
We've been helping people around the world with alkaline, hydrogen-rich water since 2000. We are based in Australia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada

Today AlkaWay is the leading source of internet-based information on alkaline diet and water alkalisers.



Ludacris posted a video of himself drinking water straight from an Alaskan glacier, freaking out fans who warned of bacteria and parasites. The rapper is doing fine and is excited to enjoy other natural tastes on his tour—like licking the Rockies and eating redwood bark.



Salmon will be able to swim in a section of the Klamath River along the California–Oregon border for the first time in over 100 years after crews tear down some rock dams. The move comes just in time for those aquatic freaks’ spawning season.


A new study out of Watts, a two-square-mile community in southern Los Angeles, has found its drinking water to contain widespread levels of lead considered toxic by federal standards, the Guardian reports.

Neighborhood leaders say that the findings are no surprise, and the result of decades-long municipal neglect for the primarily Black community’s water woes. For the study, the Better Watts Initiative collaborated with UCLA researchers to test faucets in apartment buildings, homes, and public housing developments — the latter of which most frequently registered lead levels above five parts-per-billion (ppb), the federal standard for the metal in bottled water.

A local legacy of industry — including recycling plants and steel mills — continues to affect Watts’s roughly 34,000 residents. In Nickerson Gardens, Los Angeles’s largest public housing development, levels in two samples exceeded 15 ppb. Residents in other developments have complained of corroded pipes; soil at the site of the Jordan Downs housing development, when it was redeveloped in 2011, registered lead at 22,000 ppb. And the local high school, which sits adjacent to a metal plant which “regularly sends shards of metals zooming over its fence on to the high school campus,” has been found to have lead-containing dust.

Residents also worry about the spread of lead through gasoline emissions. Watts lies within the intersections of several major freightways and industrial roads, a geography borne from historic redlining practices.

“A lot of residents drink nothing but bottled water,” Yirk Turner, a longtime Watts resident who no longer lives in the community, told the Guardian. “So, you know, the part-time job, the side job, all the money I make, I have to budget it so I’m able to get the water.”


Did we actually manage to save the whales?
After 80 years of managing global whale populations, the International Whaling Commission may have put itself out of a job. Thanks to its groundbreaking agreement for a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1985, the populations of many whale species are rebounding. 'By exiting with dignity, the IWC would set a powerful example for the international environmental community.' Nature


Customer always ask what is the difference between hydrogen bottles and why the price difference...check out our comparison video of 5 different hydrogen bottles to see the difference

You can purchase our bottle here


THANK YOU! (Tweet tweet)
Again, your orders this month generated enough left over to donate almost $2000 to Birdlife Australia!

Tattoos associated with a 21 per cent greater risk of lymphoma - new study - ET HealthWorld 28/08/2024

Good news... NOT.

Read more at:

Tattoos associated with a 21 per cent greater risk of lymphoma - new study - ET HealthWorld National Cancer Register: Tattoos are now a mainstream means to express identity or celebrate milestones in life. Yet we know very little about the long-term health effects. Hazardous chemicals in tattoo ink have received attention in Europe during the last ten years. In parallel, research has shown...

Which Hydrogen Water Bottle is the Best? | 5 bottles TESTED 26/08/2024

We have tested 5 hydrogen water bottles to see which one produces more hydrogen gas...and here is the verdict...

Which Hydrogen Water Bottle is the Best? | 5 bottles TESTED We have tested the hydrogen concentration of 5 bottles, using the H2 Blue Reagent, plus also checked the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) We have found th...

Danish data support fluoride being toxic to brain development 20/08/2024

Here's why the people at AlkaWay have designed the UltraStream go to such extreme lengths to remove fluoride.

Danish data support fluoride being toxic to brain development Even an apparently small amount of fluoride transferred from the mother during her pregnancy to the fetus can damage the fetal brain development.

The Hidden Danger in Your Tissue Box: Extremely Toxic PFAS Contamination Uncovered in 46% of Products 19/08/2024

Wow. Not a day passes without yet another exposer of the enormous infiltration of PFAs chemicals into our daily lives. Here's today's dose of bad news showing PFAS in - who'd have guesses ?_ tissues. I am so grateful for the opportunity to understand the need for a constant detox available only by constant and effective hydration with quality clean water.

The Hidden Danger in Your Tissue Box: Extremely Toxic PFAS Contamination Uncovered in 46% of Products () That soft, absorbent facial tissue you reach for when you have a cold or need to wipe away tears might be harboring a toxic secret. A recent study has uncovered the presence of PFAS "forever chemicals" in nearly half of popular facial tissue brands tested, raising alarming questions about the saf...


