Muscle & Bone Clinic

Innovative approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions THE MUSCLE

You put them under stress every day; sometimes you know it, sometimes you don’t.

You trained hard, you drove far. You ran fast, you slept funny. You lifted things, you sit down a lot. You stretched too far, you stressed too much. There’s no single reason people need to seek muscle therapy, so we don’t take a one size fits all approach. Our professionals will assess you, chat with you and work out a treatment plan for your needs. THE BONE

We’ll use treatments to address obviou

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 19/10/2023

Did you know? Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial treatment used to enhance flexibility, improve joint range of motion, and expedite muscle recovery post-exerclse.

It works by mechanically compressing tissues that result in an increase in mobility, blood flow and warmth. Foam rolling can also affect the nervous system to reduce pain and increase feelings of wellbeing.

When foam rolling an area, research suggests that the greatest benefits occur between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.

While nothing can quite replicate a session with our manual therapists, you can enjoy many of the same benefits at home with a foam roller.


What is Reiki?🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏽❓

Reiki is a holistic form of energy healing. The name “Reiki” comes from a Japanese word meaning "Universal life-forced energy". “Rei” meaning, 'Spirit' or 'Soul' and “Ki” meaning "the sacred energy of the universe’. 🪐

The vast majority of this universe is made up of energy with only 4.6% of it estimated to be physical matter. It is this energy that gives life to every living organism. 🚨

According to the recent discoveries in quantum physics, everything in the universe vibrates to "Ki”, universal life-force energy. The energy flows through your body and your surrounding auric field. Sometimes we have energy that becomes bound up in a muscles, ligaments, spine, facia, and organs when we’re under stress. So that’s when reiki is called apon and influences how the energy is moved so that your body, your physical being, your emotional being and your mind and your soul can heal faster.”

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 06/06/2023

IWe are thrilled to welcome our newest member Alexis.

Alexis is a qualified Reiki Practitioner, she specialises in Breathwork, Meditation and sound healing. Her mission is to inspire, activate & empower others. She brings awareness to alternative health that is rooted in ancient holistic methods.
Alexis’s passion is to assist in clearing energetic blocks and energies that could manifest into chronic pain, stress, depression, anxiety and illness. She is also deeply passionate about assisting in restoring the nervous system by rewiring and creating new neural pathways within the brain.
When not working Alexis enjoys keeping fit and mindful by incorporating her daily meditation, breath work practices into her walks in nature. Her beautiful sausage dog Henry is always not far behind her.. he loves all the cuddles he can get.
Closing: We are excited about Alexis coming to the clinic, we look forward to you all meeting her when she commences on the 19th of JUNE⭐️


🗣️Another year has passed in a flash, there are exciting times ahead for Muscle & Bone Clinic, and we look forward to sharing these with you in the New Year.

We want take this opportunity to thank our loyal clients and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy and safe New Year.

❤️Our clinic will be closing on Friday, 23rd December and re-opening on Monday, 9th January, 2023.

We look forward to continuing your health journey with you in 2023.



Neck pain can cause a domino effect to other areas down the posterior and anterior chains of the body. Having adequate flexion, extension and rotation will help eliminate and avoid injury to other related structures. Our practitioners love treating the neck, but it is not just all about the neck itself.
We examine and closely look at👀
👉Mid back range of movement
👉Postural blockages
👉Shoulder positions
👉Symmetry in muscle mass between left and right sides
👉Lower Trap and scapular Control
👉Nerve pathways and any radicular referral patterns
👉 Nerve reflex testing.
Our approach is to not just the treat the symptoms but the causes also.


🏆🏅Your goals are our goals, your story is our story, your success is our success.
The team at M&B pride ourselves in going above and beyond for our clients!
It’s passion and successful outcomes that drives our team and it’s what makes our clinic truly special.
We truly listen, we truly care, it’s what makes us push for the optimal result that our clients want.
Come tell us your story💫

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 19/09/2022

🎾🪃🧘🏼‍♂️Are you getting the most out of your soft tissue(SELF MASSAGE) tools? Do you find your tight areas do not respond or feel unsure about the technique or tool you are using?

