Harry Van Koll Hypnotherapy

Harry Van Koll Hypnotherapy

Helping people BEAT Anxiety & Reconnect with their True Self…


A phantom personality rooted in the past cannot LIVE today!


🔥 The mark of a true change in the unconscious, is the conscious thinking-mind not being able to explain it or understand it…

But that nebulous, confusing weight and pressure of emotion and feeling that was keeping you stuck is no longer there. You feel different, but you can’t explain how.

This is the counter-experience to the problem you had…

The probelm was something you knew that you had, but you couldn’t explain how you had it or what it actually was - just the surface symptoms it created in your life.

Unconscious change is supra-rational.

It doesn’t make any sense, at least logically.

That’s why no amount of logical treatment of the issue truly annihilates it for good - it just bandaids it.

Hypnotherapy transcends logic and allows your infinite unconscious to make the changes that your thinking mind can’t.

Huge congrats to this client! Amazing work 🙏


Helping people annihilate anxiety & depression and reconnect with their TRUE SELF…




These mental-emotional complexes that we identify with having and experiencing are just that - complexities of mind.

The REAL you, I mean who you REALLY are, does not know these things.

You do not come into the world knowing these ideas, yet from the moment of birth you are a living, breathing genius and powerhouse of problem-solving and are able to overcome the challenges that you are beset with as a new life born into the world.

You learn and conquer, against all odds, how to get up on two legs even though you don’t understand or consciously know how to do it.

You manage to teach yourself your language, without any prior linguistic knowledge or without even knowing what language is.

This is a profoundly remarkable act!

And you do it all without prior knowing or understanding or any reference at all.

You do it without over-thinking.

This is a great example of the genius of your unconscious mind that is able to overcome and learn and break through the limitations that the thinking-intellectual mind gets trapped in.

When you are a child, your intellect is not fully developed yet.

And yet, you manage to learn everything that you need to manage and survive and get what you want and need in life.

You don’t stop to think with a pen and paper about how you’re going to do something, you just do it.

At some point in life, we start to think that we have to intellectualise everything and think our way through life.

We start to identify more and more with our thinking, logical mind - and this slowly removes and separates us from our inner genius that transcends logic and sense.

These layers of separation from our real self are the complexes of thought that disconnect us from our inner True Self, and our inner True Will that can accomplish the greatest of feats and acts.

This separation slowly increases over time, until there is a vast distance between your true self that is unlimited, and the limited thinking-mind that you have slowly come to full identification with over the years.

This distance, this abyss, this disconnection from our inner self, is what conjures up the feelings of powerlessness, fear, anxiety and can eventually turn into depression.

Because you have gotten to a point where you think you need to work everything out solely with the thinking-mind, and because the thinking-mind is profoundly limited in its capabilities (compared to the inner genius), this creates the false predicament where you see yourself as powerless against a force in your life whether it is anxiety, depression or whatever may befront you.

But this feeling of powerlessness is a false predicament.

And the thinking-mind will never be able to solve it.

What needs to happen is a bridging of this vast gap between the thinking-mind and your authentic self. A re-establishing of a connection with the real, inner genius and True Self that is YOU.

By collapsing this divide and establishing this profound connection with your inner genius, you can transcend the limitations you encounter in life.

Through this process, we shatter the boundaries of our perceived capabilities and open ourselves to accomplishing far more than we currently believe is possible.




Helping people eliminate anxiety & self-doubt and reconnect with who they TRULY are…

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough



Face your Self.
Reconnect with the REAL YOU.


Helping people eliminate anxiety and reconnect with their TRUE Self…

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️


To overcome your anxiety you have to go deeper than just the anxiety…

It means getting down to the very core of how you’ve managed to get yourself into a position where you fundamentally don’t trust in the unfolding of your own life…


Helping people finally overcome anxiety & depression and reconnect with their True Self…



FEAR and anxiety are your unconscious mind trying to keep you safe from what it believes may be dangerous for you.

