Nutrition Parlour

Dietitian & nutritionist specialising in binge eating, disordered eating and ADHD

Nina here, Dietitian and ex-binge eater

I offer 1:1 virtual support packages to help you...
- Stop binge eating & live guilt free
- Feel confident & in charge with food
- Swap body hate for kindness

Get on the waitlist for the Food, Body & Mindset revolution package

You can learn more about me and the program here

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 15/11/2023

Which one sounds like you? 🙈
I used to be SO MEAN to myself before I knew I had ADHD.

Now that I know my brain better I’ve learned beating myself up just makes things worse.

Turns out I (and my clients) respond much better to compassion, permission, and solution focused thinking.

My BFaB participants loved these reframe examples in todays group coaching call. I hope you do too! 🫶

BLACK FRIDAY SALE for the Jan BFaB group is now on until the 24th of Nov!

What you get
• $450 discount
• bonus 1:1 session
• ADHD recipe book
• binge free snack guide

Only 3 spots left!!

DM me with ‘black Friday’ for more info

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 24/10/2023

What’s your go to fun snack? LMK👇

Choosing balanced snacks that ALSO give you busy hands or lots of sensory input is a win win for ADHDers 🙌

In my “ADHDers guide to binge free snacking” I have 2 whole pages of ADHD friendly snack inspo 🙌

I also explain why smart snacking is so important for ADHDers, especially if they feel out of control with food.

I would love to share it with you for free ☺️ just comment or DM me with ‘ADHD SNACKS’ and it’s yours!

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 23/10/2023

What are your thoughts on this?👇

I’ve dedicated my whole live to nutrition and the only time I was able to stick to consistent meal prepping was when I hyperfixated on healthy eating so hard I developed an E@t!ng D!s0rder so 🤷‍♀️

I’ve come to learn that the only consistency in my life is inconsistency… and I’m OK with that!


It can be tempting to tell yourself ‘other people have it worse’ and dismiss your own struggles in life.

Or to even feel ashamed that your anxiety about the current state of the world or sadness for others in pain is making things harder for you.

However, I need you to know that no matter what is happening in the world, your struggles are still valid and you are not selfish for needing support ❤️

Look after yourself xx

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 08/10/2023

Which one is you? 😂 tell me your ADHD math 👇

✨ So excited to start the Binge Free & Beyond program this Tuesday (Oct 10th) 🙌 I have room for one more. DM me if you’re still thinking about it ☺️ ✨

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 20/09/2023

Did you get BINGO? This is for you 👇

BFaB October program starts in 2 weeks and helps with all this and more!

My tried and tested 3 phase method goes BEYOND just food to get your ADHD brain to actually DO THE THING do you stop feeling out of control with eating.

You get 12 weeks of step by step guidance with weekly modules, live coaching, accountability and community support check ins, plus heaps of resources to get you the transformation you need!

Get REALISTIC support from an ADHDer who’s been there!! In cas e you don’t know my story I’m an ex binge eater, now a dietitian 🫶

Register your interest by September 25th to get $250 off!

DM me ‘BINGO’ for more info or click my link in bio 🫶

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 18/09/2023

Wana know something super nerdy and interesting? (To me anyway 🤓)

You can literally see, with actual brain scans, that there are similarities in the brains of people who binge eat and those who have ADHD 🤯

Specifically with
🍬 reward processing
🙊 response inhibition (impulsivity)
🎭 emotional processing and regulation.

Which, by the way, is super relevant to how we behave around food.

What else is kinda cool is the specific differences within the similarities too


Kids with ADHD seem to get less of a kick out of ANTICIPATING a reward but have MORE of a kick out of GETTING the reward compared to the kids without ADHD

Now this is prob a bit different for adults but I’ve deffs seen this theme with my BFaB clients.

I plan to unpack how specifically in my stories week (so excited 🤩)

I would LOVE to know your thoughts or if you think that feels true for you in the comments 🤓

The study
Trigger warning, weight stigma.
doi: 10.1017/S1092852915000383

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 06/09/2023

10 DAYS LEFT to receive the biggest discount for the October program! Apply now!

I know how scary it is to reach out for support. I know you think you arn’t capable of change or arn’t worth the investment, but you are!

How much time have you wasted trying to figure it out alone?

I’ve been where you are and can help you start 2024 with a whole new relationship with food!

💫 DM me with “group” for the link to apply, or go to the link in my bio

> Prices go up September 16
> Spots are limited and all applicants are thoroughly screened for eligibility.


