New Age Dental

Our well-equipped brand new practice offers personalised and state-of-the art facilities in a spacio

At New Age Dental Bundoora, we believe that health is a balance between emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and social well-being. We aim to enable our patients to have great and long-lasting smiles.


The Science of Brushing Teeth
There is a science behind how to brush your teeth. You should ensure you brush in a circular motion, ideally using a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Manual and electric toothbrushes become worn out after 4-6 months and are not as effective as they once were. So, you should aim to change your toothbrush every few months to ensure optimal cleaning.


Drinking Water is Good For Your Teeth
Drinking tap water can be good for your teeth because in most parts of Australia it contains a very small amount of fluoride (also found in many brands of toothpaste) that helps protect against tooth decay. Other liquids can also be good for your teeth. Coconut oil, for instance, is known to attack harmful bacteria in your mouth and reduce plaque build-up.


4 Faux Pas of Oral Health
It’s no secret that taking care of your teeth is important for your overall health. And just as things like sleeping too little or eating too much can harm your overall health, there are plenty of things that can have a negative effect on your oral health.
Here are four things to watch out for:
1. Skipping brushing and flossing.
2. Using your teeth as tools.
3. Eating sugary and acidic foods.
4. Smoking ci******es.


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The Ins and Outs of Teeth Straightening: How Much Do Teeth Braces Cost? - New Age Dental 17/01/2023


Are your teeth less than straight? Is their appearance affecting your smile? You might be suitable for teeth braces, and nowadays, there are several options available, and your choice is no longer limited to metal braces you might remember during childhood.

The Ins and Outs of Teeth Straightening: How Much Do Teeth Braces Cost? - New Age Dental Are your teeth less than straight? Is their appearance affecting your smile? You might be suitable for teeth braces, and nowadays, there are several options available, and your choice is no longer limited to metal braces you might remember during childhood. Why Have Braces? In an ideal world, after....

Signs of Ageing Oral Health - New Age Dental 12/01/2023


As you get older, you inevitably see some changes to your overall health, including your dental health. While getting older can bring about desirable rewards such as retirement, more time for travel and hobbies and spending time with grandkids, it can increase the risk of unwanted dental health problems. We’ve outlined some of the most common oral health issues older adults face.

Signs of Ageing Oral Health - New Age Dental As you get older, you inevitably see some changes to your overall health, including your dental health. While getting older can bring about desirable rewards such as retirement, more time for travel and hobbies and spending time with grandkids, it can increase the risk of unwanted dental health prob...

Is It Plaque, or Is It Tartar? - New Age Dental 04/01/2023


You will often hear the terms plaque and tartar used interchangeably, so it is easy to think they are the same. While similar, there are some important differences, and understanding these can help you manage your oral health more effectively.

Is It Plaque, or Is It Tartar? - New Age Dental You will often hear the terms plaque and tartar used interchangeably, so it is easy to think they are the same. While similar, there are some important differences, and understanding these can help you manage your oral health more effectively. Everyone has dental plaque and, to some extent, tartar b...

Wisdom Teeth After-Care: What You Need to Know - New Age Dental 28/12/2022


Wisdom tooth removal is a common treatment, but even so, if you opt for this procedure, you may still feel apprehensive. However, having your wisdom teeth removed shouldn’t feel painful, and we can provide you with lots of after-care instructions so you can recover more quickly. It’s important to remember that this is a routine procedure and that complications are rare.

Wisdom Teeth After-Care: What You Need to Know - New Age Dental Wisdom tooth removal is a common treatment, but even so, if you opt for this procedure, you may still feel apprehensive. However, having your wisdom teeth removed shouldn’t feel painful, and we can provide you with lots of after-care instructions so you can recover more quickly. It’s important t...

Dental Ideas for Your New Year's Resolutions - New Age Dental 21/12/2022


Many of us make New Year’s resolutions at this time of year, but how about resolving to look after your teeth? It’s the perfect time of year to think about your dental health, especially with the abundance of sweet treats available at this time of year. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Dental Ideas for Your New Year's Resolutions - New Age Dental Many of us make New Year’s resolutions at this time of year, but how about resolving to look after your teeth? It’s the perfect time of year to think about your dental health, especially with the abundance of sweet treats available at this time of year. Here are a few tips to get you started. .....

Meet the Team! Welcome Dr Anuradha Khuttan - New Age Dental 19/12/2022


We are very pleased to welcome the Newest member of the New Age Dental Family Dr Anuradha (Anu) Kuttan
And grew up in India where she graduated from Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research as a dentist.

Meet the Team! Welcome Dr Anuradha Khuttan - New Age Dental We are very pleased to welcome the Newest member of the New Age Dental Family Dr Anuradha (Anu) Kuttan And grew up in India where she graduated from Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research as a dentist.Anu has developed an interest in the areas of endodontics, oral surgery and prosthodonti...


