Be. Centred Byron Bay

Women's Health and Vaginas
Offering quality and professional naturopathic and osteopathic sessions

Photos from Be. Centred Byron Bay's post 31/07/2024

The Va**na Conversations have become quite the institution in Byron Bay, the great & powerful work of . A political act of celebrating & liberating women from a patriarchal existence and reclaiming all things vulva.⁠

It took 9 years to work out what to talk about, and to be honest, I had no idea still when I started rehearsals, the piece evolved and changed as I did trying to work out what I wanted to share... In the end, I knew I wanted to come from the standpoint of a victorious warrior woman who, like all warriors, has been through some strife, challenges, good times, and horrific times and no matter what made it to the other side stronger and more capable.⁠

Of course, my dark sense of humour has helped me every step of the way, even in acknowledging that it provides a safety net of protection of exposing all aspects of one's soul.⁠

Now to tell your story on stage is like asking people to come witness you birthing yourself through your own va**na; all the things you thought you had resolved or were at peace with may still have some edges that are sharp and uncomfortable... But 2024 just felt like the right time to heal and empower myself to the next level, after all, I am running a course called Women's Health and Va**nas... Girls got to walk her talk.⁠

The process of leaning into the edges of being honest and truly vulnerable as a woman, and telling my story of what it is to be birthed with a va**na was intense to say the least. Zenith described the process as a 'rite of passage.' I would add truly soul-expanding.⁠

This space thrived with the revealing of truths once kept secret, now released like an escaping helium balloon from social shame that historically keep women from speaking up, dividing us or controlling us to drowned in silence; making us question if there is something wrong with us or it's our fault bad things happen. These conversations reveal that we share more than we realise & that what we hesitate to bring to the surface is to be celebrated, not hidden or suppressed.⁠

Thanks for following your heart Zenith 🙏🏾 So much love xx

Photos from Be. Centred Byron Bay's post 23/07/2024

The Va**na Conversations have become quite the institution in Byron Bay, the great & powerful work of . A political act of celebrating & liberating women from a patriarchal existence and reclaiming all things vulva.⁠

It took 9 years to work out what to talk about, and to be honest, I had no idea still when I started rehearsals, the piece evolved and changed as I did trying to work out what I wanted to share... In the end, I knew I wanted to come from the standpoint of a victorious warrior woman who, like all warriors, has been through some strife, challenges, good times, and horrific times and no matter what made it to the other side stronger and more capable.⁠

Of course, my dark sense of humour has helped me every step of the way, even in acknowledging that it provides a safety net of protection of exposing all aspects of one's soul.⁠

Now to tell your story on stage is like asking people to come witness you birthing yourself through your own va**na; all the things you thought you had resolved or were at peace with may still have some edges that are sharp and uncomfortable... But 2023 just felt like the right time to heal and empower myself to the next level, after all, I am running a course called Women's Health and Va**nas... Girls got to walk her talk.⁠

The process of leaning into the edges of being honest and truly vulnerable as a woman, and telling my story of what it is to be birthed with a va**na was intense to say the least. Zenith described the process as a 'rite of passage.' I would add truly soul-expanding.⁠

This space thrived with the revealing of truths once kept secret, now released like an escaping helium balloon from social shame that historically keep women from speaking up, dividing us or controlling us to drowned in silence; making us question if there is something wrong with us or it's our fault bad things happen. These conversations reveal that we share more than we realise & that what we hesitate to bring to the surface is to be celebrated, not hidden or suppressed.


Thank you, Grace, for sharing your experience with the Whav method program. Your journey is truly inspiring and highlights the profound impact of holistic health approaches. Your insights provide valuable feedback for anyone considering this program. 🤗


Apologies for the potentially offensive photo, but have heard this comment so many times hopefully the visual got your attention so we can learn that a ''fishy'' smell nothing you should feel any shame around, it's just a microbial imbalance that you can take charge and rectify.

Smelling "fishy" is just one of may microbiome imbalances your va**na can have.

BV arises from a bacterial imbalance in the va**na, marked by a reduction in protective lactobacillus bacteria and an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria like Gardnerella, Fannyhessia (atopobium), Prevotella, Lactobacillus iners, Sneathia and BVAB, and many more potential culprits. This imbalance triggers specific inflammatory markers, often without pronounced symptoms like itching or swelling. Instead, there's usually a grey, gushy discharge and a fishy odour produced by the bacteria. Additionally, the va**nal pH tends to exceed 4.5.

