availability by appointment only.


Emotions are our friends - and our most intimate teachers!
Come along to hang out in the beautiful space of to learn about the traditional psychological view of each emotion then explore an inner journey of learning to decode the meaning behind your emotions. What are they trying to tell you? How will you act and respond to their call?
The first workshopis entitled “A Triggers toolkit”. We will delve into the science behind how triggers hijack your ‘sense of self’; get to know your triggers and tools for self-soothing & returning back to self.
A better understanding of what emotional triggers are can help you to better appreciate the importance of self-soothing (a tool many of us were not taught when we were young) and the pivotal role you can play in establishing inner safety. Your knowledge & awareness can also help you to protect yourself from future (unconscious) re-traumatising events.
Conscious awareness of situations & circumstances that trigger you also puts you back in the driver’s seat, where you can play a role in protecting yourself from otherwise unconscious re-traumatising events.
Future workshops will cover Guilt & Shame, Jealousy, Anger, Greif & Sadness, Insecurity and Fear.
Booking links coming soon
Much love always beYOUtiful people

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 03/03/2024

So excited about my new card designs ✨🧡✨
I absolutely LOVE the original logo design that was lovingly created by 8 years ago now!! The essence of the original design still holds true - being the presence of a beautiful wise old tree creating a safe & sacred space as you lie back against her trunk & beneath her benevolent branches 🙏
However, as time passes, nothing stays the same. I have grown, both personally & professionally ✨ My offerings have evolved, both in breadth & depth ✨The sacred space I hold forever shaped by the individuals who shares their story with me - every dream, loss, tear & desire is a thread, deeply woven into the tapestry of Breathe Again and all that she is here to serve.
So I allowed myself time to sit with all the newness that has been & created this imagery to represent all that is yet to come. Breathing new life into ✨Breathe Again✨ and how she is here to be of service to you all - especially within the walls of 🌟
I will be offline in the upcoming weeks, as I allow time for yet another moment of growth and expansion. So excited to see what will be revealed and how that will be woven into all that already is 🔥
Warmest blessings always. Stelle ✨

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 09/02/2024

A big thank you 🙏 to all the beautiful women who gifted themselves a few moments of sacred time to relax & refuel under the energies of the Dark Moon 🌑 last night ✨
Sitting together in total surrender to the stillness within…it was heartwarming & magical & blissful & serene 🧡🪄✨🥰 Feeling into the vibrations of touch, scent & sound and allowing them to be our guide.
Feeling Beautifully Restored and ready to journey through the next cycle, beginning with the transformational energies of the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius 🌙 ♒️
Join us for our next ‘Moon cycle savasana’ to rest & allow the integration of everything that comes up for you over the next 29 days on Friday 8th March at 6:30pm
Much love always. Stelle ✨


Ahhh 🥰 The Dark Moon is finally here!! I simply love curling up and tuning out during this magical time. It really is the perfect time to press pause and ask others to wait… to wait until we have taken a moment for ourselves, a moment to refuel, a moment to simply lie back and rest and allow ourselves time to integrate what has been this last month 🌘🌓🌕🌔🌗. We deserve to take a pause and tend to ourselves - there is nothing wrong with saying Me First! Then we can get back to supporting/caring/tending/mothering others & organizing our days. Until then… who wants a Reiki-infused head & foot massage while feeling blissed out with a restorative soundscape journey?? 🙋🏻‍♀️ A few tickets remain - tonight from 6:30 . Link in bio ✨✨


✨Soul✨ is a biological concept, defined as the primary organizing, sustaining & guiding principle of a human being
✨Soul craft✨ is the skill needed in shaping the human soul toward its fulfillment in its unity with the entire universe
The universe & the human soul find fulfillment in each other. Early cultures experienced the universe as a presence to be communed with and instructed by… the winds, the trees, the birds, forests & stars, all sharing knowledge for our spiritual nourishment.
Loving reading Bill Plotkin’s words & looking forward to diving in towards a deeper & more soulful relationship with life with my upcoming solo wilderness quest!! Ahhh… 🌿🔮🔥💫☀️🧡🪄


💫 Universe ✨ show me how good it gets 💫


✨ Rest🧡 Restore 🌿 Recover
Refuel your body & soul with a relaxing soundscape journey, guided mediation & Reiki head or foot massage.
Thursday 8th February Gaia Mu Temple from 6:30-8:30pm.