Which is a good thing! But sometimes you need to face certain things or issues in your life that may be perceived as dangerous, painful or scary, but are actually holding you back and keeping you stuck in life, limiting your potential to be who you truly are.

In these cases, you really have to show your unconsious mind that these old fears and anxieties are no longer needed.

Because they are getting in the way of your personal growth.

You have to teach it, or rather teach yourself, that these old feelings that come up and always stop you, are outdated and are what’s holding you back from your change and living the life that you know you’re truly capable of.

But, the unconscious mind does not like this at all.

After all it’s main job is to keep you safe and happy and if it believes that facing one of these fears, anxieties or limitations may cause you pain to go through, you better bet it’s going to do everything in its power to stop you.

You will find yourself doing everything you can not face it. This is your unconscious trying to keep you safe in the best way it knows how.

This is why anxiety and fear come up every time you try to deal with the problem.

And it stops you from fixing it.

And ⬆️ this ⬆️ is why you still have the problem!

But, you have to face your fear and anxiety if you ever really want to grow.

You just have to do it.

There’s no way around it!

You really have to face yourself and all your excuses.

Because YOU are the only thing that’s blocking your own change.

So you have to make that first move.

The best way you can do this is to teach yourself that you don’t need to be scared, by calling your own bluff and proving it to yourself that you‘re not.

When you feel that fear come up, thank your unconscious for all its help, but let yourself know that facing this issue is NECESSARY for your own personal growth and happiness.

Be the liberated Self. Confidently face that fear and anxiety. Go all in. 100%.

SHOW yourself that you will okay if you do this.

Let success be your proof.

I’m sure you can imagine how amazing you will feel when you do this. You are giving yourself back the control in your life that was taken away by anxiety.

It’s the most powerful thing you can do for yourself, to show yourself that YOU are there for yourself.

It’s like a beautiful gift that you give to yourself, as one of my clients recently put it.

It’s the gift of YOU.

And when you get your TRUE SELF back, there’s nothing else like it in the world.

And you can’t help but wonder why you waited so long to make a move...


Helping people finally break free from anxiety to reconnect with who they TRULY are.

Anxiety & Depression RAPID-BREAKTHROUGH™️

You can book a free intro session with me below and we can have a chat about your specific issue and what you would like to achieve...

Learn More here: www.harryvankoll.com.au



You have the power to reconnect with your True Self in the present moment.

And alignment with your True Self connects you to effortless unlimited power which gives you control in your own life.

The root of overthinking, worry and panic is based on the inability to do this.

If you’re always worrying about what could happen and overthink every situation negatively, you get yourself further and further away from the present moment.

This constant worrying about everything that isn’t actually happening here and now eventually leads - if left unchecked - to the inevitable repetitive feedback-loop of worrying, then worrying about the fact that you’re worrying, and the fact that you’re worrying about that makes you worry even more that you’re worrying too much - anxiety.

But this is only ever a simple disconnection from yourself.

When your mind wanders into negative thoughts, you leave this moment behind and temporarily disconnect yourself from the reality of NOW which is where you actually always are.

You go off, you see, into some entirely different reality in your head and then get worried about what you’re thinking of as if it’s happening right now.

And it seems like it’s out of your control.

Well of course it does!

How can you be in control of something that isn’t happening?

When you reconnect to yourself in the present moment, you can be in control.

This is where you are empowered to orchestrate your life.

This is where you can do stuff.

Because NOW which is where YOU ALWAYS ARE is where you have the power to do things.

Things only start to seem outside of your control when you decide not to be here to do anything about it.

When you’re off in thoughts about ‘what could happen’, you miss what you COULD be doing right now.

Now this may seem like an oversimplification a complex matter but in reality, the truth is always simple.

It’s always FAR simpler than you think.

In fact complexity only ever obscures truth behind more and more veils of illusion.

