The Integrative Nutritionist

The Integrative Nutritionist

Registered Integrative Nutritionist, Accredited Health Coach & Body Image Coach


Because you asked for the recipe…👩🏻‍🍳

My photo isn’t very aesthetic, but the flavour is 🔥🔥


(GF, DF & Refined Sugar Free)

What you need:
2 eggs
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
3 apples diced (small) with skin on for extra fibre
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon GF baking powder
1 cup almond meal
1 cup GF baking flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of salt.

What to do:
Preheat oven to 180°C fan forced.
Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl.
Mix until combined.
Portion in to 12 x muffin tray (I use a silicone non-stick tray - but if you use a metal tray either use muffin patty pans or finely coat with olive oil)
Cook for around 30-40 mins (depending on oven) until golden brown on top. Allow to cool in tray.


Anyone out there who experiences “I Hate Seeing Myself In Photos” Syndrome?

Yep? That was totally me too 🙋🏻‍♀️

I was recently on holiday, relishing every moment of the most special family trip… and there were SO MANY candid photos and videos of us making memories…it felt like between us all, we were our very own paparazzi party!

And let me tell you, there were some real shockers shared. Bad facial expressions, weird postures, multiple chins and highlights of my ‘least favourite’ body parts.

In the past seeing a bad photo of my body would have sent me on a downward spiral of ‘OMG - Do I look like that?’ followed by scrutinising my flaws and imperfections, feelings of body shame, plans to diet and exercise harder, smile and stand differently and…avoid being in photos!

But now I ‘like’ my body and am comfortable in my skin (most of the time) - so whilst I may still look at every picture of myself…I don’t dissect it like I used to.

Usually I will just laugh, or quietly cringe, about it and understand that a bad photo is just a bad photo. It does not define me or my worth, it’s meaningless and not representative of how I actually look, nor capturing the “real” me.

So next time you’re looking at a photo of yourself, try to keep these things in mind;

⭐️ Zoom out, not in: Try and notice the ‘whole’ you. When you’re dissecting every single aspect of yourself in the picture, you’re only looking at one part of the whole picture. You’re missing out on the full effect of the photo!

⭐️ Remember the experience of when the photo was taken: Focus on why the photo was taken in the first place, where were you, who were you with, what was happening? Focus beyond what you look like and more about the experience you were having.

⭐️ No one else is noticing what you’re noticing: When you look at a photo, are you even looking at the other people in the picture? Because truth be told, they’re not looking at you and analysing you, the way you are.

⭐️ Take a deep breath, zoom out and move on.

And even if you’re not ‘loving’ your body right now - my advice - get in the photos!

One day, you’ll look back and be so glad the memory was captured with you in it! 🤍🤍🤍


👋 to everyone out there following my page and welcome to all my new followers - Thank you for being here.

For those who are new, here’s a little snapshot of me…

🌸 I’m a Registered Uni qualified Nutritionist, HCANZA Accredited Health Coach, Peri/Menopause Diet & Lifestyle Practitioner and Body Image Coach.

🌸 I’m a mum of 3 to my 22 🧔🏻, 20 👩🏼 and 16 👩🏻year old. And dog-mum to my boys - Archie and Milo 🐶🐶. Married to my best friend Tim 💕

🌸 I was born and raised here in Melbourne, Australia…but I am 100% Hungarian origin and I am so grateful my family chose to immigrate here.

🌸 I am an amateur ‘urban farmer’ and have been learning to maintain my home organic vegetable garden over the last 12 years. Let’s say it’s always a WIP.

🌸 Whilst I am a foodie and love to get creative in the kitchen, I don’t think I’m actually that fancy with my cooking. Keep it simple with real foods is my cooking mantra.

🌸 Dancing brings out my inner-child. I was obsessed with dance when I was younger - Tony Bartuccio and The National Theatre - jazz, tap, classical ballet, character dance…I did them all.

🌸As a child I always dreamt of being a doctor like my dad, but the universe clearly had other plans for me, which sadly included losing my dad to cancer when I was young.

