Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics

Organic Tonics & Ritual Wares infused with the wisdom of Ayurveda ~ creating sacred acts of self-care



"In the ancient science of Ayurveda, the concept of Agni holds paramount significance. Often translated as "digestive fire" or "metabolic fire," Agni represents the transformative energy responsible for digestion, assimilation, and metabolism in the body and mind. Understanding Agni and its various manifestations is key to maintaining optimal health and vitality.

What is Agni?
Agni, in Ayurveda, is not merely the physical fire found in the digestive tract but encompasses the entire spectrum of metabolic processes occurring within the body and mind. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, and even the transformation of thoughts and emotions. When Agni is balanced, it supports overall well-being, while its imbalance can lead to various health issues.

Importance of Agni
The proper functioning of Agni is crucial for optimal health and vitality. It ensures efficient digestion and metabolism, allowing the body to extract nutrients from food and eliminate waste effectively. A balanced Agni promotes energy, clarity of mind, and a strong immune system."


💌 You are invited to join us for our Agni Reset ~ a 10 day guided Ayurvedic cleanse that is will be done with my full support from the comfort of your home. Starts Match 16. You can find all of the info under the "LEARN" tab on out website.


This cup, chai kulhad, is so much more than a mere vessel. According to Ayurveda, it deepens the medicine and ritual of your tonic thanks to the pure clay it is made of. This is yours for FREE with every purchase of Matrika until this Saturday, 2nd March.

Here are some potential benefits:

🔥Enhanced Metabolism: Ayurveda suggests that clay pots can help improve metabolism due to their ability to balance the pH level of the beverage, which is conducive to digestive health.

💧 Water Purification: Clay is believed to have a purifying effect due to its alkaline nature, aiding in neutralising the water's pH and thereby improving digestion and potentially boosting health.

🪨 Natural Minerals: Clay is a natural material that can leach minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium into the beverage, which can be beneficial for bone health and overall wellness, especially in women who may require more of these nutrients.

❄️ Nourishment and Cooling Properties: The slow heat used in clay cups is believed to provide a nourishing effect to the drink, which is gentle on the system. Moreover, clay is said to have cooling properties, which align with Ayurveda's principles of balancing body temperatures.

🌎 Grounding: Ayurveda tells us that like increase like - the Earth from which the kulhad is made from helps to offer the same grounding or stability through its sweet, clay material.

This kulhad is yours FREE with every purchase of Matrika this week until Saturday. Head to the link in our bio to learn about our Matrika ~ a medicinal ghee tonic booster that increases the potency of your daily drink.


I found this quote yesterday and resonated so deeply with its essence and the way it relates to the way I work I do with Ayurveda and Śrī Soma.

There are many tonics and adaptogenic lattes on the market and many of them pile in as many herbs as they can muster. Sometimes I wonder if the combination of so many herbs could potentially create confusion in the body and overburden it to the point of the blend essentially becoming ineffective. Some clever marketing, a beautiful package and lots of buzz words would convince anyone that they're making the best choice for themselves.

Simplicity in a world of intricacies is my favourite way to cut to the core - to create the greatest and most beneficial outcomes for ourselves and our wellbeing.

Simple eating.

Simple routines.

Simple rituals.

Simple tonic blends that have a single hero herb and a careful selection of supportive spices - this is the Śrī Soma approach to tonic making. Every one of our tonics has a single focus and one adaptogenic herb that has a unique purpose. Every other herb and spice around it has been selected to cradle and support the efficacy of the hero herb so that you can really feel the benefits and faster.

We're proud of the thoughtfulness placed into each recipe and your generous feedback tells us that you all can feel the difference too.

So, this is your loving reminder to: simplify. Do less, be more.


In the relentless whirlwind of modern life, we often find ourselves on a carousel that seems never to slow, a pace not naturally aligned with the ebb and flow of feminine cycles. Women are architects, builders, and caretakers of the world, yet the very structure of our days can pull us out of sync with our innate rhythms. We navigate deadlines and demands with a mettle forged out of necessity, armouring ourselves with a toughness to match beats with a world that seldom pauses for breath.

