Southern Cross Smiles

Open 6 days/ week. We offer braces, dental implants, wisdom teeth removal & general dental care in C

Southern Cross Smiles, where you can explore our scope of services, learn more about our dental clinic facilities. Southern Cross Smiles is a dental healthcare facility providing caring and professional care to patients of all
ages. The dental clinic provides services in all facets of family dentistry namely preventive, restorative and cosmetic - teeth straightening ( braces, Invisalign, clear ali


We care about your oral health and overall wellbeing. Here at Southern Cross Smiles we strive to provide you and your family with the highest quality dental care using the latest technology and procedures. Our team of experienced and caring dentists and dental hygienists are committed to keeping your teeth and gums healthy so you can eat, speak and smile with confidence. We accept all major health funds and offer payment plans for comprehensive dental treatments. When was the last time you visited a dentist? Book an appointment with us today, give us a call or send us a message! We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice. 🦷🦷🦷✨


A sparkling smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem but there is a popular dental myth that teeth whitening damages the enamel of teeth. However, the facts will 😮😃. With the right product and process under supervision of experienced dentists, teeth whitening remains one of the safest and most effective cosmetic dental procedures. Modern bleaching products and techniques used by the dentists are designed to whiten teeth safely and effectively without causing harm to your natural teeth if done properly. So don't hesitate to consider teeth whitening to get that perfect 😁 you desire. Get those pearly whites professionally whitened for a lasting and safe glow up.


Women who are pregnant often have many questions regarding dental treatments and care. Here are some common myths busted with facts about pregnancy and dental health.

Myths: Dental X-rays are harmful during pregnancy.
Fact: Modern low radiation dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy when used properly. 🩺🦷

Myth: Cleanings and fillings should be avoided during pregnancy.
Fact: Regular dental cleanings and treatment for cavities are safe during pregnancy and important for oral health.👩‍⚕️

Myth: Bleeding gums are normal in pregnancy.
Fact: Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease and should be treated during pregnancy for good oral health.💉

Myth: Pregnancy hormones cause cavities.
Fact: Cavities are caused by bacteria, not hormones. Proper brushing and flossing can prevent cavities.🦷🧼

Proper dental care during and after pregnancy is essential to maintain good oral health🦷 and prevent issues that may impact the health of mother and baby. 👶 👩


Facts and more facts about dental care during pregnancy on the way! 🦷👩‍🦰 It's time to break the myths surrounding dental checkups and treatments during pregnancy. Pregnant women should not avoid routine dental visits and treatments. The health of your teeth and gums directly affects your overall health and wellbeing. Dental issues left untreated can cause painful infections, difficulties eating properly and low nutrition intake. So moms-to-be, schedule that dental cleaning and checkup today. Let's spread awareness to bust the myths!💯


Myth buster! or gum disease can affect people of all ages including teenagers and young adults. Early diagnosis 🩺 and treatment is key to prevent tooth loss as you age. Make sure to brush twice daily for at least two minutes, floss once daily, and schedule routine dental 🦷 checkups. Clean between the teeth and under the gumline to remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to periodontal disease. Remember to also see your dentist immediately if you notice symptoms like bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and swollen or receding gums. Practice good oral hygiene habits from a young age and keep your mouth and teeth healthy for life.


Myth busters: It is a common misconception that gum diseases only affect older people. Tomorrow we will provide more surprising 😮😮 facts about gum diseases in youth to show why early prevention is so important. Let's work together to improve gum health for people of all ages!


Chewing gum after meals does not replace proper tooth brushing for maintaining good oral hygiene. 🦷🪥 Though gum chewing increases saliva flow which helps rinse food particles🍽️, it does nothing to remove plaque 🦠buildup on teeth. Brushing with toothpaste💥 helps clean in between teeth and under the gumline where chewing gum cannot. So stick to the proper 2 minutes twice daily tooth brushing routine 🕰to remove plaque, freshen breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Add flossing once daily for best results🦷. Chew sugarfree gum if you want but make sure to brush your teeth as recommended


Myth no 2 is that chewing gum can replace tooth brushing. Stay tuned for more facts from Southern Cross Smiles! 😁😄


Oral health is very important for our overall wellbeing. Let's bust the myth that oral cancer is caused only due to smoking. Oral cancer can be caused due to human papillomavirus infection also known as HPV. HPV virus can cause cell changes that may develop into oral cancer over time. Regular dental checkups and oral self examination can help detect early signs. So regardless of your smoking habits, taking care of your oral health and being aware of symptoms is important. Don't ignore lumps, sores or thick patches that don't heal in mouth or lips. Early detection leads to better treatment results. Let's spread awareness and take control of our oral health. smokershealth


That is an interesting myth to bust! Gum disease affects people of all ages and lifestyles, not just smokers. Your upcoming reveal will be informative .