🌸 Having front row seats on dads cancer journey for 5 years and witnessing his many alternative health practices, his positive mindset, his focus on nutrition and well-being - it made me see the ‘big picture’ of the importance looking after one’s physical, mental and emotional health. Not just once one was sick, but to prevent sickness in the first place.

🌸 Those plans projected me on a studying journey and a few science based university degrees at 3 different Uni’s - my final destination being Nutrition.

🌸 I have a passion for learning and over the past 22 years I continue to refine my womens health, nutrition, health and behaviour studies. Check out my website for those deets if you’re interested.

If you made it all the way down to here - thank you. 🤍💕


Recipe testing for an upcoming ‘Brain Food Cooking Workshop’ for 100 students.

The brief: A simple and nutritious snack recipe that 100 students can make by hand and complete in 30 minutes - and it has to be nut free, made only by hand (no kitchen gadgets and cooking) and made from ingredients which are scientifically evidenced to boost energy and wellbeing.

The result: Strawberry & Dark Choc Energy Balls


Just did a fabulous podcast with this dynamo talking all things perimenopause to post menopause, and how we really can make it an empowering and magnificent chapter of our lives, how important it is to take ownership of our own wellbeing, and how having a ‘village’ that loves you and gets you (and all of your weird and sometimes whacky symptoms and changes) can make the journey so much better!


Did you know that eating red fruits and vegetables can significantly boost your health?

These vibrant foods are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support heart health, improve skin, and enhance overall well-being.

Plus, they contain resveratrol, a powerful compound known for its anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.

Add some berries, grapes, cranberries and red apples, beets, tomatoes (not pictured) in to your diet today and enjoy the benefits! 🍎🍅🍓



Some of my clients asked if I could make this happen…and here we are with a new gift offering 🤍

Imagine if there was someone in your life, who you cared deeply about and wanted only the best for their health and wellbeing…BUT they were stuck in a cycle of some pretty unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits, and just didn’t have the tools for change to help them make life changing improvements.

Imagine if you could give them the gift of support in making these changes happen through seeing someone who is an expert in nutrition and lifestyle behaviour changes 🙋🏻‍♀️ - what an amazing gift idea! 💝

So now I now have a selection of Gift Vouchers available in my store on my website for gifting the gift of health! (Link in Bio 🔝)

Think a gift idea for Mothers Day, Fathers Day, birthdays, or really for any other day just because you really care about this persons health and wellbeing.

And it doesn’t matter where they live as my practice is hybrid and I offer Telehealth from all over the world 🌏

👋 Message me for further details or email me at [email protected]



Keep it simple 🌸

Photos from The Integrative Nutritionist's post 25/03/2024



Are you, or someone you know, navigating the complex journey of perimenopause or menopause?

At NIIM, we understand the unique needs of women during this phase of life and pleased to offer you comprehensive and holistic support every step of the way.

I’m so excited to be part of the team, alongside some incredible Integrative GPs, providing this bespoke ‘all-in-one’ new offering for midlife women.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of perimenopause or menopause and looking for a consolidated holistic approach, or to learn more about the ‘Women’s Holistic Health Check: Midlife Mastery contact NIIM to book your appointment.

or call (03) 9804 0646

Or message me for more details


Medicare rebates are available, and private health rebates may be too.



I have witnessed some incredible transformations with my clients over summer through dietary and lifestyle goal setting, success planning, implementing, and achieving!

We have explored hormonal challenges, gut health, navigating perimenopause and menopause, body dissatisfaction, mindset and mental fitness, blood sugar regulation, weight management, sleep concerns, burnout…and more.

As we slide towards April, I wanted to spread these ‘happy and healthy vibes’ amongst my Insta community.

So, if you are seeking clarity around your own health goals and vision, I believe NOW is the best time to start your journey.

Your future body will thank you!

And if you feel more likely to succeed with a ‘guide by your side’ - I am here to support you!

If you are a little on the fence and would like to explore further, I invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Phone Call. 🔝🔝🔝

If you wish to jump straight in… I am offering a spring special discounted 3 x 1:1 session ‘Nourish & Thrive 360’ Starter package. This means one session together is totally free!

