Yoga Trinity

Comprehensive Training and Experiential Education in Yoga, Pilates, Thai Yoga Massage, and Mind Body Movement.

Internationally registered yoga teaching school offering Yoga Teacher Training and Post Graduate Training in Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, and more in Australia and online around the world. Inclusive, accessible, heart-centered training welcoming students and teachers from all backgrounds, of all abilities.


Last Chance to Join Us for Yoga Teacher Training in Canberra! 🌟

Hello Canberra! Yoga Teacher Training begins Sep 7, and we can't wait to get started and begin this great yoga adventure with you!

There's still time to join us for an immersive and enriching experience that will deepen your practice and empower you to become a registered yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance, Yoga Australia, AUSactive)

Join us for a blend of face-to-face weekend sessions and online study, offering flexible options to accommodate your schedule.

Choose from introductory, graduate, and postgraduate yoga teacher training study options, curated to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of our students.

Training Options include:

💙 100-Hour Vinyasa Flow Fundamentals: Lay the groundwork for your yoga journey with a solid foundation in yoga practice and philosophy.
🩵 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: Begin your professional teaching journey with an accessible and affordable training option.
💚 350-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: Dive into a comprehensive training to become a confident, skillful, and inspiring yoga teacher.
💜 150-Hour Postgraduate Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training: Take your teaching to the next level with specialized postgraduate training in Vinyasa Flow.
🧡 300-Hour Postgraduate Multidisciplinary Yoga Teacher Training: Expand your horizons with a multidisciplinary approach to yoga teaching, integrating various styles and philosophies.

Don't miss this opportunity to inspire others and make a meaningful impact through yoga.

Secure your spot today and begin a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation!

For more information and to enroll, visit
🗨️DM for more details
🗨️Comment ‘more info’ below

Let's flow together towards a brighter, more connected future!

Yoga with Sare Canberra Yoga Space


You just can't take your eyes off zucchinis for a second! Is this a lesson in mindfulness, or did I just plant too many zuccs?


Inclusion in yoga means making space for all voices, all bodies, and all experiences on the mat 💚

Do you feel included in yoga spaces?

What makes yoga spaces more inclusive?

How are you making yoga more inclusive?


Back at it today because, just like with yoga, I'm doing things badly until I do them well.


Minnie! It took so much energy to get on here today and move, and this is how you 'support' me?


Yoga is for every body, every ability.

Wherever you begin, your journey is your own.


Look, I have no data on this (someone must?), but I'm convinced that you can at least triple the amount of delight in your life just by growing a few veggies


📢 New Dates Gawler/Adelaide! We are so excited to tell you about our next Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga & Wellbeing Gawler

This blended in-person + online program begins Feb 7, but you can register anytime to begin your online practice, studies, and ongoing coaching.

Choose from introductory, graduate, and postgraduate training options.

Reg. Yoga Australia, Yoga Alliance, AUSactive

Dates to note:

📅Free Chat & Chai meet & greet session Nov 29
📅Early Bird Savings Dec 13
📅Face-to-Face training begins Feb 7

Learn more at or DM/comment below for a full info pack.

Trish Cufone


Want to go deeper than a yoga class, but not sure you want to teach?

Dip a toe into some deeper yoga explorations with our 100-hour Vinyasa Flow Fundamentals.

Combining in-person and online practice, studies, and ongoing coaching.

-learn about yoga philosophy and ethics
-explore pose-by-pose studies
-learn how to make yoga accessible and beneficial for your unique body
-create community and connection with other yogis and like-minded folks

CANBERRA program begins Sep 7

8 weekend sessions + online self paced study

Learn more at
DM or comment below for a full info pack


It's international cat day! Perhaps we should all have a nap in the sun, take a biiiggg stretch, and then just generally be ungovernable.


📽️ New Video/Blog! Questioning Yoga: Bridging Ancient Traditions and Modern Innovations

Today I share a short video essay exploring my journey in beginning to question yoga and the intersection between ancient yoga traditions and modern innovations. I share a bit of my own personal journey, from my early days in Sivananda and Ashtanga yoga to my evolution as a teacher and lifelong student.

