RDC Clinical

RDC Clinical is an Australian based Clinical Research Organisation in the complimentary health, nutraceutical, cosmetic and functional food industries.

RDC Clinical is the recruitment division of RDC Global, an Australian based Clinical Research Organisation in the complimentary health, nutraceutical, cosmetic and functional food industries.




Seeking adults aged over 18 to help assess magnesium supplementation for a remote sleep health study.

🔗 rdcclinical.com.au/trials/sleep-health-study


Did you know we have a Weight Loss and Healthy Eating blog? We do indeed!

🔗 Discover our blog here:


We love what we do and the well-being of our trial participants is so important to us. If you’ve been curious about participating in a trial but not sure what it’s like, here is a snapshot of some of our recent guests’ feedback;

“I joined this trial after a family member told me about it. My expectations were met on every occasion. If I had problems I was able to reschedule without drama. Thanks for letting me participate.”

63 yr old male | Protein for Muscle Mass Study

“I was prompted to participate because I’m interested in helping medical research and out of general curiosity.
Prior to enrolling and during the study I had a very good understanding of the process, all correspondence from the staff was friendly, warm and informative. It exceeded my expectations and I would love to participate in the future.”

55 yr old female | Migraine Study

“The trial coordinators were friendly, personable and informative. They made me feel valued and I would like to volunteer to participate in future trials too.”

46 yr old male | Hair Growth Study



Step 6 – Have fun!

Whether you are running on your own, or with someone else, make sure you are having fun and enjoying yourself!

Running isn’t for everyone, but when it’s done correctly it can be an absolute blast and a great way to socialise or grab some ‘you’ time. 

Whatever regular exercise you choose, your body can benefit in the following ways:

• Reduce the risk and help manage type 2 diabetes
• Improve overall wellbeing
• Build strong bones and muscles
• Improve your ability to complete tasks of daily living
• Improve posture and balance – reducing the risk of falls
• Promote an improved s*x life
• Help manage mental health issues
• Reduce your risk of coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure and some cancers
• Assist with weight maintenance and loss
• Improve your cardiovascular fitness and strength
• Reduce your blood cholesterol and sugar levels
• Improve your energy levels

To check out our current trials go here: rdcclinical.com.au/trials

Photos from RDC Clinical's post 23/12/2022

Happy Holidays from the RDC Team!

Thank you to all our wonderful trial participants and clients this year. We do hope you have a well deserved break over the coming weeks and we will be back to business very soon.

Best Wishes to you and your families for 2023 and beyond.

Photos from RDC Clinical's post 12/11/2022


Rainbow Powder Feedback Study

Would you like to try a new nutritional supplement for energy, stress levels and skin health?

Find out more > rdcclinical.com.au/trials/emrask-study/

Photos from RDC Clinical's post 20/10/2022


Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a product derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is a cannabinoid, which is a compound naturally found in cannabis plants. It does not contain psychoactive properties (no THC) and hence does not produce a “high” effect, but it has been proposed to have a wide range of health benefits.

Most people have heard about some common uses of CBD oil, like help with sleep and anxiety relief. Whilst more research is needed to further understand the therapeutic attributes of CBD oil, here are some other areas where scientists are finding there may be possible benefits:

In a placebo-controlled study of participants with type 2 diabetes, those on CBD oil were found to have improved regulation of insulin related hormone levels.

CBD was administered to people with he**in use disorder. Over the course of a week, CBD was found to reduce withdrawal cravings and anxiety, and lower cortisol levels (associated with stress) in the saliva.

In a study of 11 adult patients with PTSD symptoms, CBD administered with routine psychiatric care found a reduction in PTSD symptoms. CBD also appeared to offer relief in a subset of patients who reported nightmares as a symptom of their PTSD.

Did you know that CBD Oil may help with oral and gum health? In a study performed on rats with gum disease, the rats treated with CBD oil healed faster, had healthier gums and less bone destruction.

While there isn’t yet conclusive evidence to support CBD oil for these uses, researchers agree that CBD products have a lot of potential, and more studies are needed to further understand their therapeutic benefits.

RDC Clinical is a clinical research organisation within the industries of complementary medicines, dietary supplements, foods and cosmetics.

We would love your help, please click the link below to see our currently recruiting trials.