Yet in the midst of this pulsating dance, there is a whispering strength in the gentle sways of femininity, in the softness we've been told might be our undoing. It’s in the courage of vulnerability, the resilience of empathy, and the healing power of compassion that often might get mistaken for weakness. This softness is a superpower, an underlying force that can change the course of lives and create resilience in the most turbulent of storms.

Embracing our softness doesn't mean shying away from challenges, but rather facing them with our whole selves, nurturing our needs and listening to the subtle shifts within. Prioritising self-care isn’t just a luxurious aside; it’s as essential as the air we breathe. It’s the quiet moment we steal before the dawn, the gentle pause between tasks, the deep breath we take before speaking—to feed the flames within us that grow warmth and light and not just heat.

Cherish your softness, your energy, and your cycles. Let them not be overrun by the world's clock but instead, intertwine them with your daily life. For in this nurturing of self, in preserving the supple grace that is inherently ours, we find an enduring strength that can carry us through every season of life.

Quote from pinterest


Matrika in Sanskrit literally translates to "small mother" or "mother," derived from "mātr," meaning "mother." These matrikas are conceptualized in Hinduism as the personified powers (Shaktis) of different Devas. Each Matrika is associated with a particular aspect of the divine and is recognised as a powerful independent deity.

To us at Śrī Soma, "Matrika" aligns closely with the concept that the feminine is the womb or source of creation, symbolically representing the cosmos as the divine mother. The term draws parallel to 'matrix,' which in Latin means 'womb,' signifying that women, like the Matrikas, are the vessel from which life emerges, embodying the creative force in the universe. The concept speaks to the reverence of the feminine principle as foundational and vital in the cosmic order, celebrating the role of women as creators and sustainers of life.

Matrika lands tomorrow on the full moon ~ save this post so you don't miss the reveal.


In the light of the Vedic vision, one can truly grasp the profound significance of women's health for the underpinning of a thriving society. The ancient texts reverently enshrine the concept where women are likened to Shakti, the embodiment of energy and vitality. This perspective mirrors the universe's balance, with the feminine principle being central to creation and prosperity.

From the timeless wisdom of the Vedas, we admit that when a woman thrives in health, the family flourishes, for she is the Soma, the nurturing balm that heals and harmonises the home. As a healthy woman is poised to support and educate the coming generations, she ensures the propagation of knowledge and dharma, upholding the society's backbone. Her wellbeing is the womb from which springs the overall societal health.

- a vision that Śrī Soma upholds

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 21/02/2024

"I am only a poem in the body of a woman"

Which is your favourite? 🪷


"Rasāyana" is a term from Ayurvedic medicine that refers to a rejuvenation therapy or a longevity and immune system booster.

It translates to "Path of Essence"

Rasāyana herbs and formulations are believed to promote physical and mental health, improve longevity, and enhance overall well-being.

Some common ingredients found in rasāyana formulations include ashwagandha, shatavari and turmeric, among others. There's also some more common, household ingredients that offer the same properties like ghee, cardamom, fenugreek and saffron.

Ghee, in particular, is highly valued for its rejuvenating properties. Cardamom and saffron are also commonly used in rasayāna preparations for their beneficial effects on health and well-being. Fenugreek is known for its ability to support various bodily systems, making it a valued rasāyana ingredient as well.

These herbs are used in various combinations to create rasāyana preparations with different health benefits (strengthening, womb support, nervous system rehabilitation and so on).

Have you ever had a rasāyana preparation or been on an Ayurvedic rejuvenation protocol?


In Ayurveda, fertility extends beyond the concept of conceiving a child. It is synonymous with vitality because fertility is considered a sign of a nourished, vital body and mind—indicative of overall health. It’s about the richness of the soil (the body and mind), not just the seed (the potential for conception).

Ayurveda teaches that someone who is "fertile" in this broad sense is filled with a life force known as 'ojas,' which is responsible for vitality, strength, health, immunity, and glowing qualities that contribute to lustre and vitality in life. Ojas is the end-product of proper digestion that creates strength and immunity.

Even if conception isn't the end goal, focusing on a "fertile landscape" means creating an internal environment that supports optimal health and energy. This involves nourishing the body with wholesome foods, engaging in regular, balanced exercise, managing stress effectively, and ensuring proper digestion and detoxification processes, among other practices.