And overthinking is the best way to blind yourself from the simple truth that is right in front of you.

So if you have trouble staying present in the moment, ask yourself, what is it about THIS present moment that you’re choosing not to see?

After all, right here...
..right NOW...
..this is where the ACTION is!

And action blended with coordinated intention, purified of excess importance, is how you CREATE.

Time to take your power back!


Helping people break through Anxiety & Depression to reconnect with who they TRULY are…

Learn More:


Massive CONGRATS 🙌 to a recent client on turning their life around and reconnecting with their true self 🙏🔥

Before working together this person was stuck in life, depressed, struggling with self-doubt and confidence issues and just wasn’t feeling like themselves anymore.

What a positive turnaround for them and another testament to what’s possible when we decide to face ourselves.

You are never truly stuck. You are never truly lost. Mind is the only ‘obstacle’ between where you are right now and your true happiness...

Master your mind and you master your life.


Helping people finally breakthrough anxiety & reconnect with who they truly are...

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️




If you’re currently suffering with anxiety or depression, you may know this truth very well.

This is why you can spend weeks, months and years trying to heal and fix yourself but never actually get anywhere.

No amount of positive thinking, affirmations, journaling or management strategies will ever truly fix you at the core.

This is because the underlying root of the problem is unconscious.

So it’s not until you heal the unconscious part of the problem, that you finally get to move past it for good.

All parts of you have to be brought into alignment and equilibrium.

Otherwise it will keep feeling like there is always this invisible adversary holding you back and keeping you stuck.

Anxiety and depression are deep misalignments within your Being.

This misalignment and desynchronisation between the parts of yourself creates feelings of being lost, confused, hopeless, trapped, and powerless.

It’s this disconnection that creates these feelings. It’s not an illness. It’s not a condition that you have to just learn to how to cope with.

It’s weeks, months and years of treating a problem like this as an illness that has had you looking in all the wrong places, only to be let down again and again by other people’s advice.

The answer to your true healing lies within you.

Not outside.

When you finally get back in touch with the real you, that struggle within can actually be healed.

The Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough hypnotherapy I offer tackles the most challenging aspect of healing that is difficult to achieve independently:

It helps you deal with the unconscious part of the problem - the part that the mind is brilliant at keeping hidden from you!

It helps you create changes within the part of yourself that is usually out of reach of your normal thinking, the part of you that is responsible for and deeply influences everything that you do, how you conduct yourself, and all of the decisions that you make throughout the day.

Most of the way you act in life is purely unconscious.

And if your actions and decisions are what creates the circumstances of your life, you can see that by addressing these underlying patterns you might begin to experience a profound shift in your reality.

It is so important to get all parts of you working together in harmony.

Equilibrium between all parts of you is the key to happiness and success in life.

When all parts of you work together in unison, life becomes easier, and you can navigate with grace and confidence.

Don't let anxiety and depression define your life!

It’s time to reconnect with the REAL YOU and unlock your full potential… 🔥

Helping people break through anxiety & depression and reconnect with who they TRULY are…



At the subatomic level, thoughts mixed with feelings emit frequencies that entrain the quantum field.

Anxiety, panic and fear generate incoherent wavelengths, scattering your energy…

When you want to start mastering your reality and mind - the very first thing you have to do is start taking 100% responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings.

Fostering the abilities to concentrate your mind, and enter into stillness at will, are such incredibly important skills to master.

➡️ Single-pointed concentration and focus is how you bring ideas into form.

➡️ Entering into stillness and thought-vacancy, to the place behind your thoughts, collapses and dissolves thought patterns and structures.

This gives you the ability to de-fabricate that which you do not want anymore, and create that which you want.

These two fundamental mind-mastery skills give you complete control over your mind and therefore your reality.

Modern society devalues concentration and stillness. But champions short attention-spans and 10-second video reels.