🔗 rdcclinical.com.au/trials


Gut Health Study
RDC Clinical is seeking Brisbane adults aged 18-65 for a clinical study on gut health. Participants will be required to have a BMI of 30-40.

🔗 rdcclinical.com.au/trials


RDC Clinical is seeking healthy females residing in or around Brisbane who are in early post-menopause (at least 1 year but a maximum of 6 years since the last menstruation).

The study is investigating the effectiveness of food-derived probiotics and pre-biotics on maintaining bone mineral density over a 12-month period.

As part of the study participants will receive free bone density assessments at 3 points during the study.

So, if post-menopausal bone density is a concern for you and you are a healthy, non-smoking adult, RDC Clinical would love to hear from you.

Learn more - rdcclinical.com.au/trials/bone-density-clinical-study/



Our Exercise Physiologist, Rachael, who is usually found in our Exercise Studio putting our exercise study participants through their paces, or monitoring their progress, has put together 6 steps to help you get the most out of your running.

STEP 5 – Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Up to 70% of casual runners have an injury within the first 12-months of beginning their training journey. Most injuries occur at the knee joint (42%) with the next most occurring at the foot and ankle (17%).

These injuries are mostly due to overuse and improper monitoring of a training program in one or more of the following areas;

* Too many training sessions (Frequency)
* Running at a high pace (Intensity)
* Length of training sessions (Time)
* The kinds of training sessions you are doing (Type)

Following a training program based around sound training principles, such as F**T (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) and constantly checking the training load will help reduce the risk of injury.

🔗 To check on our current fitness studies go here - rdcclinical.com.au/trials


Have you ever considered assisting with medical research?

RDC Clinical is seeking adults currently feeling stressed for an 8 week study looking at the effectiveness of a new herbal product.

The study is investigating the effectiveness of a herbal extract on reducing stress levels and improving sleepover an 8-week period.

For enrolled participants, there are 3 visits required at the RDC clinic which is located in Newstead, Brisbane where a small blood sample will be taken from the arm to test stress hormone levels and other blood markers. During the 8-week study period, there will also be questionnaires that you can complete online from home.

So, if feeling stressed is a problem for you and you are a healthy, non-smoking adult, RDC Clinical would love to hear from you.

🔗 Click for more information and to register your interest: rdcclinical.com.au/trials

Gut Health Study 01/09/2022

Gut Health Study


Get paid to spend the day relaxing with us!

If helping the research of supplements and natural medicines sounds like your cup of tea, then check out our current trials to see what is on offer.

🔗 rdcclinical.com.au/trials

Photos from RDC Clinical's post 12/08/2022

We are so excited to be in the final stages of recruiting trial participants to join our new Omega-3 Clinical Study before it starts next week!

This study will be comparing the absorption of 3 similar forms of Omega-3 to see which one is absorbed best.

Studies such as these assist researchers know which product will potentially provide the most benefit.

If you’d like to take part in this study, we’d love your help.

🔗 To register your interest please go to this page: rdcclinical.com.au/trials/fishoil-stas/



Our Exercise Physiologist, Rachael, who is usually found in our Exercise Studio putting our exercise study participants through their paces, or monitoring their progress, has put together 6 steps to help you get the most out of your running.

STEP 4 – Don’t give up!

It's almost inevitable that you will experience some set backs in your progress from time to time. Whether that is not being able to train due to illness or time pressures, or just a lack of motivation.

When the going gets tough, take some time to appreciate the effort you have put in to date, remember your goal and then approach it with fresh enthusiasm. 

However, always listen to your body, and never run through an injury.

To check out our current trials go here: rdcclinical.com.au/trials/

Photos from RDC Clinical's post 21/07/2022

What is the experience like participating in a clinical trial that can run for many months? Much easier than you would think!

Here is some feedback from a recent long trial:

“I had a pleasant 3 months participating, contact from the staff was ‘just right’, not overbearing. They were so friendly.”

🔗 If you would like to participate in a trial either in person or online, please click here: rdcclinical.com.au/trials/

⬇️ See below to view some current trials.

CBD Absorption Study - RDC Clinical 07/07/2022

Get paid while relaxing…

Spend a day at RDC Clinical in Newstead, helping assess the absorption of CBD Oil.

RDC Clinical is seeking healthy adults (aged 18-50) for a study in Newstead, Brisbane.

