Romeo's Cat Rescue

Romeo's Cat Rescue

RCR is a small one woman rescue/sanctuary who rescue, rehabilitate and find the very best homes. Roslyn has put her heart and soul into her cat rescue.


And Bank Account Details
BSB 923 100
ACC: 3058 3622 3

Romeo's Cat Rescue is a self funded not for profit rescue who take on homeless and abandoned animals. Roslyn the founder of Romeo's Cat Rescue goes to great lengths to ensure all cats rescued are rehabilitated physically and emotionally and helping the cats rebuild their trust in humans before helping them find


To all those scammers who try to invade my page....


It's me!! Your favourite little Princess 😍


No words needed.......


As you know I generally gravitate towards the difficult cases. The bubbas that have multiple health issues, severe trauma and have not been given the chance they deserve, the love they deserve, and our Coco ticks all those boxes. Coco has been part of our family for about 3 years. When she arrived she was very underweight, emotionally shut down and with cigarette burns on her little body. I syringe fed her for about the first 6 months whilst trying to gain her trust. It took quiet a while but eventually she learnt that she was safe and loved and I'm sure she now knows I will do everything in my power to keep her happy and well. Originally my goal was to find Coco a loving home but now I have slowly come to accept that probably will never happen. Coco has a very complicated medical regime. She has heart, kidney and blood pressure problems along with asthma, motility issues, arthritis, pancreatitis, IBD and sporadic respiratory issues.... Dr Amy ( The Cat Doctors ) is my hero. During the past 3 or so years she has worked wonders with finding the right medications and constantly tweaking those medications to ensure Coco's ailments are kept under control and that she can live her senior years as happy and healthy as is possible. I know some may think ' she is 16 why spend all this money on her?' But as far as I am concerned a life is a life , whether she is 16 months or 16 years Coco deserves the best treatment for the very best life for as long as she is happy and comfortable. We have had some ups and downs, and the past couple of weeks have been a little tougher than is usual but we are all working together to get her back on track. Our Coco, is resilient, strong, brave and sweet. Here she is snuggling in one of her favourite places under the blankie on the sofa with me. Thankyou for helping me to help her forget her past, and know that she can now live out her senior years feeling safe and loved 🥰

If you would like to contribute to Coco's ongoing medical treatment you can contact The Cat Doctors on 03 9533 8955 or via bank transfer BSB 923 100 Acct 305 836 223 🙏

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 22/07/2024

Our gorgeous girls...Zeina and Cleo 🥰

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 21/07/2024

Mmeeooww everyone....I've been living and loving life and doing great!! My IBD has been pretty much under control ( except for a couple of little hiccups here and there) and here I am posing for some new photos on my favourite fluffy scratchy post for all my fans! Sending lots of love and big smoochy kisses.. your boy..Neo 💋


Oh yeh this is definitely me 🤣


Just because.....Blue ❤️

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 18/07/2024

I need your help... please, please, take just a moment to share for our girls 🙏

Zeina and Cleo have not had one enquiry!? I just do not understand how these two stunning sisters have not found their very own forever home! How could you not love them?

These girls are about 7 months old, and are totally adorable. Their markings and colouring are amazing and they love to snuggle up whether it be on the sofa, or in bed with you. They are absolute purr machines. There is nothing better than drifting off to sleep listening to their little motors running, feeling safe and warm and knowing your best friends are right there beside you.

They really are the perfect package.....healthy, happy, playful, intelligent, affectionate, soft, gorgeous and just waiting to fill your heart and home with love ❤️

Located Pakenham
Fully vaccinated (yes all 3)
Flea and worm treated
Indoor only or preferred indoor with catrun home only

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 17/07/2024

Who remembers our little Rami?'s Zeina and Cleo's brother. Well he is absolutely thriving in his furever home with his big beautiful brother Logan and as you can see they are now inseparable ❤️

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 12/07/2024

The bubbas (Zeina and Cleo) just love snuggling up with Tully ❤️❤️

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 11/07/2024

Time for Cat TV 🐈‍⬛🐈

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 10/07/2024

Mmeeoow everyone....mumma took me to see Dr Amy yesterday so she could have a look at my heart and take some of my blood for testing.