Introducing my new name and why I called my bizz ‘the Parlour’ 👇

Hi ☺️👋
I’m Mrs. Nina Lavina Verwey, but I will go by Nina LaVina in my bizz

I’m a dietitian with ADHD, and the proud owner of Nutrition Parlour.

These are the 3 main reasons I consider my bizz a Parlour 👇

1️⃣ A Parlour is a place for receiving guests into your home - originating from the French word ‘Parlur’ meaning place for speaking. 🗣️

2️⃣ A beauty Parlour is a place you go for self care and to be pampered with undivided attention, just like you are in a session with me💆‍♀️

3. An Ice-Cream Parlour serves my favourite food! Ice-cream played a pivitol role in my binge origin AND recovery story.

Do you get it now?

I also wanted to let you know some exciting changes are coming soon so stay tuned!

Hope to see you in the Parlour one day!

With love and care,
Nina xx

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 04/08/2023

Swipe right to discover how you can turn this into a reality ❤️

Now accepting applications for the September BFAB program.

Apply via my link in bio or DM me for more info.

No one should suffer alone like I did

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 25/07/2023

Choosing binge recovery over diets IS choosing health, regardless of your body size. Period.

Every body deserves food freedom.

B FAB program, stop binge eating & start nourishing your body without diets. Dm me to find out how I can help

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 19/07/2023

Save these 5 simple activities that use the hunger/fullness scale to help stop feeling out of control with food👇

Reflect on how your food/shopping choices differ depending on what number you are on the scale. Notice if you do show signs of this with other food decisions throughout the day

Familiarise yourself with this scale &
Create your own personalised detailed descriptions for each.

Hunger # 2 examples
thinking of food I can eat NOW, stomach starting to grumble, can’t focus on work, feeling irritated & hunger too urgent to cook.

Fullness #8 examples
Satisfied, need to unbutton pants, definitely could have stopped sooner but not uncomfortable.

Think of situations that coincide with each number then reflect on how to stay in the sweet spot. eg you may feel 1 at dinner, then overeat and feel 9 after so you decide to add in an afternoon snack.

Reflect on how a caveman would behave at each number, considering the purpose of the behaviour for survival and impact of appetite hormones and blood sugar (read my ghrelin and leptin posts)

Experiment with different meal combos and volumes to see what keeps you satisfied longest. Check in with yourself every 30 mins or so and keep a note of your findings to compare meals.

Experiment with trying to always eat at a 3 and stop at a 7. Adjust your eating schedule accordingly. This will take practice... taking notes may help.

These are just 5 of many practical ways I use this scale to help my clients overcome stop feeling out of control with food.

Which one sounds most interesting to you?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
adapted from the workbook by

**Overcoming binge eating is often more complex than simply understanding your appetite and involves much deeper work and investigation.

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 18/07/2023

Save this quiz for next time you’re not quite sure if it was a binge or not.

I hope this helps clarify some things!

Let me know if you have any thought or questions.

P.s now is the time to book a free strategy session with me if you want to join the program in July/august.

A strategy session is like a mini assessment with me. We figure out what your main challenges are, how you could resolve them, and if my program can help ❤️

Book via my link in bio or DM me

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 10/07/2023

When I first met Dylan he was this smooth charismatic tough guy with a goofy side. I was captivated by his big dimpled smile, the way his laugh explodes out of him, and all his hilarious and bizarre stories.

I love his fun facts and dad jokes, and how he goes to great lengths to make the people in his life feel cared for and special.

His confidence is so contagious and with the help of his unconditional and non judgemental acceptance of all the weird and wonderful parts of me, he taught me how to love myself… even the parts that never felt loveable ❤️

You’re my favourite person, the love of my life, and simply the best!

I loved spending yesterday celebrating your birthday with a Disney movie marathon ❤️

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 16/06/2023

Save this for the next time you feel bad for overeating ❤️ [guided reflection inside 👇]

Ok, so you’ve eaten more than you wanted & you’re feeling pretty bad about it.

Maybe your body doesn’t feel so good right now. Maybe you feel yuck, bloated, and sore.

Notice which sensations are from emotions versus food. Try not to mix them up.

Remind yourself that this feeling won’t last forever.

The bully in your brain is so loud right now. Don’t believe in what it’s saying!

Remember: your thoughts are not facts.

I know it’s hard but beating yourself up isn’t going to do you any good. Can you try some compassion?

Put your hand on your chest and say to yourself ❤️”this feels awful, and I deserve kindness in my moment of suffering” ❤️ try imagine what you would say to a friend.