Click here for all the details or to book your spot. Much love beYOUtifuls 🧡🧡


Come celebrate the Dark Moon with an evening of relaxing soundscapes infused with Reiki.
There is nothing for you to do here but RECEIVE, REST & RECOVER.
Be still. Take the time to move within & reconnect with that silent place within yourself. Move past the bustle & chatter of life into sweet quietude.
This is the savasana of the moon cycle. Lie back within the sacred walls of . Stay warm. Allow yourself to rest and heal 🧡
Booking is essential. Link in bio xx .

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 11/01/2024

✨ Next Dark Moon Women Circle - Thursday night, 8th February✨
A deeply nourishing evening for when your social battery is low but you still yearn for connection.
When the sky is darkest & the moon cycle is coming to a close, we may feel introverted, drained, without a whole lot to give. The intention behind this gathering of women is not to ask more of you at a time when you are depleted… here there is no need to introduce yourself, talk, set intentions or DO anything at all!
Simply come along & make yourself comfortable within the wonderfully nurturing walls of , located in the leafy inner city suburb of Highgate Hill. Settle in amongst the dim lighting and scent of essential oils. Gift yourself some quiet time with yourself. Under the dark of the moon is the perfect time to open yourself to receiving messages from your own inner Crone or Wise Woman
Refuel your body & soul with an evening of relaxing soundscapes infused with Reiki. There is nothing for you to do here but RECEIVE, REST & RECOVER.
Booking is essential. Link in bio xx

Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 05/01/2024

Time to update my personal altar with the latest gifts I have acquired as the end of the year came to a close. May they sprinkle their magic and work together with me in this wonderful year of ✨abundance✨. I choose to call in a cycle of birthing creativity, loving expression, lots of fun Nature adventures & a whole heap of Soul expansion 🧡 What energies would you like to experience an abundance of this year? #2024


Creating sacred space for you… as a ✨keeper of secrets✨I am here to hold space for you to openly talk & retell whatever part/s of your story feel the need to be retold.
Maybe you need someone you trust to deeply listen 🧡 Maybe you want a sounding board to voice things you are trying to sort through. Maybe it’s help unfolding or untangling a part of your journey that is bothering you.
Whatever the reason, whatever the source, whatever the content… here you will be heard, here you are held, your story is safe with me 💟
Brisbane Holistic Counselling & Spiritual Psychotherapy - located in the beautiful inner Brisbane space of


Only two weeks of sessions remain ✨🧡✨
With the end of the year approaching, we here are preparing to tune inwards and claim some sacred time over the festive season to reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones 💕
The end of any calendar year is often a lived experience of busy days - madly trying to get everything done ✅, work🎄parties, family gatherings and holidays.
For all the extroverts out there 🤙🏼this can be a time of energetically refueling through a plethora of excited activity and connection.
For others (hands up all the introverts out there 🖐🏼) this time of year can feel energetically draining & physically exhausting…
No matter where you sit on the Extraversion/Introversion scale, this is a perfect time to tune in and do an energy checkup… are you nourished, fueled and equipped with all the tools/strategies you need to journey through the closing of 2023 and embark on all the ✨newness✨ that 2024 will bring?!
If you feel there is something you would like to talk about so you can walk this journey with a little less heaviness and a more open heart ❤️… then DM me or book online through the link in bio.
This year has been such an epic adventure for me through a myriad of emotions and experiences, and it has taken me to places I didn’t know were possible. But looking back - so many lessons and opportunities for growth💫 And to reflect back on all the journeys of each individual who came & shared their story with me - AMAZING transformations and progression in this game of Life 🔥
I am so so very grateful for where the year is closing off. My heart is full 🧡 What has your year been like?