BV can stem from various factors, including sexual activity (though it's not an STI), antibiotics, pH fluctuations, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors impacting immunity.

While antibiotics are commonly used for BV treatment, the challenge lies in its high relapse rate—around 60% experience recurrence within 6-12 months. Consequences of BV extend beyond discomfort, potentially increasing susceptibility to STIs, complicating pregnancy and fertility, fostering Candida overgrowth, and contributing to feelings of shame and stigma.

It's crucial to address BV comprehensively by supporting va**nal microbiome health and understanding its multifaceted influences. Let's empower ourselves with knowledge to navigate vulvova**nal health with confidence and understanding.


Here are a few things you can do when choosing items for your pantry.

1. Scan the ingredients list. Ingredients are listed from highest to lowest amounts- so the first few will make up the bulk of what's you're eating.

2. Avoid anything hard to pronounce. If it looks like it belongs in a science textbook, it doesn't belong in your body.

3. Stay away from long ingredient lists. If the ingredient list is a mile long, the food is ultra processed.

4. Focus on whole foods. They don't need an ingredients list, so there's less guesswork.

5. Opt for organic when possible. Organic is more nutritious and GMO-free. If going all organic is out of your budget, follow EWG’s Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 lists.

6. Choose whole grains. Refined grains like white rice are stripped of fiber and nutrients. So opt for whole grains like brown rice, wild rice, or quinoa instead.

7. Keep an eye out for added sugars. Added sugars hide under covert names -- and many products contain more than one form of sugar... any word ending with "ose" is a sugar of some sort. Always check labels and go for options that are sugar-free or low in sugar.

8. Look for BPA-free cans. BPA is a chemical that’s used as a lining in many canned goods. BPA disrupts hormones and increases the risk of certain types of cancers. When shopping for canned beans, coconut milk, or tomato sauce, choose BPA-free cans if possible.

9. Go with wild fish. Farm raised fish are fed processed foods and antibiotics and are high in heavy metals. So when buying canned tuna, salmon, or sardines, opt for wild fish.

10. Steer clear of plastic bottles marked 3, 6, 7, or 9. Plastics contain endocrine disrupting chemicals that can leach into your food and water. Plastics marked with these numbers tend to be the most harmful.


Complete Proteins

What is it + why it matters
Whether you’re thinking of going vegan, vegetarian, or want to practice Meatless Mondays, protein is likely on your mind.

Many people worry they won’t meet their protein mark if they go plant-based. That’s because many plant-based foods aren’t complete proteins.

Complete proteins are foods that contain all 9 essential amino acids, including:


Incomplete proteins are foods that are missing 1 or more essential amino acids.
Plant foods that fall into the “incomplete” protein category include:

Nuts & seeds
Beans & legumes
Certain whole grains, like rice, whole wheat, & oats

Luckily, you can build complete plant-based proteins by pairing complementary foods.

Whole Grains + Nuts/Seeds
Whole grain toast with almond butter
Oatmeal topped with pumpkin seeds
Energy balls made with oats and nut butter

Whole Grains + Beans/Legumes
Black beans and rice
Chili with rice crackers or whole wheat crackers
Overnight oats topped with peanut butter

Beans/Legumes + Nuts/Seeds
Hummus topped with sesame seeds
Lentil soup topped with walnuts
Green salad topped with chickpeas and sunflower seeds

Proteins that come from animals sources like fish, poultry, beef, pork, eggs, and dairy are all complete proteins.



In the battle of the bites, it's time for a showdown between mindful eating and its unruly cousin, mindless munching. 🥊🍴

Which are you?

First lets look at the differences

🍔 Hint you are a Mindless Eater? 🍔

🍟 Eating Past Full and Ignoring Body's Signals

🍕 Eating When Emotions Call all the Shots. Have you ever eaten because you are Sad? Bored? Lonely? It's a rollercoaster of cravings and feelings!

🍦 Solo Snacking is a real thing anytime, anywhere. This is where you generally eat alone, at odd hours, in peculiar places.

🍫 Emotionally Comforting Foods are common such as Ice cream for heartache, chips for solitude.