Your body deserves care even when you’re upset with yourself.
Can you do something to sooth your tummy and soul?

Take some deep breaths to sooth yourself before you reflect on what happened. This is now a no judgment zone. 🙅‍♀️

👉What lead to this happening?
👉What purpose was this food trying to serve?
👉How else could you achieve that purpose?
👉What skills or knowledge is missing to answer these questions objectively or to do things differently?

Finally, it’s time to forgive yourself and let it go.

You’re human.
You’re learning.
You’re not alone.

I hope this helps ❤️❤️
- Nina xx

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 14/06/2023

Meme therapy for your hump day because if you don’t laugh you just might cry 🥲✌️

Which one‘s your fave?

✨ P.S 1 more EOFY bonus spot left in the BINGE FREE & BEYOND program. 1:1 virtual support with me (a dietitian) to help you feeling out of control with food and start nourishing your body without diets ❤️ DM me for more info. ✨

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 12/06/2023

Save me if you raid the pantry straight after work! I will provide more detail about the WHY and the HOW of each point in the comments. Just ask ☺️

If you’re an ex after work pantry raider feel free to share what helped you stop in the comments 👇

P.S there are 2 EOFY sale spots left in June! Get 1:1 support and be binge free by Christmas!

DM me to find out more or book a free call via my link in bio

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 07/06/2023

You want to know the truth? 👇 [reflective exercise inside]

The actual binging isn’t the worst part of struggling with food.

When I speak with someone during their free strategy session with me I always ask a variation of this question…

“if I waved a magic want and healed your relationship with food/body… what would be different?”

The funny thing is that almost everyone forgets to say ‘I would no longer be binging’ even if that’s why they spoke to me. 🤔

Instead they start to highlight ALL THE OTHER SUFFERING that comes with food/body struggles.

😮‍💨 a constant bully in your brain
😓feeling sick, full and sluggish
🫥 the guilt & shame spirals
😬 anxiety with every food decision
😭 hundreds of failed diets
💔 isolating & avoiding friends
🫣 ruined intimacy & sexy time
😔 feeling alone, misunderstood & defeated.

These are the things they say would be gone.

These are the things that truly matter. ❤️

So take a moment to reflect on that question for yourself. Can you be brave and share your thoughts in the comments? (Or anonymously in my DMs) 👇

Now sadly I don’t have a magic wand 🪄 but I do have an amazing formula to help you achieve this without one!

My name is Nina & I’ve been there too. Now that I’m healed I use my experience and dietetic training to help womxn all over the world do the heal too ❤️

If you are having a hard time with food you don’t need to suffer alone. You deserve support ❤️

It’s really scary to reach out, but I promise it’s worth it!

You can book in to meet me for free via my link in bio or you can DM me xx

P.S I have 2 EOFY bonus spots in the program lefts in June. DM me to find out more.

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 05/04/2023

[bonus tip inside 👇] How often has 1 row of chocolate turned into much much more ?😬😬

It’s a scary time of year for some chocolate lovers. I used to feel so anxious knowing I would overdo it and feel sick 😫 do you worry too?

These tips help me feel in charge with my favourite foods so I can enjoy the simple and delicious pleasures in life without fear!

I hope they help you too 😌

✨ Bonus tip ✨
Don’t share your chocolate stash with anyone or you will race to eat it all before they do 🤭🤭 FOMO eating is a serious issue in this house.

Which tip stood out the most?

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 03/04/2023

[story time]👇 A few weeks post Easter I visited a friend & was shocked to find her room FULL of chocolate bunnies!

How the heck had she not eaten them already!? 😵‍💫

After weeks of gorging myself on chocolate (& feeling horribly guilty for it) I decided to start a diet… & sitting in that room was TORTURE.

It made me feel broken, doomed to never be able to control myself around chocolate. 🫠

But I was wrong.

When I stopped treating chocolate like this naughty thing I couldn’t trust myself with… 😈

… & stopped trying to avoid it by eating random ‘healthy’ things until I finally caved 🤦‍♀️

Chocolate stopped having so much power over me!

Now I’m able to honour my cravings and enjoy a sensible yet satisfying amount of chocolate whenever I feel like it 💁‍♀️

I know you probably believe that YOU are somehow more broken than anyone else, the exception to the rule and incapable of normal eating with chocolate…

But I promise you’re not that special 😝

You too can one day enjoy chocolate mindfully without the guilt… you just might need a little help to get there.