When our internal landscape is fertile and ojas-rich, we are at our most vital, energetic, and capable. It means we're better equipped to handle life's challenges with resilience and recover more efficiently from illness or stress. By cultivating such an environment within us, we are not just preparing for the possibility of new life, but also enriching our own, making it full of vitality, energy, and well-being.

Some foods that are rich in the building blocks of ojas are: dates, ghee, whole milk, almonds.

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 14/02/2024

Nothing made me appreciate the importance of loving and nourishing myself more than becoming a mother.

3 postpartum journeys were 3 different lessons in how deeply I needed to care for myself - not only for my sake but also the sake of my family and my community.

After being Vegan in my first pregnancy and not getting enough fats, warmth and support, my body and mind suffered. My nervous system became fried and my vitality plummeted along with my mental health. A story that is far too common.

My second pregnancy showed me just HOW important it was to listen to my body's needs and so I incorporated all the Ayurvedic wisdom I could muster - ghee, herbs, ojas building foods (vitality building) like milk, ghee, fats, dates, bone broth and spices. I took my herbs to replenish my blood, warm my womb, grow my strength and rebuild my agni (digestive fire).

The difference between the 2 postpartums was immense and by the third pregnancy and postpartum, I honestly felt better than I ever have before! Ayurveda says that a well-kept postpartum has the ability to completely renew you - I certainly felt it.

But yet the wisdom of women's health hasn't been passed down as thoroughly as it should have been, and I see so many of us feeling the effects of depletion in our daily lives.

One of my favourite things to work with clients on is Women's health. Redirecting daily habits and incorporating nurturing herbs and blends that reinvigorate a woman's strength and vitality. It's so rewarding.

My highest visision is a world where women are deeply honoured as the life keepers they are and that the world thrives alongside them. If you feel this too then follow me .soma_tonics for a very special release that could very well spark a movement in the western view of women's nourishment.


If you're a:

Mother, Woman and/or Birthkeeper then you'll want to mark the 24th of February in your diary

On the full moon we launch of our latest product.

This one is close to our hearts 💕

All will be revealed.

Are you curious yet?

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 13/02/2024

In Ayurveda, ghee is highly revered and is known as "ghrita" in Sanskrit. Due to its unique properties, it is used as an "anupana" or carrier substance for medicinal herbs. The reasons for this are multifaceted.

Here are some of the reasons why a spoonful of ghee in your tonics will support your holistic health. 👆

We're super proud of the ghee we create at Śrī Soma - made the traditional way as written in the ancient texts of the Vedas, we harness the healing properties of ghee to the highest level and our customers always tell us they notice the difference! It's a subtle science with not so subtle benefits.


Saffron is a cherished jewel in Ayurveda - it holds a special place in women's wellbeing. Its delicate strands of gold not only add vibrancy to your tonics & dishes but also bring solace to the soul. In Ayurveda, saffron is celebrated for its antidepressant properties gently lifting the spirits and easing emotional turbulance.
This is backed by clinical studies too! (Amin et al., 2015, Hosseinzadeh et al., 2003, Hosseinzadeh et al., 2007, KARIMI et al., 2001, Wang et al., 2010)

For women, especially during the postpartum period, saffron becomes a gentle ally, offering comfort and support. It helps balance hormones, soothes the mind, and promotes emotional well-being, easing the transition into motherhood.

Additionally, saffron aids in toning the uterus, supporting our moon cycles, recovery after childbirth and enhancing lactation, ensuring both mother and baby thrive in harmony.

Something is launching soon, and saffron is infused into this incredible product- any more guesses as to what it could be? Is it getting more obvious?


5 Reasons You Should Be Using Ghee:

1. Digestion: Ghee is believed to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. It is considered to be easy to digest and is often used in Ayurvedic cooking to support digestion.

2. Joint Health: Ayurveda suggests that ghee can help support joint health and lubrication. It is used in traditional Ayurvedic preparations for maintaining healthy joints.

3. Immune Support: Ghee is considered to have immune-boosting properties according to Ayurveda. It is used in Ayurvedic formulations to support overall immune health.

4. Mental Clarity: In Ayurveda, ghee is believed to support mental clarity and cognitive function. It is often used in traditional Ayurvedic practices to promote healthy brain function.

