Lucy Arnott - Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy & Healing

Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy & Healing
Providing 1:1 wellness sessions & workshops. Zoom S Providing 1:1 wellness sessions & workshops.

Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy, Reiki & Bush Flower Essences. SKYPE Sessions available
Based in the Byron Bay Shire


‘Maiden to Mother, Esther traversed.

Two years deep and she’s still learning to Earth.
She’s a good hearted woman, morals and values high and strong.
The initiation calls inward from the heart,
‘Darling Esther this is where you belong’.

The dense cosmos and her ancestral lineage pour down from the skies,
she navigates the currents and sometimes she cries cries cries.

Though little by little she builds new worlds of healing.
For her babies, her partner and herself to be safe in feeling.
It’s good to be here, in this duality experience of light and dark,
A new dawn awaits, leading out from the night she sees a spark.

She says let us all be brave together,
let’s soften our true beautiful hearts,
and let us grow old warmly together,
a happy pack of old diddy farts.’

Musings — Cara Mariea Psychotherapy 04/08/2024

I just read the most beautiful article a Psychotherapist Cara put together on the topic of Rest. It felt like honey to my soul.
Let’s not rush, let’s learn to rest. Have a read.

“We use busyness as a wonderful, horrible distraction from life, pain, emotions, and things we don’t want to face. It’s a way to avoid learning to be with ourselves, and it’s sneaky because it’s a very socially acceptable addiction.”

― Caroline Dooner, Tired as F*ck

Musings — Cara Mariea Psychotherapy Cara Barnicoat 4/8/24 Cara Barnicoat 4/8/24 Rest Reflections A personal note on the importance of rest : Embracing the pace that nurtures our well-being. Read More S-RL STUDIO 12/3/19 S-RL STUDIO 12/3/19 Fellow Travellers In his book The Gift Of Therapy, Irvin Yalom explores the concept of therapist...


Hello Friends, clients and new old faces.

This is an update to let you know I’m offering more weekly spaces for Transpersonal Counselling and Art Therpay.

Wednesdays and Thursdays in Brunswick Heads and online.

I provide a space for you to talk and express, share challenges, emotional burdens or life transitions and support you in finding the inner tools to overcome and transform your outlook and situation. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. This is warm and gentle therapeutic space. My intention is always for you, above all else, to feel heard and to feel seen. I truly believe in the presence of another and the healing effect of feeling someone is ‘with us’. From here, there is great opportunity for change.

‘“You wander from room to room, Hunting for the diamond necklace, That is already around your neck!” — Rumi

Actually, all we need is right here. Sometimes we need to pause, share, reconfigure, readjust and shift to make the change. Timing can often seem off, though simultaneously everything that is showing up for you is the medicine. Sometimes tasty, sometimes yukky. Medicine is medicine. Can we trust the timing of ours lives and work ‘with’ what is available to us?

Please get in touch if you’d like to book a session.

🤍 Lucy


Beautiful representation.

Recognizing all those past selves 💛🤗💛



Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. Many of them have good intentions. Most are toxic to our being simply because their needs and way of existing in the world force us to compromise ourselves and our happiness. They aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people for us. And as hard as it is, we have to let them go. Life is hard enough without being around people who bring you down, and as much as you care, you can’t destroy yourself for the sake of someone else. You have to make your wellbeing a priority. Whether that means breaking up with someone you care about, loving a family member from a distance, letting go of a friend, or removing yourself from a situation that feels painful — you have every right to leave and create a safer space for yourself. ~Daniell Koepke

(Book: Daring to Take Up Space [ad]

(Art: Painting by Malcolm Liepke)

Byron Bay Art Therapy, Counselling & Healing 16/11/2023

Hello Brave people,

I would like to let you know I have some sessions still available for the rest of this month and the first two weeks of December, then I will be away for a xmas break. Currently Thursdays I have space for sessions. Perhaps you’re seeking some support or to integrate where life is taking you at this time, I am here and would love to help you navigate this space.

Working with me:

Transpersonal therapy sessions can look something like; debriefing and talking, mindfulness processes, voice dialogue, drawing or clay making. Our aim is to unpack and find meaning and clarity in your experience.