🍰 Eating and Multitasking is one I am guilty of often juggling a meal not giving my digestion the much needed attention to work out if i am actually hungry or to make good choice of what I shovel in?

🥗 So what are some cues you are a Mindful Eater 🥗

🥦 Stopping when full? Revolutionary right! Who knew our bodies had opinions on portion control and listening to your bodies signals rather than thinking you don't have to finish your plate.

🥬 Eating When Bodies Say you need some fuel. Do you respond to your Stomach growling? Energy being low?

🍋 Eating with others, at designated times and places.

🥑 You make Nutritionally Healthy Choices like Broccoli instead of chaos, quinoa instead of quandaries. Nutrient-rich choices for the win!

🥕 Just Eating and chewing, No Strings Attached when eating that's all you are doing, just eating. Revolutionary, right? No texting, tweeting, or telepathic communication—just a fork, a plate, and a moment of pure culinary focus.

🫑 Considering Food Origins I love the farmers markets so I can go from farm to fork as much as I can., Knowing where your food comes and how and who grows it brings so much more depth to each bite.

So, which side of the fork are you on? 😄🍔🥗

The mindful maestros or from the wild, wild west of mindless munching?

Or can see what causes you to swings you from one side to the other?

The choice is yours, but remember, every bite tells a tale! 🍽️🌟


Loved this walk for so many years

This was us training 2 weeks before to the Overland in Tasmania seems crazy that it was a couple months ago.


Now officially on the road travelling Australia for the next few years.

If you want me to let you know when I’m in neighbourhood send me a DM.


This lady will always find the best SCROGGIN spot...

Done a little,and when I say little I mean very little to try and work out what this acronym stands.

So far my best guess is Sultanas, Chocolate or Currents, Raisins and Other Goodies, Glucose, Imagination & Nuts.

What you favourite trail mix?


Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to the amazing women who fill our lives with love and joy! 🌷💕


🔬✨ Did you know? We're not alone in this human vessel! 🦠 Our bodies are bustling ecosystems with MORE bacterial cells than human cells. It's like having your own private microscopic entourage.⁠

🧠 Our microbiome is the real VIP in the equation! These tiny residents play a colossal role in our overall health and brain function. 🌐⁠

💡 The gut-brain axis is a bustling highway of communication between our gut microbiota and our brain. From mood swings to memory, these microbial maestros might just hold the key to unlocking the secrets of our mental well-being.⁠
know? We're not alone in this human vessel! 🦠 Our bodies are bustling ecosystems with MORE bacterial cells than human cells. It's like having your own private microscopic entourage.⁠

🧠 Our microbiome is the real VIP in the equation! These tiny residents play a colossal role in our overall health and brain function. 🌐⁠

💡 The gut-brain axis is a bustling highway of communication between our gut microbiota and our brain. From mood swings to memory, these microbial maestros might just hold the key to unlocking the secrets of our mental well-being.⁠

Our microbial army defends in more ways than help keep good brain health. ⁠

They're the unsung heroes influencing so many of our bodily systems.

🌿 They're the digestive wizards, breaking down complex compounds and ensuring a smooth ride for our food from start to finish.⁠

💪 Our microbiota are the sidekicks, training and supporting our immune cells to keep us in the game.⁠

😴 Believe it or not, the gut microbiome has a role in regulating sleep patterns. A happy gut might just be the secret to sweet dreams.⁠

🚀 Weight management, anyone? Microbiomes are in on that too, influencing how our bodies store and burn fat.⁠ ⁠

💆 Beyond the brain, they're linked to stress levels and mental well-being. A happy gut will help improve how we innately handle stress.⁠

Maybe it's the trillions of bacteria that are the real brains behind the operation! 🤯👩‍⚕️✨ ⁠ they may play a part to all those gut feelings that guides us in making the right choices. Just another reason to eat well and keep a healthy gut.


