Falconer Advisers

We specialise in solving our clients financial complexities by utilising experience, expert strategi Good Financial advice is both a process and a journey.

Whether you are searching for an adviser for the first time or perhaps looking for an adviser that suits you better, we think you will find that Falconer Advisers will offer you a deep and rewarding advice partnership. What are the things you value deeply, that your wealth will help you experience? Our role is to help you define and then achieve your personal financial destiny. Falconer Advisers s


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Tigerman would like to spend this week thanking our incredible sponsors who helped make this years National Championships possible for our players.

First up we have Falconer Advisers!

Whether it's small business, investing, planning for retirement, or anything in between, the great people at Falconer Advisers are your first point of contact when it comes to financial advice!



The 2021-22 Australian Budget 12/05/2021

The 2021-22 Australian Budget
AMP Capital's Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, Dr Shane Oliver, shares some key points as follows:

- The Government now expects the Federal budget deficit to peak at $161bn this financial year (down from $214bn in October’s Budget) and fall to $107bn in 2021-22.

- The windfall to the budget from stronger growth is being spent on extra stimulus. Return to budget surplus looks more than a decade away.

- Key measures include more spending on aged care, childcare, infrastructure, investment tax breaks and more help for home buyers.

- Avoiding fiscal austerity and focussing on growing the economy is the right thing to do at present.

Please click the following link for more information:

The 2021-22 Australian Budget Spending the growth windfall to further grow the economy towards full employment. Dr Shane Oliver... https://eread.com.au/falconer/129861


Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021!

Newsletter July 2020 16/07/2020

Falconer Advisers July Newsletter 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter.

Our articles cover a range of topics which we hope you will find interesting. We aim to keep you informed of changes as they happen, but we also want to provide ideas to help you live the life you want – now and in the future.

In this edition we discuss how to protect yourself from COVID-19 related scams and provide you with information on help future-proof your career in 2020 and the economic hangover of COVID-19. Please click this link to access the full article:

We hope you enjoy the read. If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will continue to provide ongoing service to you even though Melbourne office closed at the moment due to the COVID19 shutdown, please contact Robert or Scott if you need any assistance.

Newsletter July 2020 Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter. Our articles cover a range of topics which we... https://eread.com.au/falconer/117365

2019-20 saw poor returns - but it could have been much worse 10/07/2020

2019-20 saw poor returns - but it could have been much worse

The article from Dr Shane Oliver - Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Capital which reviews the last financial year and takes a look at the outlook for investors.

The key points are as follows:
• 2019-20 saw a rough ride for investors as coronavirus hit, resulting in small losses for well diversified investors.
• Key lessons for investors from the last financial year were to: maintain a well-diversified portfolio; timing market moves is hard; beware the crowd; turn down the noise; and don't fight the Fed.
• With coronavirus risks still high, investment markets may see more short-term volatility. But over the next 12 months returns from a well-diversified portfolio are likely to be constrained, but okay.

Please click this link access to full article:

2019-20 saw poor returns - but it could have been much worse Dr Shane Oliver - Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Capital Key points -... https://eread.com.au/falconer/117229

The US presidential election - implications for investors 01/07/2020

The US presidential election - implications for investors

An article from Dr Shane Oliver - Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Capital demonstrates some key points as follows:

- The run up to the US election on 3rd November has the potential to see increased share market volatility if it looks increasingly likely Biden will win and if Trump ramps up tensions with China (and maybe Europe) in response. However, this is likely to be short lived as there is no reason to expect a weaker economy and hence share market under a Biden presidency.

- Historically, shares have performed better under Democrat than Republican presidents.

Please click this link access to full article: https://eread.com.au/falconer/116909

The US presidential election - implications for investors Dr Shane Oliver - Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Capital Key points - The... https://eread.com.au/falconer/116909

Winter Newsletter 2020 16/06/2020

Falconer Advisers Winter Newsletter 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our winter newsletter.
Our articles cover a range of topics which we hope you will find interesting. We aim to keep you informed of changes as they happen, but we also want to provide ideas to help you live the life you want – now and in the future.

In this edition we discuss Australian economy and recovery from COVID-19 and provide you with information on investment options, digital payments and online banking for older Aussies.
Please click this link to access the full article:

We hope you enjoy the read. If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are relocating our Melbourne office on the 6th July to Level 3, 162 Collins Street, Melbourne VICTORIA 3000. Contact details remain the same. Robert and Scott look forward to meeting with you soon in The Hub.