Myth no 1 is that oral cancer is a smokers disease.

our reveal tomorrow will provide useful information ✨for people to identify early signs and take preventative action. Proper brushing and flossing, routine cleanings by a dentist, and a healthy diet can help maintain strong teeth and gums. Let's spread awareness of gum disease facts🙌and improve oral health for all! I'm excited to learn more from your upcoming reveal.


Dental health is an important aspect of our overall wellbeing. Stay tuned this week as uncover dental myths and facts to help spread awareness on proper dental care practices. We will be hosting where our experts will reveal 👄👀✨
interesting facts about teeth that you may not have known before. They will debunk common misconceptions around subjects like flossing, fluoride, cavities and more. Let's learn together how we can all improve our 🦷💁‍♀️💁‍♂️ and 😁 with better dental hygiene and habits. Join the conversation and follow along as we strive to provide more resources and knowledge to build healthier communities.


Dental myth buster weeks are coming up real soon. Southern Cross Smiles will be sharing one dental myth each day during those weeks and the very next day we will reveal the fact and truth related to that particular dental myth. Tune in to catch all the fun facts and dentistry facts that will bust common myths around oral health and dentistry. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our social media channels in the coming days for some myth busting health . Share and like our posts if you enjoy reading dental tips and recommendations.

Dental myths are quite common when it comes to oral health and dentistry. Many people think some dental practices are harmful while in reality they are good for dental health. Southern Cross Smiles will try to bust such dental myths during the upcoming dental myth buster weeks. We will share the actual facts and science behind healthy dental practices so you have proper knowledge regarding your oral health care. Stay tuned for some dental myth revealing posts that will educate you on important dental health practices.


Bright white smiles are just around the corner folks!
© For a limited time only
our teeth whitening service is offering an amazing 10% discount on the full treatment cost. Simply call our friendly reception team today to book your free no obligation consultation appointment or head straight to our website to instantly reserve a slot. Our expert dental technicians will discuss your individual needs, goals and concerns before customizing a perfect whitening plan just for you. Whether you desire a few subtle shades lighter or want to go all the way to a full white smile, our professional whitening treatments can help you achieve the dazzling results you've always dreamed of.


How to make your pearly whites gleam again? In-office or take-home teeth whitening is an effective solution to fade those stains and coffee rings. Plenty Valley Family Dental offers🦷😊 both types of whitening treatments🟡 and currently has a limited time only deal🚨 with 10% off on whitening costs plus a complimentary consultation to determine what option suits you best. So book 📒your teeth whitening appointment today💯 to get your dazzling🤩 smile back!


Keeping your pearly whites healthy and shining is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Avoid harmful habits that can stain and damage your enamel like smoking🛑, drinking too much soda🥤 and coffee☕. Instead focus on good oral hygiene habits like🙌:

- Brushing twice daily for at least 2 minutes
- Flossing daily to remove plaque between teeth
- Rinsing with mouthwash
- Avoiding sugary snacks🍬🍭
- Using whitening toothpaste and teeth whitening strips if needed occasionally
- Getting regular dental checkups

Taking good care of your teeth and gums now can help prevent more serious issues like cavities, gum disease and tooth loss in the future. Your smile is precious


Beautiful white teeth can boost your and overall health 😊 . At Plenty Valley Family Dental we perform with advanced tools to provide impeccable results along with complete safety and comfort. Our experienced dentists customize the whitening procedure as per your teeth condition and desired level of brightness .The whitening gel contains of carbamide peroxide that gently lightens tooth enamel by removing surface stains without causing any damage. You can reverse the effects anytime, if desired. So don't hesitate anymore, call us today to schedule a risk free consultation for an eye catching that you will flaunt with . 🦷


Did you know that our teeth reveal a lot more about our overall health than just how white they are? Check out these 7 facts uncovered about your teeth 🦷🦷