Go watch any modern tv show and you will see the camera cutting to a different angle or shot literally every 1-2 seconds. Sometimes even shorter.

This destroys your ability to concentrate, and to enter into stillness - the two fundamental pillars of self-mastery you need to develop if you ever want to feel in control of yourself and your life.

It creates thought-static in your mind and emotional-static in your heart.

And getting your mind and heart in coherence is so important!

The more static in the electromagnetic field that your mind and heart emits, the more disorganised the energy field is around you.

And that field you’re emitting is literally signalling resonant potentials in the greater field and pulling them into your reality.

Mind and heart static don’t only create confusion and lack of clarity in the field - but this incoherence also directly affects the epigenetics of your cells.

New science is showing that our bodies cells are directly affected by the information in the energetic field that surrounds them. We literally program our cells into or out of health and functionality with our thoughts and feelings.

You are not as much a result of your genetics as you are of your thinking.

This is mind-blowing stuff. If you’re interested in investigating this further I’d highly recommend checking out the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Bruce Lipton.

To bring this all home, our thoughts and feelings play a role in the experience and unfoldment of our lives that has much more of a relevance than we ever realised before. The ancients knew this. Modern science is starting to catch up quicker than it was probably ready for. The new research is quickly dissolving old belief structures and ‘facts’.

The way to really get in on this and start taking charge of your own mind, your body and your reality is to master the skills of concentration and the ability to vacate your mind, and enter into stillness and release.

If you only ever master these very fundamental skills, you will set yourself up with a superpower that will help you take complete control of your self and your life. And the reality is, these skills are not that far off in achievability when you understand the logical causation-chains that get you there.

You DO NOT need to spend years in meditation to achieve these abilities. They are actually quite close, because they are innate.

There are causative mechanics to unlocking these skills, when we strip away the fluff and confusion that is commonly associated, we can develop these skills very quickly.

I am now offering coaching and mentoring in mind and self-mastery in addition to my current services.

Next year I will be running some workshops and programs in the areas of mind & self mastery, meditation and energy work, quantum reality generation, etc. So keep an eye out! 😄

If interested in pursuing any of these practices, please feel free to get in contact.





Pessimists, pragmatically fearful of seeing everything in a rosy light, often caution optimists against such views...

But if you've ever noticed how your thoughts shape your reality, you'll understand that what you concentrate on tends to magnify and grow.

Just like a spotlight, your attention highlights the aspects of life you focus on — and what you focus on ➡️ expands and amplifies ⬅️.

When your thoughts emit negative frequencies, they pull similar negative thoughts and situations that are in resonance with this frequency to you. This is like tuning into a radio station broadcasting negativity — you're bound to hear negative things.

If your thoughts are constantly attuned to being fearful and afraid, your life, in reflection, will start to fill up with a plethora of things to be fearful and afraid of.

By consistently focusing on the negative, you pile up negative thought waves, and this compounds over time.

You might see evidence supporting this negativity in your life, but remember — the 'proof' of this negativity is actually the product of the thoughts that bred it, NOT the other way around!

There will always be negativity in the world, but tuning into it will only bring resonant situations into YOUR life.

When you allow only positivity into your world, you create chains of positive feedback-loops. Over time, these loops stack up and create streams of good luck and fortune. Waves of success. And you can ride these to some pretty amazing places.

You transform into someone for whom things always seem to just work out. Even against all odds, things just go your way. You get smiles instead of frowns.

To kickstart this process, consciously notice and appreciate all the small wins and positive events in your life.

Shower these moments with your attention.

Any good news that enters your sphere, give it your full focus.

Because where attention goes, energy flows. Gather these little wins and focus on them.

Your attention breathes life into them.

Wonder to yourself what the next win might be…

Start to build a positive expectancy.

Let any negativity pass through you as you remain empty, leaving no trace behind. Don't give it a foothold.

Negativity needs something to hook into, it needs your emotional response. Don’t feed it!

