Weelam Wildlife Shelter

Wildlife shelter caring for injured, sick, and orphaned native animals to release back to the wild. Boon wurrung (Bunurong) country.

Weelam Wildlife Shelter cares for injured, sick and orphaned native animals on the Mornington Pen*sula. Over the past few years many Magpies, Ravens, Lorikeets, Rosellas, Ringtail & Brushtail Possums, Butcher Birds, Cockatoos, Kookaburras, Kangaroos and Blue Tongue Lizards have come through the Shelter. Run from her home in Tootgarook, Shelter Manager Nat James is a passionate wildlife advocate wh

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 18/08/2024

“At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.”

- Lao Tzu

Recently we said goodbye to a very special possum, found as an orphan on the nearby foreshore, and raised at the shelter.

Travel safe Maxi💗

She built her own nest on her first night of freedom - clever girl🥰 Their wild instincts are pretty amazing!

Thanks again to the wonderful Cornelia for organising her return to the wild. ❤️🙏🏻

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 09/08/2024

“Sometimes the strength within you is not a fiery flame for all to see; it is just a tiny sparkle that whispers softly, “Hang in there.”

- Unknown

This is sweet ringtail possum, Michael Malachi, who came into care a week ago, dehydrated, under-weight, lethargic, and quite frankly with ‘the look’, us carers get to know.🥹

But he’s a fighter and his condition has improved.
Hopefully he will continue to thrive.

At this age if they don’t get what they need in those first days they can go downhill two to three weeks post orphaning, and unfortunately he was at a vet clinic for nine days where he lost a lot of weight and body condition.

For his full story, and continuing progress reports…….and how he got his name, why not join my Patreon community, from as little as $5 a month - that’s less than one cup of coffee - a month! - and help fund the continuing care of wildlife like Michael.❤️🙏🏻



“Home is the nicest word there is.”

- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Our precious possums are considered pests simply because they seek shelter and safety in places like roofs and roller doors.

We can help by leaving old trees, planting new native trees and installing nest boxes.

Here are some useful links:

Compassionate Animal Rescue & Exclusion (CARE). Free advice and guidance available: https://care-aus.com.au/

Comfy Creatures:

Nest Boxes Australia:

Knox Wildlife Nesting Boxes:

Mens Shed Association — Find a Shed local to you: https://mensshed.org/find-a-shed/?geodir_search=1&stype=gd_place&s

Wildlife Victoria is working with Men's Sheds to make nest boxes: each box costs $60 and is suitable for both Brushtail and Ringtail possums: https://www.wildlifevictoria.org.au/wildlife-information/buy-a-possum-box

Living with possums — https://www.greenadelaide.sa.gov.au/news/2023-possums-in-your-roof

Making your own possum box —


Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 19/07/2024

“May my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living”

– E. E. Cummings

Little birds like the Magpie Lark, also known as Mud Lark or Peewee.

There’s a pair that live in my neighbourhood.

They mate for life, defend their territory together and stay in the same area together if there’s enough resources.

They sing complicated duets and will stand in their favourite spot and sing together as a territorial display.

Just this week I received a call back from the shire about the roaming domestic cats in my street, that I reported more than a couple of months ago. Good job, once again 👍🏻

Here’s the female of this mated pair, after being attacked by, more than likely, one of those cats.

She would have suffered excruciating pain and distress before she died.

Cats are innate, ambush hunters, with strong jaws and sharp teeth. They can quickly attack an unsuspecting wild bird.
They must be contained.

First photo courtesy of Foam Bark Gully Gang.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 17/07/2024

“Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction.”

- Cynthia McKinney

There was a call to action after the screening of this heart wrenching documentary in Rosebud last night - for all attendees to contact the shire today about our concerns for koalas on the peninsula.
I’d like to extend this call to everyone, wherever you live.

The future for koalas across Australia is bleak to say the least.

Panel member, Michelle Thomas, koala expert, rescuer, carer, educator at Animalia Wildlife Shelter, emphasised the alarming increase in dog attacks and car strikes on the Peninsula.
Nine out of ten koalas are euthanised due to injuries.😭

Please follow and support Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation and the great work they are doing.


Here on the Peninsula you may not see the habitat destruction on the enormous scale as in NSW and Queensland, but with the high turn over of properties and constant tree removal on private land it’s having the same effect - with the same end result - fragmenting, pushing out, and ultimately killing our koalas and other wildlife.

Here is also some info on ways to help

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 10/07/2024

“Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.”

- George Eliot

This is something I feel very passionate about.

If we’re caring for anyone, whether animal or human, we need to sort our own s**t out (some call it healing) in conjunction with, and continuously.

Wildlife are not here to give us something we are lacking…..whether that’s a need to feel seen, heard, loved, validated, admired, known, busy, important, powerful, in control, popular and so on.