Now I know I am usually known for being a big strong street cat, but it was rreeaallllyy scary. First up mumma gave me something called gabapentin to take the edge off and then she put me in this carrier thingy. Then I was taken on a long drive in the car (along with Miss Coco and Babygirl who by the way were very brave) all the nurses at The Cat Clinic were very nice and Dr Amy was very gentle and oohed and aahed about what a big beautiful boy I am, but even though I tried not to show it (after all I do have a reputation to uphold) I was scared. I just dont know how the girls do it!? They just took it all in their stride and even seemed to enjoy the attention!! Give me dodging cars, thunder and street fights anytime 😉

Well, the good news is my bloods came back purrrfect and my heart echo has improved from my last one. There is no longer any thickening to my left ventricle and my left atrium is stable at 14.8 (which is within normal range) so no evidence of heart disease!!! Wahoo!! Yippee!! Im a healthy, healthy boy!Time to celebrate 🥳

It seems as though being off the streets agrees with health has improved, I've gained lots of weight and (shhh dont tell anyone) I'm really getting used to the good life and mumma even says I've turned into a real chilled dude.

Looking back, the best thing I ever did was crawl into that scary cat trap cause I've never been happier...thankyou everyone cause without you I would never have had the medical care I needed or felt so safe and loved. I love you all so so much...your big strong (well, maybe just a little soft), boy, your Freddie # # #💋


Our lovely senior Coco has been having some ups and downs since being diagnosed with IBD on top of her pancreatitis so it has been a bit of a struggle to get her eating enough(I have been topping her up by syringing AD) on top of which she has been constipated (even though she is on Cisapride and movicol)which has made her quiet uncomfortable. Today Dr Amy gave her an e***a and was able to manipulate the larger, firmer pieces of p**p out and since being home you can see she is much more comfortable and eating better already. Coco was also due for her Solensia, Cartrophen and creatinine check (which was back down to 312) and her phosphate and potassium were perfect which we are very happy about. Though Coco worries me at times she never gives up and is a little fighter.....I just love her to bits 🥰


Big day at The Cat Clinic today with Coco, Freddie and my Babygirl❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 07/07/2024

Mmeeoow hello everyone I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to everyone who is helping my mumma take care of me. I love being part of your family and living here at RCR.

I never in my wildest dreams ever thought life could be so good...I have the softest places to lay my head, and I can sleep peacefully cause I feel safe all the time. I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from because it always magically appears, just when I'm starting to feel hungry and best of all I feel loved and I never, ever thought that could happen to

Here I am laying in one of my favourite spots, happily watching the world go you lots...your Freddie 💋


10.10am Sunday 7th July

We still need to raise $298 for Freddie to be able to have his heart ultrasound.and blood tests that he needs and is booked in for on Tuesday....

When Freddie (as in Freddie Mercury) first arrived, Dr Julie at Racecourse Rd vet noticed that Freddies heart was enlarged and after speaking with Dr Amy it was agreed that we would do a follow up ultrasound in about 9 months.

Freddie was a very hungry, traumatised, semi wild street cat when he first became part of our family but he has now transformed into a loving, big boofy boy who deserves every chance at a good life.

Estimate for his procedures will be between $600 to $800. I will keep you updated on our progress. ( please mark donations ' for Freddie') to those of our supporters who have already donated, thankyou 🌻

You can donate directly to The Cat Clinic on 03 9533 8955 or via bank transfer BSB 923 100 Acct 305 836 223 or PayPal (link is at the top of the page, just click on 'about' and you will see the link)

Please help if you can...
Thankyou 🙏


10.10am Sunday 7th July

IT'S $5 FRIDAY!!🥳🐈‍⬛!! Extended for the weekend as we still need $298 to reach our goal to help Freddie !!

Update: 8pam Saturday 6th July ..unfortunately donations have stalled.....
$302 donated so far 🐈‍⬛

As you know once a month I ask if everyone could make a one off a $5 donation for the kittlies.

This time our $5 Friday it is to raise funds for Freddies heart ultrasound and bloods that he is booked in for next week. When Freddie (as in Freddie Mercury) first arrived, Dr Julie at Racecourse Rd vet noticed that Freddies heart was enlarged and after speaking with Dr Amy it was agreed that we would do a follow up ultrasound in about 9 months.

Freddie was a very hungry, traumatised, semi wild street cat when he first became part of our family but he has now transformed into a loving, big boofy boy who deserves every chance at a good life.

