Real Fitness Coach

Supporting women, mamas and babies - holistic nutrition, womens health, + female specific training


Not surprisingly

A new study claims not a single baby or toddler food sold in Australian supermarkets meets international guidelines for health and promotion set by the World Health Organization.




The Birth Sling was created by Australian Osteopath Dr Jess Michaels and is a new take on an ancient birthing tool designed to support women to remain upright and active during labour and delivery, which can significantly decrease the risk of interventions including c-section.

Affordable, easy to use and install (no need to drill holes in walls or the roof, all you need is a door that can be securely closed), portable and safe.

Feel supported as you intuitively find positions that work for you and your baby during labour and birth. -





Parenting is hard. Parents have to choose their battles. Here are 8 fights worth picking with your kids:

The Reading Fight:
Make your kids read. Because reading is tied to everything from cognitive development to the ability to focus. Make your kids read now.

The Outside Fight:
Make your kids go outside. The natural world teaches us things. Plus, outside there's sunshine, fresh air, and exercise waiting for them. Most importantly, nature is full of things in short supply in our world: Discovery, wonder, peace, joy.

The Work Fight:
Make your kids work. I’m saddened by how many parents don’t require their kids to lift a finger at home. There are priceless life principles you can only learn with a mop in your hand. Let sweat be their teacher.

The Meal Fight:
Make your kids eat as a family. Our lives are a blur of incessant activity. Meals together are a physical pause to recover a truth so easily sacrificed at the altar of busyness. Nothing's more important than family.

The Boredom Fight:
Make your kids live with boredom. Don't show a DVD on each car ride. Kids need unscheduled time. And, odd as it sounds, boredom is a skill. It's hard as a parent to deal with the assault of boredom complaints. But if you give in and fill up their time with external stimuli, you'll raise an activity addict. Make them learn how to be.

The "Me First" Fight:
Make your kids go last. Not every time for everything. But enough to remember that the world doesn't revolve around them. Take the smallest piece. Give up the remote. Do someone else's chores. Get their least favorite choice. They won't like it, but they need it.

The Awkward Conversation Fight:
Make your kids have uncomfortable conversations with you. S*x, dating, body image, values...Your kids will roll their eyes and resist. You will stumble and stutter. They need and want your perspective, lessons learned, and wisdom.

The Limitation Fight:
Learning to live within limits is a valuable life skill. In fact, many adult problems arise from an inability to accept them. Screen time limits, dietary limits, activity limits, and schedule limits are all good.

As a parent, you have to pick your battles. They're not easy, but they're worth the fight.

*Copied from David Morris on Twitter
***Photography by Rebekah Melancon


“Can I come to see your baby?”
Words that caused my heart to sink
For, of course I want to see you,
But I’m weary and I stink.

It’s been days since I got dressed
and there’s chaos everywhere.
Dirty dishes overflowing,
and there’s breast milk in my hair.

I’m really in survival mode.
I can’t tell the nights from days.
My life has been uprooted
in oh so many ways.

My head feels like exploding
and I’m trying to just BE.
Yes, I’ve gained this new addition,
but I’ve lost a piece of ME.

A new love has engulfed me
and transformed my every being:
A love that, all at once,
is so constricting, and so freeing.

So, please, dear ones, I ask of you
to just give me some time
to navigate this new terrain
that’s really so sublime.

And, soon, I’ll have you visit:
I can’t wait for you to meet.
But, right now all I can manage
is to feed, sleep, and repeat.

Maria Tempany (Therhymingone)
Image by -

🍂🍁 For support in your gentle parenting journey, pick up a copy of our gorgeous autumn issue which is out now!. Grab your copy from supermarkets throughout NZ and newsagents throughout Australia! To find your local stockist, or to subscribe, visit 🍂🍁

World-first study links birth interventions and long-term childhood illness 22/04/2022


World-first study links birth interventions and long-term childhood illness A team of leading international researchers has discovered significant links between medical interventions used in the birthing process – such as caesarean section and induction – and a child’s long-term health.

Three things I wish every woman knew about pregnancy and birth knowledge - Dr Sara Wickham 26/11/2021

Three things I wish every woman knew about pregnancy and birth knowledge - Dr Sara Wickham Sara Wickham shares her thoughts on birth knowledge, women's wisdom and what she wishes she could tell everyone about these topics...