The aim of raising or rehabilitating wildlife is for them to return to the wild having the best chance of survival.

We must be pure of heart to give them what they need.

Ringtail possum Maxi.

We feed natural food. We try to mimic the natural environment as much as we can, we don’t treat wildlife the same as we treat our domestic animals, we do our utmost to reunite bubs with mums, and we do not allow the prolonged suffering of those sadly not viable - because it’s about them, not us.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 07/07/2024

“Shakespeare made his Hamlet as a bird weaves its nest.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Did you know magpies will be building their nests now, during winter? Preparations can take up to eight weeks.

They build in tall trees, preferring eucalypts if there’s any around. They won’t breed without them.

A couple of years ago these babies fell to the ground, with their nest, when their tree was cut down.

With no other trees nearby we were unable to reunite the family.

Cruelly, the younger sibling didn’t survive the fall, haemorrhaging from internal injuries.💔

D’Artagnon, the older baby, was successfully raised and released.

The nest was a complete work of art, although damaged from the fall, it was obvious how hard the parent birds worked to build it….just as they worked tirelessly to protect and raise their babies🥲

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 05/07/2024

The struggle continues for our precious wild.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 28/05/2024

““Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”

— Yoko Ono

Here’s a few precious faces from around the shelter as we head into winter. ♥️♥️♥️

1. Brushtail possum Robbie
2 & 3 Ringtail possums, Maxi and Bonaparte.

Weelam will be taking a social media break for a while.👋🏻


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.”

– Carl Jung

Ringtail possum Maxi is growing up now and getting use to being in the aviary💗

New environments can be a little scary.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 13/05/2024

“Change is the end result of all true learning.”

- Leo Buscaglia

The wonderful Lort Smith Animal hospital hosted a weekend of essential education for wildlife carers.

Thank you to wonderful facilitator Sam and the brilliant Dr Anne Fowler and Gordon Rich.

We had delicious lunches, were gifted reference material and even insect houses🐞, but most importantly, we left with better knowledge and a renewed passion to create the best outcomes for our precious wildlife.

So many beautiful people in one room, travelling from all over (even interstate), there for the wildlife with open hearts and minds, because it’s about these guys not us💗

Ongoing education is part of being a wildlife carer.


I don’t tend to share ‘memories’ but here’s one that keeps reoccurring.

The Mornington Peninsula Shire seems hell bent on eradicating wildlife from ‘urban’ areas.

The evidence is in their own development projects, stripping streets of trees for footpaths, handing out building permits w***y nilly, no resources to follow up on compliance or illegal tree removal, allowing w**d trees to take over on council owned lands, and the latest mess left behind by the council tree ‘butchers’ supposedly pruning trees for power line safety- what a joke. I have a tape measure if they need it.

This Mumma had an active teat at the time of her rehab - baby was never located, but she was returned to a nearby property.

“The greatest responsibility of the planner and architect, I believe, is the protection and development of our habitat.”

- Walter Gropius

Sadly the planners and developers on the Mornington Peninsula don’t give a damn.

And nobody - from arborists to the shire will take responsibility for the death and injuries to wildlife, let alone take measures to protect them.

Many phone calls, emails and physical interceptions have proven that they don’t give a damn either.

Another home cut down from under a sleeping possum.

This female brushtail possum sustained soft tissue injuries to both hind legs.

She is frightened.
And she probably has young at this time of year.

Possums on the Mornington Peninsula continue to be injured, killed, displaced, and separated from family.

Where is she to go now?
Mornington Peninsula Shire


"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about."

– Margaret J. Wheatley

Thank you to the wonderful people at A Good Little Thing cafe for their ongoing support.🙏🏻

Nestled in Guest st, Tootgarook, they make an array of scrumptious delights and awesome coffee.

They support so many wonderful causes and have created a genuine community hub.💗

Please pop in and support them, and look out for the Weelam Shelter donation tin on their counter - because every little bit helps us to help wildlife like these gorgeous baby ringtail possums.♥️

There’s three in there - Griffin, Magnar and Roux - all successfully raised and cared for up to release.💗💗💗

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 27/04/2024

“Veterinarians are the unsung heroes of our society.”

– Dr. Marty Becker

Today we give gratitude to all the dedicated, selfless, compassionate vets out there -
special thanks to those involved with helping wildlife and who volunteer their free time - special people indeed!

We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Thank you ♥️🙏🏻

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 23/04/2024

“The beginning is always today.”

~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

A few days ago we said goodbye to ringtail possums Lily and George💗💗

They were raised from tiny orphans with compromised health, to strong and healthy individuals ready to live their wild life.