Estimate for his procedures will be between $600 to $800. I will keep you updated on our progress. ( please mark donations ' for Freddie')

You can donate directly to The Cat Clinic on 03 9533 8955 or via bank transfer BSB 923 100 Acct 305 836 223 or PayPal (link is at the top of the page, just click on 'about' and you will see the link)

Thankyou ❤️

Vote for Romeo’s Cat Rescue to share $500,000 in grants from MyGivingCircle 03/07/2024

Please keep voting everyone and be sure to ask your family and friends to vote as well. You can vote every 7 days. ..we are number 30 which is amazing!! It takes 30 seconds and cost nothing so please keep voting🙏

Vote for Romeo’s Cat Rescue to share $500,000 in grants from MyGivingCircle Each year MyGivingCircle gives $1,500,000 in grants and donations

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 03/07/2024

Our gorgeous little Bonnie also saw Dr Amy this week for her annual check and bloods.

Little Bon Bon's story began when I was contacted by my local vet (Racecourse Rd Vet) as they had a lovely young girl in their clinic who had reached out to many people for help but unfortunately no one was able to help her at the time and she was.struggling with a little kitten, that she did not have the finances or resources to care for. She desperately wanted to do the right thing by this baby and I was basically her last hope. I remember thinking ' it's just one little baby how hard could it be ?!' (famous last words)

When I drove down to pick her up I found that she was a gorgeous little Manx. This little baby had a very inflamed bot bot (due to chronic diarreah), was underweight, full of worms and just needed a lot of TLC, good food and love.

I bought her home and within no time our wee little Bonnie was thriving !!

Fast forward a few months and I noticed that our Bon was a bit quiet and flat so I bundled her up and took her to see Dr Amy (I'm so thankful I didn't wait any longer) and after many tests it was confirmed that our Bon had FIP.

We started treatment immediately and after multiple hospital stays, specialist visits and 4 months of (very expensive) daily medications our little fighter, our little Bonnie kicked FIPs butt!!!

It is now almost 18 months post treatment and our Bonnie has the absolute all clear! (there is small risk in the first 12 months after treatment ends that it could return).

Bonnies bloods are great, she is a healthy, happy, gorgeous little Manx who when she runs has the cutest little bunny hop (a trait of the Manx breed)......all she needs now is her very own furrever home 🥰


Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 02/07/2024

Our sweet, petite Chloe Mireya saw Dr Amy today for her annual check, vaccination and bloods amd she was such a good girl!!

Those of you who know our little girl know that she was found on the side of a road by one of my lovely supporters...she was covered in blood and it seems she and her mum and siblings had been thrown from a car with Chloe being the only survivor.

Multiple vets did not think she would fact 2 emergency vets recommended euthanasia.

Our little Chloe Mireya (Mireya meaning miracle) fit into the palm of my hand when she arrived at RCR.....she had a broken pelvis, head trauma and was oozing bloody diarreah....there was even suggestion that she would never be able to go to the toilet on her own. But Chloe proved them all wrong....our little Chloe Mireya improved in leaps and bounds but then when she was about 9 months old she required major abdominal surgery to remove a very unusual stone ( in fact the specialist surgeon said he had never seen this in such a young cat) we suspect the trauma she went through as a tiny baby contributed in some way.) But, our little girl took everything in her stride, fought hard and is now the most loving, sweet, petite mini panther I have ever known.

Tonight we received her blood results and they are all pretty good. Dr Amy was the recipient of lots of head bumps, purrs and tummy pats. In fact Dr Amy found it a little difficult to update her files as our Chloe Mireya demanded her attention! Now all our girl needs is her very own furrever home🥰

01/07/2024 was a good day...sending lots of love to each and everyone of you...your Coco # # # 💋 # # #


Love this girl so so much. We were back to see Dr Amy yesterday as our Coco has been having a tough couple of weeks and was refusing to eat so I needed to syringe feed her. Dr Amy did a very thorough check including a full abdominal and heart ultrasound. The good news is everything is stable and there has been no progression with her heart or kidneys issues. The not so great news is we now suspect she has IBD on top of her pancreatitis. We have adjusted her medications and she has now started to eat a little on her own. It's awful watching them age and seeing all the issues that can follow but as long as she has a good life, is comfortable and happy I will continue to do all I can for her...I'm no where near ready to say goodbye and neither I believe is Coco. She is my little buddy and so very very precious ❤️


A huge thankyou to Marianna Delray for dropping everything, picking up medications for me and helping feed and medicate the kittlies this morning when I couldn't get out of're a superstar 🌻

Photos from Romeo's Cat Rescue's post 26/06/2024

I'm begging for help..