This bespoke package will set you on the right track towards implementing transformative positive changes in your nutrition and lifestyle. We go deep and explore areas of resistance that are serving as roadblocks and causing concern.

This offer is for 3 x 1:1 in person or online (Telehealth) appointments with Romy.

The offer is available for those where the first appointment needs to be booked in prior to the end of April. (This means the booking is made before end of April, but the first appointment may be scheduled in April, May or June.)

To claim the package type in NOURISH & THRIVE in the notes when booking!

A 50% deposit will be due prior to our first session together.

Message me or email me if you would like to know more…🔝🔝🔝



Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, peaceful and STRESS-FREE weekend!

Don’t forget to bump yourself up the priority list and do something just for YOU!



Did you know that in past centuries womens average life expectancy used to be around 60-65 years?…So they hit menopause and then shortly after, end of life was imminent…

Fast forward to today and fortunately women are now living longer than ever before - and up to 40% on average of their lifespan in their ‘post menopause’ era.

That is why it’s essential that we each understand how to not just manage - but thrive in and beyond this exciting new chapter of our lives.

It’s only recently that the concept of ‘menopause’ has been thrust in to the spotlight, and there is so much we are still discovering and learning through current scientific research that shines a fresh perspective on this gateway to natural aging in women.

The life and lifestyle we live in the lead up to menopause can have a significant impact on how we transition through menopause and the years beyond.

Imagine if you could journey through this transition empowered with understanding what is happening to your body and why, and with all the tools in your own personalised toolkit to continue feeling like the best version of you.

Want to explore this more?

DM me or jump on my website (link in Bio)


Thanks for the feature in your newsletter 😊😊😊

We are so thrilled to announce that experienced Integrative Nutritionist Romy Bursztyn is joining us at Nest on Tuesdays.

Romy is a Nutritionist and Health Coach, employs evidence-based strategies to enhance individuals’ well-being. Specialising in personalized and integrative approaches, Romy collaborates with medical professionals to empower her patients on their journey to optimal health.

With a focus on sustainable dietary and wellness practices, Romy guides clients in setting and achieving measurable goals, particularly supporting those navigating perimenopause, menopause, and challenges with body and food relationships.

Additionally, Romy serves as the co-founder and CEO of Our Village Kitchen, a Melbourne-based food-relief charity.


Did you know that in past centuries womens average life expectancy used to be around 65 years?…So they hit menopause and then shortly after…well they died.

Fast forward to today and fortunately women are now living longer than ever before - and up to 40-50% of their lifespan in their ‘post menopause’ era.

That is why it’s essential that we each understand how to not just manage - but thrive in and beyond this exciting new chapter of our lives.

It’s only recently that the concept of ‘menopause’ has been thrust in to the spotlight, and there is so much we are still discovering and learning through current scientific research that shines a fresh perspective on this gateway to natural aging in women.

The life and lifestyle we live in the lead up to menopause can have a significant impact on how we transition through menopause and the years beyond.

Imagine if you could journey through this transition empowered with understanding what is happening to your body and why, and with all the tools in your own personalised toolkit to continue feeling like the best version of you.

Want to explore this more?

DM me or jump on my website (link in Bio)

Photos from The Integrative Nutritionist's post 10/02/2024

Hi - my 1:1 consulting work is my primary work focus and I always try and make it as convenient as possible for my clients to be able to see me in a way that works best for them. Even if we need to schedule an out of hours time slot.

So for anyone who is keen to explore working together…here’s what you need to know to schedule an appointment to see me.

I work out of 3 convenient locations in Melbourne and if you prefer Telehealth you can literally dial in from anywhere in Australia and around the globe!!

Everything you need to know is on my website, but you are welcome to email me via my website with any enquires or questions.

Hope this helps 🩵🩵🩵


Are you seeking personalised nutrition, lifestyle and wellbeing support, however due to your work or life circumstances your day-time availability is a little all over the place?

If this is you - I’ve got you covered!

Whilst my face-to-face clinic appointments are available only during business hours, I understand that for some people appointments during business hours are not possible.

