Patterson Allied Health

Multidisciplinary Allied Health Clinic Our sister clinic is Casey Allied Health in Berwick.

Multidisciplinary clinic providing our community with Podiatry, Osteopathy, Remedial massage Therapy, Dietitian & Acupuncture. Our vision is to promote Healthier and Happier lives through innovative health care solutions in a holistic approach.


Phrase of the Day: Trigger Point
We all know what a trigger point is. But did you know the phrase’s fascinating history?
Dr. Janet Travell coined the phrase in the 1940s. She combined the word trigger, which came into English in the 17 th century from the Dutch word trekken meaning “to pull” and point, which has its roots in the Latin word “punctum”, meaning “a dot” to describe a specific spot in a muscle that, when pressed, triggers pain elsewhere. Quite the linguistic journey for something so central to osteopathy!

Come visit our clinic today to check out our range of trigger point balls.


Celebrating Tradie's Health Week!
This week, let's honour the hardworking tradies who keep our communities thriving. Prioritising their health is essential as they often put others' needs before their own.

Stay Strong & Healthy: Tradies, remember to care for yourselves with regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest to stay resilient.

Check-ups Matter: Don't overlook health check-ups; they can detect issues early and keep you in peak condition for work.

⚠️ Safety First: Your safety gear is as vital as your tools. Wear it consistently and follow safety guidelines to prevent workplace injuries.

We're Here to Support You
We understand how demanding your work can be, but we are here to support your health needs, whether it's managing discomfort or preventive care.

Let's use Tradies Health Week as a reminder to prioritise well- being.
Book an appointment now.


Happy National Avocado Day!
Avocados are a true superfood. They have so many benefits which is why it’s so important to try incorporate them into your diet more!
Have a read of some interesting facts and for some ideas on how to include avos more in your daily meals!


Building the ultimate smoothie!
If you would like some more advice on healthier alternatives to include in your meals, book an appointment with our Dietitians now!
They are in the clinic Monday, Tues, Thurs and every second Saturday.

Photos from Patterson Allied Health's post 23/07/2024

Red meat is a great source of iron! But it shouldn’t the only source you rely on. Take a look at some other great sources of iron to include in your diet to ensure you’re meeting your daily requirements.
The current Recommended Daily Intake is:
Women (18-50): 18mg/day; (50+): 8mg/day
Men (19+): 8mg/day

What you eat with your iron rich foods also impacts on how much you absorb. Swipe to see how different foods can help increase and decrease absorption.


Did you know this week is National Diabetes Week?
This week is all about creating awareness and understanding its impact on millions of lives.

These are some of the most common misconceptions about Diabetes:

Myth: You have to cut out carbohydrates if you are diagnosed with diabetes.
Fact: Carbohydrates do not need to be removed entirely from your diet, but it is important to reduce them and pick low glycemic options rather than high glycemic carbohydrate.

Myth: All types of Diabetes are the same
Fact: There are three types of diabetes - all complex and serious.
Type 1 is a chronic condition when the pancreas does not make any insulin. It often appears in adolescence and there is no cure.
Type 2 develops over a long period of time when the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and loses the ability to produce enough insulin. The development of this diabetes is heavily related to genetics and family related risk factors, and can also be associated with modifiable lifestyle factors.
Gestational diabetes affects women during pregnancy. They are at a higher risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes later in life.

Myth: Diabetes is caused by eating unhealthy and too much sugar.
Fact: Diet has no effect on the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. Weight is a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes, however there are many other risk factors to consider as well like family history, ethnicity, age and physical activity levels.

Myth: Some types of Diabetes are worse than others
Fact: There are no ““better” or “worse” types of diabetes. They are all hard and come with their own struggles.

Myth: Fruit is bad because it has too much sugar so I can’t eat it if I have Diabetes
Fact: Some fruits do have a lot of sugar, but they also have a lot of fibre which is important for keeping your blood sugar within the reference ranges. Fruit has a variety of different nutrients so it is important to still include them in your every day diet.


Is High Cholesterol getting you down? Here's the Lowdown!
So, your doc dropped the 'C' bomb - cholesterol, that is. But fear not! You've got the power to bring those levels back in line!
Here's the scoop:

Eat Smart: Load up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Ditch the trans fats and limit saturated fats! (But enjoy those heart healthy fats ❤️).
Get Moving: Lace up those trainers and get your body moving! Regular exercise can help improve cholesterol levels by increasing the production of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, known as the 'good' cholesterol, and decreasing levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or 'bad' cholesterol, promoting a healthier lipid profile.

If you need some strategies to help reduce your cholesterol, we’re here to help get those out of the
way so you can get onto the exercise.


Plantar Fasciopathy: A Scientific Insight
Plantar fasciopathy, defined as inflammation of the plantar fascia, often arises from repetitive strain or biomechanical imbalances.
You might have heard of fasciitis, and you’re wondering what the difference is... Well, fasciopathy is a broader term encompassing various conditions affecting the fascia, including damage or dysfunction (not just inflammation.)