It’s good to be back!

Lots of sore necks, backs, knees amsd shoulders today before the class after months and months of lockdown sitting. Afterwards, smiles all around and juicy limbs and muscles! Movement heals!

Ettalong: thursdays
930am group fitness
1020 Pilates

Dm if you’d like to come along!


Have you been training for years but never really got results?
Maybe you’ve been on the dieting yo-yo bandwagon and you struggle to manage your weight?
Are you pregnant, post baby or peri menopausal & don’t know where to find a trainer who “gets it”?.

Well real fitness coaching is about clearing up all the conflicting information regarding women’s health and fitness. Learn all the tips and tricks for a strong healthy body both inside and out.

New classes:
Tuesdays + Thursdays
Umina Beach (dm for info)
930 core
1020 fitness (strength, power, cardio)

See you there!

Coronavirus Antibodies Found In Breast Milk 10 Months After The Infection, According To New Research 29/09/2021

Coronavirus Antibodies Found In Breast Milk 10 Months After The Infection, According To New Research According to a recent study, the breast milk of people who have had COVID-19 may contain virus-neutralizing antibodies for up to 10 months. If babies are to feed on this milk over this period then they may get the benefits of being protected too.


🔎🧠If you look at the brain and map out where it feels each body part(known as the homunculus), the ge****ls and the feet are right next to each other 👣

Sometimes the brain gets confused as to where the signal is coming from, so a message from the ge****ls creates a pain sensation in the feet 😬 This is known as "smudging", and it means that you can feel foot pain because of something happening in your pelvis even if there is nothing wrong with your foot 🤯

Drop a “💜” to be sent a link to our PN blog that was recently updated!


Hello beautiful people,
I am a pilates instructor with 10years of experience. I will be teaching mat pilates in the narrabeen surf lifesaving club space with beautiful views on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Check out Beautiful Bodies Women's Wellness
to find out more about it.

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

It takes courage to speak up about women’s health in a male dominated sport......
〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 〰️〰️
I am looking for MTB Mamas ambassadors✨✨
Criteria for this includes:
- You have had recently (18months or less) had a baby OR you have older kids but have neglected your pelvic health or have symptoms of prolapse, leakage, pelvic/lower back pain or abdominal separation.
- You love bikes & ride often (at least 1x week)
- That’s it 😁✨
Feel free to send me a DM if you’re interested in knowing more about this🤜🏻

Timeline photos 11/07/2020

Our bodies love balance! They thrive and work optimally with muscular balance from head-to-toe, front-to-back, and side-to-side. When not properly balanced, our bodies start to play tug-o-war with themselves which typically equates to pain and dysfunction. Our bodies will find the weakest link and create insult. So, while we need to be strong to be resilient, we must also be balanced or we may never reach our optimal potential.

Let me explain.

Our bodies go through significant change when pregnant. In a simple scenario, our low backs get really tight, our core gets stretched to max potential, our glutes get weak (insert “mom butt”), our chest muscles get tight, and our upper back gets weak. We have our baby and our body doesn’t just return to it’s previous state. It takes work!

You can picture the imbalance of the postpartum body and maybe even experienced it yourself. From this scenario, maybe you’re left with a diastasis that won’t heal or lingering low back pain. All the core exercises in the world may help some, but if we don’t balance the entire system then we may never get that gap to close or that back pain to resolve. If we head back to that boot camp class or straight to our previous workout routine without fully addressing this imbalance, we could really be doing more damage to our body in the long run and exacerbating our symptoms. This is why it’s so important to REBUILD our bodies postpartum.

This is where a physical therapist can really make all the difference. We assess the entire body and map out a program specifically for you! Improve tissue length in some areas, strengthen other areas. Thankful to a be () where we really hone in on the intricate imbalances of the postpartum body.

Timeline photos 11/07/2020

Mountain Biking and Pelvic Organ Prolapse. (The short short version. Blog coming soon)

When I was first diagnosed with POP I thought my life was over. It felt like a life sentence of endless sitting leading to depression and obesity. I thought I’d never be able to ride off road again. My symptoms were constant and I could not see that things would improve. But I could not give up. I already knew more than enough about the pelvic floor but now i really delved into the world of POP. Looking back I am 100% grateful that it happened to me because I know how it feels, and what can be achieved even with a prolapse. And I can help other women.