Session fees: $130 for 1hr or $180 for 1-1/2hr

NDIS Therapeutic Support session = $130ph (These sessions are often organised along side a support coordinator - please contact me to chat about options )
​I also offer discounted rates for those with financial limitations, please contact me and we will work something to suit.
To book a session, please follow the website link.

Keep your Head Up, Keep your Heart Strong,
With Love,

Byron Bay Art Therapy, Counselling & Healing Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy and Holistic Healing

Simple Horse Ceramics 11/10/2023

Hello everybody,

I have been creating some ceramics since Noa has come along. Small imperfect pieces, hand built during baby naps and fired in my kiln which is fully powered by solar energy.

I have put together a website to sell these wares. I will be adding pieces as I make them. All a very slow process, which is akin to the nature of my new life as a mother; a deep strong lesson and ultimately a potent blessing.

“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.”
– Bill Moyers

Lucy Xx

Simple Horse Ceramics Ceramics for your home and heart. Tools and vases for Tea Ceremony


Hello Everyone,

This Thursday we will be doing a process around how we value ourself. This will be done by creating a body map. Not to explore our physical body though more so our emotional and energetic bodies and how they tie in with our true selves.

If you feel to join, please do.

To prepare for Thursday please organise:

*Drawing crayons/pencils/pastels/paints of your choosing.

*Paper larger the better though small perfect also.

*A3 paper preferably

*Incense,candle, crystal or the likes to set the space and intention for you time.

*Comforting drink of tea or water.

*A private space for you uninterrupted.

We begin promptly at 6:30pm.

Again if you can arrive in silence, this is a beautiful opportunity to start slow and with intention for our time together.

If you'd like to come along, please grab your ticket via link below. See you tomorrow evening beauties,


Lucy xx


Hello Everyone,
It was lovely to be together last week and drop into ourselves and collect 'The pieces'. For those who joined, I hope this last week has had moments of remembering those pieces and how to hold them for yourself.

I'm touching base for this Thursdays session. We will be doing a Mandala Collage. Two beautiful Art Therapy and symbolic pieces to work with.

To prepare for Thursday please organise:

*Some magazines, newpapers or print outs for the session. Wether you have some things lying around, or you'd like to buy something new. You could print some images that speak to you or even grab some free magazines from the post office/newsagent. Or maybe even a friend you know has these things laying around

*Scissors and Glue

*A3 paper preferably

*Incense, candle, crystal or the likes to set the space and intention for you time.

*Comforting drink of tea or water.

*A private space for you uninterrupted.

We begin promptly at 6:30pm.

This time I'd like for everyone to arrive in SILENCE. So we can arrive, go quitely and really drop into our energy for stillness and of course, mindfullness.

If you would like to join this weeks session, click this link.
Very Much looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening, any questions please text me on 0416129616

Big Love,
Lucy xx

For tickets...


And I’m back!
Transpersonal counselling and Art therapy sessions are available in person in Brunswick Heads or online.
It’s lovely to be in this room again that has held me and so many others tenderly over the years.
I was a little unsure how I’d be feeling returning to my private practice after more than a year away on maternity leave. Though it’s like I was here just last week. The smell of Palo-Santo is also so welcoming, it seems to live in these walls from being cleansed here daily.

If you’d like to book a session, please book via my website



Hello Lovely People old and new,

Autumn feels a bit nice doesn’t it? I hope you’re enjoying the slower pace in the air and the season that welcomes letting go and quietening of oneself.
I have just returned from a very fulfilling month in Bali. Eating all the food, smelling all the incense, basking in all the daily offerings and ceremonies, having all the massages and surfing all the waves and enjoying family time. Lucky me.
My email to you is to let you know I am taking bookings to see clients again. In late May! I have moved my ‘returning to work’ goal posts a few times now, so I very much thank you for your patience. I haven’t been ready. In this new season of my life, I’m getting much better at honouring my energy and what I have available. Timing, it’s all timing. I enjoy relearning this all the time.

Down to business.
I will be taking only four - five clients a week to start with. I will be practicing in person again from Brunswick heads Pura Vida and online, on Thursdays mornings.