Our ancient ancestors had better teeth! WW It's a well known fact that children living in prehistoric times rarely had dental cavities unlike children today. There are many possible reasons for this. FACT suggests that without processed sugars and sweeteners in their diet, their teeth remained healthier for longer.
Without foods like candies, chocolates, biscuits and soft drinks, the bacteria in their mouths that cause cavities and tooth decay had very little to feed on. They mostly ate meat, fruits and vegetables which are more natural and contain less added sugar.
Children today are exposed to so many sweet treats and drinks at a young age. Even 100% fruit juices and baby food purees contain a lot of natural sugar. All this excess sugar in our diets is harming our teeth and causing serious dental issues like cavities in both children and adults.
Let's learn from our ancient ancestors and cut down on. added sugars to keep our teeth and gums healthy for life. Our smiles are precious! ©


Uniquely You FACT #6..Everyone is born with a unique set of teeth marks shaped by the arrangement of their teeth and jaw structure ©. As you go through life biting into foods and objects, the marks left behind on those surfaces showcase your distinct tooth and jaw shape in much the same way that fingerprints uniquely identify you ©.
Whether chomping into an apple, sandwich or piece of plastic your dental imprint is just as unique as your fingerprints in identifying you as an individual


Salivation is a normal bodily function that keeps our mouth moist and allows us to taste food. Did you know we produce a lot of saliva in a lifetime?!
It's truly mindblowing that an average
person produces around 2,5000 quarts or almost 25,000 liters of saliva throughout their life.
This enormous amount of saliva could potentially fill two average residential swimming pools! O
• Now that's a
lot of spit! Our salivary glands located under the tongue and below the jaw work hard on a daily basis to secrete saliva whenever we see, smell, think or taste food.
Without saliva, eating and speaking would be extremely difficult.
So the next time you wonder what purpose all that saliva serves, remember it lubricates your mouth and protects your teeth from cavity-causing bacteria. 100 100 We are loving sharing these fun dental facts with you all! Let us know if you have any other interesting facts you would like us to cover. i


Blue moods can come and go for many reasons but choosing blue toothbrushes over red ones seems like an interesting dental fact #4!!!!
. Blue toothbrushes are a popular favorite color for folks when shopping for oral care products
W. Researchers found that around 56%
people prefer blue toothbrushes over other colored options available in the markets
Blue colored brushes are thought to invoke feelings of calmness and relaxation in users while they brush their teeth every morning and night €. The color blue is often associated with trust, responsibility and cleanliness which may explain its popularity as a preferred choice for toothbrushes. So next time you go toothbrush shopping remember to think of this fact &


Toughest Facts that will leave you amazed. FACT #3 L! Enamel actually is the toughest & strongest part of the body making it the most resilient tissue in the human body . It is made from the hardest natural substance and enamel rods interlock like tough metallic rods to create a hardened shell over the crown of the teeth. The enamel coating protects the soft dentin and inner pulp from wear & tear by foods and even extreme temperatures. This protective enamel layer has no nerves and blood vessels giving it the ability to withstand years of chewing force without damage. Though extremely durable, enamel can chip, crack and wear away over time. So proper brushing and regular dental checkups are crucial to maintain this biological wonder of nature.


PASS THE TISSUE FACT #2 * Did you know that tooth decay is actually the second most common disease after common cold? Tooth decay or dental cavities are a major oral health problem that affects people of all ages. & & We must maintain good oral hygiene and take extra precautions to prevent tooth decay. Make sure to brush your teeth atleast twice daily and floss once daily to remove plaque from between teeth. • Also rinse your mouth with water after eating anything sweet as sugar feeds the bacteria that cause cavities. O
Get regular dental checkups done so that early cavities and problems can be detected and necessary treatment can be provided. W & @ Your dentist can also recommend the use of fluoride toothpaste, mouth rinses, dental sealants etc to protect your teeth. W
Make healthier food choices and limit the intake of sugary drinks and sticky or chewy snacks. a @ * Instead fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains and proteins.
The key is to practice good dental hygiene habits and have a balanced diet to keep your teeth and gums healthy so they last you a lifetime. Spread the message and create awareness about the importance of oral health.