Remain empty and un-phased, and it will move on to someone else.

Stay an observer of your life, amplifying ONLY that which you wish to grow…

This is how you create your own luck.

The act of observation literally influences material reality!

Go and read up on quantum physics if you want to learn more about this.

And in the meantime, start observing your reality into existence.


Helping people overcome anxiety & achieve Self-Mastery…




The Hermetic principle of correspondence teaches us that the outer world reflects the inner world.

Our attitude, beliefs and thoughts generate an energetic signature around us that acts like a resonant tuning fork - sending out subtle waves of information into the field that effects our reality on a continual basis.

To truly overcome anxiety and create a better life for ourselves, we must first address the imbalances within us and cultivate a sense of harmony and alignment.

By doing so, we create powerful ripple effects that truly transform our external reality…


Helping people beat anxiety & achieve self-mastery…

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️


🔥 Reconnect with who YOU truly are 🔥



Anxiety disconnects you from your true self - the timeless awareness that YOU are beyond any emotion or thought.

When you reconnect with your inner essence, you give yourself the power to overcome anxiety.

Because when any worry arises, you have the inner knowing that who YOU really are cannot be bluffed by any fear-based emotion that tries to vie for your immediate attention.

Instead, any worrisome or anxious thoughts become a tool for your expedited growth. They show you where you are next able to disconnect old thinking patterns and release into further peace and stability of mind.

Anxious thoughts simply reveal how far your mind has wandered from its own source - the still, silent awareness that is the real you.

In one of these moments, you set the anxious thoughts aside and ask yourself: "Who am I beyond any feeling or identity?"

Return to your essence: What is prior to fear, anxiety and worry?

Reconnect with the peace that already rests within, untouched by anxiety or concern.

Remember, YOU are the vast awareness in which worry has arisen.

Anxious emotions are temporary waves appearing in the infinite ocean of your own being.

When you resolve to live from this deeper inner place, beyond fear's narrow confines, you self-determine to abide as the peace that you are, letting all thoughts come and go like passing clouds.

Observe as that silent witness, untouched by fear or trouble.

With the observer perspective, anxiety cannot disturb your peace like it used to.

Worry reveals how lost you've become from this place of power within yourself - then strengthens your resolve to come back home.

The power that anxiety seems to hold is always an illusion, born of forgetting your own indwelling strength.

Reconnect with the infinite awareness that you are, PRIOR to EVERY emotion.

Watch thoughts arise and then fall away, whilst you simply remain.

This practice will take you on a journey that eventually leads to true self-mastery.

And with the resilient determination to KNOW who you really are, anxiety cannot come anywhere near the joy that is your own true nature.

Reconnect with the REAL YOU - and fear dissolves on contact.


Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️

Helping people finally beat anxiety to live a life FREE from fear, panic and self-doubt…




Anxiety stems from believing fearful thoughts MORE than you believe in your SELF.

You become trapped inside a dark story your mind created, instead of remembering the light of your true self that resides within you.

Fearful thoughts may capture your attention, but you have the power to choose a freer perspective…

➡️ Where attention goes, energy flows. ⬅️

Whatever you pay attention to expands.

Your attention is the number one commodity in this world! That’s why everything in our current society is designed to harness and grab your attention.

The algorithms of social media, reels, feeds, etc, are all designed to capture your attention and keep you there as long as possible.

Negative emotions grab your attention much more easily and fully than the positive.

The algorithms, the news, and society in general completely understand this, and so this become the main way to capture your attention.

The trouble is, all this energy stays inside you, and builds up over time.

It begins to aggravate any negative mind-state you may already have going on - especially if you already suffer with anxiety.

We have to be aware and conscious of what we allow ourselves to think.

Because the REAL YOU is more than any mental narrative - you are the awareness itself.

Your awareness GIVES LIFE to whatever you pay attention to.

When you tap into what lies beneath the mind's chatter, you begin to access this power.