So from February I will be offering more evening and weekend ONLINE/TELEHEALTH appointments so no one misses out.

The best part is you can dial in from the comfort of your home or even your bed…Plus wherever you live throughout Australia or even overseas…I will look after you.

These appointments are available upon request, we will organise a mutually suitable time.

If this is you - simply email me at [email protected] and we will get the ball rolling.

My word for 2024 is EMPOWER.

Hopefully by offering this flexible and hybrid model for you, you too will feel EMPOWERED to take charge of your health and life….so you can go out and live your best life!



A massive THANK YOU to all of you who have been following along on my journey for a while, or to those who have joined more recently. 🩷

Instagram isn’t what it used to be - I’ve personally found it pretty depressing and toxic. But I will do my best to keep my page one that is uplifting, entertaining, educational and empowering in the space of all things nutrition, health and wellbeing, body image, menopause etc. 💜

I’m very excited to announce that I will be expanding my practice in early 2024 and joining another medical practice (will let you know which one very soon) as well as joining an amazing corporate women’s organisation that focuses on keeping women well in the workplace. 💛

But for now I am switching off work-mode to focus on myself, my family, my people…and to recharge and refresh for an invigorating launch in 2024. 🧡

Wishing you all Happy Holidays - and a healthy, peaceful, kind, loving, safe and memorable break for you and all of your loved ones. 🩵


Is 2024 YOUR year of feeling like your healthiest and happiest version of you?

My online bookings are now open for 2024 for my Armadale, Hawthorn and Telehealth clinics.

For those ready for a fresh start at the beginning of the year…I have a special discounted NEW YEAR-NEW YOU offer to get you going…

✨3 x session package at a 20% discount.
✨That’s $100 off your package.
✨Just type in NEW YEAR SPECIAL in notes of your booking or send me an email.

For my Armadale clinic bookings - go to this link

For my NIIM (Hawthorn) clinic bookings - go to this link here

For Telehealth bookings - If you prefer to be in the comfort and convenience of your own home or workplace, I want to reassure you that our work together can be just as impactful via online telehealth appointments.

No matter where you live in the world, together we can create life-changing improvements to your health and wellbeing!

You do not need a referral to make an appointment.

Private Health Fund insured?
As a degree qualified Nutritionist, my nutrition services may be claimable through your health fund. Make sure you check your individual fund to see if you are covered for Nutrition.


As we launch towards the famous festive season, there is a huge amount of ‘wellness world’ championing out there, seducing us with the best kept secrets for how to keep those Christmas Calories down, or burn off your Chrissy weight blowout, or how to earn your slice of Christmas name a few. (🤬).

And yes, with family and social gatherings centred around food, the festive season is widely associated with indulgence.

Yet, contrary to what some nutrition experts may suggest, I say let’s take the pedal of the ‘food rules’ because food guilt, shame and fear is not something that should be served as a side dish! 
To make this time a little easier to navigate, here are some of my thoughts:

⚡️When it comes to special occasions, I look through a holistic lens. There are foods that nourish our bodies and foods that nourish our souls…and we need both.

⚡️Having  a positive relationship with food is very important. Food is a huge part of our culture, our identity and it is often an integral part of celebrations when it comes to family, joy and love.

⚡️So, if you are eating at a special dinner, or another festive celebration, I say please enjoy every mouthful… because guilt and shame won’t help your mindset, nor your digestion! 

⚡️One meal, several meals or how you eat over a short period of time doesn’t matter as much as how you eat in general over an extended period of time.

⚡️So, please be kind to yourself and give yourself unconditional permission to eat the foods you enjoy when you are with the ones you love! 

If you would like to read on for my further suggestions, please go to the blog link here…


Did you know I have a little shop/store on my website selling a collection of inspiring books, journals, pop cards and more.

I’m going to be adding in some exciting new additions to my store in the new year.

In the mean time if you’re looking for some added inspo for end of year or Xmas gifts…have a little look.

Link in my Bio 🔝


Hi 👋 - I will be taking a break over summer to unwind and recharge for a BIG 2024!

My practices at both my Armadale and Hawthorn locations will be closed from 22 December - 22 January.