Do you wash your fruit and vegies?

New research reveals washing fruits may not be enough to remove pesticides.

This new study using advanced imaging technology has found that pesticides can pe*****te fruit skin and pulp even after washing.
This raises important questions about our current food safety practices. Here are the key takeaways:

• Researchers developed a highly sensitive detection method using silver nanoparticles

• They found pesticides on apples at low levels even after washing

• Pesticides were detected through the peel and into the outer fruit pulp

• Similar results were found on cucumbers, shrimp, and other foods
While pesticides play a crucial role in global food security, we need to be aware of potential health risks from chronic low-level exposure.

What can you do?

• Choose organic when possible, especially for the "Dirty Dozen"

• Peel conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables

• Consider using a fruit and vegetable wash

• Support regenerative farming practices that reduce pesticide use
Remember, a nutrient-dense diet is still one of the most powerful things you can do for your health. Don't let this deter you from eating plenty of produce - just be smart about your choices and preparation methods.

What are your thoughts on this study? Share in the comments!

The Heme Iron Debate: Separating Fact from Fiction - Chris Kresser 19/08/2024

AS we spend time on the net we can't help but realise that not every tried and true understanding about diet is the 'full story'. Every diet has its pros and cons and ultimately perhaps our diet is more a reflection of how we see our life than anything set in metabolic concrete.

Here's an example: the role of iron. A ne study says that read meat may give us too much iron and immediately a thoughtful post by Chris Kresser sows doubt in the result.

The Heme Iron Debate: Separating Fact from Fiction - Chris Kresser The Heme Iron Debate: Separating Fact from Fiction. Read more and find related Myths & Truths, Red Meat articles from Chris Kresser.


James William received his AlkaWay order. Here's his comment.

"Life-changing products and fantastic customer service! Thanks, Michael, especially."

Introducing the UltraStream from Alkaway 14/08/2024

Introducing the UltraStream from Alkaway The UltraStream filter from Alkaway can be purchased in 3 different configurations:1. Undersink single cannister installation with a Vented Faucet - https://...


Being on hand we hear many filtration stories from our clients. Even away from AlkaWay, still the stories come. A friend shared with me that even though he installed a locally procured water filter, the water he takes from it into his water bottle tastes weird. He asked me what this could be?

"Does your filter remove chloramines? I asked.
"Chloramines? Is that the same as chlorine?"

No. it's not. Chloramines are commonly now added to local water supplies as well as chlorine. Chlorine is OK to kill bugs but because is a gas, it leaves your water as soon as it is pured. Tt's why you can small chlorine in the shower. Chloramine is a chemical mix of ammonia and chlorine. It's advantage is a) it is cheaper than chlorine and b) it remains in the water after pouring.

So why is his water nasty?

Chloramine also reacts with organic materials in your water to produce Trihalomethanes, AKA disinfection byproducts. These are a new form of nasty, a carcinogen.

So I suggested h call his filter vendor and ask if his purchased filter actually removed chloramines. Some water filter vendors are very happy about out 'water ignorance' and don't even talk about things like microplastics, nitrates, PFAS ,heavy metals, and chloramines.

Your water filter person is someone you are going to be in relationship with for years. WE have 25 year old clients. They need to be willing to talk you through the hard questions and not just go for the quick profit of an easy sale.


"We are all absolutely convinced that water is crucial to life. But when it comes to the question of “Why?”, the majority of the scientific community will claim that water is only a solvent in which biochemical processes occur.

However, a small but steadily growing group of scientists does not agree with this worldview and believes that water is also an actor, deeply engaged in creating and steering the vast amount of biochemical processes taking place in every living cell."

Gery Pollet – Aquanta Research Lab (the role of water in living organisms)


Mechanical stress causes tourmaline crystals to emit electrical charge but interestingly, warm sunlight or cold water does the same thing, making them beneficial for polluted plants and microorganisms.
Sunlight activates tourmaline crystals and they go through intense negative-ion piezoelectricity and a pyroelectricity charge.
There are massive amounts of scientific studies, industrial applications and tests to utilize the unique electrical powers of Tourmaline crystals. Of course they want to figure out how to synthesize them but nobody has every succeeded at doing this yet - a testament to the incomprehensible power residing in Mother Nature.
They emit lifelong energy creation, and distribution in and around the crystals. They are basically free energy generators for lifetime!