Winter Newsletter 2020 Welcome to the latest edition of our winter newsletter. Our articles cover a range of topics... https://eread.com.au/falconer/116341

Checklist for the end of financial year 11/06/2020

Checklist for the end of financial year
The end of financial year on 30 June is a good time to take stock and get your finances in order.

Being prepared, reviewing your super contributions and submitting your return on time are good policies every year, but the shadow of COVID-19 (coronavirus) means many of us face unexpected pressures in a changing economic environment.

Many people will have concerns around job security, which makes long-term planning seem less important.

You may face urgent priorities for your money, such as mortgage repayments, covering bills and paying down debt.
Please click this link for full article: https://eread.com.au/falconer/116186

Checklist for the end of financial year The end of financial year on 30 June is a good time to take stock and get your finances in order.... https://eread.com.au/falconer/116186

June 2020 02/06/2020

Falconer Advisers Newsletter June 2020
Welcome to our June Newsletter.

Our articles cover a range of topics which we hope you will find interesting. We aim to keep you informed of changes as they happen, but we also want to provide ideas to help you live the life you want – now and in the future.

In this edition we discuss diversification and provide you with information on insurance ahead of retirement and low income super tax offset.
Please click this link access to articles: https://eread.com.au/falconer/115714

If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. In the meantime we hope you enjoy the read.

June 2020 Welcome to our June Newsletter. Our articles cover a range of topics which we hope you will... https://eread.com.au/falconer/115714


Australian house prices starting to fall
Welcome to our latest Snapshot. We hope you and your family all well.

The article from Dr Shane Oliver - Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Capital. He points out some key concerns as follows.

- Australia capital city home prices fell -0.5% in May.

- Significant policy support & the earlier reopening of the economy have made our worst-case scenario for a 20% decline in average Australian house prices unlikely.

- However, our base case is for home prices to fall around 5-10%, as “true” unemployment will remain high, government support measures and the bank payment holiday end in September, immigration falls and new supply is likely to be boosted via government measures.

For the full article please click the following link:

Please feel free to contact one of our advisers Robert Falconer, Glynn Phillips or Scott Fleming if you would like to discuss your investments.
Contact details: https://falconeradvisers.com.au/contact/

Economic Update Video - April 2020 08/04/2020

Economic Update Video - April 2020
Global markets fell during March, reacting to the ongoing situation and government stimulus measures with volatility.

The cash rate for April has been left unchanged, however the RBA cut the cash rate twice in March –
4/3/2020 decreased to 0.5%
20/3/2020 decreased to 0.25%

The RBA also began buying government bonds to bring yields down in line with the cash rate.

Please find our video update for the month of March, with things changing so rapidly day by day much of this data has changed but it is interesting to note what was happening only one week ago.

Economic Update Video - April 2020 The health and economic impacts of the coronavirus increased exponentially in March, as did the... http://eread.com.au/falconer/113414

Hostplus changes rules to freeze withdrawals, stop cash switching 07/04/2020

We will be following this story closely. Industry funds generally hold high levels of unlisted and therefore illiquid investments. Will a rush to access super create a liquidity crisis? Will they be forced to sell growth assets at rock bottom prices to fund liquidity? If super contributions all but cease, what will be the impact on the fund in meeting its monthly pension payments to members. This is a very large fund and survival wont be an issue, but the impact to members will be interesting to watch.

Hostplus changes rules to freeze withdrawals, stop cash switching Hostplus has quietly changed its terms and conditions so it can freeze redemptions and prevent cash switching.

Specialist Financial Adviser | Falconer Advisers 02/04/2020

Falconer Advisers Newsletter April 2020
Welcome to our April newsletter which we bring to you at a time of enormous economic uncertainty. At times like these it’s important to have someone to talk to, so we urge you to contact us if you have concerns about your finances. Please feel free to contact your adviser Robert Falconer, Glynn Phillips or Scott Fleming if you want to discuss your investments.
Contact details can be found on our website: https://falconeradvisers.com.au/

The health and economic impacts of the coronavirus increased exponentially in March, as did the response of national governments and central banks. As part of a suite of emergency measures, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut the official cash rate twice - first to 0.5 per cent and then to 0.25 per cent – as official rates in the US and Europe were cut to near zero. The RBA also began buying government bonds to bring yields down in line with the cash rate, as well as offering a term facility to banks so they can supply credit to small and medium businesses.
Please click this link for more information:

Specialist Financial Adviser | Falconer Advisers

Coronavirus safety net expanded 24/03/2020

Coronavirus safety net expanded
In a rapidly evolving response to the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government’s second support package announced over the weekend has flicked the switch to more income support for retirees and workers.