Understanding the Science:
The plantar fascia, a robust band of tissue supporting the foot arch, undergoes stress during weight-bearing activities, leading to microtears and inflammation.

Actionable Solutions:
- Stretching: Routine exercises targeting calf muscles and the plantar fascia can relieve tension and aid healing.
- Orthotics: Custom devices provide support, redistributing pressure and easing strain.
- Footwear: Opt for supportive shoes with proper arch support and cushioning.
- Call Us: We’re here with soft tissue therapy and adjustments to help with your mobility.

Call us and let’s get you on the right foot as soon as possible.


Celebrating NAIDOC Week
As we honour NAIDOC Week, we pay tribute to the rich culture, resilience, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – the world’s oldest continuous culture.
It's a time for reflection, reverence, and solidarity.
Let's use this week to listen, learn, and celebrate the diverse heritage and wisdom of First Nations peoples.
Together, let's strive for a future of equality, respect, and mutual understanding.

Photos from Patterson Allied Health's post 02/07/2024

Yoghurt alternatives!
Yoghurt is a great way to increase calcium and dairy intake, however many yoghurts can contain excess sugar content and fats.
These photos below show a variety of healthier options to choose from.
If you would like more information on alternative foods such as yoghurt, contact our clinic to make an appointment with one of the Dietitians today.


Finding moments for yourself amidst the busyness of family life can seem impossible, but it's vital for maintaining your well-being.
Look for opportunities to sneak in small moments of relaxation throughout the day. Wake up a few minutes earlier to enjoy a peaceful cup of tea or coffee before the household stirs. During the day, take short breaks to recharge—perhaps a brief walk outside or a few moments of quiet meditation. What if you gazed at the clouds instead of staring at your phone every time you wanted a brain break? In the evening, unwind with activities that bring you joy, whether it's reading a book, practicing a hobby, or simply enjoying a hot bath. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish - it enables you to better care for your loved ones.
What tips do you have to find time for yourself during the day?
Please share them with us in the comments.

Photos from Patterson Allied Health's post 18/06/2024

Eating a calcium rich diet is the best way to achieve the recommended daily intake!
The amount of calcium in foods varies, so it’s super important to consume a variety of high calcium foods every day.
Adding more calcium into your diet is easy, take a look at some of the best sources!

Photos from Patterson Allied Health's post 13/06/2024

Busting food myths

The age-old debate! Sweet potatoes and white potatoes are both delicious & nutritious, but they have some key differences.
Ultimately, both can be part of a healthy diet. It comes down to personal preference and what you’re looking for in a spud!
To know more, call our clinic or book online to make an appointment now with our Dietitian.


Knowledge is POWER! Know the difference between food allergies, food intolerance's & food
sensitivities. Our Dietitians can help and guide you to understand what your body needs & much more.
Call our clinic or book online to make an appointment now.


We all get a little bloated from time to time. It’s important to connect the dots between bloating & what you’ve eaten. Call the clinic or book online to make an
appointment now.


Are you tired of dealing with a fussy eater at home?
You’re not alone! Many children (and adults!) are picky about their food, making mealtime a
stressful experience. Our Dietitian can help!
Call our clinic or book online to make an appointment now.


🌺 Today, on International Day of Action on Women's Health, let's celebrate the strength, resilience, and well-being of women everywhere! 💪🚺

Let’s use today as a platform to address gender disparities in healthcare access, research, and policymaking, ensuring that women receive equitable treatment and support for their well-being.

We're committed to empowering women to take control of their health and live their best lives. From preventive care to specialised treatments, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Let's raise awareness, advocate for equal access to healthcare, and prioritise women's health on a global scale. Together, we can create a healthier, happier future for all.


Empowerment knows no bounds. Serena Williams reminds us that every woman's triumph fuels the next. Together, we rise.

This is kind of how we feel when we watch patients smash through their rehab and movement goals. Their success is our success, and our success is theirs. It’s a virtuous cycle – let’s keep it going! 💪🌟

What are your favourite inspirational quotes? Let us know in the comments.


🌟 Body Fact Alert! 🌟

Did you know that old saying about smiling? It's not just a cheesy line—it's actually backed by science! 😄 When you smile, you're using fewer facial muscles compared to when you frown. Let's break it down:

When you grin from ear to ear, you're mainly activating the zygomaticus major and minor muscles, along with the risorius. But when you're feeling down and frowning, you're recruiting more muscles like the corrugator supercilii, depressor anguli oris, and depressor labii inferioris. (OK forget the names, but you get the picture!!)

Plus, here's a bonus: Smiling can actually boost your mood through a fascinating neurological process! When you smile, your brain interprets the muscle movement as an indicator of happiness, triggering the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin.

So, next time you're feeling blue, turn that frown upside down and give those facial muscles a break! Let's spread some smiles today! 😊



If you have been to our clinic recently or in the past, feel free to leave a google review, refer a friend or comment below your experience with us.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in our community. 💐

We hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by those you love and the activities that make your heart sing 💜


Here comes a health tip. Reduce caffeine ☕and drink more water. 🚰 Yes – we know - tell you something you don’t know! But IT IS possible to boost your energy levels without the caffeine rollercoaster?