🔗 Click for more - rdcclinical.com.au/trials/cbdpkb/

CBD Absorption Study - RDC Clinical RDC Clinical is currently recruiting healthy participants for a CBD Oil study in Newstead, Brisbane.

Some surprising possible benefits of CBD Oil - RDC Clinical 06/07/2022

Most people have heard about some common uses of CBD oil, like help with sleep and anxiety relief. Whilst more research is needed to further understand the therapeutic attributes of CBD oil, here are some other areas where scientists are finding there may be possible benefits - https://www.rdcclinical.com.au/some-surprising-possible-benefits-of-cbd-oil/

Some surprising possible benefits of CBD Oil - RDC Clinical Some surprising possible benefits of CBD Oil Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a product derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is a cannabinoid, which is a compound naturally found in cannabis plants. It does not contain psychoactive properties (no THC) and hence does not produce a “high” effect, but it h...



Did you know that almost 1 in 4 Australians participate regularly in jogging/running? Running is a fairly low-cost activity and it’s never too late to begin.

Our Exercise Physiologist, Rachael, who is usually found in our Exercise Studio putting our exercise study participants through their paces, or monitoring their progress, has put together 6 steps to help you get the most out of your running.

STEP 3 – Plan your training... seek help

In order to give yourself the greatest chance of success, seek help in putting your training program together. A poor plan can result in wasted training time, frustration and even injury.

Enlist the help of a coach, a personal trainer, or an exercise physiologist to help you through the beginning stages.

Running clubs are also a great source of information where you can talk to other runners about what they do, how much they do, and where they run.

To view our current trials go here: rdcclinical.com.au/trials


New study for a natural supplement for improving skin condition.

RDC Clinical is seeking Brisbane women aged over 40 for an 8-week study on reducing fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin health. Participants will be provided with 8 weeks of study product and attend the Newstead clinic 3 times.

Please click link for more details:



Who am I?
My name is Harsha

What do I do here at RDC?
I am a Clinical Trial Coordinator and a Physiotherapist, which gives me an opportunity to use my knowledge and medical background to assist with our exercise trials. My role as a Clinical Trial Coordinator at RDC is to screen participants and invite them for our wide range of trials and conduct their in-clinic appointments which includes screening, assessments, providing information for enrolment, and phlebotomy.

I love clinical research because:
It broadens my knowledge for foods, dietary supplements and how complementary medicines are utilised in the human body. My interest in physiotherapy creates particular intrigue in the progression of participants throughout the study, including different components of fitness such as muscular strength and endurance. I love the contribution I can provide in clinical research to ensure success.

What do participants ask often?

“Are you open on weekends?”

I am always happy to answer this question. Yes, we are open six days a week (Monday to Saturday) starting our clinical appointments from 6:30am till 4:00pm. We understand that having a busy life when you want to also participate in clinical trials can be a challenge, but we are open on weekends to provide flexibility for our participants, and also ensure we are providing the best service we can.

To participate in a trial please click the link: rdcclinical.com.au/trials


Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world in May to recognize the day that James Lind started what is often considered the first randomized clinical trial aboard a ship on May 20, 1747.

Here’s the story*

May, 1747.

The HMS Salisbury of Britain’s Royal Navy fleet patrols the English Channel at a time when scurvy is thought to have killed more British seamen than French and Spanish arms.

Aboard this ship, surgeon mate James Lind, a pioneer of naval hygiene, conducts what many refer to as the first clinical trial.

Acting on a hunch that scurvy was caused by putrefaction of the body that could be cured through the introduction of acids, Lind recruited 12 men for his “fair test.”

To find out more about today click below:



Our Exercise Physiologist, Rachael, who is usually found in our Exercise Studio putting our exercise study participants through their paces, or monitoring their progress, has put together 6 steps to help you get the most out of your running.

Did you know that almost 1 in 4 Australians participate regularly in jogging/running? Running is a fairly low-cost activity and it’s never too late to begin.

*your starting level

Without knowing what your current level of fitness is you can’t plan for and check your progress. There are plenty of ways to get a baseline that you can check back against later. The easiest and cheapest option is a to pick a running route that you know and record your time. Then after a period of training, you can hit the same route again to see how much you have improved.

The gold-standard way to test your fitness is the VO2max test. This is a lab-based test where your fitness is tested on a treadmill or a bike whilst wearing a heart rate monitor and a gas analysis system, measuring your oxygen consumption. The benefits to this type of testing is the amount of information and accuracy of the data that you can get. The con is the cost (around $200); however, if you can participate in a clinical trial you might be able to get one done for free!