I explore:
-The dogmatic teachings I encountered and how they shaped my initial practice.
-The pivotal moments that led me to question long-held beliefs and practices in yoga.
-The importance of critical thinking and questioning in the pursuit of truth within yoga.
-How understanding the modern evolution of yoga has empowered me to innovate and adapt my teaching.

Key Themes:
-Question the teachings, the teachers, and even your own beliefs.
-Embrace the quest for truth, understanding that yoga is a living, evolving practice.
-Balance respect for ancient traditions with the flexibility to innovate and adapt for modern needs.

Join the Conversation:
Have you ever questioned your yoga practice or teachings? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below. Let's create a community where inquiry and innovation are celebrated!

Find the video/transcript on the BLOG at or visit our YouTube channel (all links in the bio)


Upcoming Canberra Yoga Trainings:
Sep 7 - Yoga Teacher Training Begins! Join us for introductory, graduate, or postgraduate yoga teacher training. Blending the best of in-person + online education and experience.

Nov 9 - Accessibility in Yoga. Learn how to make your yoga classes more accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all.

Nov 10 - Yang to Yin Yoga. Learn how to blend Yang & Yin Yoga to enjoy the benefits and energies of both styles.

Learn more or register at
comment below or DM for a full info pack.

Canberra Yoga Space Yoga with Sare


📽️New BLOG / VIDEO: Sharing Readings or Quotes in a Yoga Class
You've likely attended a yoga class where the teacher shares a quote, reading, or poem that deeply resonates with you, creating an environment of introspection and creative contemplation that enhances your experience of yoga.

Readings can set a meaningful tone for the class, offering students something inspiring to carry with them throughout their day.

In our newest video/Blog we talk about how to share readings in a safe, accessible, and inclusive manner that invites students to deeply connect, fosters a sense of ritual, and creates a gateway of inspiration into and out of their practice.

In this discussion, we talk about
• how to share readings
• accessibility, inclusion, risk management
• tips for sharing a reading that resonates
• how to find readings
• common topics
• then, I share a few yoga class themes with quotes and readings.

Watch the video on our YouTube channel or find the video, transcript notes, and sample readings on the BLOG at

All links can be found in the bio


New on the Blog: 8 Tips for Returning to Yoga and Fitness, What's Coming Up in Canberra and Adelaide, and more -


To all the haters out there who thought 6 zucchini plants was too much for 2 people, just know that I thrive on proving you all wrong!

Zucchini cheddar muffin slab from and zucchini corn muffins from I can't remember.
Both are 😋

Photos from Yoga Trinity's post 29/07/2024

Plant project complete! We've gotten all the plants toxic to cats up out of the way so we can keep our plants and keep little Minnie safe.
Gave myself a sticker for getting this done so fast (and the husband, who did most of the work while I 'supervised' 😂

Photos from Yoga Trinity's post 27/07/2024

8 Tips for Returning to Fitness and Yoga
I’ve mentioned in a few videos recently that I’ve had a tough stretch for a while on the personal and health front and my movement and yoga practices have been steadily declining.

In fact for the past few months, it’s been almost nonexistent.

I’m returning to movement now and, honestly, it’s a challenge.

But I’m lucky that after almost 3 decades in the movement and coaching field I’ve got lots of tools and strategies that will help me to return to fitness.

I’ve put together a few movement and mindset tips that are helping me get back into the groove, and I hope if you, too, are returning or getting ready to return to movement yourself after a period of illness, injury, holidays etc. you find some of these strategies useful:

1) Save your energy
2) Take a step back
3) Make it enjoyable
4) Take advice and take care
5) Pay attention
6) Take small bites
7) Embrace Today
8) Be Your Own Coach

Find the full piece on the BLOG at

I hope you found these tips useful, and if you have other tips that have worked for you when returning to fitness or yoga, we’d love to hear them share your ideas below and join the conversation.