Not sure what I’ve just seen

But man my eyes are thinking something cheeky for sure 😂

If only I could remember 😂



Embarking on a journey to revitalise your body often leads you to the crossroads of questioning do I do a cleanse or a detox. Let's dissect the distinctions and unveil the unique aspects of each.⁠


Detox prioritises nourishing the body with foods that support the liver, a key player in the body's natural detoxification process.⁠

A detox plan ensures the intake of all necessary nutrients for both phases of liver detoxification, promoting comprehensive support.⁠

Detox plans focus on supporting digestion and elimination, optimising the body's natural processes for efficient detoxification.⁠

Detox isn't solely about shedding pounds quickly. It's more about setting up the body for lasting weight management through holistic well-being.⁠



Cleanses often centre around restricting food intake, emphasising quick fixes rather than sustainable nutrition.⁠

Cleanses may lean heavily on supplements and juices, sometimes neglecting the nourishing power of whole, real foods.⁠

Rapid weight loss can occur during a cleanse is common, but it's often followed by quick regain when regular eating patterns resume.⁠

Extreme calorie deficits during a cleanse can do more harm than good, disrupting metabolic balance and energy levels.⁠

In the cleanse vs. detox debate, your choice should align with your wellness goals. ⁠

If you seek a transformative journey that goes beyond quick fixes, embracing a detox may be the key to unlocking a healthier, more balanced you! ⁠✨🌱


Recently had a trip to Tasmania with 3 exceptional human beings and was blown away by nature in all fronts.

Please tell me what your favourite walk or multi day hike has been in Australia?



Dehydration can silently impact your body. Here are signs that it's time to up your water game:⁠

💧 Dark yellow or amber urine signals dehydration due to increased concentration.⁠

🏜️ Lack of hydration reflects on your skin, causing dryness easily noticed on your lips.⁠

😩 Dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines.⁠

🩸 Insufficient water hampers proper digestion and leads to constipation.⁠

😓 Feelings of fatigue, tiredness and sluggish can result.⁠

🧠 Water supports cognitive function; dehydration may lead to mental fog. Our brain after all is floating in Cerebral Spinal Fluid.⁠

🚽 Reduced bathroom trips or burning urine could indicate dehydration.⁠

🤕 Dehydration contributes to muscle cramps and stiffness.⁠

🤢 Insufficient water intake can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.⁠

💦 Sometimes, the body confuses thirst for hunger. Try 500ml of water before you stuff your face.⁠

💦 This can lead to dry eyes and, paradoxically, trigger excessive tearing as the eyes attempt to compensate for the dryness. ⁠

💦 When dehydrated, your skin may appear more dry, wrinkled, and aged. Staying well-hydrated helps to plump up skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and promote a more youthful complexion.⁠

Stay hydrated for optimal health! 💦


Life should be full of moments where you straddle a railing, laugh at the absurdity of rules and enjoy the simplicity of harmless rebellion.


The hat is dorky, so am I and so what!

Get out there an do the things that make you grow and smile.



Embarking on a low-sugar journey isn't just a dietary choice it's a transformative experience completely redefines your relationship with food.
It will affect and not limited to:
💡 Increase in clarity of Mind
🚀 Boosted Your Energy
🍏 Nourishing Your Body
🏋️‍♀️ Balanced Blood Sugar
👙 Help Weight Management
🍭 Liberation form Cravings
👁️ Enhanced Sensory Experience

Excess sugar can contribute to brain fog and cognitive decline.

Sugar crashes are real, leaving you fatigued and sluggish. Lowering sugar intake stabilises energy levels, providing sustained vitality throughout the day.

You're not just reducing sugar; you're increasing the intake of nutrient-dense foods full ofd vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants vital for optimal health.

Fluctuating blood sugar levels contribute to mood swings and irritability taking you away from emotional balance and stable moods.

Excess sugar is obviously linked to weight gain. By preventing unnecessary calorie intake and fostering mindful eating you will automatically shed kegs.

Sugar cravings can be relentless. Breaking the cycle will free you from the constant desire for sweet treats.

Your taste buds will wake up from being numbed out by sugar and you will rediscover the joy of savouring diverse flavours, fostering a deeper appreciation for the nuances in every bite.

A low-sugar lifestyle isn't about deprivation; it's about reclaiming vitality, embracing vitality, and savouring the fullness of life! ✨🌿


Who else like a cold plunges?⁠ Would love one today 30 plus degrees already and 8.30am this morning now 35!!