Tomorrow the sun moves into Sagittarius ♐️
Sagittarius season is all about
✨self-forgiveness & personal growth✨
Can you forgive yourself for your past actions and stop carrying all of the guilt and shame? Can you see the bigger picture? Life is a spiral 🌀
We are regularly presented with similar situations… Rather than getting frustrated and thinking ‘haven’t I done this work already!!!’… can you appreciate that you have spiraled back around and are being given an opportunity to move through the situation ‘AGAIN’ - in a different way - guided by all the wisdom & growth you have experienced on your journey ✨🧡✨


We have all been sifting through some pretty heavy energies & emotions at play recently. As individuals & as a collective. But when you feel such things as frustration, anger or sadness, please don’t run and wish them away. We are here to revel & experience in the FULL spectrum of being human! The ups are fun! The downs not so much.
Yet if we sit with them and allow ourselves to feel, they can offer us the opportunity to go within. ⁠They can act as clues to show us what is yearning for change. They can act as a doorway to your Soul’s expansion. ⁠
So as you close out your Sunday night, ask yourself… where are you people pleasing? Where are you dimming your light? What boundaries may need reinforcing? Where are you wasting your time & energy? Imagine what this new week ahead could feel like if you listen in to the clues behind your feelings/emotions. Much love beYOUtiful people


Some days… memories knock the wind right out of me 💨
How do you keep your centre when surrounded by so much turmoil no matter which way you turn?
I used to feel shame around the idea of not being ‘strong’ enough to engage with the adversities at play. I wished to be like others who could talk & engage & didn’t feel everything soooo deeply. But now I know that my nervous system just can’t handle it. So what do I do? I live inside my own little bubble✨
The most important thing anyone can do on their journey is to lovingly tend to themselves. And for me, that means shielding myself as best I can.
But that does not mean for one moment that I do not care. Because I do. With all my heart. Today, I let down my guard... Memories of grief, disconnect & trauma pierced my heart. And for a time, it was seriously hard to breathe 💨
But I consciously cleansed & cleared & re-evoked my protection shield. Within this lovingly safe space, I can cultivate an abundance of love & compassion. Here I am grounded. And only from this centered place can I best serve others.
For all those experiencing moments of pain, grief, separation, disconnection & chaos - I send you much love, from my heart to yours 🧡 You are not alone.
📸 ✨


We can not create change if we continue to view our experiences through the same lens of our ego mind, through the same thought processes that were once created as a result of our past (and often painful) experiences.
To sit in sacred space and feel deeply held - to have someone walk along side you as you learn to make space for your new needs and consciously create a tailored plan that brings about where you want to be… ✨🧡✨
With warmth, grace & softness… this is how you create the change you so desire ✨
You are not alone. It just takes the courage to reach out and make yourself a priority. You are worthy of the living the life you dream 🙏🏼 It’s time to LEVEL UP & embark on your Soul’s journey 🙌🏼
Let’s meet together and navigate this journey together 🧡


Photos from Breathe Again - Stelle Shakti, PhD's post 25/09/2023

Spring blessings to you all ☀️🌿 🌼
I spent today’s sunset hours deep in connection & reflection with Mother Nature’s gifts 🍃🌸 birthing my personal ✨spring mandala✨ - with elements sourced from the absolutely beYOUtiful Botanical Mandala co-created by 12 women at the Spring Equinox ceremony lovingly held by the inspirational Fern yesterday
✨Ritual & Reflection✨
✨Ceremony & Celebration ✨
How did you celebrate the coming of spring time? What seeds have you planted recently that you hope to nurture & tend into existence?
Conscious living, in connection with the seasonal energies at play, is a wonderful practice to support you on your journey. I highly recommend following to stay up to date with beautiful offerings hosted by embodied individuals across a whole range of topics ✨🧡✨

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