BEr itecth st ddenta aarenth i Did ou now
that every person spends over a month in their lifetime brushing their teeth?! That's a lot of time spent on dental hygiene for healthy pearly whites and fresh breath. According to studies, the average individual brushes their teeth for roughly 2-3 minutes, twice daily.
Over the course of an average life, this amounts to around 38 days spent just brushing! So the next time you power on your electric or manual toothbrush, take a moment to appreciate all the years you've dedicated to keeping your chompers clean and strong. Proper dental care is important for your overall health, preventing issues like cavities, gingivitis and bad breath. And with good oral hygiene habits, you can keep your natural smile for a lifetime. So spread the word about these dental facts and remember to always brush for at least 2 minutes, twice per day and floss once daily for a healthy mouth


Southern Cross Smiles 🦷👩‍⚕️🩺is all set to share some amazing dental facts with you all👀📚. Over the next 7 days stay tuned for 7 mind blowing🤯 dental facts that will help you make better choices for your teeth and gums🦷💕. These fun 😊dental facts will make you think twice before chomping down on your favorite snacks🍫🍬🍭. So be sure to follow Southern Cross Smiles🤳 for some awesome dental wisdom that will have you grinning from ear to ear 😁😀


🦷💎☺️ Replacing old amalgam fillings can make all the difference for your dental health and smile! The silver fillings from years past are being replaced with white composite resin that matches your natural teeth colour better. Composites also bond directly to your tooth

Getting replacement fillings done soon! My dentist recommended replacing my old amalgam fillings to avoid future issues like tooth sensitivity, cracks and further decay. The new composite resin fillings are more durable and natural looking. They're bonded to my teeth to seal out food and bacteria for stronger protection. we are excited to have our fillings updated and reduce the risk of future tooth problems. Wish me luck!🦷 💪😊


Red hearts 🧡💛❤️ and white smiles 🙂🙃 for you all on this wonderful Valentine's Day! Wishing you and your loved ones a day filled with joy and love.


Our dental clinic is to announce our new patient ! For a limited time only, we are offering a comprehensive dental check up and cleaning for just $249. This amazing deal 🙂 includes:

- A full dental exam by our friendly dentist to check for any cavities 🦷 or issues

- Full set of bite-wing 📷 x-rays to monitor tooth and bone health.

- A thorough teeth cleaning by our experienced hygienist to remove 🧽 plaque and tartar build up.

- Fluoride treatment 💧 to strengthen enamel and prevent decay.

- Digital intra oral 📸 photos of your teeth to monitor changes over time.

Don't miss out on 💁this incredible opportunity to get all these essential services for such
an affordable price! Call our office today to schedule your new patient exam and cleaning.
Spaces are limited!


Visit your dentist regularly! 🦷 🦷 There are so many common dental myths that prevent people from maintaining good oral health. Let’s bust some of those myths!

Not brushing after meals won’t ruin your teeth. While it’s ideal to brush after each meal, missing a brush once in a while isn’t going to cause irreversible damage instantly. Make brushing twice daily a habit.

Flossing daily really makes a difference. If you don’t floss between your teeth daily, plaque buildup can lead to gum disease and tooth decay over time. Make flossing part of your routine.

Fluoride toothpaste is essential. Toothpaste with fluoride strengthens your enamel and makes it more resistant to bacteria that cause cavities. Choose a fluoride toothpaste to help protect your smile.

Regular checkups with your dentist catch small issues before they become big problems. Schedule your cleaning and exam at least twice per year to maintain good oral health.

There are no “healthy” alternatives to brushing. While some claim oil pulling or special herbs can clean teeth, nothing replaces good old brushing and flossing to remove plaque and food debris.

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Videos (show all)

Bright white smiles are just around the corner folks! © For a limited time onlyour teeth whitening service is offering a...
How to make your pearly whites gleam again? In-office or take-home teeth whitening is an effective solution to fade thos...
Keeping your pearly whites healthy and shining is important for your overall health and wellbeing. Avoid harmful habits ...
Did you know that our teeth reveal a lot more about our overall health than just how white they are? Check out these 7 f...
Red hearts 🧡💛❤️ and white smiles 🙂🙃 for you all on this wonderful Valentine's Day! Wishing you and your loved ones a day...
Our dental clinic is #happy to announce our new patient #special ! For a limited time only, we are offering a comprehens...
#Smile #DentalCare #Dentist #Teeth Visit your dentist regularly! 🦷 🦷 There are so many common dental myths that prevent ...
Did you know 😮 teeth have some pretty amazing anatomy! Our teeth are made of multiple tissues that work together to give...
Experience Comfy And Smooth Wisdom Teeth Extraction From Southern Cross SmilesIs the wisdom tooth causing extreme pain a...
Handy factsoo! Studies show righthanded folks tend to chew food using right side of their jaw and teeth more often than ...
Get that confident 😁 glow 🌟 with an amazing 😃 smile makeover 😬 from the expert dentists at Southern Cross Smiles 🦷. Book...
Visiting a #QIP accredited organisation provides you with peace of mind knowing that they are committed to high quality ...




717 Bourke Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6pm
Friday 8:30am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

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