Start date will be 25th of May. You can book via my website below. You're welcome to email or text if you want to book that way.
There are many new and old clients that are interested in sessions, so if you are feeling the need for support soon, please book in as I feel spaces will fill quickly.
My fees have gone up a little also to reflect where I am at, where the world and where its costs are at. Student fees are still lower than the usual rate.
I look forward to connecting with you, seeing you again, meeting new faces and unraveling the inner landscapes that make our work together so important and true.

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”
-Vera Nazarian

Recap on Working with together:
Transpersonal Counselling & Art Therapy sessions:
These sessions can look something like; debriefing and talking, mindfulness processes, voice dialogue or drawing. Our aim is to unpack and find meaning and clarity in your experience. To feel more empowered in your life and within yourself.

Session fees: $130 for 1hr or $180 for 1-1/2hrs
Student fees: $110ph
NDIS Therapeutic Support session = $130ph
(These sessions are often organised along side a support coordinator - please contact me to chat about options )

Be well,



Lucy is a highly experienced Transpersonal Art Therapist and Transpersonal Counsellor. Yes she completed the double diploma in 2012.

Stepping out into the world, she set herself up in private practice first in Sydney, then in Perth and now in the Northern Rivers in beautiful Brunswick Heads.

Over the years, she has gained a broad range of experience working with people from all walks of life, including teenagers in hospital, women on retreat, CCM students and older people in aged care settings.

She has been a teacher of Transpersonal Art Therapy with the Ikon Institute and is currently the resident Art Therapist with The Sanctuary, a private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Byron Bay. That is, in addition to her thriving private practice where she offers in person and online sessions.

Lucy’s passion is to guide people as they grapple with anxiety, grief, depression, relationship challenges and spiritual crises.

By weaving the processes of art, meditation, counselling and voice dialogue, she helps individuals remember their potential and find their way to live an empowered and heart connected life.

Lucy is a speaker at our Pathways to Practice Conference on Day 2, Sunday 23rd October. She will be sharing her experiences around creating and growing a private practice. How to get ready and set yourself up, drawing on the wisdom and support of your guides and mentors, preparing yourself to come out of hiding and be visible. She says going into private practice is “an inside and outside job”, doing your inner work as well building your external identity.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to hear Lucy share her warmth and wisdom. Early bird tickets will finish on 1 October. Link in the bio.

Photos from Bara Koumarova - Rest to Create's post 17/06/2022

Check out this beautiful winters day mindfulness and well-being retreat in Bondi, hosted by two of my great friends. Will be a very nourishing day 🤍


Hello lovely people,

Letting you know this will be my last week of work for some months as I’m about to go on maternity leave. Bub is due middle of May. I’m not the biggest planner and like to let life unfold. So at this stage I don’t have an exact return date, though will keep everyone informed in advance as to when I’ll be available for sessions again.

Big love, journey well and see you soon.

Lucy Xx

Timeline photos 02/04/2022

The Laws of Detachment


It’s really easy to stay the same, to stick to what we know, to behave and unconsciously potter through our days on autopilot. To respond and relate to our people the way we always have. Possibly the way we’ve designed it from childhood. But it’s great to grow, it’s great to change. Because really things can get out-dated, we get stuck, we stop getting our needs met, we get anxious or stressed. Our relationships get odd.

Lately my edge is really finding my voice. Communicating my needs. Firstly finding my needs can be very challenging and uncomfortable; then communicating them is a whole other level. My nervous system doesn’t really understand it, the people pleaser in me says ‘this is a bit scary, keep everything cool man, you can manage it all’’. Although my wise my mind who wants the change and the calm whispers ‘it’s better on the other side, you and them can be more free if you want’.

‘Life is in the conversation’ I once heard at a seminar. And it’s so true. Conversations. Telling the truth. Being vulnerable. Having healthy boundaries. It’s worth it. And if it’s worth it for you, I promise it’s worth it for the other.