5. Ayurvedic Energetics: According to Ayurveda, ghee is thought to have balancing effects on the body's doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). It is used to balance these energies in the body, promoting overall health and well-being

BONUS: Ghee acts like a vehicle that helps to carry the benefits of your herbs and spices straight to your tissues. It's a great medium to mix your herbs or tonics into so that you can reap the greatest benefits.

Shop our very special Vedic Ghee online. Made on the full moon and infused with mantra, there is no better ghee available out there.


If you've been following my other account .vidya for a while then you already know just how much I believe in Women. Utterly passionate about them; how they are viewed, how they are treated, how they are nourished and how incredible they are as the portal for life to this world.

In the Vedic texts, the importance of women is anything but cryptic - the texts sing our praises for the priceless part we play in the health of our world. It says, "the health of our world depends on the health of our women".

As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I feel like the most worthwhile offering I could create in this lifetime would be something purely for women.

So, I have been sitting on something so nourishing for a while now, but I think it's time to release her into the world.

Any guesses? The first person who can guess what it is below will get one gifted to them! 🎁


Something is coming मातृका

"The feminine is the matrix of creation"

From the book "The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul"


34% OFF storewide TODAY ONLY! Because it's my birthday 😉

Hello beautiful friends 🎉

It is my birthday today and I wanted to celebrate with you.

If you didn't already know, there is currently 34% off storewide for today only - up until midnight.

This is the perfect time to stock up, grab that ritual ware you've been eyeing off or try that tonic you haven't had a chance to taste yet.

Discount applies automatically at the checkout.

Thanks for celebrating with me ✨️

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 02/01/2024

SHATAVARI ~ translates to "who possesses 100 husbands". I'll let your imagination decide where this herbs magic rests 😉

She's often called Queen of the Herbs because of her potency in the realms of women's health. A beautiful ally on the path of feminine embodiment, fertility and vitality, Shatavari is truly worth the crown she's been given.

This adaptogen is found in our Anahata tonic ~ a spiced, rose cacao that evokes gentle self-love.

Swipe to learn more 》》


What pushed me to start creating tonics?

The power of my simple evening tonic!

When I first started practicing Yoga and Ayurveda, one of the first recommendations I was given was to enjoy a spiced milk before bed. I was told it would help me sleep better by supporting my body and minds ability to digest everything I'd eaten and experienced in the day.

As someone who had terrible anxiety and woke often through the night, I could NOT believe how much this one simple daily ritual absolutely changed my life.

I slept better and woke better.
Had way more energy.
Loved myself more.
& Felt incredibly grounded.

All from 1 simple daily ritual.

And as my knowledge of Ayurveda grew (and my list of daily rituals too), I just had to share the potency of simple daily acts to transform our lives - starting with the tonics.

When you're suffering from overwhelm, anxiety or stress, the last thing you need is a huge list of things you need to heal yourself.

If one simple cup of Śrī Soma can completely transform even one person's life, then I have fulfilled the purpose of this brand.

Big love & blessings,
Deni x.

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 01/01/2024

Here we are! 2024 - a year abound with abundance in ALL areas of our lives.

As we step into the enchanting dawn of 2024, there's a palpable energy in the air – a promise of new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and the chance to align with our truest selves.

At Śrī Soma, we believe that this energy is a gift, one that needn't carry the weight of pressure to become someone new. Instead, it offers us a gentle nudge to love ourselves more, to nurture the beauty that already resides within.
Reflecting on the past year can be a powerful way to tap into this renewed energy, and we've crafted 10 journal prompts to guide you on this journey.

These prompts are designed not to impose change but to illuminate the path towards self-discovery and self-love.

Want to start journaling? They'll be in your inboxes this Wednesday morning! Not yet a member of our Rituals Club? Join free via the link in our bio.


Introducing My Ayurvedic Life Planner! A way to embrace the Śrī Soma philosophy in daily life.

Born from my journey to help my clients to maintain life's intricacies with ancient wisdom, this planner is more than a guide—it's a companion.

As someone who found clarity in the ebb and flow of life through Ayurveda, I've poured this understanding into every page so that you can live in alignment with your goals, values and holistic habits with ease.

Track and balance your productivity, wellness, nutrition, finances, and learning whilst also weaving in periods of conscious rest for a truly holistic life.