Anxiety arises when you forget that you are the STILLNESS in which thoughts appear.

Take some time to really contemplate the above statement.

See yourself as the clear sky through which clouds of fear pass.

Become the space that is aware of anxiety, not the anxiety that seeks to capture your attention.

When you remember this vast inner space you truly are, fears are non-existent in comparison.

You realise you were never limited by your mind - you merely believed you were.

Reconnect with the infinite wisdom and peace within you.

My hypnotherapy approach helps my clients access this inner wisdom and space that anxiety has kept hidden.

I help you uncover the part of yourself that is bigger than fear, anxiety or depression.

My Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough program uses sharp insight and direct intervention to dissolve anxiety at its root. This allows you to finally live freely as your authentic self, beyond fear.

Message me to learn more.


Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️

Helping people finally beat anxiety to live a life FREE from fear, panic and self-doubt…



You can spend weeks, months and years in therapy talking about your anxiety, going round and round in circles and never actually getting rid of the problem at its core.

Learning management techniques for the symptoms does not fix the real issue - it only perpetuates it.

Reading books on the subject does not fix the real issue - but only perpetuates it.

Trying to work it out yourself, using the same anxious mind to do the fixing does not solve the real issue - it only perpetuates it.

Any time you are working on what you THINK the problem is, you are working on the wrong thing.

If anxiety was just a logical problem that you could solve with your conscious mind, then you would have solved it by now.

The approaches you have tried to get a resolution, all would have worked by now.

But why haven’t they?

Because anxiety is not a logical problem!

Whatever is occurring within you, cannot be overcome through logical talk therapy, cannot be overcome through management of the symptoms, cannot be overcome by just learning how to live with it.

The core of the issue you’re experiencing, exists at the unconscious level within you.

Therefore, any work you do on this issue consciously is not having a true effect on the real problem.

You may get temporary relief, or you may lessen one of the symptoms only to have another pop up, or you may get nowhere at all with it, if this is the route you have been taking so far.

Until you heal the part of this issue that lies hidden beneath the visible surface, new surface sprouts will just continue to pop up in your life.

When I client I see has a true hypnotherapeutic breakthrough for their anxiety, the resolution that solves their problem is always so left-field that they never would have seen it coming!

This puts people back in touch with who they really are, with their true self.

They realise just how far away and disconnected they have been from themselves all of this time.

Reconnecting with the REAL YOU gives you everything you were looking for all this time.

Peace awaits you.




The REAL YOU awaits…



Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️

Helping people break through anxiety, fear & self-doubt to reconnect with who they TRULY are…




Anxiety is the surface symptom of a deeper 'unconscious' issue trying desperately to get your attention!

Panic attacks are a later stage of this…

The longer you ignore the deeper issue, the worse the surface symptoms get until you finally listen to what you’re trying to tell to yourself…

Healing the underlying problem means you not only get to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks, but you also regain that deeper, inner relationship with the REAL YOU that has probably been lost for a very long time.

It’s this reconnection with the real inner YOU that creates effortless confidence, peace and resilience.

When you face your anxiety, you reconnect with who YOU truly are…


Helping people break through anxiety, fear & self-doubt to reconnect with who they TRULY are…

Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™️



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Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough™

Say goodbye to Anxiety & Depression NOW!

Hi, my name is Harry Van Koll and I'm an Anxiety and Depression Specialist Hypnotherapist.

I help people completely eliminate anxiety and depression from their lives so they can finally get back to feeling like themselves again and enjoy a life free of fear, worry and self-doubt.

Whether you suffer from the different kinds of anxiety such as GAD, OCD, Social Anxiety, De-personalisation/De-realisation or if you're currently battling depression or any of its related issues, if your life is ruled by fear, self-doubt or if you just want to get back to being the real you, let me show you exactly how you can finally deal with these issues once and for all, so you can begin moving forward toward a life that you actually enjoy living.




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Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
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