🧨Over the coming weeks we will be demonstrating the how, what and why’s with using our favourite self massage tools and how to best utilise them for your benefit.

💥Stay tuned for updates!💥


The body is one! No single part functions independently. If the system is altered or disrupted, it affects the body and its function as a whole.


👀🔎Our vision and goals at M&B is to empower individuals to take control of their body and health by gaining a better understanding of their bodies through access to our professional multi modality team.

What makes us special is we understand when it’s the right time to refer to one of our teammates for progression and an in-depth treatment plan. We want so to share our knowledge to help you take control of the best outcomes possible.


All roads lead to Rome!🏛🛣
All our practitioners no matter the modality, create a tailored plan that reflects the best results for you and your goals.
Progression points are key, and we are with you every step of the way through your journey.🛩


🩸 Late Periods 🩸
Defined as: when they are so late that the menstrual cycle is longer than 28-30 days, consistently (or at least for three consecutive months). The cycle may be up to 40-50 days long. 

note: If the periods are only occasionally late, this may be due to external circumstances such as emotional upsets or travelling. Obviously, if after always having been regular, one month the period is suddenly late, then this might indicate pregnancy 🤰🏼

Diagnostically Late Periods can be from:
1. Blood or ‘Iron’ deficiency 
Clinical manifestations ✨ Late and scanty periods, pale menstrual blood, dull-pale complexion, blurred vision, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia

2. Cold in the Uterus 
Clinical manifestations ✨ Late periods, scanty bleeding with small dark stringy clots, painful periods, abdominal pain, relieved by the application of heat and pressure, tiredness and feeling cold

3. Kidney-Warmth deficiency
 Clinical manifestations ✨ Late periods, scanty-pale blood, sore back, nocturia (getting up for a p*e at night), dizziness
4. Qi (Energy) stagnation
Clinical manifestations ✨ Late and scanty periods with clots, irritability, depression, abdominal and breast distension for a long time before the period comes.
Causes for Late periods:
💫 Chronic illness, 
💫 excessive physical work, 
💫 chronic bleeding,
💫 excessive breast- feeding Irregular diet, 
💫 exposure to cold and dampness, 
💫 Hereditary kidney weakness, 
💫 overwork, 
💫 too many children too close together 
💫 Emotional stress
The Solution
Acupuncture is effective in treating the problem of Late Periods. Herbal medicine is even more effective, particularly for the deficient patterns. The most difficult pattern to treat is that of Kidney deficiency which will therefore take the longest. 
A patient suffering from Blood or a Kidney deficiency should make sure that she has an adequately nourishing diet and takes adequate rest. Those suffering from Cold in the Uterus should absolutely avoid cold-energy foods and ice-cold drinks. They could also drink a decoction of fresh ginger and brown sugar every day


·       Early Periods

Defined as: Periods that arrive up to 9 days early for at least a succession of 2 cycles, causing the cycle to be under 28 days long.  The bleeding can be normal, scanty or excessive.

Diagnostically this can be from 2 main issues:
1, Energy deficiency 
In Chinese medicine we call this Qi deficiency and is either the Kidney energy or the Spleen energy

2.Heat in the Blood
In Chinese medicine there is 3 types:
Full heat
Stagnant Liver Qi turning into Heat, and
Fluid deficiency (Kidney and Liver Yin)

What does this really mean for you?

Well if you suffer from Early periods we usually identify the cause as most women don’t usually understand why their period is the way it is, and they usually just accept it for what it is. 

Causes for Early periods:
Excessive physical work,
·       Irregular diet,
·       External heat overload,
·       Emotional stress,
·       Chronic illness,
·       Overwork,
·       Too many children,
·       Chronic bleeding,
·       Pathology

The solution:
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can usually guide the body toward recovery within a few months. 
Fluid deficiency types may take several months.