Tourmaline is found in the AlkaWay UlytaStream.


Swap Bleach for Hypochlorous today! 👉


Water the essential nutrient


Debunking Alkaline Water - Episode 72 30/07/2024

Most of our clients already know our history. For our first twelve years we, along with the whole industry, believed that alkalized water was the beneficial element produced by our water ionizers.

We're in our 25th year of operation now and thanks to the help of some pretty amazing and brave people, we began to realize and research the true benefits of our water: dissolved molecular hydrogen.

My friend Tywon has given us the very best of explainer videos. This is his latest.

Debunking Alkaline Water - Episode 72 You've seen many athletes and celebrities drinking bottled alkaline water, but how did that f...


The Best Electrolyte Supplement You Can Buy in Australia! HERE IS WHY 👉

Did you know most of us are consuming too much sodium and not enough potassium?

Our bodies need the right balance, but not many products offer an ideal sodium/potassium ratio...

✔THIS PRODUCT does exactly that!🤸

Research shows that decreasing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, and help control blood pressure.👍

Additionally, studies reveal that almost everyone is consuming inadequate potassium.😥

✔Get the balance right with our electrolyte supplement and feel the difference!🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️

AlkaBalance Electrolytes 29/07/2024

BUY 2 Get 1 FREE 👉 *hurry, offer ends 31 August 2024!

AlkaBalance Electrolytes Comprehensive New Formulated AlkaWay Alkaline Booster. Helps you maintain an alkaline diet and boost your pH. Contains the Big Four essential alkaline minerals

Plastics.. And Yet Another Reason To Drink Enough Good Water! 26/07/2024

Plastics.. And Yet Another Reason To Drink Enough Good Water! Recent research from the University of Technology Sydney reveals alarming levels of nano and microplastic particles in human and bird respiratory systems. This study underscores the urgent need for strategies to mitigate exposure, emphasizing the importance of clean air and reduced plastic use for b...


All the details are on this page 👉


Fact: all H2 devices work. How well depends, basically, on how thoroughly your vendor has done their due diligence and checked out the engineering of your H2 device. Then split them into H2 gas delivery systems and H2 -in-water delivery systems. So when another company reports good results we know the same is happening with our H2 clients. Here is what I'm talking about. It's not our H2 gas system but as I said, as long as they consistently deliver the right amount of H2, they are all the same. You buy the dependability and experience of the vendor ultimately.

Tony G.,
"At age 61, I just came down with a severe bout with osteoarthritis. I was unable to walk or climb stairs. After 1 week of hydrogen treatments, my pain has been reduced by about 75%. I am planning on making these treatments a permanent way of life."

Zaakiya C.
"This machine has been a lifesaver for me. My heart rate was racing like crazy the other day and now my resting heart rate has gone from 110 to 80 within one day of being on the machine and now it’s dropping to the 70s.

When I take my glasses off while using the machine I see my vision clearing up. My skin is smoother and more taut! I know for a fact it’s boosting my metabolism because I sweat more easily during exercise now!

It gives me so much energy that I don’t have to sit and wait for my brain to boot up in the morning like an old outdated computer trying to load! In fact, there are so many old memories surfacing since using the machine because it’s restoring my memory! My digestion has also improved! I’m noticing a tremendous boost in my overall wellness! "


Zeolite makes up one of the 7 layers of filtration in our UltraStream filter

The Holographic Properties of Water 24/07/2024

John Stuart Reid from the CymaScope Institute says "Sound Structures Water" and it is measurable, what do you think?

The Holographic Properties of Water A short excerpt from an interview with John Stuart Reid in which he talks about the holographic properties of water. Filmed at the 2016 Water Conference, Sof...


“Honesty is not only the best policy; it is rare enough nowadays to make your pleasantly conspicuous”.

Testicular Plastics? 01/07/2024

Testicular Plastics? Recent research has uncovered microplastics in human testicles, raising critical concerns about male fertility. The study found these particles in every sample tested, suggesting potential interference with s***m production. Addressing plastic pollution is essential to safeguard future generations'....

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Videos (show all)

VIP Info for ANYONE considering purchase of a water ionizer. The link for complete info can be found below the videohttp...
Want to use a glass bottle with your hydrogen water? and ...
Yes! Out total donation~ with the help of every one of ou beautiful customers - almost $18,000 to Birdlife Australia!
Why don't we recommend 'pure' water?
Comprehensive report on the effects of alkaline water (free)
Anyone called on Leon lately? he's our customer support manager.




24 Brigantine Street
Byron Bay, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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