Introducing Minnie 🩷
The past few weeks have been really sad since we lost our dog Bob, and the house feels quite empty without someone running around ruling our lives. So we opened our hearts and our home to this little lady.
Her full name is Minimum Chips - she's joining an Aussie family after all, and I reckon it maximizes the nicknaming potential.
I've already spent money I don't have to buy her a deluxe cat cave (she deserves it!), plus shelves to put all the houseplants out of reach (why are ALL my plants toxic?)
No apologies for the kitty spam over the coming weeks, I just want to share this small but mighty joy in my life with you all.


Zucchini season begins! These are double chocolate zucchini muffins 😋

Photos from Yoga Trinity's post 21/07/2024

5 Tips for a Regular Meditation Practice

If you find meditation or relaxation a challenge, here are 5 strategies to make meditation a more regular practice so you can reap all the benefits!

1) let go of perfect - find moments for awareness, rest, or relaxation
2) distractions happen - just keep coming back
3) experiment - there are many ways to meditation, find a method that works for you
4) be patient - it takes time to strengthen your meditation 'muscles'
5) keep track - try to log your practice in some way, it's really motivating

I hope you find this useful, and perhaps inspires you to try a meditation or relaxation technique today.

Find some free guided practices on our YouTube or download free from the SHOP at

Want to learn more or teach meditation? Check out our online training program at


New Video + Blog! The Bus Stop Method: inclusive cueing strategies for yoga teachers.

This week we talk about the Bus Stop Method, which is a cueing method and teaching strategy for yoga teachers to ensure that their classes are inclusive, accessible, and offer a diverse range of pose options for everyone in the class.

This is particularly a great technique for those all-levels yoga classes where you can have such a spectrum of students, from first time yoga students to experienced participants who come to your class every week.

The Bus Stop Method allows you to provide instruction to meet everyone’s needs, without overwhelming students with information or filling every space with talking.

Watch the video or read the post on the BLOG at or visit our YouTube channel and watch/listen on the go!


🎓Please join me in congratulating Anastasia Cariotis on completing her 200-hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training.

Here’s a little of what she has to say about her yoga teaching journey (so far!)

“I have LOVED getting outside of my comfort zone and (surprisingly) found myself not wanting to sprint towards the finish line for a change. I enjoyed taking my time with the learning modules and almost didn’t want the program to end!

As a practising gym instructor, this program has helped me to refine my teaching skills, refreshed my knowledge of functional anatomy and coaching cues to effectively facilitate classes. I am so happy to be able to add Yoga to my toolbox.

Some of the modules require deep introspection and the ability to face oneself - examining our own patterns, beliefs and how we relate to the world. It’s been a beautiful (and deeply personal) journey and I feel I have grown immensely throughout the process.”

It’s been such a genuine pleasure to share this course with you and see how much wisdom and knowledge and enthusiasm for yoga that you have to share with your students.

All of us in the are celebrating your achievement today and will be cheering you on as you flow on in your yoga teaching journey!


Don't miss our Canberra Yoga Teacher Training Early Bird Jul 20. Save up to $500 on:

💙200-hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training
🩵350-hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training
💜500-hour Multidisciplinary Yoga Teacher Training
💚150 to 300-hour Postgraduate Yoga Teacher Training

Get all the details on our upcoming Canberra programs at
🗨️DM for more details
🗨️Comment below to receive a full info pack

Yoga with Sare Canberra Yoga Space


Join me and Trish Cufone in congratulating Cathy Chapple on completing her 350-hour Yoga Teacher Training!

Cathy didn't have much to say about her plans moving forward except that she is really looking forward to all of the discovery that is yet to come with her teaching journey!

I, however, have much to say about how much I have enjoyed studying with Cathy. Her curiosity and sincerity in exploring herself as well as her yoga teaching studies has been amazing to witness. And her students will certainly appreciate her invitational approach to teaching, the soft and safe space she creates for practice, and the kindness and wisdom she brings to all that she does.

Cathy, congratulations on this great achievement. All of us in the are celebrating you today and cheering you on as you flow on into this next chapter of your yoga story.

