KaRmeleon By Vicky
KaRmeleon, is about empowering and healing women and men at all ages. Forensic healing practioner. We all have a dream, and we all are truly gifted.
Sometimes life throws us a curb ball and we are may feel stuck due to our personal circumstances. As we are emotional beings we re live and attract certain experiences. There is a way. There is always a way to heal, grow and change. I did, so can you. Forensic Healing is a powerful healing system that works on many levels.
Why I do what I do.. ♥️
❤️Beautiful Hearts ♥️
TikTok · KaRmeleonByVicky Check out KaRmeleonByVicky’s video.
Always be grateful to those whom were kind , gave their time, their encouragement, their beautiful words...... as they played a big role (even if the gesture was brief or small) to get you here.
Today and always I give many thanks to the kindest souls on the planet..♥️🙏
You may wish, no matter where you are at in life, in your spiritual journey, begin to write a gratitude list of the kind people that have crossed your path..
Go on, go down memory lane, you ll be surprised as their faces will pop up in your memory.. even the brief encounters.
And send them thanks..
By doing this, you are "growing " more of what you want.. more kindnesses..
Much love ❤️
TikTok · Aurie 7117 likes, 55 comments. Check out Aurie’s post.
Many may not realise how damaging it is to have negative people in your life..
When you let them go, you begin to heal and align with like minded loving souls..
Look at "why" you have attracted certain people in your life (yes, you are an energy field) , and learn the lesson.
Never fear been lonely, in good time our magical universe delivers better versions of relationships.
As you learn to love yourself more n more, your vibration changes, therefore you attract better as the "enegies" of certain relationships are not a match anymore..
KaRmeleon Blessings ❤️
Have you had your Forensic Healing lately?
Our children are worth us doing the work.
As we set ourselves free, we also set them free.
We are here to break the generational patterns and programs that have caused separation and disempowerement.
Begin by checking into your child's emotions daily. It gives them security. Security from parenting is much needed.
Many of our "issues" come from childhood. Our "childhood " ...it s time to break the patterns , curses , programs and negative beleif systems placed on us.
KaRmeleon Love ❤️
Vicky Makris 🙏
If you are experiencing or feeling that you are juggling and running for others, this may be a pattern that needs to be broken.
You need to slow down, love yourself first, before you give.
The universe will keep sending you people that need your light.
My message.
Fill your cup first ..
Here's a little something to clean up your energy.
Acknowledgement Royalty (capcut)
The universe is listening...🙏💜
If you don't ask, you ll never receive. 🌺💜
Deep wounds must surface in order for healing to take place.
You will feel it.
Allow yourself time and space to heal.
By releasing the negative emotion, whether it be sadness, anger , resentment or deep hurt, you will begin to feel free and whole again.
When we have negative emotions from past experiences in our energy field, we keep attracting negative situations, as it is in our vibrational field.
Once we clear and release the negative emotion/energy, we then raise our frequency therefore attracting (L.O.A) a better experience for ourselves in this 3D reality..
Don't Repeat
Heal n Release.
Sending KaRmeleon love on your journey. ❤️
This is a message for YOU who has survived the storm, whom is doing the work.
Keep going.
You made it here.. ..🙏💜🙏
TikTok · Cup Cut Trends 116.8K likes, 133 comments. “ 💙 ”
There's a difference between a need and a want.
Love yourself so deeply that you are not in need (neediness) but you truly want that person in your life.
To truly want someone in your life, and to truly be wanted comes from a beautiful space in the heart..... there s nothing more precious than Love.
Been with someone because you need them, puts pressure on another to continually deliver your needs. What happens when they can 't fulfil your needs? Do you abandon ship?
Many things can happen. The relationship can easily fail. ... and if it does, do you replace that person to again fulfil YOUR needs? How long can this program run? It will run if there is an equal exchange of "NEEDS" from both parties..hmmm, starting to sound like a business transaction to me.
Why not be a Queen.
To get to that, to attract (I call it align) what you truly WANT , true love one might call it , is to do the work , yes, the inner work. The real true work to self love. It takes time, it takes effort. It takes time time, it takes commitment. Are you "committed " to yourself? If you can't do that, how can you commit to another?
Time to get it right. !!!!!!!
I wish each of you all love n joy , no matter where on the choo-choo train you're at..
Keep going with your healing, it s always an inward journey, prior to manifesting/attracting what you WANT..
It's not my law...
It's simply universal law..
Big KaRmeleon Love ❤️
Ps For the curious, YES !!
As you begin to recognise the same "pattern" keeping you "stuck" & you are been triggered again...
Just know, it a sign for you, to "do the work" now.