Between the first $17.6 billion package announced on March 12, and this latest $66.1 billion package, the emphasis has shifted from stimulus aimed at keeping businesses up and running, to support for individuals to get them through the crisis.

Importantly, casuals and sole traders along with employees who lose work due to the coronavirus shutdown will receive help.
Please click this link for more information:

Coronavirus safety net expanded In a rapidly evolving response to the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government’s second support... http://eread.com.au/falconer/112534

Autumn 2020 04/03/2020

Falconer Advisers Newsletter Autumn 2020
After an unprecedented summer of bushfires, we hope that Autumn brings cooler temperatures and soaking rain for all those who have been affected.

Data released in February give an early indication of how the Australian economy has been impacted by the bushfires and coronavirus, on top of the US-China trade war. The Reserve Bank of Australia lowered its near-term growth forecast for the year to June 2020 from 2.5% to 2.0%. New business investment fell 2.8% in the December quarter and 5.8% over 2019. Retail sales rose 0.5% in the normally super busy December quarter but were up just 0.3% over 2019, the slowest year on record. New vehicle sales were also sluggish, down 8.2% last year while the value of construction work done fell 7.4%. Consumers have perked up a bit since then, with the Westpac/Melbourne Institute consumer sentiment index up 2.3% in February.
Please click this link for more information:

This month we have included an article from Dr Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist 'The plunge in shares – seven things investors need to keep in mind'. In this article, Dr Shane Oliver points out share markets have fallen sharply over the last week or so on the back of coronavirus concerns and the key things for investor to bear in mind.
Please click this link access to article:

Autumn 2020 After an unprecedented summer of bushfires, we hope that Autumn brings cooler temperatures and... http://eread.com.au/falconer/111239

Falconer Advisers Newsletter January 2020 13/01/2020

Falconer Advisers Newsletter January 2020
As 2020 gets under way and holidaymakers return to work, we wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. Our thoughts are also with our fellow Australians caught up in the catastrophic bushfires around the country; we wish you all a safe and speedy recovery.

December provided a busy end to an eventful 2019. Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg announced a downgrade to near-term forecasts of economic growth, inflation, wages and business investment in the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO). The Government now expects growth to return to the long-term average of around 3 per cent by 2021/22. Despite a small deficit in the year to October, the Budget is still on track to deliver Australia’s first surplus in 12 years this financial year. Lower government spending, higher export income, low Aussie dollar and solid Chinese demand for our iron ore are all supporting the nation’s bottom line.
Please click this link for more information:

Also this month we have included an article by Dr Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy & Chief Economist.
In Dr Shane Oliver's article - '2020 - a list of lists regarding the macro investment outlook', he indicates 'after the poor returns for investors in 2018, 2019 turned out surprisingly well with average balanced growth superannuation funds looking like they have returned around 15%'.
Please click this link access to article:

Falconer Advisers Newsletter January 2020 As 2020 gets under way and holidaymakers return to work, we wish everyone a happy and prosperous... http://eread.com.au/falconer/109247

2019 Year in Review: A year of highs and lows 09/01/2020

2019 Year in Review: A year of highs and lows
It was a year of extremes, with shares hitting record highs and interest rates at historic lows. Yet all in all, 2019 delivered far better returns than Australian investors dared hope for at the start of the year.

The total return from Australian shares (prices and dividend income) was 24 per cent in the year to December.i When you add in positive returns from bonds and a rebound in residential property, Australians with a diversified investment portfolio had plenty to smile about.