Yoga & Wellbeing Gawler


First cucs of the season! We haven't been giving the garden as much attention as we usually do (nor as much as it deserves), but these lovely little plants produce for us nonetheless.


Todays WFH brunch 😋 There are so many benefits to working from home, but high on my list is being able to eat home cooked meals.


Calming a Busy Brain
I have a really busy brain, and when I first started yoga, the relaxation at the end, Savasana, was the hardest part of the practice for me.

Over the past few decades, I have learned to more deeply relax through yoga, breathwork, and meditation, and have benefited so much from these practices.

What helped my busy brain the most was, rather than sitting or lying in silence, giving my brain a little job to do – following a guided relaxation, breathwork instructions, or visualization.

That’s why guided relaxation and Yoga Nidra-style practices were, and are still, my go-to practices when I’m feeling scattered or restless or stressed. And they remain part of my regular practice so that I can ride through the ups and downs of life with a bit more equanimity.

When I began teaching these practices, I experimented with a lot of styles, techniques, and strategies. Those that felt most accessible, inclusive, and beneficial I kept in my teaching toolbox, and eventually I put together a stack of techniques that could be taught on their own, or woven together into a longer, more integrated practice.

This toolbox is Mind Body Meditation, and I’ve been teaching this program as an online professional development course for over 6 years. Many people have taken this course to share in their teaching or coaching practice, including yoga and Pilates teachers, fitness professionals, and coaches of all types.

The course has now been upgraded to a 30-hour program, with more opportunities to develop your teaching skills, easy ways to sequence your own creative meditation flows, and provide safe, accessible, and highly beneficial meditation practices in your own teaching.

Want to add some Mind Body Meditation to your practice? Try some free techniques on YouTube or download free from the SHOP at

Want to become a Mind Body Meditation teacher, or learn to add meditation to your existing yoga, Pilates, fitness, or coaching practice?

Learn more about Mind Body Meditation course at and earn 30 CEU/CPDs with Yoga Alliance or Yoga Australia.


Share a hot cup of chai and some warming yoga goodness this Saturday in Canberra!

Join us for a free YTT Chat & Chai session at Canberra Yoga Space for an opportunity for those interested in yoga teacher training to gather information and connect with like-minded people.

Location: Canberra Yoga Space, Phillip, ACT

Date and Time: Sat Jul 6 11:00-12:00

Info: Associate Trainer Sarah Nuttridge will be hosting the session, providing insights into the upcoming Yoga Teacher Training program. She will explain the different training options, such as introductory, graduate, and postgraduate study options.

Explore: Learn about the eight limbs of yoga, which are a foundational aspect of yoga philosophy and practice.

Q&A: Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the training process, clarify any doubts, and discuss their personal goals and intentions for yoga teacher training.

Meet Fellow Participants: Meet some like minded folks who share a passion for yoga. All are welcome, including yogis who have already registered for the course, yogis interested in joining us for training this year, or those just testing the yoga training waters!

And of course…

Enjoy a Chai: Enjoy a relaxing cup of chai in a cozy space with some lovely folks!

Learn more at

Learn more & RSVP at
🗨️DM for more details
🗨️Comment below to receive a full info pack

Canberra Yoga Space Yoga with Sare


I tried meditation and it was hard!
This is one of the most common responses I get when I speak about meditation and relaxation practices.

I get it, meditation is a challenge. It requires learning, patience, and regular practice.

But often that’s not the challenge that keeps people from meditating regularly. The challenge is what we expect meditation to be vs what it is.

Meditation feels hard because we have this idea that our minds should be empty. Complete stillness. When, in reality, meditation is the practice of following the meditation guidance, getting distracted, seeing that we are distracted, and returning to meditation. With practice, you get distracted less, and return with more ease.

That’s it. That’s the secret to meditation.

After 25 years of practice, here’s what my meditation practice looks like:
• Sit/lie down, begin a relaxation technique
• Get distracted
• Oh no! I’m distracted
• Come back to the technique
• Repeat.