Energy deficient women can pay attention to getting enough rest and avoiding excessive lifting or exercise; and even excessive cold and or raw foods, as well as ice drinks.
Those suffering Heat can avoid hot spicy foods, and alcohol
Fluid deficient women can pace themselves to avoid reaching points of exhaustion 

and of course regular treatments with a Chinese Medical Practitioner.

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 04/08/2022

Our therapists at muscle and bone have a locker full of tools, one of those tools is dry needling.
Dry needling is a very safe and effective treatment modality to reduce pain and restore function within muscle tissue.


Is your Period normal?

Painful periods are just one of many issues you can have. Most woman think that what they suffer is normal. Well it doesn’t have to be that way.

Patterns of Menstrual irregularity can occur such as:
💫 Early Periods
💫 Late Periods
💫 Irregular Periods
💫 Heavy Periods
💫 Long Periods
💫 Painful Periods
💫 Bleeding between Periods
💫 Scanty Periods
💫 No Periods
• Flooding and Trickling
• Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
When you use a tracker, or a diary this helps sort or which of the above we are treating. Chinese Medicine can treat all of the above, and they are all treated in a differently
If you are suffering from any of the above patterns make an appointment to get help now.

Over the coming weeks we will discuss each of these irregularities in a single post and help you work out which one is your normal.

Comment below if you have a suggestion for a good tracking app🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻


Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 28/07/2022

Yes, we understand what planter fasciitis is and why your foot hurts, but what is really causing the connective tissue and muscular structures to overloaded and become irritated and sensitive?

What do our practitioners look at first?
Our practitioners assess the mechanics, strength and stability of the hips, as this can play a major role in causing inadequate load and positioning through the lower limbs. We consider the pelvis and posterior chain as vital players in affecting planter fasciitis. It is the whole picture we work with at Muscle and Bone to make sure we achieve the best possible outcome for you.


Put yourself on the top of your to-do list☝️👊🏼

When your body feels tight, our full-body treatment approach helps alleviate the root cause of your pain, so you can get back to your routine quicker.

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 19/07/2022

💥 Foot Pain? 💥

Do you suffer from constant pain under the foot, or maybe even across the top, over the ball of the foot?👎

You may suffer from Plantar Fasciitis or Moton’s Neauroma 😮

👉 These pains in the foot don’t always originate in the foot. The position of the pain under the foot usually indicates an overload situation for one or more muscles in the lower leg 🦵

Want the good news? 😃

- Both Plantar fasciitis and Morton’s are usually treatable within 3 weeks by Orthopaedic Electro-Acupuncture 🙌

So book in online, message us or call and get back on your feet soon.


All roads lead to Rome!🛣🏰
All our practitioners no matter the modality, create a tailored plan that reflects the best results for you and your goals.
Progression points are key, and we are with you every step of the way through your journey.


Lara is our experienced Osteopath and is now available Monday to Thursday. As a Yoga Teacher and Clinical Pilates Instructor, she combines her knowledge creating a holistic approach to every treatment. Osteopaths treat all sorts of musculoskeletal injuries which can include:
🫴🏻Joint pain
🫴🏻Headaches & Migraines
🫴🏻 Pregnancy
🫴🏻 Post-natal
🫴🏻Hip and knee injuries
🫴🏻 TMJ dysfunction
🫴🏻 Plantar fasciitis
🫴🏻 Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 08/07/2022

One thing we hear quite often at muscle and bone is people explaining the body feeling stiff and not moving very well for prolonged periods of time.
We do not believe this is something that should be accepted as normal or a sign of “getting older” as we hear frequently.