Humming along in the background, Australia entered a record-breaking 29th year of economic expansion although growth tapered off as global pressures mounted.
Please click this link for more information:

2019 Year in Review: A year of highs and lows It was a year of extremes, with shares hitting record highs and interest rates at historic lows.... http://eread.com.au/falconer/108976

Summer 2019 04/12/2019

Our Newsletter and Economic Video for Summer 2019 are now available.
December is here which marks the official start to summer. Unfortunately, the bush fire season is already underway. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to the firefighters, emergency services personnel and community members who have been working tirelessly to save lives and property.
Please click this link for more information:

Economic activity remains patchy, with the RBA forecasting that Australia’s economy will stay flatter for longer. Growth of 2.25% this year rising to 2.75% by the end of 2020 is predicted. The cash rate was held at the current record low of 0.75%.
Please click this link access to economic video:

Summer 2019 December is here which marks the official start to summer. Unfortunately, the bush fire season is... http://eread.com.au/falconer/107594

Economic Update Video - November 2019 06/11/2019

Economic Update Video November 2019

Slowing global growth and ongoing trade tensions were major concerns in October. Global stocks had a positive month on signs of a breakthrough in trade negotiations between the US and China.
The cash rate was held at the current record low of 0.75%.
Please click this link access to economic video:

Economic Update Video - November 2019 Your financial well-being and plans for the future can be impacted by various economic events, so... http://eread.com.au/falconer/106411

Steering through choppy seas 04/11/2019

Steering through choppy seas
Like it or not, we live in interesting times. More than a decade after the Global Financial Crisis, the global economy is facing fresh headwinds creating uncertainty for policy makers and investors alike.

This time around it’s not a debt crisis, although debt levels are extremely high, but geopolitical instability.

The ongoing US-China trade war and Brexit confusion in Europe have increased market uncertainty and volatility and put a spoke in the wheel of global growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global economic growth to ease to 3.0 per cent over 2019. It expects Australia to grow at 1.7 per cent.
Please click this link for more information:

Steering through choppy seas Like it or not, we live in interesting times. More than a decade after the Global Financial... http://eread.com.au/falconer/106030

Building wealth in diversity 02/10/2019

Building wealth in diversity
What a difference a year makes. In recent months, Australian shares hit a record high, the Aussie dollar dipped to levels not seen since the GFC and interest rates were cut to historic lows.Towards the end of 2018, shares were in the doldrums and while experts agreed the Aussie dollar would go lower most tipped the next move in interest rates would be up.

September was a month of continuing uncertainty for global markets. The ongoing US-China trade dispute, the looming Brexit deadline and a drone strike on a Saudi Arabian oil processing plant all weighed on financial markets. Despite the uncertainty US shares were up around 3% for the month, with Australian shares also recording gains of close to 2%.

Building wealth in diversity What a difference a year makes. In recent months, Australian shares hit a record high, the Aussie... http://eread.com.au/falconer/104668

Nine reasons why recession remains unlikely in Australia | AMP Capital 05/09/2019

Nine reasons why recession remains unlikely in Australia | AMP Capital Australian economic growth has slowed to the weakest since the GFC. Talk of recession remains all the rage.

Nine reasons why recession remains unlikely in Australia | AMP Capital 05/09/2019

A common discussion we have at the moment is about whether our economy is as poor as some say. In this article Dr Shane Oliver provides his reasons why its unlikely that Australia is nearing a recession.


Nine reasons why recession remains unlikely in Australia | AMP Capital Australian economic growth has slowed to the weakest since the GFC. Talk of recession remains all the rage.

Economic Update Video - September 2019 03/09/2019

Australia’s All Ordinaries Index and ASX200 finally broke through their 2007 record highs set before the GFC.

The RBA held the cash rate at the current a record low on 1.00%, while acknowledging that Australia can expect an extended period of low interest rates, with the possibility of further cuts.
Please click this link access to economic video:

Economic Update Video - September 2019 Your financial well-being and plans for the future can be impacted by various economic events, so... http://eread.com.au/falconer/103319

Spring 2019 02/09/2019

Our Newsletter for Spring 2019 is now available, hope you enjoy it.

It’s September and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. It’s also a good time to plan your summer break.

August was a challenging month for investors. Global markets reacted negatively to an escalation in the US-China trade war and the looming no-deal Brexit. US economic growth slowed to an annual rate of 2 per cent in the June quarter, down from 3.1 per cent the previous quarter. China’s economy is also slowing - industrial production, retail sales and fixed asset investment all recorded lower growth in the year to July.
Please click this link for more information:

Spring 2019 It’s September and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into... http://eread.com.au/falconer/102959

What's your Gift Giver Personality? [QUIZ] | Money & Life 20/08/2019

Day 2 of Financial Planning Week: Share the gift-giver personality quiz!
FPA have discovered Australia’s four gift-giving personalities! FPA's fun quiz is designed to help Australian consumers discover more about the gift giving behaviours of themselves and their loved ones.