If so what has been your coldest temp and for how long?⁠

❄️🔥I love both the physiology effects of the Cold Plunge & Saunas ⁠

They of course are opposite in nature or should I say temperatures but they do share common ground in regulating the nervous system. 🧠💫⁠

❄️ Cold Plunge Water Therapy 🌊⁠

❄️ Causes Vasoconstriction as the cold stimulates blood vessels to constrict, redirecting blood to vital organs. Upon exiting we have vasodilation where our vessels dilate, enhancing overall circulation.⁠

❄️ Cold exposure prompts the release of norepinephrine, heightening alertness and focus.⁠

❄️ Triggered endorphin release, promoting mood elevation and pain relief. ⁠

🔥 Saunas 🔥⁠

🔥 Heat from saunas help vasodilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.⁠

🔥Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs): Elevated temperatures induce HSP production, aiding cell repair and resilience.⁠

🔥 Saunas, like cold therapy, prompt the release of endorphins, fostering a sense of well-being. ⁠

🔥 ❄️ Common Nervous System Benefits ❄️ 🔥 ⁠

🔥 ❄️ Both therapies contribute to balancing the autonomic nervous system, fostering resilience to stress.⁠

🔥 ❄️ The relaxation induced by these therapies promotes better sleep patterns.⁠

🔥 ❄️ Enhanced blood flow and neuro-chemical responses boost cognitive function. 🌟🧠⁠

Embrace the dual magic of cold and heat and elevate your nervous system health! 🌊🔥 ⁠

Or pick a season appropriate therapy that suits you the most. ⁠

Cause who doesn't like to cool down in summer or heat up in winter!!


🧡🌈🥦 Health is not just a physical thing relating to treadmills & veggies, but the holistic, all-encompassing wellness that goes beyond the surface.

🧙‍♀️ As your friendly neighbourhood naturopathic hippy doc, here's a prescription for a rounded well-being 👩‍⚕️

🧠 A healthy mind matters . Your thoughts, beliefs & a mental state play a pivotal role in the health narrative. Cultivate positivity, practice mindfulness & lets your mind be a sanctuary of resilience.

😌💖 Emotions are like the heartbeat of your well-being. Nurture emotional intelligence, express yourself, & surround yourself with positive vibes. We are designed to give with out emotions.

🗣️🌈 Your words matter & are like vitamins that you can have excess or depletion. Speak kindness to yourself & others. Positive affirmations & uplifting language can be potent healers. Let your words be a source of encouragement & love.

Nutrition Beyond Calories: 🥦🧡 Food isn't just fuel; it's information for your cells. Opt for a rainbow on your plate, nourish your body with wholesome goodness, & let nutrition be the cornerstone of your vitality.

Move with Joy: 🕺💃 Exercise isn't punishment; it's a celebration of what your body can do. Find joy in movement – whether it's dancing, walking, or yoga. Let exercise be a symphony of joy for your body & soul.

Restful Rejuvenation: 😴🌙 Quality sleep is the secret sauce for wellness. Prioritise rest, create a soothing bedtime routine, & let your body a& mind rejuvenate during those precious hours of slumber.

Connectivity Counts: 🤝❤️ Humans are social beings. Cultivate meaningful connections, foster relationships, & let the support of loved ones be a tonic for your soul.

Purposeful Living: 🌟🔍 Find your purpose. What ignites your passion? What gives your life meaning? A life with purpose is a life that thrives.

Remember, health isn't a checklist; it's a symphony of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony. Your well-being is a masterpiece, and every note – every thought, every emotion, every action – contributes to the grand composition. Here's to your holistic health journey! 🌈💪


If there is a water hole it's unlikely I wont jump in no matter what the season.

Anyone else?


🌙🔬 Creating Better Sleep Habits 🌙🔬⁠

Let's look at the physiological wonders behind cultivating better sleep. 🚀⁠

⏰ Your body's internal clock, the circadian rhythm, craves consistency. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day synchronises this & enhancing the quality of your sleep.⁠

A consistent sleep schedule regulates hormone release, promoting a seamless transition between wakefulness and rest.⁠

🌌 Transform your bedroom into a haven of tranquility. A quiet, dark, and relaxing space at an optimal temperature sets the stage for restful slumber. This helps triggers the release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, promoting a deep and rejuvenating rest.⁠

📵 Get rid of distractions, all electronic devices need to be banned from the bedroom. The glow from TVs, computers, and smartphones disrupts melatonin production, & our internal cue for bedtime. ReducIng exposure to artificial light helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, facilitating a smoother descent into the arms of Morpheus.⁠

🍽️ Large meals close to sleep time, caffeine after lunch and nightcaps all stimulants interfere with digestion and sleep cycles.⁠