With this planner, live your life with intention, guided by the gentle rhythms of nature. So set a date, pour yourself a tonic and plan out your most abundant 2024.

Ready to flow with life's rhythm? Follow the link in bio to grab a copy.



✨️ the power of ritual ✨️
In Vedic traditions (which includes Ayurveda), rituals and intention play a significant role in everyday life and overall well-being.

🪔 Rituals: Rituals are considered essential in Vedic practices as they help create a sense of discipline, harmony, and connection with the natural rhythms of life. These can include daily practices, ceremonial observances, and seasonal rituals, all of which are aimed at promoting balance and invoking a sense of grounding and mindfulness. Making a tonic using your special ritual ware each morning can easily become a meaningful practice that bestows these gifts.

🌬 Intention: Intention is central to Vedic perspectives, as it is believed that the quality of one's intention shapes the outcome of actions. Setting positive and mindful intentions before engaging in any activity, whether it's making your daily tonic or a specific ritual, is thought to magnify the beneficial effects and bring about a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

Both rituals and intention are intertwined in these traditions to support holistic well-being, foster a harmonious relationship with the self and the environment, and bring about a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment in life.

What is your most favourite daily ritual? ✨️

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 25/12/2023

Our Vedic Ghee is no ordinary ghee ~ made the traditional Vedic way under the influence of the full moon and infused with Gayatri Mantra.

It imbues the healing properties of the Sun and the Moon to create an elixir that is like nothing else available.

Our customers always tell us just how much they notice the difference between our ghee and others out there!

New batch brewing today ~ order yours via the link in our bio ☀️🌙


Brisbane friends, this is for you!

Grab those last minute Christmas gifts and receive your bundle on time, guaranteed with heavily discounted postage (only $10) AND hand-delivered.

To find out if your suburb is eligible, DM us for the unique code.


Our tonics are so much more than a delicious tonic latte. A cup a day can support your health on so many levels!

Here's a quick guide to help you choose the best tonic for your or your loved one this Christmas!

Can't choose? You can grab all four in our incredible value gift bundle, " Four Seasons and Reasons" 〰️ link in bio

Live locally to Brisbane? Get local delivery by sending us a DM and save on shipping! {Available Until 19th 23rd December}


When we allow our eating habits to flow WITH us, we find harmony and alignment in our holistic health.

And our tonic blends were formulated to simplify this for you.

🍫 Anahata is great for summer

🍵 Muni for Spring & Summer

🫖 Shanti for Autumn and Winter

🫚 Shakti for Winter and Spring

Let the wisdom of Ayurveda in every tonic carry you to good health year round.

You can learn more about our range via the link in our bio.


This is probably the number 1 question people want the answer to after they hear about Ayurveda.

What is my dosha?

What this question is referring to is your unique constitution through the eyes of Ayurvedic principles.

We have 3 dosha, or humors that make up our entire mental and physical bodies. Each of us is made up of a unique balance of all 3 - it's why a 1 size fits all approach to health just doesn't work.

Understanding what our dosha type/constitution is can help us to determine the right course of action for our holistic health. It also helps you make decisions like which exercise, food or tonic is best for you!

Want to know yours?

We have a dosha quiz you can take on our Journal. Follow the link in our bio or check our stories to uncover your unique constitution today.


The perfect trio for the Yogini in your life!

This is our "Tonic Moments" Bundle - your choice of Ayurvedic Tonic, a hand-hammered brass spoon and handmade pure terracotta mug all made in the heart of India.

Organic spices and earth-based, tox-free ritual ware - a recipe for a conscious, therapeutic gift this Christmas.

Photos from Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics's post 25/11/2023

The strong foundation of health held in EVERY Śrī Soma Tonic!

Gut Health {Agni}

Nervous System

Energy {Body. Mind. Consciousness}

If these are cared for, the rest comes easily.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Brisbane?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Walking into 2024 with a heart full of gratitude and ignited passion for bringing Ayurveda to the daily lives of everyon...
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And these are the words to the memory that vibrates through every tonic, every ritual ware and every jar of vedic ghee.W...
The ultimate hug for your nervous system 〰️ our Shanti Tonic.Yesterday, as I was working through my weekly planning, I f...
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