Loss of mobility is sometimes the only way the body can establish a point of stability; this is not a true type of stability but the results of the muscles functioning appropriately within the range of stiffness you may be experiencing.
Factors including inappropriate movement, poorly managed injuries, physical stresses along with emotional stresses may contribute to stiffness and reduced mobility.
This type of stiffness is a dysfunction that is engineered by the body to allow you to continue physical performance at a global level. The problem is that it can lead to further injury, aggravation or cause a range of movement and mobility problems.

At muscle and bone our practitioners will help assess the level of mobility available for you, address factors contributing to stiffness and reduced mobility and help formulate a long-lasting plan for constant positive change.

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 24/06/2022

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.." -Maya Angelou 🗣👀

At Muscle & Bone we pride ourselves on customer service. From the moment you walk through our doors, til the moment you leave, we are all about you. 🤜🤛


Well done brother


Your journey, is our journey. Together, we’ll get there. One step at a time!🦶💪🏼

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 23/06/2022

Do you suffer painful Periods?
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects a woman’s reproductive organs. It happens when the lining cells of the uterus (called endometrium) grow outside of it.

•Painful menstruation
•Pain during s*xual in*******se
•Chronic pelvic pain
•Heavy or irregular menstruation
•Pelvic bloating (from endometriotic cysts or enlarged womb)
•Bowel-related symptoms during menstruation such as painful bowel movements, diarrhoea and constipation
•Urinary-related symptoms during menstruation such as painful urination and bloody urination Important things to know.

•A hysterectomy, or getting pregnant – neither are cures for Endo!
•It may be best to avoid s*x during your period as it has been thought to propagate endometrial tissue in other locations of the body than the uterus
•Laparoscopic surgery is the gold standard, and not ablation. Laparoscopic surgery cuts the whole mass out only leaving healthy tissue
•severity of the symptoms does not reflect the severity of the symptoms you feel, and visa versa
•Period pain is not normal

🙋‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️CAN WE HELP❓ Yes we can‼️

✅Chinese medicine sees Endo as blood that is not flowing properly ie ‘Blood Stasis’ and uses Chinese Herbal medicine and Acupuncture to clear the blood stasis and reduce pain.


Dedicated to the process.


🤷🏻🤷🏽‍♀️A common thought in both men & women is that equality between the s*xes means that both men & women can do the same things equally all the time no matter what. Equality can actually have more to do with just simply rights. Both men & women have voting rights, paid the same, education & so on. If we look at people’s abilities it can be a different conceptual structure though. If we look at this very basic set of two graphs drawn on a napkin during our lunch, we can see the hormone cycles for that of a man (above) during, pretty much, his whole life,; to that of a woman (below) in one month.

🔍Men's Cycle
Men have FSH & Testosterone in more or less a straight & stable level of existence throughout their lives. This means that no matter what, they can achieve anything at a predictable & steady rate

🩸Women's Cycle
Looking at the women's graph underneath, we see four different lines modulating at different levels at different times of the month. This is the reason why women's abilities are different to men at different times of the cycle. If handled right a woman can be "equal" or be intensely more productive than a man is ever capable of

🔮Read the Cycle
The red numbers are important cycle days, Day1: first day of Venus, a bleed that lasts for at least 6hrs. Day16: Ovulation Day28 day before return of Venus.
4 vertical black lines. A: end of Venus. B: start of Ovulation, C: end of Ovulation D: build to Venus.

❓How to Utilize Your Cycle for Good instead of Evil👺
From day 1 to the end of Venus is not a time to push yourself physically as it would be an uphill battle This is a time to mull over ideas and take it easy. From the end of Venus (line A) to line B is the perfect time to plan any ideas you have been mulling over.
Between lines B & C: Ovulation, this is the most awesome time in your cycle to action anything you have been planning. This is when your hormone levels sky rocket & you are @ your strongest. If you have been wanting to put a business proposal into the boardroom at work then this is your magic hour ! Do it here !
Post Ovulation is the best time to reflect on how things went with what you action-ed.


Did you know that acupuncture is for you?