Take the quiz yourself!
Please help us get the word out! Why not take the quiz yourself?
You can share your results and then link (http://www.moneyandlife.com.au/gifts-that-give/gift-giver-personality-quiz) to the quiz, or use the snippet tool (http://www.moneyandlife.com.au/help/) to share content via your next e-newsletter.

Please go to this link access to your quiz:

What's your Gift Giver Personality? [QUIZ] | Money & Life


Financial Planning Week is here !
FPA’s 19th consecutive Financial Planning Week – a week celebrating the work YOU do every day to help Australians enjoy a better financial future.

What’s happening today?
FPA is highlighting the benefits of financial planning by shining a spotlight on the amount of money Australians spend on gift giving.
FPA's new national research report, FPA Gifts that Give reveals that FPA is a generous nation, spending almost $20 billion a year in gifts.
But FPA's generosity is unplanned with nearly three in four Australians saying they do not budget for gift giving – a great opportunity to talk to consumers about financial literacy and raise awareness of the benefits of financial planning.

Please click this link access to FPA's Report:https://fpa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/FPA_Gifts-That-Give-Research-Report-2019.pdf


Is the tide turning for property? 12/08/2019

Is The Tide Turning For Property?
For the first time in years, the planets seem to be aligning for homebuyers and property investors. Interest rates are falling, property prices largely appear to be stabilising and constraints on bank mortgage lending have been relaxed.

2019 Financial Planning Week is nearly here, it runs from 19-25 August.
This year, the week is themed around “gifts that give” – FPA will be encouraging Australians to explore their gift spending habits and expenses, and raise awareness about the amount we spend on gifts. FPA will also invite Australians to consider a gift that lasts through generations: the gift of a financial plan.
Please click this link for more information:

Is the tide turning for property? For the first time in years, the planets seem to be aligning for homebuyers and property... http://eread.com.au/falconer/101112

Economic Update Video – July 2019 09/07/2019

Falconer Advisers Economic Video for July 2019

Australia’s cash rate has been cut for the second month in a row to a new record of 1%.

The decision to further cut the cash rate is intended to stimulate inflation and reduce unemployment.
Please click this link access to economic video:

Economic Update Video – July 2019 Your financial well-being and plans for the future can be impacted by various economic events, so... http://eread.com.au/falconer/100114


Making the most of falling interest rates

Making the most of falling interest rates

The Reserve Bank’s decision to cut official interest rates is good news for anyone with a mortgage or hoping to buy their first home, but presents a challenge for savers. Whatever your personal situation, the question now is how to make the most of falling rates.

In case you missed it, on June 4 the Reserve Bank cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points from 1.5 per cent to 1.25 per cent, the lowest on record. Many economists predict further cuts, with some suggesting rates could fall to as little as 0.5 per cent this year or next.
Please click this link for more information:

eread.com.au The Reserve Bank’s decision to cut official interest rates is good news for anyone with a... http://eread.com.au/falconer/99539


Economic Update Video – June 2019

Australia’s cash rate has been cut to a new record low of 1.25%.

The decision to cut the cash rate is intended to stimulate economic growth and was partly driven by a fall in inflation for the March quarter.

We also look at the other economic indicators that paint a picture of the health of the economy, including consumer sentiment, movements in the Australian dollar, unemployment and wages as well as the state of the property market across all of the capital cities.
Please click this link for more information:

eread.com.au Your financial well-being and plans for the future can be impacted by various economic events, so... http://eread.com.au/falconer/98372


Winter 2019

Our last newsletter for Winter 2019 is now available, hope you find it enjoyable.

The end of the election uncertainty and the investor-friendly policies of the Coalition produced a relief rally on financial markets. The Australian dollar bounced back above US69c on Monday after falling to three-year lows the day before the election, while local shares surged to an 11-year high on Monday before losing some of their gains the following day.

Please click this link for more information:

eread.com.au The end of the election uncertainty and the investor-friendly policies of the Coalition produced... http://eread.com.au/falconer/97705


How much super is enough?

How much super is enough?

Most of us dream of the day we can stop working and start ticking off our bucket list. Whether you dream of cruising Alaska, watching the sun rise over Uluru, improving your golf handicap or spending time with the grandkids, superannuation is likely to be a major source of your retirement income.
Please click this link for more information:

Economic Video for May 2019

eread.com.au Most of us dream of the day we can stop working and start ticking off our bucket list. Whether... http://eread.com.au/falconer/96129

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