Huge thanks to Melaleuca Wildlife Shelter for taking them for release.♥️🙏🏻

Stay safe precious babies.💗


“When we return wild animals to nature, we merely return them to what is already theirs. For man cannot give wild animals freedom, they can only take it away.”

— Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Look at that face.🥰

Baby Django is all grown up now.💗

He reclaimed his freedom a couple of weeks ago.🌳

He was ‘soft released’ by the wonderful Melaleuca Wildlife Shelter, and by all accounts is doing well.♥️

Massive thanks to them.🙏🏻

Stay safe beautiful boy.💗

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 14/04/2024

“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.”
- Maya Angelou

A couple of days required for rehydration and filling the belly for this young magpie who found her feet entangled in some kind of twine.

Luckily she was known to the neighbourhood and was spotted before any real damage could be done, albeit, she was exhausted and hungry.

Apart from preventing perching and foraging, entanglements of this kind get tighter and lead to debilitating foot/leg injuries, and more often than not result in the bird getting caught/stuck somewhere which can be fatal.

Please dispose of rubbish carefully and be mindful of what’s lying around on your property.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 10/04/2024

“We know Victoria is in the midst of an extinction crisis and we know thousands of waterbirds are already under extreme stress.

“So to green light this year’s season and send countless more ducks to slaughter for ‘sport’ is nothing short of inhumane.” The Greens

Today marks the beginning of duck shooting season in the state of Victoria.

Duck shooters make up only 0.18% of Victorians, so you have to conclude our heartless Premier, who gave it the green light, has a conflict of interest.

Shame on you Jacinta Allan

Please continue to contact your local politicians voicing your opposition to this brutality.

Today I honour all those incredible people involved in rescue of our beautiful water birds.

Ducklings raised at Weelam.💗💗💗


“Love is the secret password to every soul.”

- A.D. Williams

Ringtail possum babies Charlie and Maurice, safe and sound in their makeshift pouch.♥️♥️


“In the delicate intersection between untamed habitats and the ever-expanding web of roads, roadkill emerges as a familiar tragedy, a testament to the perils faced by wildlife in their struggle for survival amidst the encroaching human presence.”

- Rove Monteux

If you are travelling this Easter long weekend please slow down on all roads and take your time getting to your destination.

And keep these numbers handy if in Victoria:

Wildlife Victoria - Victoria wide
8400 7300

Warriors for Wildlife - Victoria wide
1300 352 923

Animalia - Mornington Peninsula
0435 822 699

Aware - Frankston and surrounds
0412 433 727

Photo : beautiful kestral found semi-conscious on the ground - sadly passed away within half an hour of arrival.
Cause of death unknown - possibly hit a window or a car strike - in a residential area.


“Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.”

- Gary Snyder

World Happiness Day 2024.

Robbie was raised from a tiny orphan a few years ago, and it always brings me great joy to see him.

Mortality rates are particularly high among male brushtail possums in their first year of independence.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 16/03/2024

“Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which [they have] survived. Who are we to destroy…”

– EO Wilson

The first time I’ve seen a native swamp rat, and I witnessed his last agonising breath.

Rattus lutreolus.

Killed by a cat. For. Nothing.

It’s all been said a million times before, so I will let the frustration render me silent.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 14/03/2024

“I have seen how pain does not stifle the hope deep within the human heart and how life goes on, finding new strength even in the midst of difficulties.”

– Pope Francis

March has been a difficult month, personally, and for the wildlife, amidst heat waves and the surrounding footpath developments stripping the area of nature-strip trees which a lot of wildlife rely upon.

Thank you to a wonderful friend and carer (you know who you are) who looked after Maxi while my daughter was in The Alfred Hospital.

Around the shelter -

Photo 1 - Brushtail possum Robbie enjoying some rehydration.
Photos 2 & 3 - Ringtail possum Maxi, at 80gm and 120gm.
Photo 4 - Ringtail possum Bonaparte’s release.
Photo 5 - one of many ringtail possums killed on Broadway Capel Sound, where twenty seven habitat trees have been removed. This sweetheart was hit on a speed hump where the speed limit is 20km/hr.


“The truth of the matter is, the birds could very well live without us, but many – perhaps all – of us would find life incomplete, indeed almost intolerable without the birds.”

— Roger Tory Peterson

Not ‘just a bird’. A life deserved.

These beautiful crested pigeons have been a big casualty on these quiet residential streets over summer, not given the time to fly out of danger, just mowed down.

But this individual was picked up by kids down my street after they saw a neighbour’s cat ‘playing’ with him.

He sadly passed away, in shock, with tail feathers ripped out and extensive wounds on his body under his wings. His pain and suffering would have been immense.

Not ‘just a bird’.