If you would like to jump in to begin your wellness journey before the end of the year, it’s definitely not too late!

You can still book in and get the ball rolling. Simply visit my website in my Bio for further details 🔝



“For women, menopause is like the ‘book end’ to puberty…and the beginning of a whole new beautiful chapter of your life.”

As a women’s nutritionist and health practitioner I am passionate about supporting and empowering midlife women on their menopause journey.

The first step is to help them place their own perimenopause or menopause puzzle pieces together…and understand exactly what is going on in their body, and how and why it’s impacting their life.

Then we work together to transform and optimise their body, energy and vitality through small yet super significant shifts in their daily routines.

Over the past few months I have witnessed some incredible transformations with my midlife clients through dietary and lifestyle goal setting, success planning, implementing, and achieving!

As we slide towards 2024, if you are seeking clarity around your own health goals and vision, I suggest NOW is the best time to start your journey. Your future body will thank you!

And if you feel more likely to succeed with a ‘guide by your side’ - I am here to support you.

If you are a little on the fence and would like to explore further, I invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Phone Call.

If you wish to jump straight in…then visit my website
(Link is in my Bio 🔝) to see what’s on offer.


To my kind and caring community - with everything going on in our world right now my heart feels too heavy to post my usual content.

I feel so overwhelmed and emotional, so I’m taking a break from socials to take care of my people and my own well-being.

Sending so much love to everyone in my tribe all over the world…and all beautiful humans with kind hearts.

I prey for my family, friends and innocent humans caught up in the war, and for peace, love and humanity.

(One final gentle reminder before I get off…If your wellbeing, sleep, emotions, life etc is being negatively impacted by what you’re seeing online…and you’re feeling overwhelmed - I encourage you to get off your socials and take a break from it too, or at least curate your feed to delete all negative and stress inducing accounts….and just keep the cute puppy ones, or funny menopause memes, or inspiring recipes etc.) Stay safe. Practice self-care 🤍


I was recently asked at a conference I attended, what my core principle was on helping my patients move successfully and sustainably towards their health and wellness goals and this post was my answer.

I believe that when healthcare professionals/practitioners come through the University system, such as myself in the area of Nutrition, we are taught science, statistics and facts and provided with skills and knowledge to become professional health ‘information givers’.

And yes, there are brilliant medical/healthcare ‘information givers’ out there! However…

We are NOT taught how to be true information receivers, active listeners, to help place the patient in the drivers seat, how to dive in to the patients beliefs/habits/strengths/personality/culture/lifestyle…etc

We are definitely not taught to empower our patients to be their own greatest health advocates, to understand the importance of their own strengths and SUPERPOWERS for their health or healing journey.

That was me 2 decades ago…I went out in to the world fresh from Uni as solely an ‘information giver’…giving my clients a dietary formula, a meal plan or direction based on my limited nutrition skills and knowledge.

Looking back at that era, I think I may have even failed my clients. It was never intentional…it was all I knew and I wasn’t aware of practicing any other way. But during those years something felt ‘out of alignment’ and I knew this wasn’t the way forward for me.

Fast forward to today and so much has changed for me professionally. For several years I did a deep dive into studying a much more holistic approach to Nutrition and Healthcare, where I focus on the ‘whole’ person.

This is where I discovered the power and transformative world of Health Coaching (I studied coaching for 18 months, not the weekend version 🤪).

Let’s just say, my current approach to my work is completely different. I blend my nutrition and healthcare knowledge through a coaching model - I put my clients in the drivers seat…I mean they know their bodies and life better than anyone!

I meet them wherever they are at and we work together in a partnership and at a pace that works for them.

Together we don't leave any stone left unturned when it comes to their health and well-being.

I ensure they feel they are being seen and heard, we ask lots and lots of questions both ways. We are ultimately a TEAM - where they are the expert on 'themself" and we blend my professional skills and knowledge with their strengths to help them reach their goals with a successful outcome.



I do…and I’m going to share why…

Everybody starts the day differently. During busy mornings it’s easy to let breakfast slip to the bottom of our priority list, plus so many people just don’t feel hungry when they wake. However, without breakfast we are effectively beginning our day running on empty.