To check out our current trials go here: rdcclinical.com.au/trials


Osteoarthritis pain study in Brisbane.

RDC Clinical is seeking participants aged over 45 who have osteoarthritis of the hip or knee for a clinical study in Brisbane on a natural supplement for joint pain relief. Participants will be provided with the treatment product for a 12-week period.

Click for more info - www.rdcclinical.com.au/trials



Why participate in a trial?

People participate in trials for a number of reasons; however, we have found the overwhelming reason is that people wish to contribute to the body of knowledge on products that can improve health and wellbeing in the population.

Certain condition specific trials may be of interest to people that are experiencing symptoms of that condition, as participating in a trial gains them access to innovative products that may improve their symptoms, and further detailed assessment of their personal situation.

Many trials also require participants to undergo tests such as body scans or blood tests. These tests are paid for by RDC, and participants have access to these results that they can take to their health professional if they choose. Most of our studies also offer a small monetary payment for participation.

🔗 Contact us to get involved in a clinical study - www.rdcclinical.com.au/trials



Who am I?
My name is Jane

What do I here at RDC?
I’m a Trial Coordinator. My job involves speaking with people to explain what is involved in taking part in a trial, checking if they’re eligible to participate and coordinating data collection, either remotely (over the internet/phone) or by seeing participants in our clinic to collect trial data which can involve completing questionnaires, taking anthropometric measurements and blood samples. I remain their point of contact throughout their participation for any questions or issues at may arise. I also assist with preparing the data collected for analysis and communicating results back to participants.

I love clinical research because:
I enjoy being involved in trialling a range of supplements that may provide a natural alternative to managing a wide variety of health conditions and improving general wellbeing. It is important that good quality data is collected to ensure that an accurate evidence base is established to support their effectiveness. I also enjoy meeting all our wonderful trial participants!

What is the main question I hear from trial participants?

‘I am taking some medications – will this make me ineligible for the study?’

It depends on the trial. Each trial has specific screening criteria around medical conditions and medications depending on the product being tested and the outcome measures being collected as part of the trial. One of our friendly trial coordinators will go through the trial information in detail to ensure you understand what is involved and that you are a suitable candidate. We are always happy to have a chat with anyone interested in any of our trials to determine if the trial would be a good fit for them.

Overactive Bladder Study 12/04/2022

Overactive Bladder Study Overactive Bladder Study NEW STUDY ANNOUNCEMENT Overactive Bladder Study Are you currently experiencing symptoms of Overactive Bladder, such as needing to go to the toilet urgently or frequently, or light bladder leakage? If so, you could help assess a new herbal product aimed at improving symptoms....



Our Exercise Physiologist, Rachael, who is usually found in our Exercise Studio putting our exercise study participants through their paces, or monitoring their progress, has put together 6 steps to help you get the most out of your running.

Did you know that almost 1 in 4 Australians participate regularly in jogging/running? Running is a fairly low-cost activity and it’s never too late to begin.


Before you can set a training program, have a think about what you want to achieve from your jogging/running? Once you know what you want to achieve, you'll be able to set a training program to suit.

• Run a local race or Park Run
• Make some time for yourself
• An obstacle course race
• Keep up with your children on the weekend
• Make new friends and social groups
• Simply keep fit

Keep a look out for the next step!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

RDC Clinical

RDC Clinical is the recruitment arm of RDC Global, a clinical research organisation within the industries of complimentary medicines, dietary supplements, foods and cosmetics.

At RDC we strongly believe in evidence based medicine. Our passion is researching innovative products that have the potential to offer a real benefit to the end-user.

While we are an Australian owned business located in Brisbane, our clients are located around Australia and from many countries around the world. Australia has a robust clinical trial framework with some of the world’s highest standards which make it an attractive destination for international sponsors seeking high-quality clinical trials.

All RDC Clinical Trials are conducted in compliance with the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines. All trials are additionally approved by a human ethics committee, which thoroughly examines all aspects of the trial’s design, protocol, and safety before the trial is given the approval to commence.

Videos (show all)

People participate in trials for a number of reasons; however, we have found the overwhelming reason is that people wish...



Level 3, 252 Street Pauls Terrace
Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 6:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 6:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 6:30am - 2:30pm

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