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 07/02/2024

Weelam recently received an incredible donation of much needed items, including wildlife food, medical supplies and daily essentials from Warriors 4 Wildlife

Their ongoing support is crucial for many of us taking on the huge financial burden involved with caring for and rehabilitating wildlife.

They understand what it takes.

They understand the investment we make financially, physically, mentally and emotionally.

And they understand that the strain of any of these can reach a tipping point, making it difficult to continue this important work.

We are truly grateful for the work they do in supporting carers and shelters, rescuing wildlife and providing outstanding educational programs.

A special thank you to Nicky for making it happen. I am grateful for your ginormous heart and capacity to care for the animals, and for us♥️


“Animals are, like us, endangered species on an endangered planet, and we are the ones who are endangering them, it, and ourselves. They are innocent sufferers in a hell of our making.”

- Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

This big boy was hit by someone driving their car early this morning, probably on their way to work, while he was making his way back to somewhere safe, if indeed such a place exists.

The speed limit is 50km/hour.

He’s a brushtail possum - the size of a big cat. He didn’t jump out from behind a tree - there are no trees.

He was still warm ….. and so beautiful.😔


If you hit an animal or drive past one that’s been hit (including birds!) please stop if safe to do so, and remove them well away from the road - dead bodies on or near the road attract carion eating birds who are then at risk of being hit also. And personally I find it disturbing that people can continue to run over their lifeless bodies🥺

And remember female marsupials may have young in their pouch who can survive for days after mum dies.


“….we have taken over the earth and the sea and the sky, but with skill and care and knowledge, we can ensure that there is still a place on Earth for birds in all their beauty and variety – if we want to… And surely, we should.”

– David Attenborough

Have been busy with birds throughout January.
Here are some of them in all their beauty and uniqueness !♥️


“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.”

- Edwin Elliot

With many bird casualties flooding in so far this year, here’s a snap of Ringtail possum Lily♥️ who is still here with George♥️ for a few more weeks.

Treats for ringtail possums here include lilly pilly berries and native flowers from flowering eucalypts, callistemon and grevillea - never fruit.

Ringtail possums are leaf eaters. Their gut is not developed for rapid fermentation and they readily develop bloat when given highly digestible foods like fruit.

As individuals they all have different likes and dislikes, which also varies at different times of the year, but most coastal possums enjoy tea tree, moonah and willow myrtle - although not indigenous to the area, it use to be abundant around here as a nature strip tree, but people take it upon themselves to cut them down - cars need places to park right?

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 20/01/2024

““Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home.”

- Melissa McClone

Baby birds like Noisy miner, Alby, have outgrown their nests.
Their parents will look after them as they learn to fly from the ground, not the nest.

His nest was in a sapling tree in the middle of a kindergarten playground, so he found himself in the middle of what I can only imagine as chaos😂

Understandably, he was picked up due to the amount of excited children wanting to touch him.

But usually if you see a baby bird that is fully feathered like Albert, please leave them unless they are in immediate danger or obviously injured.
In this case it was tricky since he would have been on the ground for a few days, inside a busy kindergarten play area.😬

Things to remember:
- Baby birds will be on the ground learning to fly and hunt for food with their parents. It’s around 3-7 days before they can fly up out of harms way.
- You won’t always see the parent birds around as a lot of species are scared of people so won’t come forward if you are there.
- It is normal for a baby bird to sit in the same spot for a couple of hours quietly. They do not want to attract too much attention to themselves.
- Parent birds will take their babies back after they have been handled by a human.
- If taking a baby bird from an area, please take note of the exact address or landmarks so they can be returned back home.

Alby was with me three days so was able to fly by the time he returned. I was happy to see him follow a parent over the high fence away from the kindergarten 😅

Instagram shows video as well♥️

Photos from Weelam Wildlife Shelter's post 18/01/2024

“Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

~ Stephen King

A happy ending for this beautiful soul, named Hope by her rescuer.

She was hit by a car and driven past by so many, while she lay immobile on a busy road, flapping her wings in pain and confusion.

Thank God there are those among us who do the right thing, the compassionate thing, the kind thing, the only decent thing, and help.

Thank you Silke for responding and keeping her safe that first traumatic night.

She miraculously had no broken bones or signs of internal injuries, but with a prominent head tilt and one eye closed it was looking ominous.

She had 24 hours in intensive care, fluids, pain relief and lots of TLC over the course of her stay.

And in just five days she was able to be reunited with her family.

Juvenile Red wattlebird, Hope.💗

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Weelam is a Boon Wurrung word meaning Haven or Shelter. We are grateful to the Boon Wurrung Foundation for giving us the name and permission to use it.

Weelam Wildlife Shelter is a DELWP registered wildlife shelter operating in Tootgarook. We mainly take in injured or orphaned magpies and ringtail possums but all sorts of animals have come through since we started.

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It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.  Henry David Thoreau


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