What are some things you can be more honest with yourself about this week that will free you?
Have a ponder. Nothing is permanent 🤍

Image quote -

Byron Bay Art Therapy, Counselling & Healing 31/08/2021

Hello Lovely People,

​ I hope this check in finds you in reasonably good spirits and you're all managing life well at this time. It certainly is a one day/one week at a time type experience for me and many others I know. As my Dad would to say to me as a little girl, "You're living in incredible times"...well now, now I'm living in incredible times Dad! Given the circumstances, I wanted to update you all on my current offerings of support.

Working with me:

Transpersonal Counselling & Art Therapy sessions:

During this lockdown period in NSW I'm offering most of my sessions online, though I am also seeing people in Brunswick Heads should this be your preference.
These sessions can look something like; debriefing and talking, mindfulness processes, voice dialogue or drawing. Our aim is to unpack and find meaning and clarity in your experience.

Session fees: $110 for 1hr or $160 for 1-1/2hrs

NDIS Therapeutic Support session = $110ph (These sessions are often organised along side a support coordinator - please contact me to chat about options )

​I also offer discounted rates for those with financial limitations, please contact me and we will work something to suit.

To book a session, please follow the website link below......

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Rescue Remedy - Calm & Clear - Sleep Essence - Boost Essence
I've updated my website and I am offering bush flower essences to help support us as we journey through this social, economic, physical and spiritually changing time.
You may have heard of Rescue Remedy. A great remedy to take whilst in crisis, shock, after a trauma or experiencing sudden grief. ​Flower essences are a complementary therapy derived from flowers and plants, generally but not exclusively Australian. ​The Bush Remedies give clarity to one's life and also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. They help to release negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allow for the positive virtues of ones higher self to emerge.

​I find they give me a greater perspective away from the 'stuff' I'm stuck in. Gives me a chance to unravel my emotions and thoughts and create different ways of empowering myself to make changes and integrate the current 'stuff' I'm working with.

To book a session or purchase an essence, please go to my website via link

Keep your Head Up, Keep your Heart Strong,

With Love,

Byron Bay Art Therapy, Counselling & Healing Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy and Holistic Healing


‘Should we only be interested to view the cherry blossoms at their peak, or the moon when it is full? To yearn for the moon when it is raining, or to be closed up in ones room, failing to notice the passing of Spring, is far more moving. Treetops just before they break into blossom, or gardens strewn with fallen flowers are just as worthy of notice. There is much to see in them. Is it any less wonderful to say, in the preface to a poem, that it was written on viewing the cherry blossoms just after they had peaked, or that something had prevented one from seeing them altogether, than to say "on seeing the cherry blossoms"? Of course not. Flowers fall and the moon sets, these are the cyclic things of the world, but still there are brutish people who say that there is nothing left worth seeing, and fail to appreciate.’

Kenkō Yoshida/吉田兼好

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A little about Lucy...

Transpersonal Counselling, Art Therapy and Healing
Providing 1:1 wellness sessions & workshops.
Online Sessions available
Based in the Byron Bay Shire

Lucy offers a holistic choice to mental health care. Specialising in the support of anxiety, depression, grief, relationship counselling, spiritual crisis and emergence.

She integrates Transpersonal Counselling, Art expression, meditative processes, dream work and voice dialogue to explore and work with people in a non-invasive, person centred way.

Consultations are available in person inBrunswick Heads and online. She also supports clients at The sanctuary, addiction and mental health treatment centre in Byron bay.

Lucy’s experience is broad and she enjoys working with people from all walks of life. Having worked with the Starlight Foundation in Hospitals in Sydney and Perth, facilitating creative program for teenagers. Spending time with mentoring program NASCA, supporting Aboriginal kids in remote communities in the NT, working to promote education, goal orientation and health, well-being and fun. She has worked extensively with Elderly as a community carer, group work with Carers, Corporate team building, Women in the Correctional Rehabilitation Centers, Children with Disabilities, Woman’s empowerment workshops, individuals in one on one settings and retreats. She has taught and been counsellor for the IKON Institute, supporting students throughout their Arts and Integrative Psychotherapy Studies.

She loves laughing, singing, surfing, painting, gardening, creating and lots of sunshine.

Lucy runs Art Therapy, Meditation workshops and retreats throughout the year. Please check back here for updates.

Discounts for students available.

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14a Park Street
Brunswick Heads, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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