Let’s talk about the magic of ice-cold water. The mild shock of it can pick you up. The cold stimulates thermogenesis, requiring energy and providing a refreshing boost without caffeine's crash. It also constricts blood vessels, enhancing alertness and circulation.

So, next time you're tempted to reach for another cup of coffee, try swapping it for a glass of ice-cold water instead. Your body will thank you for the hydration and the natural pick-me-up! 🥶💧

Please share your natural energy boosting tips in the comments.


Our word of the month is "quadriceps," those powerhouse muscles in your thigh. They're like the superheroes of your leg, helping you walk, run, and jump!

Anatomically, the quadriceps are a group of four muscles at the front of your thigh: re**us femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. They play a vital role in extending the knee joint. 🦵

How? When the muscles contract they pull on the patellar tendon, transmitting force to the shinbone. Additionally, the re**us femoris also aids in hip flexion, contributing to movements like climbing stairs or kicking.

Etymology alert: "Quadri" means "four" in Latin, (so your legs have something in common with a quad bike!) and "ceps" refers to "head." So, quadriceps literally means "four-headed muscle"!

Stay tuned for more word wonders!


Today, and every day - we remember.
Lest we forget.


Dr. AT Still's wisdom reminds us: Don't let yesterday's choices hinder today's progress or taint tomorrow's possibilities. Life is a constant evolution.
It’s easy to get stuck – stuck in bad habits or stuck in good expectations. But if you’re not making progress towards a healthier, happier you then you’re stuck. Let us help you break free. Like our founder we believe in making everyday a bit healthier than the day before. We offer personalised care and progress-driven approaches, starting exactly where you are now.
Call us to book an appointment!
Every positive choice today is a step toward a healthier and happier tomorrow. Let's embrace progress together!


Happy Easter from everyone at the clinic!
We hope you enjoy the long weekend and indulge in lots of chocolate!


Please find attached our clinic hours over the easter break.
We will return to normal hours on Tuesday 2nd April.

Enjoy the long weekend!


Happy World Sleep Day. In today’s busy world a good night’s sleep sometimes feels like a luxury, but it’s not – it’s a necessity for our physical and mental health. If you don’t invest time in quality sleep 🛌, then you won’t get the most out of your workouts or your treatments.

Why? Because sleep is when our muscles and joints recover and rebuild.

But if aches, pains, or injuries are getting in the way of a good night’s sleep give us a call. We’re here to help.


It’s more than just a platitude.

Ever heard of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon? It's the scientific way of saying, "you notice what you think about."

🔍 Baader-Meinhof and Your Thoughts:
Your thoughts create a powerful lens through which you view the world. The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, or frequency illusion, explains how once something captures your attention, you start noticing it everywhere. Apply this to positivity! Focus on the good, and suddenly, your world becomes a canvas of possibilities.

⚖️ Mind-Body Connection in Health:
Now, let's talk about health. Your mind and body are interconnected forces. Positive thoughts can lead to reduced stress, improved immune function, and better overall health. It's like giving your body a daily dose of wellness with the power of your mindset.

💪 Beyond Limitations: Focusing on Health Potential 🌱:
When it comes to health, it's not just about a positive mindset benefiting your health. It’s about focussing on what you can do rather than fixating on what you can’t. (Can’t run the marathon because of an injury – you can focus on that – or you can relish your rehab exercises and maybe discover new sports and hobbies in the meantime!) It's about embracing what you can do. Every small step towards a healthier lifestyle is a victory.

✨ So today's challenge is just to choose positivity. Who’s in? 🙋🏽


Happy International Women’s Day

🌟 To the incredible women who inspire us every day, especially those on our team, amongst our patients and in our community – thank you for being you and for all that you do.

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Exercise Time: Turkish Get UpsGet ready to take your fitness game to new heights with Turkish Get-ups! 🌟💪 This challengi...
Named for the trapezoidal shape, your traps have connections that run from the skull, down the neck and to the bottom of...
Exercise Time: Boxing A boxing workout is great for strength, coordination, reflexes - and working out the stresses of y...
Exercise Time: Push-Ups.They’re a classic for a reason. They work the triceps, pectorals, shoulders and more (depending ...
Toddlers squat perfectly. But we tend to unlearn this movement pattern as we grow-up. This is a shame as squats help to ...
Synovial fluid acts as a lubricant and shock absorber for your synovial joints It nourishes and protects cartilage while...
Anatomy fact of the day: The quadriceps are named quads because there are four of them (just like a quad bike).The four ...
🧘Exercise of the month: child’s pose 🧘This gentle yoga pose is a great stretch for the back, hips, and thighs. To move i...
Side lunges are a great lower body exercise to add to the mix. Most of our day-to-day movement involves moving forward. ...
Anatomy fact: the cervical spine (or the neck) is made up of 7 vertebrae. They are the smallest and most intricate bones...
Exercise time! 💪Today we are trying a theraband row. It’s a great strengthening exercise for your back and can be adjust...



12F, 93 Wells Road, Chelsea Heights
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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