As a collective we ve been wanting "change" , but what about the "change" that you so need?
In order to make and be part of change, you must Heal Yourself first.
It s time...
To Heal Your wounds
To "undo" what was done to you
To make yourself a priority
You will come through..
You ll be stronger, happier and healthier..
Keep searching for the answers you need.
I know, it s a pretty deep layer, but it s time to let it all go..
The journey may be uncomfortable, but you do need to look at it, just one more time maybe, so you can find your peace. Your way out, and come through..then my sisters, you can free.
KaRmeleon Love ❤️
Get out of your own way!
We tend to blame "others" , we blame "life" ..
Time to REALISE (see through our "real eyes) , the truth.
We can choose , to Heal.
By becoming super conscious of EVEYTHING.
You have a super power. Become a concious creator as EVEYTHING that s happening to you, you have manifested. The good and the bad...
Heal your energy.
Master your choices, your thoughts, your energy... and allow space for the changes... 🗝
Remember the universe has a greater plan for you... 🗝❤️
Feeling this for us.
You have a story.
It s time to let it go. It s time to live in the now..
It s a Choice to move forward.
It s possible to heal .
I'm sorry for all your pain and trauma.
You are here now.
You ve made it here.
Be proud, be strong.
Forensic Healing works on all levels. It s time to remove the programs , the fears , the blocks and any bad luck that has been in your field.
It s time to clear your ENERGY, and time to get your power back.
For all enquiries
Pm me.
If I can do it, you can too.
KaRmeleon Love sent to those reading this.
After a beautiful meditation tonight, held by a remarkably connected Goddess sista, I received a message which I want to share with you....
KaRmeleon Love sent to you ❤️👑🗝
Continue to dream.
Dream big.
Use every bit of energy, to heal, to shift , to change your life for the better.
Maybe you were told, that it s your destiny to suffer, maybe you were told, you can't, or you aren't good enough.
Let me tell you that that is just a negative program that has been planted from others.
Don't listen to them.
Keep on DREAMING KaRmeleon 's!
It s the universe that hears your whispers. 💜
Yes, you better beleive it! 🗝♥️
Manifestation is real.
Wish big.
Heal yourself.
Let go of the past.
Time to live for YOU ♥️
I Am
You are!! ❤️
I AM.... 💞
We've all heard the phrase "re-write your story", haven't we.
For many it may go through one ear and out the other. ... until you really need to re-write your story.
As everything is energy and your body is energy, your thoughts are energy creating a ripple effect to all your attractions, hence the reality you are currently experiencing. Yes, see it as an experience. An experience on this large playground called Earth.
Your 3 Dimensional experience on Earth can be changed , when you realise there is so much more.
Be open to the possibilities of your mind , your thoughts, yes your perception.
As you begin to open your mind, and see things from a neutral perception (as no one knows it all -or do you..hmmm) , you ll begin to connect and allow signs to come through.
You ll understand that there is so much more than meets the eye. Yes, it s all the chemistry. You know about chemistry? You ve had chemistry with someone before, haven't you?
Think about it. It s energy!
Make a choice. A concious choice.. and begin to heal, your mind, body n soul.
That s your super power.
You can do it.
You can heal.
Start with your thoughts.
Begin to believe. ... and allow the true light of your ancestors, your guides and your guardians to come through.
Namaste 🙏
The Choice is theirs!
What you can do is keep working on yourself.
Step by step, day by day.
As we are all part of the collective, you will play a role in impacting someone else.
Just as one hand lifts another, as you heal and grow, you will have the power to help another.
● Let Your Heart Lead the Way ●
When we think about someone whom is constantly having to cover up their stuff, their deep wounds they are constantly using their mind.They use their mind to steal energy from others . They are constantly looking out to keep their real stuff surfacing. Sometimes they are in too deep , even watching their back , living in fear they are.
Alternatively, when one drops into their heart and makes choices from that space, it FEELS right. It s like a knowing that the decision they are making will lead them safely to the right space intended.
Just like when others have wronged you , your heart FEELS it, your heart will FEEL what is RIGHT for you..
● Keep working on yourselves. ●
● You have a place here on earth.. ●
Oh, and Teal Swan... she s super amazing 💜
Put your energy into blessings.
Don't allow "drama" , negative talk about others, negative movies , sounds etc..
Get the universe working for you.
Stay in your own lane and begin to grow what you do want..
Say No .. to what drains your energy.
C'mon guys..let's flip it and grow miracles , solutions and true blessings.
KaRmeleon sending you lots of love n blessings.
Share this around to bless others.
Namaste KaRmeleon 🙏
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