🏋️‍♀️ Regular exercise promotes a sense of well-being and eases the transition into sleep.⁠
Physical exertion contributes to the release of endorphins, the body's natural stress-busters, paving the way for a serene sleep experience.⁠

🧠 These lifestyle tweaks aren't just bedtime rituals; they're scientifically-backed interventions that harmonise your body's intricate mechanisms for a restorative night's sleep. Sweet dreams, 🌌📚


Choline plays a crucial role in hormonal health as it envied in various physiological processes

In liver function choline is essential for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a major component of cell membranes & lipoproteins. It’s also a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in liver function. Proper liver function is vital for hormone metabolism & detoxification.

Choline support oestrogen metabolism a key hormone in both men and women. It helps facilitate the conversion of oestrogen into less active forms, which can help maintain hormonal balance and reduce the risk of oestrogen-related health issues.

It plays a key role in methylation. Choline is a methyl donor, meaning it contributes methyl groups for various biochemical reactions, including DNA methylation. Methylation plays a crucial role in gene expression and hormone regulation. Proper methylation is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and overall health.

For a girl with poor compliance I endeavour to take this to help with my capacity to concentrate, choline is a precursor to acetylcholine therefore supports neurotransmitter synthesis and signalling. Neurotransmitters play a role in mood regulation, focus, stress response, and hormone secretion.

Adequate choline intake during pregnancy is critical for fetal brain development, as it contributes to the formation of cell membranes and supports neural tube closure.

By supporting these processes, choline plays a vital role in maintaining hormonal health and overall well-being.

Sources of Choline include.

Whole pasture raised eggs are the champion here, particularly the yolk. One large egg ~ 147 milligrams (mg) of choline.

Liver, especially beef liver, is exceptionally high in choline. 100-gram serving of beef liver ~ 418 mg.

Salmon and other fatty fish 100-~ 62 of choline.

Chicken breast meat 100-gram ~ 65 mg.

Beef 100-gram ~ 65 mg.

Pork is also a good source of choline 100-gram ~ 58 mg.

Tofu and other soy products 100-gram ~ 47 mg

Brussels sprouts 1 one-cup ~ 63 mg.

Broccoli 1 one-cup serving of ~ 63 mg of choline.

Quinoa 1 cup ~ 43 mg.

All of these are easy to add into a standard healthy balanced diet.


It’s been an ENORMOUS 2 weeks!!

Having had my house broken into while I laid in bed, my car, wallet, medicine items and phone stolen. (They found my car and it’s contents besides my phone, now I’m just waiting for new bank cards to start the insurance process! Such a pain!)

Performed 4 beautifully successful shows for the Va**na Conversations.

I’m amongst a few other big emotionally upheavelling. I know it’s not a word but as a dyslexic I make them up all the time and that one feel accurate for the discombobulation that has occurred to inner self.

What I remembered is stress is stress and it has the same physiological impact on your nervous system if there is an overload of it.

This is just a reminder if you are feeling overwhelmed have a good cry to release cortisol, get your eyes on the horizon to open you mind up to see a different perspective.

Do what ever brings you back into your body I have to count so that it stops the billion thoughts (I think that a neurodivergent thing) swim in water, meditate, get cuddles from the people who can help regulate your nervous system.

💕what’s your best way to balance your system?💕


🍌🥦 Here is a few things you can try to increase the amount of fibre in your diet. 🍌🥦 ⁠

🥕 Double the vegetables with every meal. ⁠

🥕 Incorporate a fruit and veggie smoothie into your day. ⁠

🥕 Focus on whole foods (as they are in nature) rather than refined food products from a box.⁠

🥕 Add avocados to your meals. Not only are avocados rich in heart-healthy fats, but they are also high in fiber. One medium-sized avocado has about 10 grams of fiber.⁠

🥕 Incorporate small seeds, like chia, flax, or h**p, into your day. These seeds may be small in size but they’re mighty in nutritional power, providing you with heart-healthy fats and protein in addition to plenty of fiber.⁠

🥕 You seriously can’t go wrong adding more veggies to your diet. Non-starchy vegetables, like leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower, provide both fiber and volume for little calories.⁠

🥕 Jump-start your day. Yes, you can have veggies with your breakfast! Think veggie omelette, smoothie with spinach and berries, or avocado toast. ⁠

🥕 Swap out refined breads, pastas, and crackers for whole sprouted grains. Think quinoa, brown rice, nuts, and seeds. If you must have bread, they have sprouted whole grain options! ⁠

🥕 Opt for the side of fruit. If you are picking up lunch from a restaurant, see if they can substitute either a side salad or cup of fruit instead of the chips or starchy side. ⁠

🥕 Include legumes and beans in your meals! These are high in fiber and filling. ⁠

🥕 Snack right. Whole fruits, vegetables, hummus, and nuts are high-fiber snacks.