Our little rescue is really struggling to keep its doors open....over the past few months I have had to put $3,987.28 on my personal credit card, on top if which I still owe $4,700 to Racecourse Rd vet. (down from over $6000 2 months ago so thankyou)

I have had to draw down on my mortgage many times to cover vet bills for sick animals and it's to the point now, where if I cannot get some help I could be in danger of losing my home. The stress of trying to come up with ways to pay the bills is now taking a toll on my health as well. Without your help I'm not sure how long I can keep going......if even 1 percent of the supporters on this page could give just $5, it would go a long way to paying down some bills. Currently there are the same, small group of supporters who are helping on a regular basis ( who i thank from the bottom of my heart)....but its just not enough to cover the bills, so please don't think ' oh someone else will donate' because it just isn't happening and I'm drowning here.......

Please consider setting up a $5 per week direct debit, or alternatively make a one off donation....the lives behind all these little faces depend on us so please help if you are able.

Right now every dollar helps...

BSB 923 100 Acct 305 836 223

Thankyou ..Roz 🙏

Take Action Before Sunday : Vote for Romeo’s Cat Rescue to share in $500,000 25/06/2024

Please, please please take a moment to vote for our little rescue it only takes a moment and costs nothing 🙏

Take Action Before Sunday : Vote for Romeo’s Cat Rescue to share in $500,000 Romeo's Cat Rescue is a small one woman rescue who over the past 7 years have taken in some of the most unwell, traumatised and abused adult cats and kittens. We have ensured they have received the very best treatment, rehabilitated and ultimately found our bubbas the greatest forever homes. Some of...


Did you know that Blue has now been part of our little RCR family for almost 3 years. He was found wandering the streets of Ballarat on his own, cold, hungry and very confused. It was obvious to me when I picked him up there was something not quiet right. After many tests including MRI and Spinal tap and being under the care of Specialist Neurologist Dr Sam Long it is believed that our boy Blue is suffering from a degenerative brain condition called Cerebellar Abiotrophy. Thankfully for Blue his condition has plateaued and hopefully there will be no further degeneration. What does this mean for our Blue? Basically Blue is the sweetest, most innocent boy you will ever meet. He has a bit of an unsteady gait and can be startled easily and is a little vague but that just adds to his innocence and charm. Here is our gorgeous Blue boy enjoying some one on one time with his lucky am I!? 🥰


So true 🥰


Dear supporters.. thinking out of the box I've come up with another way that you, or any of your Melbourne friends or family can help Romeo's Cat Rescue . I have a purrfect setup with a separate cat run and a couple of very comfy spare bedrooms that I have decided to make available for cat boarding. So if you or anyone you know in Melbourne are thinking of going away for a few days, weeks or even months and would like the peace of mind of knowing that your bubbas will be safe and well looked after then please send me a PM as I'd love to hear from you 🐈‍⬛

Videos (show all) was a good day...sending lots of love to each and everyone of you...your Coco xxx 💋xxx
Love this girl so so much. We were back to see Dr Amy yesterday as our Coco has been having a tough couple of weeks and ...
Did you know that Blue has now been part of our little RCR family for almost 3 years. He was found wandering the streets...
Gorgeous Zeina🥰
It's been a bit of a bumpy month or so with our Coco...whilst we've had a lot of really good days, we've also has some n...
There is something supremely stunning about black cats and our 'not so' Little Stevie is no exception. Stevie joined our...
Another day of rest, good food and good company for our gorgeous Coco🥰
Mmeeoow...time for a beauty session...mumma says in all the years I've been part of our little RCR family she has never ...
All of us who have been through the rollercoaster of having an unwell bubba know just how the simple act of watching the...
Mmeeooww...I made mumma very, very happy this morning!! Mumma had been very busy vaccuming and mopping the floors, so I ...
So very wonderful to see Coco eating again even if it is only a steps
Mmeeooww, its a lovely day here in Melbourne and I'm feeling pretty ok. My mouth is feeling much betterer since the surg...



Melbourne, VIC