Essential for Your Function

Your palate is divided into two separate parts. The front part has ridges and is firm (hard palate). The back part is relatively smooth and supple (soft palate).

Soft palate: This is where the taste buds are found. It’s made up of flexible muscle and connective tissue and closes off your nasal passages when swallowing. The soft palate ends with the uvula, which hangs down from the midline at the back of your mouth.

Hard palate: This portion of the roof of the mouth is characterized by those ridges that feel like large wrinkles, beginning right after your top front teeth and moving further into the mouth. However, some people’s hard palate may also feel smooth. The hard palate is essential to both feeding and language.
The hard palate meets the soft palate, and these two structures work together to separate the nasal cavity from the mouth. Your palate makes sure that your food is ingested properly, all while enabling you to communicate with other people.


Our Christmas hours


Get your teeth whitened for the holiday season or give the gift of a brighter, whiter smile!


There are still a few weeks left to use it or lose it! Don’t let your health insurance benefits go to waste.


If you've ever wondered why your teeth can't grow or repair themselves when they break or develop cavities, it's because the cells that make enamel die and are shed when a tooth erupts. So the sizes and shapes of our teeth are genetically preprogrammed. They cannot change in response to conditions in the mouth


Dental myth

The Tooth Fairy used to be a mouse. Well, sort of. The Tooth Fairy partly developed from a rite of passage that is practised in many countries: offering a baby tooth that has fallen out to a mouse or other rodent. The idea was that if a mouse collected the baby tooth, your adult teeth would come in as strong as a rodent’s.

Even today, in many countries the mouse is still seen as the nocturnal tooth-taker although today the mouse leaves coins or a small gift.

The U.S. uses the same underlying story, with a fairy in place of the mouse. It is speculated that the “fairy” character came to the US from Europe and when movie characters like “Pinocchio” and “Cinderella” became famous the idea of the tooth fairy expanded.

Teething Symptoms & Advice: What Do Teething Gums Look like? - New Age Dental 22/11/2022

Many parents look forward to seeing their baby’s first teeth appear. Knowing what to expect and what to do will help ease your child’s discomfort.

Teething Symptoms & Advice: What Do Teething Gums Look like? - New Age Dental Many parents look forward to seeing their baby’s first teeth appear. Knowing what to expect and what to do will help ease your child’s discomfort. When Do Baby Teeth First Start to Appear? Usually, a baby will show signs of teething around six months, but babies can get their first teeth as earl...


Is sparkling water safe?

People often assume that sparkling water is a healthy alternative, but some have suggested that it’s not as great as it seems. Is sparkling water bad for your teeth? Here is what you need to know about sparkling water.
Plain sparkling water, with no added sugar or salt, is pure water that has been carbonated. In this process, pressurised carbon dioxide gas is dissolved into a liquid. As a result of this, carbonic acid is created. This process is the same as that used to produce carbonation in soda.
The potential danger is that the carbonic acid could possibly harm your teeth. After all, it is an acid. Acidity in the mouth can attack your enamel (the protective outer layer of your teeth), leading to tooth enamel erosion, sensitivity, and tooth decay.

A Smile is the Best Accessory You Can Wear - New Age Dental 14/11/2022


Fashions may come and go, but a healthy, attractive smile can be yours for life, provided you look after it properly. Numerous studies have shown people react positively to a warm smile, helping you make that all-important good first impression when meeting someone new for the first time. When you know your smile looks good, it helps increase self-confidence. In comparison, someone who feels less confident about the appearance of their teeth will often try to hide their mouth. Even if you have been guilty of neglecting your dental health in the past, it’s never too late to begin taking care of your teeth. We’ve listed a few easy tips below to help get you started.

A Smile is the Best Accessory You Can Wear - New Age Dental Fashions may come and go, but a healthy, attractive smile can be yours for life, provided you look after it properly. Numerous studies have shown people react positively to a warm smile, helping you make that all-important good first impression when meeting someone new for the first time. When you k...


Pictures are a part of life—especially in today’s “selfie” society. And let’s face it, it looks like the “selfie” is here to stay. While many people love taking photos with family members or friends, some tend to shy away from the camera.
A common culprit? An unsatisfactory smile.
Whether you’re looking to improve your smile for a big event like a wedding or just because, we are here to help you achieve your perfect smile!


Digestion begins in our mouth, not our stomach. Digestion begins in our mouth, not our stomach.
The nutrients we need for optimal health and well-being begin with the choices we make at mealtime. However, what many overlook is that assimilating those foods requires proper digestion. Which starts in our mouth.
People who don’t chew their food well enough before they swallow often develop digestive problems, and are also at a greater risk for:

Choking – A mechanical obstruction of the airway that prevents normal breathing.
Aspiration – An accidental sucking in of food particles or fluids into the lungs.
Malnutrition – Getting too little or too much of certain nutrients.
Dehydration – Excessive loss of body water often due to diarrhea.
Weight gain – Eating too quickly tends to suppress a sense of fullness.