Nothing like a bit of wind to enliven the spirits and make you appreciate a good balaclava!!⁠

110km gusts of wind, made it challenging to stay on course, but hey I’ve done some crazy things that have taken me off course before.


⚠️🌙Melatonin : A Cautionary Tale ⚠️🌙⁠

Melatonin, often hailed as a sleep saviour, deserves a closer look. While our bodies orchestrate melatonin production naturally in response to darkness, opting for melatonin pills necessitates caution and a nuanced understanding.⁠

🔄🛌 Our bodies dance to the natural rhythm of melatonin production in response to darkness. Relying extensively on melatonin supplements might disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to reduced natural melatonin production and a dependency on external sources.⁠

🌌🤯 Melatonin wears two hats – sleep inducer and stress regulator. It’s not solely a ticket to dreamland; it also wields influence over stress responses. The drowsiness induced by melatonin comes at the cost of restricting blood flow, an aspect crucial to be aware of.⁠

💊🔄 Depending solely on melatonin supplements could potentially create a reliance on external aid for sleep. The goal is not to replace the body’s natural mechanisms but too harmonise with them.⁠

🤕🌑 Melatonin isn’t without its shadowy side. Users might encounter headaches and nausea, casting a dim light on its seemingly luminous sleep-enhancing reputation.⁠

🧪⚠️ Approach melatonin with a discerning eye. Consider its application within your broader sleep strategy, and explore alternative methods that align with your body’s natural inclinations.⁠

🎶🛌 The realm of sleep solutions is vast. Embrace a holistic approach that includes lifestyle adjustments, sleep hygiene, and mindful practices. ⁠

In the melatonin maze, tread thoughtfully. Understand its dual role, weigh the potential side effects, and consider its place within your broader sleep strategy. ⁠

Melatonin, like any tool, is most effective when used judiciously. Sweet dreams await when approached with awareness and a holistic view of sleep wellness. 🌠💤

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Thank you, Grace, for sharing your experience with the Whav method program. Your journey is truly inspiring and highligh...
Just a tiny snipped of the functional training that is included in the WHAV Method.
I have been contemplating now for a while to produce educational material for men as I have a gift I have been told many...
Be. Salon & Spa



32 Belongil Crescent
Byron Bay, NSW

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
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M e r a k : a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures. My specialties lie in holistic remedial, deep tissue & relaxat...
Byron Bay

Welcome to HealthEarth: The Home of Human Optimisation! We've cultivated a selection of products to support your healthful journey towards living a supercharged lifestyle aligned ...

Amenti Amenti
Byron Bay

Tribal Gatherings for the Primal

H**p Farmacy CBD H**p Farmacy CBD
Byron Bay

The Most Trusted CBD Extracts 🌎 We’re Here to Help 🤝 Free Shipping on Orders Over 99€ 🇪🇺🇬🇧

Jenni - Bodywork and Healing Jenni - Bodywork and Healing
6 Ti Tree Place
Byron Bay, 2481

Nourish yourself in held space, where you open to receive the medicine of massage.

Keto Excel Gummies Australia Keto Excel Gummies Australia

Let's Keto Gummies are Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies manufactured from plants and other natural.

Mello Botanics Mello Botanics
Byron Bay, 2481

All-natural topical muscle and joint balm.

Kova Wellness Kova Wellness
Byron Bay

•Kova Wellness is launching soon in Byron Bay•

H** H**
Byron Bay

H**p Farmacy is an online, direct-to consumer CBD store. Specialising in GMP certified, CO2 extracted, organic CBD oils.

Violet SUN Tarot Violet SUN Tarot
Byron Bay

1 Giant Mind 1 Giant Mind
Byron Bay

1 Giant Mind has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world learn how to meditate.