It might not look pretty, but it works. Celebrate every moment of stillness and ease, rather than fighting against your own brain.

Meditation isn't about emptying your mind. It's about:
1. Focusing on your breath, your body, or a guided practice.
2. Noticing when your mind wanders.
3. Gently returning your focus.

Want to learn more? Visit the BLOG at for a new post on 5 tips for beginning (or returning to) an easeful, accessible meditation practice.

Wishing you all sweet and cozy meditations today 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏽


Finding Ease in Meditation: Tips for Beginning a Meditation Practice -

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

About Yoga Trinity

Yoga Trinity is an internationally registered yoga school that offers comprehensive and inspiring education in Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, and Thai Yoga Massage in Australia, Canada, and online around the world. With a mission to bridge the gap between traditional yoga teachings and modern movement science, Yoga Trinity shares their Teacher Trainings, Workshops, and Continuing Education programs with a focus on supporting mind-body movement professionals from all backgrounds with the tools and experience to become become safe, confident, and skillful instructors.

Our Journey

Since 2006 Yoga Trinity has been offering successful yoga teacher training programs throughout Australia and Canada, and continues to support over 900 yoga teachers worldwide in their studies, practice, and teaching.

With a deep respect for traditional yoga philosophy and a passion for exploring modern movement science, Yoga Trinity programs aim to explore a functional, adaptable, and accessible approach to mind-body movement and meditation that serve the modern-day practitioner.

Videos (show all)

I'm obviously very handy with the pressure washer. All that dirt is off the patio. It's just on me now 😳
Imagine yoga is a recipe handed down with love, but not obligation. You don't have to stick rigidly to the old recipe, y...
Yoga is not about blind submission to teachers or teachings - it's a journey of inquiry and personal discovery. Embrace ...
2 new videos/blogs this week that I hope are helpful to your yoga practice and teaching: 1) Sharing Readings & Quotes in...
Returning to fitness with #nojudgement
These days, my  yoga is all about finding ease, gentleness, and tenderness. I'm looking to develop a relationship with m...
How do you bring play into your yoga practice?#teachingyoga #yogateacher #yogacoach
We want to hear your thoughts on the benefits and rewards of having/being a yoga teacher over 50. Please share your thou...
Yoga and Body Awareness; Teaching Yoga as an experience of embodimentAs yoga teachers, one of the things we are helping ...
Understanding the Nocebo Effect in Teaching Yoga  You’ve heard of the placebo effect; the nocebo effect is the opposite....
Change the 'no pain no gain' paradigm in your yoga classes to Have pain? No gain.  Create a culture of free communicatio...
Consider the culture and mindset you are creating in your class.  Participants will come to class with their own history...




1 Kirinari Street, Bruce
Canberra, ACT

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Change Yoga & Wellness Change Yoga & Wellness
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Yogic Vidhi Yogic Vidhi

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Antidote Dru Yoga Antidote Dru Yoga
In The Park Behind Carleton St Shops. Cnr Carleton St & Boddington Crescent
Canberra, 2902

The perfect antidote to mental and physical stress for bendy and non-bendy bodies!

Original Hot Yoga - Kambah Original Hot Yoga - Kambah
3 Haskett Place

Bikram Original Hot Yoga Book now -

Change Yoga & Wellness Change Yoga & Wellness
Unit 6, 26 Francis Forde Boulevard, Forde
Canberra, 2914

Beautiful and warm Yoga and Wellness studio located in Forde.

Bud Chapple Exercise Physiology Bud Chapple Exercise Physiology
2 Robertson Street
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Bud Chapple is a Pilates based Exercise Physiologist located in Curtin ACT. Specialising in Pain Management, Rehabilitation, Children/Teenagers, Knee and Hip Pain, Arthritis, Low M...

Wild Studio Canberra Wild Studio Canberra
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Amanda Robinson Yoga Amanda Robinson Yoga

Personal & Corporate Yoga Teacher Vinyasa Flow & Chair Yoga Canberra