Love Coffee? Here's How to Keep Your Teeth White - New Age Dental 02/11/2022


Many people look forward to their first cup of coffee in the morning or rely on an afternoon hit of caffeine to keep them going. If you love a cup of coffee, no matter when you drink it, it can stain your smile. The same applies if you like a cup of tea or enjoy other highly coloured beverages.

Love Coffee? Here's How to Keep Your Teeth White - New Age Dental Many people look forward to their first cup of coffee in the morning or rely on an afternoon hit of caffeine to keep them going. If you love a cup of coffee, no matter when you drink it, it can stain your smile. The same applies if you like a cup of tea or enjoy …

How Have Modern Diets Have Changed the Human Face over the Years - New Age Dental 31/10/2022


Most people are well aware of the need to eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet if they want to enjoy good overall health, but may not realise that what you eat, especially when you are growing up, can affect the development of your jawbone and facial bones, impacting your facial profile. There is considerable evidence to show that today’s modern diet combined with our lifestyle here in the developed world can affect the development of the skull and facial bones, resulting in narrower dental arches, malocclusion and impacted wisdom teeth.

How Have Modern Diets Have Changed the Human Face over the Years - New Age Dental Most people are well aware of the need to eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet if they want to enjoy good overall health, but may not realise that what you eat, especially when you are growing up, can affect the development of your jawbone and facial bones, impacting your facial profile. There is cons...

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health? - New Age Dental 26/10/2022


Did you know that your tongue can tell dentists a great deal about your dental and overall health? Most of us just take our tongue for granted, but it’s a very useful muscle. Your tongue allows you to speak clearly and is covered in taste buds so you can taste your food properly. It also helps shape food into a bolus so you can swallow it. Listed below are some of the problems that can affect your tongue.

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health? - New Age Dental Did you know that your tongue can tell dentists a great deal about your dental and overall health? Most of us just take our tongue for granted, but it’s a very useful muscle. Your tongue allows you to speak clearly and is covered in taste buds so you can taste your food properly. It also …


How to Help Your Child Stop Sucking Their thumb

Positive reinforcement – Congratulate your child when you notice that they are not sucking their thumb. A reward system can be a fun way to “gamify” breaking the habit and help your child to feel great about their progress. Make sure to give lots of praise when they succeed.
• Keep them busy – Busy thumbs don’t have time to find their way into mouths! Puzzles and crafts are a great way to keep those little hands occupied. Consider limiting TV time as children will often subconsciously fall back into their habit relaxing in front of the tube.
• Self sensory options – If the thumb sucking is sensory-related, you may want to consider tools such as a sensory chew necklace or bracelet. “Chewelry” can provide an alternative to redirect the habit while you work on longer-term solutions.

Do You Have Smile Anxiety? - New Age Dental 19/10/2022


When socialising with others, do you smile with your mouth closed? It’s a common issue and can be due to smile anxiety; this is where we can help. Our dental team can make you feel better and more confident about your smile by providing focused treatment plans to relieve anxiety and improve oral health.

Do You Have Smile Anxiety? - New Age Dental When socialising with others, do you smile with your mouth closed? It’s a common issue and can be due to smile anxiety; this is where we can help. Our dental team can make you feel better and more confident about your smile by providing focused treatment plans to relieve anxiety and improve oral h...


Your palate is divided into two separate parts. The front part has ridges and is firm (hard palate). The back part is relatively smooth and supple (soft palate).
Soft palate: This is where the taste buds are found. It’s made up of flexible muscle and connective tissue and closes off your nasal passages when swallowing. The soft palate ends with the uvula, which hangs down from the midline at the back of your mouth.
Hard palate: This portion of the roof of the mouth is characterized by those ridges that feel like large wrinkles, beginning right after your top front teeth and moving further into the mouth. However, some people’s hard palate may also feel smooth. The hard palate is essential to both feeding and language.

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Our Story

Our custom-built practice has been specifically designed to provide excellent dental care for all our patients. When you visit us, we go out of our way to make you to feel relaxed, comfortable and confident that you are receiving the very best and most appropriate dental care to meet your individual needs.

Providing Dental Care for All Your Family

Our family oriented dental clinic welcomes patients of all ages. We have gone out of our way to make sure we provide a comprehensive range of treatments to suit everyone’s dental needs. Preventative dentistry is something we are passionate about, but especially for children. New Age Dental provides a complete range of general and preventative dental treatments for everyone. Our range of cosmetic dental treatments will help you gain the smile you desire. Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular and we provide every treatment required, including image guided surgery and the very latest bone grafting techniques.

Enjoy a More Comfortable Experience with the Most Advanced Sedation Dentistry

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Love to floss
Protect your teeth with these pro tips for a healthy diet
Welcome to New Age Dental



Suite 5, Level 1, 20 Scholar Drive
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 9am - 3pm

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