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 31/03/2023

Part 2: swipe to see my thoughts about GPT’s advice to overcome emotional eating.

Did you find its tips helpful? Would love to hear your thoughts!

If you would prefer to heal your emotional eating with support instead of using generic online resources, I can help ❤️

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 29/03/2023

Are you a normal eater? Swipe to see - Emotional eater edition.

By the way... realising you’re just eating chocolate because you’re sad... and choosing to allow that and enjoy the chocolate is normal too 😉 just not EVERY time you’re sad.

Did anything surprise you?

Check out my emotional eating guide a few posts back if you need some help...

Or book in for 1:1 support via my link in bio

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 29/03/2023

Are you normal? Swipe to see if you need some work - Emotional eater edition.

By the way... realising you’re just eating chocolate because you’re sad... and choosing to allow that and enjoy the chocolate is normal too 😉 just not EVERY time you’re sad.

Did anything surprise you?

Check out my emotional eating guide a few posts back if you need some help...

Or book in for 1:1 support via my link in bio

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 28/03/2023

Emotional eating is a hard beast to tame 😮‍💨 but I promise with the right tools it’s possible!

Last week in stories, I explained in detail how I help my client stop emotional eating using a step by step tool.

Let me know in the comments which of these interests you the most so I can show you more of these tools and how to use them👇

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 20/03/2023

I really wanted to put this in the ‘who cares’ basket but I keep seeing a lot of aggressive posts about how harmful Gwyneths ‘wellness’ routine is…

…but also, she is only human. And if she IS struggling with her relationship with food & health then let’s be a little more compassionate.

I too was once convinced all of my extreme behaviours were in the pursuit of health. Surely some of you can relate?

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 02/12/2022

SAVE ME FOR WHEN YOU NEED IT… Explanation of how it leads to binging in the caption 👇 examples of how to do it in the slides 👉

Most of my clients spend their lives in a state of complete nervous system dysregulation - often this can look like being 'go go go" all day long then CRASHING into a complete zombie when you get home. Your body then tries to regulate itself with food eg in the form of stress snacking or a full blown binge. Regulating your nervous system is a MUST for binge recovery.

So many binge eaters struggle with the bully in their brain. The constant berating and name calling is DRAINING, completely unhelpful and makes binging worse. Zooming out and reflecting with compassion instead of judgement is a powerful tool to stop binge eating. Here's how...

1. Recognize your vulnerabilities (stress, hunger etc)
2. Validate your struggle
3. Say a compassionate statement
4. Choose an act of kindness
5. Brainstorm solutions to your vulnerabilities

When I first ask my clients "what were the unmet needs that led to this binge?" I'm met with a blank stare. They either have no idea what their needs are, or feel completely guilty or selfish for having any! The problem is that if you don't know what your needs are, you can't meet them...and if you don't meet your needs your body will find it's own way of doing it... hello binge eating, doom scrolling, revenge procrastination, explosive arguments, shutting down.

Let me know if this led to some light bulb 💡 moments for you.

Need support with your binge eating?
I can help with 1:1 support
Only 3 spots left for Jan 2023
Link in bio or DM me for more info
Book a FREE strategy session to join

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 25/11/2022

Save me & take what you need to survive this festive season. Let me know which ones stood out for you ❤️

& if you’re worried that they will get upset by your boundary or from calling them out for inappropriate comments remind yourself…

1. I’m not responsible for someone’s emotional response to my boundary

2. If someone is offended by my boundary that is a reflection of their immaturity, not a sign that my boundary is wrong

And if you plan to go down the fiery side…

3. Them feeling bad /uncomfortable for getting called out for their comments is a natural consequence to their behaviour. Maybe next time they will think twice before making inappropriate comments.

I know this time of year can be hard when you’re struggling with food and body ❤️ you’re not alone.

✨ P.s on Dec 9th the January program bonus will run out and the binge free & beyond program returns to full price. Register your interest now via my link in bio if you don’t want to miss out!

Photos from Nutrition Parlour's post 29/10/2022

Sometimes you gotta laugh just so you don’t cry 🥲 these super relatable memes are the ones Dylan sent to show he gets me and my target audience (memes are his love language). I reckon he nailed it don’t you?

P.s if you can relate this is your sign to work on your relationship with food.

Like it’s kinda funny…

But it’s also kinda not.

It’s time to help support ❤️

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

The frustrating part of figuring out your binge triggers👇Realising how many things trigger you, even things that make no...
In an ideal world binge eating disorder treatment would involve a TEAM of specialists including a GP, therapist and diet...



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