POP does not mean you are broken. You didn’t fail. Often it is a failure of the pregnancy/birth/postpartum medical system. Who else here has POP?


There is so much pressure for mums to get back into ‘shape’ after having a baby. With a constant stream of fit mums appearing on social media – it’s no wonder mums rush back into exercise when they may not be ready.
The magical ‘6-week’ mark is when the majority of women start adopting their exercise routines again. We have seen a huge rise in ‘mummy bootcamps available at local parks – with women performing exercises that perhaps aren’t ideal for postpartum bodies.
Six weeks isn’t a green light
‘You’re cleared’ isn’t a green light.
Having a vaginal birth isn’t a green light
Having a caesarean isn’t a green light
A ‘fit’ pregnancy isn’t a green light
No symptoms early postpartum isn’t a green light
‘Bouncing back’ isn’t a green light.

Interestingly, the pelvic floor muscle is often ignored until it no longer works for us and we want to change that.

This is your friendly reminder that you just grew a person, pregnancy itself puts 9 months of pressure on your pelvic floor, a muscle that is responsible for holding your pelvic organs in place. The same muscle that stretches anywhere from 1.5-3.5x its usual length as a baby passes through.
Pregnancy and birth is a huge physiological and psychological event that requires a recovery strategy, not just a 'TrUsT your body' and experience approach.
Without correct management, including how to safely return to exercise, this can lead to pelvic organ prolapse.

The ABTA believes all women should also have access to a pelvic health physiotherapist consultation after birth as part of routine care, to screen for and help manage a wide range of conditions including urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, pelvic girdle pain, abdominal muscle separation and symptoms of prolapse.

“In Australia, it is currently estimated that 50 per cent of women who have had more than one child have some degree of pelvic organ prolapse – this equates to millions of women, a large number of whom would have benefited greatly from early access to physiotherapy in the period post-birth” – Australian Physiotherapy Association

If you would like more information or to connect with other women that understand what you're going through, we have a private support group:

When “natural” childbirth is anything but natural 13/06/2020

When “natural” childbirth is anything but natural I experienced severe tearing during vaginal birth, and my injury wasn't taken seriously.

Timeline photos 11/06/2020

Who else gave birth under the full moon? I did both times! 📸

Timeline photos 11/06/2020

Did you know humans are the only animals that REPLACE breastmilk/formula feeds with other milk after weaning - whether that be animal or nut milk or formula? However, is this necessary?
Lets look at the word ‘weaning’. Weaning from the breast/formula simply means that your baby is moving away from milk feeds, and onto solid foods. Gradually their intake of milk decreases, as they meet their calorie needs with solids. So why are we then reintroducing more milk feeds to replace the breastmilk/formula?
This common practice evolved around the 1930s, when the dairy & formula industries were rising & had a large say in advertising/a loud voice. They projected the notion that babies NEEDED cows milk, or ‘toddler formula’ after weaning for their health and nutrition. However, this is simply not the case. In fact, a baby that has a high amount of any replacement milk (eg cow, goat, coconut, nut milk etc.) will fill up many of their calories on that milk substitute for the day & may in turn, not eat enough nutrient dense foods.
So, what should your baby wean onto? A well balanced, nutrient dense diet!!
However, I do understand that many babies will want a comfort bottle specifically around bedtime, especially if they were bottle fed prior.
In this case, there are a few options that can be given to baby. I am talking about OVER 12 months, as prior to 12 months babies main nutrition should be from breastmilk or formula. If baby is still happily breastfeeding/formula feeding over 12 months & you are happy, then continue with that! The WHO recommends breastfeeding until at least 2 years of age!
My choice for a comfort bottle for baby would be: organic raw goats milk. If you do not have access to this, then bone broth or coconut milk. You can enrich the milk with probiotics if your baby doesn’t have many fermented foods in their diet, & ghee or butter to add essential fats to the drink. If your baby tolerates cows milk, then this also an option, however I do prefer raw goats milk as it hasn’t been pasteurised & thus has the beneficial enzymes, living bacterias & healthy fats (that are denatured during pasteurisation). It’s also low

Timeline photos 07/06/2020

enough said.