So in order to give our body and brain ‘fuel’ and energy and to avoid fatigue and potential ‘brain fog’ induced by low blood-sugar levels, I believe it’s important to start the day with a nutrient dense meal of some sort, whether substantial or small.

Starting off the day with a meal also boosts your metabolism, improves productivity, allows you to space your food/energy intake and make better choices throughout the day, including zapping those night time snack cravings.

Experimenting with different breakfast foods is a fantastic way to tune into your bio-individual needs.

So my view? A balanced breakfast is the right way to start the day - but in the end the key is tune in to your own body’s needs and to be mindful of eating well throughout the whole day, to stabilise blood sugar levels, hunger and weight.

This is my latest breakfast go-to and (I think) a nourishing balanced plate - roast turkey breast and spinach omelette (protein and veg) with some avo (healthy omega 3 fats) and toast (healthy whole grains). She may not be pretty, but she is super tasty and sets me up for my busy day ahead.


A fun day at the conference representing Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association and speaking to doctors and allied health practitioners about how Health Coaching can enhance patient care, support doctors and their medical practices… and ultimately bridge the gap between medical treatment plans and successful patient health outcomes.

I truly believe Health Coaching is a ‘rising star’ towards resolving the current chronic disease crisis, by supporting individuals with personalised and sustainable preventative and proactive health strategies - for a quality lifespan and healthspan.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the magic of female bodies.

Female bodies are designed completely differently to males, so our nutritional needs are obviously going to be different. (Just a friendly reminder that it is pointless to compare your eating to those of your fellow males).

Plus our nutritional needs will continue to evolve as our bodies go through physical and hormonal changes during different stages of our lives.

From our childhood & teen years -> young adults -> before and during pregnancy -> breastfeeding -> peri/menopause -> post menopause.

And let’s not forget for those who menstruate, our nutritional needs can change not only through the month, but also day by day!

That’s a whole LOT of change!

It sure is a life-long journey on a body changing, hormonal and ultimately ‘hormotional’ rollercoaster!

And this is where the power of food can be a total game-changer!

If you understand how to eat well for ‘you’ & nourish ‘your’ body it can make a huge difference to how you function and feel including
✨boosting energy,
✨improving mood/mental wellbeing,
✨regulating hormones,
✨optimising gut health,
✨helping maintain a healthy weight,
✨optimising healthy aging ✨supporting us through each stage of life.

Want to learn how to optimise YOUR well-being through the power of food?

Visit my website for more info (link iin Bio 🔝)


Understanding the reasons behind your afternoon slump is the first step towards finding solutions.

ONE common factor contributing to many busy women’s midday energy dip is…


Everybody starts the day differently.

During busy mornings it’s easy to let breakfast slip to the bottom of our priority list, plus so many people just don’t feel hungry when they wake.

However, without breakfast we are effectively beginning our day running on empty.

So in order to give our body and brain ‘fuel’ and energy and to avoid fatigue and potential ‘brain fog’ induced by low blood-sugar levels, I believe it’s important to start the day with
a nutrient dense balanced meal of some sort, whether substantial or something small.

Aim for a balanced meal that includes some protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. These foods are slowly digested, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels and sustain energy.

Starting off the day with a meal also improves productivity, allows you to space your food/energy intake and make better choices throughout the day, including zapping those afternoon and night time snack cravings.

Experimenting with different breakfast foods is a fantastic way to tune into your bio-individual needs.

Yes - I believe a balanced breakfast is the right way to start the day - but in the end the key is tune in to YOUR OWN BODY’S needs and to be mindful of eating well throughout the whole day, to stabilise blood sugar levels, hunger and weight

If you’re looking for some breakfast inspo to mix up your morning ‘re-energise’ session…head over to my website for my free Breakfast E-Book for some simple, nutritious and nourishing recipes.

Link in my Bio 🔝

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Hi 👋 I’m Romy, a Registered Integrative Nutritionist, Professional Accredited Health Coach, Perimenopause and Menopause ...
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