Don’t you love it when acupuncture makes it into main media? Time Magazine just released an article celebrating acupuncture’s steep rise in popularity over the past decade, especially in recent years, as more patients seek out natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals.🌿

Here are few highlights:
📌 “According to a 2021 World Health Organization report, acupuncture is the most widely used traditional medicine practice GLOBALLY.”

📌 “In 2020, the US Centres for Medicare & Medicaid services began covering acupuncture for the first time for chronic low back pain.”

📌 “The science is strongest behind acupuncture’s efficacy for post-stroke aphasia; neck, shoulder, and muscle pain; fibromyalgia pain; lactation issues after delivery; lower back pain; vascular dementia symptoms; and allergy symptoms.” And there is SO much more !!!

📌“That blend of anecdotal success, research-backed results, and growing level of openness from the medical community are all driving the popularity of acupuncture as a therapy.”

Link to read the full article, including recent study results and projections for what’s next for acupuncture in modern medicine! : (copy this and insert into search bar)


Client consulting and treatment management:
🤓At Muscle and Bone, listening to our client’s story and information is our first step to better understand what is happening and how we can help.

❓❓The questions we ask our patients is integral for building a working relationship and creating a path we will take to get to the route cause of your issue and then fix your concern and injury.

🆘Pain and injury are complex and multifactorial, so we consider your lifestyle, stress management, fatigue levels and nutrition amongst other factors to help us better understand what is holding you back.

Photos from Muscle & Bone Clinic's post 21/04/2022

🤰👶🏻Pregnancy is a wonderful process but as part of that process women endure a lot of physical and mental changes including anatomical change along with physical strain to the body.
Within different trimesters the body is going through a number of mechanical/physical and physiological adaptions and at muscle and bone our therapists help with hands on treatment and information regarding those changes and also how to best prepare for labour.

𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬:
Soft tissue muscles are adapting to change during the various stages of pregnancy and our goal is to help those muscle groups adapt best and offload those restricted anatomical structures to help the process for both pain relief and structural movement.

During pregnancy movement is an especially vital component. Keeping strong through the journey will help activate dormant muscle groups which may be under utilised plus prep for pelvic floor changes and abdominal changes.

𝐏𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭:
At the clinic we like to explain how important post baby time is along with pre baby prep. Feeding and carrying angles along with strength is a small example of what we explain with detailed information to make your body adapt best.

🧨Do we treat to the end? Absolutely we do, we are fortunate to treat a lot of mothers to be right up to the given birth date.
🔁For more information or booking details please contact the muscle and bone clinic.


R̳a̳i̳s̳e̳̲ y̳o̳u̳r̳̲ h̳a̳n̳d̳✋: Do you get any pain when abducting or raising your arms overhead?

🦾The shoulder is a complex musculoskeletal joint within the body that is prone to dysfunction for various reasons. Some of these include work habits, sleeping positions, sport participation, or injuries that are out of our control in some unfortunate instances.If you have suffered from a shoulder complaint that is impacting on your daily life then we recommend you coming into Muscle & bone.

🗣At Muscle & Bone we can provide rebalancing and support for your shoulder issue through assessment, treatment and corrective exercises provided by our highly skilled multi-disciplinary team.

🫵🏽This will help improve function, and importantly reduce those painful symptoms you may be experiencing!

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I consistently see low iron levels in clinic, it’s one of the most common issues I see.🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸I also consistently hear ...
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I totally get that making changes to your life can be difficult sometimes...but you've got to want it! 👉Forming new habi...
Feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed right now?  Most of us usually have an outlet, be it a sport, a class, or even ...
Feeling backed up, never feeling fully empty? You may be a little constipated... Essentially it's defined as having hard...
MOXA AAAAAAAA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⠀☝️Are you suffering without even know there is a better existence for you?Then read on 👉The heat fro...
You’re tired ALL…THE…TIME…Yup, you could quite possibly be anaemic - meaning you have low iron storage in your blood 🩸 B...


8 Chatham Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 7pm

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