Timeline photos 05/06/2020

🙌🏻🙌🏻 Within reason of what stage you’re at in the chapters of course! Women need to lift heavy to increase muscle mass which decreases as we age!

Personal Training | Fitnessavenue | Warriewood 03/06/2020

gyms reopening june 13! Come and do my pilates classes at For love of in Newport, or I am now doing personal training at Fitness Avenue in Warriewood.

Personal Training | Fitnessavenue | Warriewood FitnessAvenue provides personalised small group fitness training in a modern and inclusive fitness studio. Well established and run by Jodi Winter, based in Warriewood NSW.

Timeline photos 28/05/2020

Thursday vibes ✨ Who is in your mama tribe? 📸

Timeline photos 21/05/2020

.naturopathy with
Oral contraceptive pill |
Contraception is a very important tool in protecting our health. However, some forms of contraception can have unfavorable side effects for some individuals. This post will detail the side effects associated with the OCP and a few ways that we can counteract them.
• The pill is associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart attack, particularly in at risk women (with history of heart disease) and smokers.
• The pill can also cause side effects of breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, acne, mood swings, depression and decreased libido.
• The pill can also result in pigmentation of the face, known as melasma or cholasma.
• Serum levels of vitamin A are increased while on the pill, and supplementation of vitamin A should be avoided, just get it from your diet (yellow and orange veggies).
• Combined progesterone and oestrogen pills deplete nutrients B2,B3,B6, folate and zinc. This can be counteracted by supplementation under the observation of your health practitioner.
• DVT risk is higher in women taking the pill who undergo air travel or bed rest. This risk can be reduced by taking vitamin E and ginger supplements under the observation of your health practitioner.
• Water retention and bloating is also a common side effect of the pill and can be reduced by the use of diuretic herbal teas.
• If you are challenged by OCP related symptoms and would like help, come into the clinic and book in with a naturopath to try safe and natural remedies.

Real Fitness for Mums

Real Fitness for Mums© is a therapeutic fitness based program for women during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond. Our desire is to educate, motivate and support YOU through these life changing, mentally and physically demanding years and to Bridge the Gap in the fitness industry between preparing for and giving birth to returning to regular fitness and sports. Whether you plan to compete again in your favourite sport, return to your local Crossfit box, or simply get back into jogging or Yoga, We have programs and strategies to meet your goals.

Real Fitness for Mums© is available online or as a Face to Face Program that has been successfully tried and tested by hundreds of women all over the world. All of the programs are backed up by up-to-date evidence-based research and are approved by Women’s Health Physiotherapists.

Our intention is to restore and to rebuild from the inside out, encourage quality movement, teach awareness of breath and alignment and to help YOU stay injury-free, fit, strong and healthy for LIFE!

Sign up Now

Videos (show all)

Practicing the basics before I increase load, volume or intensity. This is what postpartum looks like. Ticking the boxes...
Good to be back to box jumps — SYMPTOM FREE! — how do you know when you are ready to go back to jumping? Basically you w...
Not my best pull up but this was after three filming attempts by my 7yr old! 🙄 #pullupsindresses #rf4m #strongerthanyest...
What causes Sacroiliac Pain in Pregnancy & Postpartum? It can be a number of things but primarily it’s a result of pregn...
So we’re halfway through March, how are your push ups going? Feeling stronger? Or are you feeling tight in the neck and ...
My version of today’s WOD. -- .Cleans x5 .Bench press x 5 .Single leg step up x 10 .Wall balls x15 .kb swings x20 .pull ...
Movement Monday || I've been working with my physio on rewiring my glute activation and I can tell you it's not been eas...
Finding the right Exercises for you as a new Mum or with POP can be frustrating. What may be okay for one may cause you ...
Friday 🤙🏻 I didn’t really have a plan before I started, all I knew was that I wanted to do swings! The rest is just play...
Weeks 1&2 fitness guide tutorial will be up on the site tomrrow! Get the low down and step by step video coaching to the...
Filming some tutorials for #ultimatecorerestore and #ultimatecoretedtorefortrainers to be accessible via my new website ...



Lagoon Street
Ettalong Beach, NSW

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 11:00
Thursday 09:00 - 00:00
Saturday 07:00 - 09:00